If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters
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I'm just throwing science at the wall to see what sticks, to be entirely honest.
How much is our budget to buy things? Because if it's half-off.

@TremendousMilk3 can we buy more items than the number in votes? Because I want to buy another soul drop for testing:

[X] Plan mad science with soul gems
-[X] Buy?
--[X] Medicine (¥50) x 7
--[X] Soul Drop x 2 (¥200)
--[X] Amrita Soda (¥50)
--[X] Revival Bead x 2 (¥750)
-[X] Sell?
--[X] Strange Axe
-[X] Give one Soul Drop to Kyoko and ask her to use it on her soul gem.
--[X] Break for vote if clears some of the corruption in soul gem.

I don't, but you never know with untested interactions.
How about MP restoration?

We already have two cases of conceptual restore in the Amrita Sods and the Revival Bead: the only way I can imagine "restore MP" translated to PMMM terms is "soul gem cleanse"
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Assuming it translates at all. It might not if they are completely unrelated, they are different systems after all. Why does everything have to be 1-1?

Or it might restore stamina, basically being a caffeine equivalent.
That's why I voted for testing in this update, when we're at the shop and buying items at a discount. If it works, great! (and we can buy more if we wanted) If it doesn't then no big loss.
Wait, a thought probably unrelated, i have heard a theory / headcanon that an MG's witch will try to balance out all the good that an MG does, what if a magical girl was so evil that the witch has to actively help people to balance things out, probably not gonna happen in canon or this story, but it could make a cool Story.
Wait, a thought probably unrelated, i have heard a theory / headcanon that an MG's witch will try to balance out all the good that an MG does, what if a magical girl was so evil that the witch has to actively help people to balance things out, probably not gonna happen in canon or this story, but it could make a cool Story.
There is funny enough, a canon counter to this theory:

Kremhilde Gretchen(Madoka's Witch) is a problem specifically because it is trying to make the world a better place by removing despair and other negative emotions. With extreme prejudice.
It's that time again! Everyone ready?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 15, 2022 at 8:38 PM, finished with 34 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Shopping List
    -[X] Buy?
    --[X] Medicine (¥50) x 9
    --[X] Revival Bead x 2 (¥750)
    -[X] Sell?
    --[X] Strange Axe
    [X] Plan mad science
    -[X] Buy?
    --[X] Medicine (¥50) x 7
    --[X] Soul Drop x 1 (¥100)
    --[X] Revival Bead x 2 (¥750)
    -[X] Sell?
    --[X] Strange Axe
    [X] Plan mad science with soul gems
    -[X] Buy?
    --[X] Medicine (¥50) x 7
    --[X] Soul Drop x 2 (¥200)
    --[X] Amrita Soda (¥50)
    --[X] Revival Bead x 2 (¥750)
    -[X] Sell?
    --[X] Strange Axe
    -[X] Give one Soul Drop to Kyoko and ask her to use it on her soul gem.
    --[X] Break for vote if clears some of the corruption in soul gem.
121: Store Run
[X] Plan Shopping List

"How much can I get for this?" You ask, putting the Axe on the "counter".

Pyro Jack stares at it for a moment. He blinks. "You do get why we're having a sale, Hee-Ho?"

"What do you mean?"

"If we can sell our current stock, we won't have to carr-hee that much to the new location, ho. That axe probably weighs more than I do."

"...Fair. Uh, forget it for now. How about some of those medicine bottles?"

"On it!" Pyro Jack sets his lantern down and gathers the medicine. "Anything, else, Hee-Ho?"

"Your two Revival Beads, if you don't mind."

"Alright, that brings you to..." He counts on his fingers, "...1950 yen!"

You place the money on the counter, and collect your items. Yuma takes some of the bottles of medicine, trying to help you carry them.

Kyoko grabs the axe. "Jeez, this thing's... Heavy!" She strains to lift the weapon. "How'd you even...?!"

You shrug, "Gauntlet shenanigans, I assume?"

"...Gotta get me one of those..." She grumbles.

"Is that all you needed?" Pyro Jack asks, floating in front of you.

"Yeah, I think so! Thanks a lot!"

"See you in Mitak-Hee-hara, ho!" Pyro Jack waves as you exit.

Outside, Jack Frost is starting to walk back to the store. "I oughta sue...!" He grumbles as he enters to pack.

"Anyways," Kyoko begins slowly, "What now?"

"Are you going home now, Big Sis Yumi?" Yuma asks.

[] Where to...?
[X] "Yes, We are going home. You live there too Yuma."
-[X]Maybe text Homu and Mami to try to set up a meeting in the morning at your place, you wanna let them know about the whole revival thing. Or tonight, if both of them are up and about.

Don't see what else to do. Also, I wanna give Mami real hope that won't break if she learns about the MG=Witches. The fact that we have supplies that could give her an out will definitely help her stay sane when that happens.
[X] "Yes, We are going home. You live there too Yuma."
-[X]Maybe text Homu to try to set up a meeting in the morning at your place, you wanna let her know about the whole revival thing. Or tonight, if she's up and about.

I'd rather run this by Homura before we tell Mami.
[X] "Yes, We are going home. You live there too Yuma."
-[X]Maybe text Homu to try to set up a meeting in the morning at your place, you wanna let her know about the whole revival thing. Or tonight, if she's up and about.
--[X] Start your text with I think I broke something
[x] "Yes, We are going home. You live there too Yuma."
- [x] Maybe text Homu and Mami to try to set up a meeting in the morning at your place, you wanna let them know about the whole revival thing. Or tonight, if both of them are up and about.
[X] "Yes, We are going home. You live there too Yuma."
-[X]Maybe text Homu to try to set up a meeting in the morning at your place, you wanna let her know about the whole revival thing. Or tonight, if she's up and about.
--[X] Start your text with I think I broke something

I like the way you think! :rofl:
[X] "Yes, We are going home. You live there too Yuma."
-[X]Maybe text Homu to try to set up a meeting in the morning at your place, you wanna let her know about the whole revival thing. Or tonight, if she's up and about.
--[X] Start your text with I think I broke something

I find it amusing that we have the means to bring people back from death and it's about 3.75$
Anime shenanigans

Edit: Oops my mistake, forgot the [
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