If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters
Voting is open
[x] Yumi Konishi
[x] Yumi Nakahara
[x] 19
[x] Just sight seeing, really. Sometimes, you need to wander about and clear your head.
[X] Genderfluid
[X] Yumi Konishi
[X] 19
[x] You weren't exactly a model student. Your parents, as well as the school board, thought that sending you to a quiet town would help.
[X] Genderfluid

Huh, maybe Persona: The Beautiful would've shown up in Similar Threads if I'd put 'Megami Tensei' in its title. Oh well
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Adhoc vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Feb 26, 2022 at 1:54 PM, finished with 23 posts and 12 votes.

Now, let's see here...
Yumi Konishi, 19, and the first response? Okay, voting is now closed. I will begin to make the update.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Feb 24, 2022 at 7:50 PM, finished with 24 posts and 12 votes.
2: Immediate Surroundings
[X] Yumi Konishi, 19, Learning The Area (Transfered)

Right. How did you almost forget? You had recently transferred schools for one reason or another, and Dad helped you get a small apartment. You were going to look for it, but then you got hungry, and found the Mall-

Slow down. Wait. You breathe, and focus on your current situation.

You are standing in the middle of some sketchbook gone wrong, and you should probably leave. Finding an exit is paramount. You look around for obvious exits...

(D20 ROLL: 5, Fail)

Nothing. Just you, the walls, and the flowers. At least, that's what you hope. You failed to find a way out, but there is a clear way forward. You could follow this trail, or maybe it's better to stay put.

[] Keep moving forward.
[] Stay in this area.
[] Write in...?
[X] Keep moving forward.

By the way, just so that we are all up to date:

Making pacts with demons is better than making one with Kyubey.
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Everyone seems to be in agreement, and for the vote itself...
While yes, the vote does seem pretty set so far, it's also only been 6 hours, so several readers will not have had the opportunity to vote yet. I'd usually say you should give at least a day, but this vote seems inconsequential enough, so... I don't know. Only two more hours (for a total of 8) seems too short, though. At least 12 IMO, possibly more.

Oh yeah, my vote

[X] Stay in this area.
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Adhoc vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Feb 27, 2022 at 12:56 PM, finished with 13 posts and 7 votes.

It's almost time, it seems. Here are the results of this vote, I will close it and begin the update shortly.
3: Down the Rabbit Hole
[X] Keep moving forward.

You weigh your options. Staying in one place makes you easier to find, although you don't think anything here that's looking for you has your best interests in mind.

You briefly consider staying off the trail, but touching those flowers seems like a bad idea. For all you know, they could be akin to poison ivy.

Following the trail, while dubious, may be the best call. Cautiously, you proceed.


You hear something, just up ahead. It sounds like... A younger girl's voice. Is she talking to someone? As you grow closer, you begin to understand her words.

"... Should have stayed in one place, just in case-"

"And just sit around and wait till something finds us?" A new voice interjects, a stark contrast to the previous voice's quiet and careful demeanor.

"But we don't know if-" Again, the softer voice is cut off.

"You're such a worry wort, Madoka! If there's anything here that wanted to hurt us, then it would've shown itself by now!"

As if on cue, several entities made themselves known. Or, at least, that's what you assume.

"W-What are those things?!" The girl now known as Madoka blurts out.

"Urk! Me and my big mouth!" The other voice says, with a fair bit of panic lacing her tone.

Somehow, you've gone unnoticed through all of this.

[] Fall back, you can't help them.
[] Rush in, punch a monster.
[] Call out to them to fall back.
[] Write in...?
[X] Rush in, punch a monster.
Violence is not an answer.
It's a question, and the answer is always yes!
Voting is open