The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[x] You become more accustomed to the ebbs and flows of anam and can handle the unexpected with far greater ease. (Natural 1s no longer subtract successes from cycling checks. Requires Knowledge (Cultivation) 8 to integrate into your breathing technique.)
[X] You learn to better utilize trapped anam and can draw from it as you would like. (Kong Zhi can cycle anam from materials as if they were Natural Wonders. Each point drawn from the material weakens it a corresponding amount, and the material is destroyed when it's score reaches 0.)
[X] You become far more proficient at storing anam in your core, effectively increasing it's capacity. (Kong Zhi's anam threshold grows by 10%)
[x] You become more accustomed to the ebbs and flows of anam and can handle the unexpected with far greater ease. (Natural 1s no longer subtract successes from cycling checks. Requires Knowledge (Cultivation) 8 to integrate into your breathing technique.)
I feel like that would be a questionable use of our visiting places time. We can work for +1 skill point at the Delving Heart.
Not that I object to visiting more Archives, but to then spend that action on generic cultivation knowledge seems wasteful.
Then we could study how Artists and kukuni can work together or something.

Might just be me being pessimistic, but waiting until DH to even try to get that skill up required will likely lead to more delays for integrating our techs: "Let's wait until our cycling is more efficient!"
[X] You learn to get a better sense of ambient anam and can draw it into your body. (Kong Zhi can cycle anam without a Natural Wonder at an 70% penalty. Requires Cycling 12 to integrate into your breathing technique.)
Might just be me being pessimistic, but waiting until DH to even try to get that skill up required will likely lead to more delays for integrating our techs: "Let's wait until our cycling is more efficient!"
But if we aren't going to have any opportunity to cycle properly until we are at DH anyway, does it make a difference?
We can hit the Archives and Cycle techniques in the same week we get back.
An action at DH is something we have a lot of. An action in one of these towns are extremely scarce.

I'd also be quite surprised if we don't have any other encounters the train Knowledge (Cultivation) as well.
It isn't just about breathing techniques. Learning anything to do with how anam or the spiritual aspects of the world work are also covered by this skill. And we are out seeing the world.
[X] You become far more proficient at storing anam in your core, effectively increasing it's capacity. (Kong Zhi's anam threshold grows by 10%)
[X] You become far more proficient at storing anam in your core, effectively increasing it's capacity. (Kong Zhi's anam threshold grows by 10%)
But if we aren't going to have any opportunity to cycle properly until we are at DH anyway, does it make a difference?
We can hit the Archives and Cycle techniques in the same week we get back.
An action at DH is something we have a lot of. An action in one of these towns are extremely scarce.

I'd also be quite surprised if we don't have any other encounters the train Knowledge (Cultivation) as well.
It isn't just about breathing techniques. Learning anything to do with how anam or the spiritual aspects of the world work are also covered by this skill. And we are out seeing the world.
Yes, we can do both at the same time. My pessimistic side say that majority won't because it's more effective to wait until we're sure that the breathing technique is upgraded.

Sure we have lots of actions at DH, buy there's also a lot of exciting things we have not done much of there due to time constraints. Ultimately researching at the Archive will take away from those actions, it will most likely be cycling, regular exploring or Warren exploration etc because I doubt that we'll choose to read at the library the week Zhi gets back at the expense of a social.

I hope we can take actions that are interesting and enhances Zhi's understanding of cultivation. I think we actively have to do that though and not wait passively for a skill up.
The only reason we didn't have time was due to taking the longer scenic route.

I'm pretty sure we would be getting around 5-6 actions at each town which is definitely enough to go to archives a few more times.
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I hope we can take actions that are interesting and enhances Zhi's understanding of cultivation. I think we actively have to do that though and not wait passively for a skill up.

I'm doubtful we will be rewarded for simply repeating the archive action in the next town. Still I concur with what was mentioned above. We should still try and grab that missing +1 asap. My hope is that we might be able to use our Fa/Caretaker contacts to find alternative sources of Knowledge (Cultivation). If those come up empty, I will throw my vote behind exploration options that look for "Hidden Masters/Scholars". We have got to meet at least one of those on this trip.
[X] You become more accustomed to the ebbs and flows of anam and can handle the unexpected with far greater ease. (Natural 1s no longer subtract successes from cycling checks. Requires Knowledge (Cultivation) 8 to integrate into your breathing technique.)
You know who probably knows a TON about cultivation and appears entirely willing to share?


