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[ ] Plan: So I have a rez option
-[ ] "So, I ran into a Witch when I was in Kazamino - don't worry, I didn't get hurt, and as far as I know, neither did Kyoko and Yuma - and took it down, but... when I did, it didn't leave a Grief Seed behind. It left a Soul Gem."
-[ ] (after she asks where this Soul Gem is) "About that... I kind of... maybe... used one of these," *show her a Revival Bead* "on it, and it kind of..." *Explain what happened with the Soul Gem, and how you didn't see it on the girl afterwards*
-[ ]"And I was wondering what to do with this information. If I'm right she doesn't need Grief Seeds to live anymore."
I wonder if we should talk about that dual skill, even if it's we did something strange that caused it to drop a gem: the current wording suggests we don't have any idea why the witch dropped a Soul Gem but we do, and even more we are reasonably confident that we can repeat the trick.

...I'm really disliking how my schedule almost never gives me chance to have a timely vote discussion.
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I wonder if we talk about that dual skill, even if it's we did something strange that caused it to drop a gem: the current wording suggests we don't have any idea why the witch dropped a Soul Gem but we do, and even more we are reasonably confident that we can repeat the trick.

...I'm really disliking how my schedule almost never gives me chance to have a timely vote discussion.
I think of it more as, yes Yumi knows the Dual Skill did something but Yumi doesn't know why or how it did it. We basically created a runaway magic reaction so for all Yumi knows it was caused by the raw power just as much as the elemental affinities, especially since the Witch was weak to both elements that it got hit by. It could may well have happened because it was a 'perfect storm' of events.

And lets hold off on purposely trying to get another one until after we have enough Revival Beads that we have spares for Homura, Mami, and Kyouko. It would suck to not have an Revival Bead if we need it. That and, so long as they are MG they still need Grief Seeds.
Time to begin!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 17, 2022 at 9:30 PM, finished with 18 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan: So I have a rez option
    -[X] "So, I ran into a Witch when I was in Kazamino - don't worry, I didn't get hurt, and as far as I know, neither did Kyoko and Yuma - and took it down, but... when I did, it didn't leave a Grief Seed behind. It left a Soul Gem."
    -[X] (after she asks where this Soul Gem is) "About that... I kind of... maybe... used one of these," *show her a Revival Bead* "on it, and it kind of..." *Explain what happened with the Soul Gem, and how you didn't see it on the girl afterwards*
    -[X]"And I was wondering what to do with this information. If I'm right she doesn't need Grief Seeds to live anymore."
123: A Crack In The Mask
[X] Plan: So I have a rez option

"So, uh, I ran into a Witch in Kazamino," You begin, "I'm fine by the way, and as far as I know, so are Yuma and Kyoko."

"And I'm assuming you faced the Witch?" Homura asks.

"Yeah, I brought it down, but when I did..." You try to find the words, tapping your fingertips together, "...It didn't drop a Grief Seed."

"It must have been a rogue Familiar. They don't-"

"No. You don't understand. It dropped a Soul Gem, Homura." You stare into her eyes.

Homura is quiet for what seems like hours, finally mustering, "...What?"

"I have an idea of how I did it, but-"

"You... Reversed a Witch?! That's not possible!" Homura tries to be quiet, "That's impossible! That can't happen! Where is it?!"

You make a face. "Yeah, about that..."

All of the color drains from her face. "Did you give it to Kyubey?" She mutters.

"Not a chance. But I don't have it anymore. It's a funny story, actually! See-"

"Get to the point, Yumi." Homura stares at you, eyes narrowed.

"I used one of these on it," You pull out a Revival Bead, keeping it in your palm, "And it just kinda... Exploded, I guess?" You motion with your free hand, "Then, some girl appeared!"

Homura doesn't speak, just staring at you. She moves her mouth, but no words leave it.

"I didn't see it on her, if you were wondering. I just... I wanted your opinion on what I should do with this information."

"...What?" Homura finally says quietly.

You shrug. You honestly hoped she'd have an answer. She always seemed so confident, but now...

"Are you telling me..." Homura begins, voice shaking, "...That you Un-Contracted her?"

"I think so? That's a good thing, right?"

Homura stumbles to a wall, slumping down it. She looks lost in thought, mulling through your words as if looking for a needle in a haystack. She looks up at you, wide eyed.

"You... That shouldn't be possible...!" Suddenly, resolve fills her gaze, and she stands up. "This is...! Yumi, I need you to promise me something. Madoka is very important. Mami and Sakura, too. Even Sayaka. If you can do things like this..."

She shakes her head, "I need to know now, are you willing to help me protect them?"

[] ???
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[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."

This just screames Yumi, I didn't even hesitate writing this.

[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
-[X] I won't give up, on you or any of them. Count on it.

Pff, can't believe she is asking at this point. We are here for the long ride boys and girls!!!!
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[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
-[X] I won't give up, on you or any of them. Count on it.

Hero-Complex time!

Edit: Now I want to read a non-canon Omake of Yumi ending up on the brink of death and Homura is just freaking out.

It's mean, but that isn't to say it's an impossibility.

Edit 2: QM can you have the wind blow dramatically around us when we answer? Also what time is it? Cause it would be nice if there was a sunset behind us. Hmm.
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Pff, can't believe she is asking at this point. We are here for the long ride boys and girls!!!!
I can. In fact that reaction should have been all but expected: Homura uses her cool persona to hide the fact she's terrible at socializing and to hide her own pain of failing through the loops. And with Yumi's brand of chaos breaking though it makes this the first time we see the real Homura.

And ultimately, we're playing as a young adult while the magical girls here are just kids: Yumi should be on average more emotionally mature than them.

Taking it under those lenses... right now we have a desperate child who, more than anything, needs to hear we're with her.

[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
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The age difference isn't that much
There is at least half a decade between Yumi and most of the main cast, barring Mami and Homura.

Not saying your wrong, but I just feel the need to point out that 5 years is a lot in the eyes of children.

(This is assuming Madoka, Sayaka, Kyouko, etc. are around 14 years of age btw.)
"I'm fine by the way, and as far as I know, neither did Yuma or Kyoko."
Going by the rest if this sentence, I'm guessing this was supposed to be "so are Yuma and Kyoko".

"And I'm assuming you faces the Witch?" Homura asks.

[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
-[X] I won't give up, on you or any of them. Count on it.

(This is assuming Madoka, Sayaka, Kyouko, etc. are around 14 years of age btw.)
Madoka, Sayaka, Homura and Hitomi are fourteen, Mami is fifteen, Yuma is five eleven, Kyoko and Nagisa are undetermined (I believe Kyoko was originally assumed to be fifteen, then Rebellion put her in the same class as Madoka and Sayaka, but considering the context of Rebellion...).
[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
There is at least half a decade between Yumi and most of the main cast, barring Mami and Homura.

Not saying your wrong, but I just feel the need to point out that 5 years is a lot in the eyes of children.

(This is assuming Madoka, Sayaka, Kyouko, etc. are around 14 years of age btw.)
That partiular part of my post was a copout beacuse I didn't remember the ages of the PMMM cast 😅

And then you mean it was better without it? Figures :V

(never mind the baziillion times I edited that post)
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[X] "Why do you even need to ask?" Boop her nose. "I thought it was a given that I would lay my life down to protect others when I fought off Oriko and Kirika."
-[X] I won't give up, on you or any of them. Count on it.
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