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[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
-[X] I won't give up, on you or any of them. Count on it.
[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
-[X] I won't give up, on you or any of them. Count on it.
[x] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
-[X] I won't give up, on you or any of them. Count on it.

Hopping on the band wagon
Omake: Endure.
OOC: This was requested by @Herofox


You barely even register that you were attacked. One second, you were on your feet, facing down a Witch, and the next...

You're airborne. You slam into the wall, pain shooting through your entire body. Then, you fall to the ground, unable to move.

Your head is spinning. You're clearly bleeding, and the Witch has it's sights on you. It prepares it's final attack-

"YUMI!!" Homura calls out from somewhere you can't see. The Witch turns to see the Magical Girl, only to be hit with some kind of rocket.

It explodes violently, ripping the unfortunate former Magical Girl apart. Then, in the same second, Homura's at your side.

"Yumi?! Can you hear me?!" Panic creeps into her voice as she shakes you, "Don't you dare be dead!"

You try to get up, but you only end up getting flipped over by Homura.

She's... Hugging you. "Please don't leave! You're my best chance of saving them all! You're my only chance!" Your shoulder begins to feel wet. Not with blood, but with tears. "I... I need your help...! I'm sorry I called you irresponsible, I'm sorry I didn't let you help me before, and...!"

You wrap your good arm around her. "I'm... Still here..." You barely say.

She holds you tighter, "D-Don't ever do that again! You scared the hell out of me!"

"I thought I... Told you before..." You pull back, looking her in the eyes. "I promised... To help you guys...!" You smile weakly. "And I always... Keep my promises."

Homura nestles herself into your shoulder, sobbing. You hug her again.
[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
Yumi's Theme Song?
I think I have the perfect theme song for Yumi:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHHW_EoZZS0
The lyrics match up perfectly for her in my mind. Don't care if its the second Railgun OP, Misaka already has several other bangers.

and an english version, so you don't need to read the lyrics

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXLyFfFXUSw

Edit: also, this makes me think we shouldn't rely on Null Physical, if someone tries a magical melee attack we are done for.
Thankfully Yumi hasn't internalized her invulnerability and still dodges
Edit: also, this makes me think we shouldn't rely on Null Physical, if someone tries a magical melee attack we are done for.

Although I agree, that kind of attack might be rare enough to face, at least on the SMT side, that I remember there aren't many like that, maybe Surt from Nocturne has it, but aside from him nothing else comes to mind. We currently are inmune to all physical attacks and resist ranged ones, so its passable for now. There isn't a null all magic like with physical, its divided by the elements, and there is also the Almighty type attack, there isn't any type of resistance/inmunity skill/item for that, so that will always hurt us if it hits. Not sure how many trait slots we got, but I don't think we will be able to get one for everything, the best we could do is maybe get coverage for the most used/general attacks, and light and darkness, that chance of instakill is a risk we need to reduce to zero ASAP.

We might have to be careful from the Madoka side regarding the magic melee attacks, any canon reference that anyone might have something like that that bypasses our defenses?

Or we could also become a dodge tank, it doesn't matter if you are weak to something if it doesn't connect! Though with how the dice are used in battle we might never guarantee the dogdes. Something we should consider anyway.
Random idea: having Homura visit Kazuya* (at school since he's working there now) to see if they can find a way to cleanse soul gems without using grief seeds.

*he already knows about the MG system and I expect him being more experienced(or wiser, or even having better/different perspetive) than Yumi
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We might have to be careful from the Madoka side regarding the magic melee attacks, any canon reference that anyone might have something like that that bypasses our defenses?
Forgot to address this in my previous post. Tsuruno is the first to come to mind, since even in the anime version of Magia Record, she sets her fans on fire as part of her typical attacks, and the game version of had a lot of the cast infuse their weapons with elemental effects at higher ranks.

Aside from MagiReco, I'm not sure exactly how the Pyrokinesis that Suzune copied from Tsubaki works, but I wouldn't be surprised if she can set her sword on fire.
[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
-[X] I won't give up, on you or any of them. Count on it.
And now, the extremely contested vote! (Jk)
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 18, 2022 at 9:06 PM, finished with 29 posts and 14 votes.
124: A Foregone Answer
[X] Why'd she even ask?

"Why'd you even ask?" You smile, booping Homura on the nose. She recoils slightly, but you continue, "I thought it was obvious that I'd lay down my life for them when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."

"Um..." She attempts to regain her composure, "...I just wanted to be sure."

"I'm not gonna give up on you guys that easily! You're my friends, and I'll protect you with everything I have."

Homura sighs, "I should have expected you to say something like that." She smiles, "But it's still greatly appreciated to hear. Please don't get yourself hurt or worse, however."

"No promises, but I'll try." You put your hand on her shoulder. "How were things on your end today?"

"I fought a Witch with Mami, but other than that, my day was much less eventful than yours."

"I can imagine!" You chuckle as you speak, "Anyways, it's about half past eight, yeah? We should probably turn in."

"I agree, there's been more excitement than I expected. I will take my leave, then." Homura makes her way to the stairs, before turning to you. "Goodnight, Yumi. Thank you."

You wave, a big grin on your face. Homura descends the stairs, and goes home.

...Come to think of it, you've never actually seen Homura's house, have you? Is she-

You'll text her later about it. You're pretty beat! You walk back into your apartment to find Kyoko sprawled across the couch bed, sleeping quietly.

It's only been three days, and you've gotten through so much already...

You wonder what Dad would say about having Kyoko sleeping in your apartment... Nevermind. He'd probably be cool with it.

You change into your pajamas in the bathroom, then you quietly get onto the air mattress, and cover up.

As you drift off, you can't help but feel like you've forgotten something...


...Oh, right.

You're lying on the ground again, with your Gauntlet still on your hand. You push yourself up.

The Lost Samurai stands before you, offering his hand to you. "Welcome back." He says.

[] ?????
I don't think we really need to tell him about the revival stuff (he's at least a little sus since we can't see his face)

So what do yall think we should do? Other than:

-Take his hand, "So whats on the schedule today teach?"
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And now he comes back

[X] Plan: Catching up and training
-[X] "Hi Lost Samurai! How have you been?" after greeting him tell him about the other Place? You went the previous night, see if he knows anything about that.
--[X] Ask him what are you going to train in today. If you can ask him to help you practice with your Sword.

How does this sound?
[X] Plan: Catching up and training

I wonder if QM will ever do a set of filler chapters.
Like we play as someone else if Yumi ends up with a cold or something from trying to do too much.

(As I was typing this I realized how stupid it was. We have Patra that no-sells bedridden sickness episodes that some anime have.)

Edit: Yumi oblivious harem protagonist Omake when?
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