We should ask him to expound on what drawbacks and flaws he had been cautioned to avoid on our next travel section. It's likely to take a bit longer from here out, since we will be traveling with a seated official.

Otherwise- apologies for hauling these things up from like 50 pages ago, but it seemed still relevant to current discussions:

Working a bit on elevating Hummingbird's Dance (maybe by finding a hammer technique that can work well with it and then taking some time to integrate the two) will make us a powerhouse in the department of martial techniques.

I read this and it occurred to me that the people who probably have experience with heavy strikes mixed with the sort of dance that we've learned would be drumming performers from Star's old company. Mei might be able to introduce us to one?

My assumption is that there were dancers carrying and playing drums in their performances.

Something to increase our endurance, ability to take damage, and ability to hold more anam.

Ok, so having read a bunch of proposed charms for this, none of them really address the needs listed here completely?

My idea would basically be a suit of ablative armor that can be fed anam to grow out from a central token into a network of vines covering us. Like, a battery made into armor that loses stored anam to restore physical damage inflicted on it. Build it with the deception antlers to make the armor itself invisible and unnoticed until it soaks a hit.

We know it's a powerplay at least, power means sect points absolutely. To monopolize an industrial sector is big.

Oh. Ooooooohhhhhh. Ok: I get what Mo was doing and expecting now.

Mo wanted control of production, to give her a power base. So the first thing she does upon arrival is look up the most prominent crafter house scion and get them on board, with the assumption that she can fit everyone else underneath them in a pyramid that she stands at the top of. So she went to the Jin, and commissioned a thing early.

But then we sabatoge him, before stepping in to help her win her duel. So she changes the horse she is backing as the head charmcrafter to us. We play into this, being friendly with her as a person and lending her our reputation for her tourney.

However, as she isn't having much luck getting us to commit to being "her" asset, so she developed backups in the form of Zhao, who did understand that he was to be her instrument before he was to be a charm crafter. As we show very little interest in interacting with, much less managing, she knows she is going to need a day-to-day agent even if she gets us. So Zhao picks up coverage of those needs.

So this is the background of her challenge: it is designed to scoop up all the unaffiliated crafters, rank them, and get them working together under her control. Her desired outcome looks to be influence at least and control at best over who can commission charms? Political power to be leveraged against her rivals by keeping them weak without her hand appearing.

So when she sat us down and said "this dude should win", she was doing a few things.

First, she was forcing us to make a choice, in a situation constructed to be high-pressure and time constrained. Are we willing to be her agent and control "her" charmcrafter on her behalf?

The dude she wanted to win showed her he could direct projects built largely by subordinates, in a way that produced useful bulk items. He understood that he was auditioning to lead a team and a workshop, not just be an individual artist.

But when Zhi proves to dense to read the underneath the underneath going on here, she understands that he isn't willing to help her as a manager or political actor.

So she backs off the relationship. Slightly. We are still at rank +1 with her, same as we currently are with Zhuan, regardless of how much the rift was exaggerated. We've become a resource rather than an ally.

My bet is that she does NOT instruct her family to penalize our family; unlike the geng she is very sensitive to setting up the battlefield for the next fight, not settling grudges. So she's got a stick and a carrot for us if she needs us again, but until then we aren't worth investing in because we don't understand how to pay off that investment.

I suspect what she's been doing off-screen is trying to salvage the results of her tourney pushing one of the most talented into Zhuan's camp and losing her most reputable crafter to his own sense of integrity.

So, everything she did makes perfect sense from the perspective of "I want to control charm creation via a trusted subordinate."

We should be happy, I guess, that we were socially slippery enough to force her to force us to commit or walk away?
[X] You learn to better utilize trapped anam and can draw from it as you would like. (Kong Zhi can cycle anam from materials as if they were Natural Wonders. Each point drawn from the material weakens it a corresponding amount, and the material is destroyed when it's score reaches 0.)
You know who probably knows a TON about cultivation and appears entirely willing to share?


We should ask him to expound on what drawbacks and flaws he had been cautioned to avoid on our next travel section. It's likely to take a bit longer from here out, since we will be traveling with a seated official.

