[X] Plan: So I have a rez option
"So, uh, I ran into a Witch in Kazamino," You begin, "I'm fine by the way, and as far as I know, so are Yuma and Kyoko."
"And I'm assuming you faced the Witch?" Homura asks.
"Yeah, I brought it down, but when I did..." You try to find the words, tapping your fingertips together, "...It didn't drop a Grief Seed."
"It must have been a rogue Familiar. They don't-"
"No. You don't understand. It dropped a Soul Gem, Homura." You stare into her eyes.
Homura is quiet for what seems like hours, finally mustering, "...What?"
"I have an idea of how I did it, but-"
"You... Reversed a Witch?! That's not possible!" Homura tries to be quiet, "That's impossible! That can't happen! Where is it?!"
You make a face. "Yeah, about that..."
All of the color drains from her face. "Did you give it to Kyubey?" She mutters.
"Not a chance. But I don't have it anymore. It's a funny story, actually! See-"
"Get to the point, Yumi." Homura stares at you, eyes narrowed.
"I used one of these on it," You pull out a Revival Bead, keeping it in your palm, "And it just kinda... Exploded, I guess?" You motion with your free hand, "Then, some girl appeared!"
Homura doesn't speak, just staring at you. She moves her mouth, but no words leave it.
"I didn't see it on her, if you were wondering. I just... I wanted your opinion on what I should do with this information."
"...What?" Homura finally says quietly.
You shrug. You honestly hoped she'd have an answer. She always seemed so confident, but now...
"Are you telling me..." Homura begins, voice shaking, "...That you Un-Contracted her?"
"I think so? That's a good thing, right?"
Homura stumbles to a wall, slumping down it. She looks lost in thought, mulling through your words as if looking for a needle in a haystack. She looks up at you, wide eyed.
"You... That shouldn't be possible...!" Suddenly, resolve fills her gaze, and she stands up. "This is...! Yumi, I need you to promise me something. Madoka is very important. Mami and Sakura, too. Even Sayaka. If you can do things like this..."
She shakes her head, "I need to know now, are you willing to help me protect them?"
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