Otherwise- apologies for hauling these things up from like 50 pages ago, but it seemed still relevant to current discussions:

I read this and it occurred to me that the people who probably have experience with heavy strikes mixed with the sort of dance that we've learned would be drumming performers from Star's old company. Mei might be able to introduce us to one?

My assumption is that there were dancers carrying and playing drums in their performances.

Ok, so having read a bunch of proposed charms for this, none of them really address the needs listed here completely?

My idea would basically be a suit of ablative armor that can be fed anam to grow out from a central token into a network of vines covering us. Like, a battery made into armor that loses stored anam to restore physical damage inflicted on it. Build it with the deception antlers to make the armor itself invisible and unnoticed until it soaks a hit.

Oh. Ooooooohhhhhh. Ok: I get what Mo was doing and expecting now.

Mo wanted control of production, to give her a power base. So the first thing she does upon arrival is look up the most prominent crafter house scion and get them on board, with the assumption that she can fit everyone else underneath them in a pyramid that she stands at the top of. So she went to the Jin, and commissioned a thing early.

But then we sabatoge him, before stepping in to help her win her duel. So she changes the horse she is backing as the head charmcrafter to us. We play into this, being friendly with her as a person and lending her our reputation for her tourney.

However, as she isn't having much luck getting us to commit to being "her" asset, so she developed backups in the form of Zhao, who did understand that he was to be her instrument before he was to be a charm crafter. As we show very little interest in interacting with, much less managing, she knows she is going to need a day-to-day agent even if she gets us. So Zhao picks up coverage of those needs.

So this is the background of her challenge: it is designed to scoop up all the unaffiliated crafters, rank them, and get them working together under her control. Her desired outcome looks to be influence at least and control at best over who can commission charms? Political power to be leveraged against her rivals by keeping them weak without her hand appearing.

So when she sat us down and said "this dude should win", she was doing a few things.

First, she was forcing us to make a choice, in a situation constructed to be high-pressure and time constrained. Are we willing to be her agent and control "her" charmcrafter on her behalf?

The dude she wanted to win showed her he could direct projects built largely by subordinates, in a way that produced useful bulk items. He understood that he was auditioning to lead a team and a workshop, not just be an individual artist.

But when Zhi proves to dense to read the underneath the underneath going on here, she understands that he isn't willing to help her as a manager or political actor.

So she backs off the relationship. Slightly. We are still at rank +1 with her, same as we currently are with Zhuan, regardless of how much the rift was exaggerated. We've become a resource rather than an ally.

My bet is that she does NOT instruct her family to penalize our family; unlike the geng she is very sensitive to setting up the battlefield for the next fight, not settling grudges. So she's got a stick and a carrot for us if she needs us again, but until then we aren't worth investing in because we don't understand how to pay off that investment.

I suspect what she's been doing off-screen is trying to salvage the results of her tourney pushing one of the most talented into Zhuan's camp and losing her most reputable crafter to his own sense of integrity.

So, everything she did makes perfect sense from the perspective of "I want to control charm creation via a trusted subordinate."

We should be happy, I guess, that we were socially slippery enough to force her to force us to commit or walk away?

Interesting perspective. However, even in that case, Mo showed some pretty newbie and obvious mistakes. Namely, not adapting her approach and goals to people involved and to the situation unfolding.
Interesting perspective. However, even in that case, Mo showed some pretty newbie and obvious mistakes. Namely, not adapting her approach and goals to people involved and to the situation unfolding.

I don't actually see where she made mistakes.

She has the power and prestige that comes from being the one who made everyone else dance to her tune and compete for her favor in that competition, and she sussed out that we aren't politically reliable without investing any real resources in the discovery. Plus she cemented Zhao to her side, putting him in a position where he HAS to work his ass off, knowing that we were her first (second) choice.

We've got no idea how her monopoly of charmcrafters is actually going, since we never really talk to anyone in the garden- she may very well have succeeded at her objectives. Cutting Zhi loose isn't much of a loss to her given we'll do what she needs if she has Nokia ask us and she knows it.

I suspect that what appear to be newbie mistakes is really misunderstanding her goals and methods.
I don't actually see where she made mistakes.

She has the power and prestige that comes from being the one who made everyone else dance to her tune and compete for her favor in that competition, and she sussed out that we aren't politically reliable without investing any real resources in the discovery. Plus she cemented Zhao to her side, putting him in a position where he HAS to work his ass off, knowing that we were her first (second) choice.

We've got no idea how her monopoly of charmcrafters is actually going, since we never really talk to anyone in the garden- she may very well have succeeded at her objectives. Cutting Zhi loose isn't much of a loss to her given we'll do what she needs if she has Nokia ask us and she knows it.

I suspect that what appear to be newbie mistakes is really misunderstanding her goals and methods.
I mean, didn't her fighting tourney end in disaster with participants attacking each other in between rounds? I also recall she had a refiner tournament but it didn't go anywhere since the participants were to less of skill I believe?

I mean i'm not saying she's dumb but like, i don't think she's perfect either considering she's a teenager and her other 2 tournaments didn't go as well if memory serves me correct.
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I mean, didn't her fighting tourney end in disaster with participants attacking each other in between rounds? I also recall she had a refiner tournament but it didn't go anywhere since the participants were to less of skill I believe?

I've gone through the main story twice and about 2/3 of the side stories at this point, and I don't remember this information. Do you know where it was?
I've gone through the main story twice and about 2/3 of the side stories at this point, and I don't remember this information. Do you know where it was?
Canon side story A Harmonious Day
"Oh, yes," comes the response. "He is helping officiate one of Hanying's charmcrafting competition. I must say, he is doing a most excellent job. The other contests Hanying is sponsoring are not running nearly as smoothly."

Lady Ru nods, which Mo Qiu takes as an invitation to continue. "The combat tournament is a complete fiasco," she reveals. "The competitors there seem to treat each new challenge as an excuse to smash their heads together as many times as they can in as short a period as possible. It seems likely they will not even have the final round as scheduled; Hanying has had to plan an alternate finish. And while the refining contest is not nearly that bad, the competitors have proven to be far less skilled than hoped. There are some rough talents there, but they will need substantial investments before they can prove their worth."

Ok, so that really implies that we were her relative success of the three, and it would have been known early that that was the case, before we really got involved. So the Mo knew that she risked coming off as a damp squib to everyone if we blew the thing up publicly- and she *still* doubled down to gamble on getting us 100%.

My bet is that she expected either us to name a price, and that would have been her victory, or to do exactly what we did, which was pretend the conversation never happened and announce our own winner, which lets her maintain face and claim victory anyways.


This suggests to me that she's running under her own family pressures- it was worth it to her to risk losing her investment to grab for all she could get once her other two ventures failed to pan out. I don't know who else could set demands and deadlines for her, and she's not the type to abandon slow entanglements if she doesn't have to.

(the investment being burning the reputation of the only other charmcrafter she knew could work to her required level, when she could have used his failure in her charm to force him to make it up to her by equipping her people at cost or something- 'i have every reason to destroy you, so here is your chance to buy me off' is a pretty Noble sort of tactic)

I wonder who is pulling her strings, and what they've asked of her.
This suggests to me that she's running under her own family pressures- it was worth it to her to risk losing her investment to grab for all she could get once her other two ventures failed to pan out. I don't know who else could set demands and deadlines for her, and she's not the type to abandon slow entanglements if she doesn't have to.

(the investment being burning the reputation of the only other charmcrafter she knew could work to her required level, when she could have used his failure in her charm to force him to make it up to her by equipping her people at cost or something- 'i have every reason to destroy you, so here is your chance to buy me off' is a pretty Noble sort of tactic)

I wonder who is pulling her strings, and what they've asked of her.

Her having family pressures is a given since she's a noble. Our family pressures are nothing compared to hers - greater politics and clan rivalries are at play.

I would guess that the competitions were likely her own ideas. Likely part of some bid to try to increase the economic fortunes of the Mo - it's been theorized that part of the reason for her betrothal to Huo Shi is that the Mo are on the rise politically but aren't as rich as some of the older clans, and the Huo are old money.

So that explains her approach to charmcrafters.

What can be made cheaply, sold dearly, and spun up from the ground up.

UTTERLY antithetical to Kong principles, but not, I think, to the Jin.

...which means that we did good with the early sabatoge, but if we want to avoid seeing our family's rivals get a big influx of support, our best move is to find a revenue source that the Mo are capable of exploiting?

I wonder what we could do with the high volume, low-demand materials in the areas the Mo control. Could we do something so brilliant, so useful and novel that it inspires an entire industry of others seeking to copy and sell it?

I think if anyone can, Kong Zhi can.