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Your Stats and Inventory

When facing any threat, you must first know yourself. Who are you, and what are you capable of?

If you wish to read about your collective character, this is the post to do so. However, if you'd rather not spoil this story for yourself, feel free to skip this.

Basic Info: You
Name: Yumi Konishi
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red
Level: 36
Max HP: 741
Max MP: 981
STR: 35
DEX: 28
END: 35
AGL: 70
INT: 70
CHR: 70
LUK: 20
Trait 1: Null Physical
Trait 2: Regenerate 1 (+1d6 HP per turn)
Trait 3: Drain Dark
Trait 4: Endure: Survive one fatal hit per Barrier/Battle.
Trait 5: Drain Ice
Trait 6: Resist Light
Trait 7: Repel Fire
Elemental Affinities
Physical: Null
Ranged: Resist
Fire: Repel
Ice: Drain
Light: Resist
Dark: Drain
Skills and Spells
- Zandyne (10 MP) [3D12+(INT•2)] {FORCE}
- White Dracostrike (16 MP) [2D10+STR] {LIGHT/PHYS}
- Explosive Fist (8 MP) [2d12+STR] {PHYS}
- Charge (5 MP) [SELF: Next Physical/Ranged attack is multiplied by 2.2] {SUPPORT}
- Tarukaja (12 MP) [+1/2DMG TO ROLL] {SUPPORT}
- Auto-Sukukaja (N/A) [Casts Sukukaja at the beginning of battle] {AUTO}
- Fang Breaker (10 MP) [D10+(1/2•STR), Lowers Attack] {PHYSICAL}
- Agidyne: (10 MP) [3D12+(INT×2)] {FIRE}
- Shock (12 MP) [D6+(1/3•INT)] {ELECTRIC}
- Recarm (20 MP) [Revive one ally with half HP] {HEAL}
- Rampage (8 MP) [1d4+1 Strikes, d8+(1/2•STR)] {PHYSICAL}
- Mazionga (18 MP) [All enemies, 2d10+(INT)] {LIGHTNING}
- Hamaon (10 MP) [2D10+(INT)] {LIGHT}
- Ziodyne (10 MP) [3D12+(INT•2)] {ELECTRIC}
- Lunge (5 MP) [1d8+(STR/2)] {PHYSICAL}
- Acid Breath (30 MP) [All enemies, Rakunda × 2] {DEBUFF}
- Mudoon (10 MP) [2D10+(INT)] {DARK}
- Resist Force (N/A) [Adds Resistance to Force] {AUTO}
- Amrita Drop (14 MP) [Cures any ailment, one ally] {HEALING}

- Tornado Sever: (24 MP) [DMG: SWORD+ZANDYNE] {PHYS/FORCE}
- Blinding Slash: (16 MP) [DMG: HAMAON+SWORD] {PHYS+LIGHT}
- Piercing Slash: (20 MP) [SWORD+MEGIDO] {ALMIGHTY}
- Scorching Slash: (10 MP) [SWORD+AGILAO] {PHYS+FIRE}
- Blizzard Slash: (10 MP) [SWORD+BUFULA] {PHYSICAL/ICE}
- Cursing Slash: (16 MP) [DMG: MUDOON+SWORD] {PHYS+DARK}
- Burning Break (24 MP) [SWORD+AGIDYNE] {PHYS/FIRE}
Melee: Dawn (d10+15+(1/2•AGL)+d6)
Ranged: .22 Revolver (d6+2+(1/4 DEX))
Armor: Chainmail Suit(Enemies roll at -1 disadvantage to hit!)
Accessory 1: Arrowhead Pendant
Accessory 2: War Hero's Charm
Items, Money, etc.
Money (in Yen): 228,285
Macca: 8330
MAG: 51
- Chakra Drop (+50 MP) ×6
- Amrita Soda
- Bucket
- Medicine (+50 HP) x 10
- Revival Bead (Revives one ally with 50% HP) x 2
- Arrowhead Pendant (Str: Ranged)
- Life Stone (11) (Heals for 33% Max HP)
- Marksman's Ring (+2 Acc. To Ranged)
- War Hero's Charm (Adds Pierce to normal attack)
- Bufula Gem
- M16A1 (d12+1/2 DEX three times)
- Chainmail Suit (Enemies roll at -1 disadvantage to hit!)
- Machine Pistol (2d8+(1/4•DEX) to all enemies.)
- Wakizashi {D6+(DEX/4), High critical rate}
- Manaweave Kevlar Vest {-10 Incoming DMG}
- Livingmetal Mace {D10+(STR/4)}
- Armsmaster's Amulet (Imparts Physical Boost)
- Bead × 1 (Fully heals to one ally)
- Bead Chain × 1 (Fully heals all allies)
- Diamond × 1 (No use in battle, but may fetch a nice price!)
- Agilao Gem × 5 (One time use of the spell Agilao.)
- Zionga Gem × 4 (One time use of the spell Zionga.)
- Bufula Gem × 3 (One time use of the spell Bufula.)
- Zanma Gem × 6 (One time use of the spell Zanma.)
- Balm of Rising × 1 (Fully revives one ally.)
- Trencher {3d12+STR}
- Tome of Knowledge (Restores 7 MP per turn)
- Lucky Coin (Rerolls your first miss of the day)
- Glock 19 (2D8+(AGL/4), +1 ACC)
- Ritualist's Dagger (2d8+10, low chance of Dark instant death)
Sword Perks
Dancing Blade: Adds an AGL Modifier (1/3) to your sword.
Blustering Strike: Adds the Skill "Blustering Strike" (DMG: SWORD+ZAN, 8 MP)
Finality: Your basic attack ignores Endure/Enduring Soul, killing the target regardless.
Spirited: ???????????????????
Tempered Metal: Increases DMG from d6 to d8, and adds +2 DMG.
Blessed Sword: Adds Sword Skill "Blessed Sword". (12 MP) [DMG: HAMA+SWORD] {PHYS+LIGHT}
Personal Grip: The sword gains a handle fitted specifically for your hand, granting +2 to hit.
Scabbard Trigger: Adds a trigger to the scabbard, allowing a quick opening strike.
Ballet Of Swords: Upgraded Sword Perk: Dancing Blade. 1/3•AGL is now 1/2•AGL.
Piercing Slash: (20 MP) [SWORD+MEGIDO] {ALMIGHTY}
Sharpening Kit: Gain an extra d6 roll and +3 DMG.
Scorching Strike: Adds Scorching Strike (16 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Agilao)
Blizzard Slash: Adds Blizzard Slash: (10 MP) [SWORD+BUFULA] {PHYSICAL/ICE}
Spiteful Strike: Adds Spiteful Strike: (12 MP) [MUDO + SWORD] {PHYS/DARK}
UPGRADE (Blessed Strike > Blinding Slash)
Magic Guard: If you roll a DEX save higher than an enemy's incoming magic attack, you can redirect the blow to hit the ground!
Tempered Metal: Increase your damage from a d8 to a d10, and gain +2 damage!
Extra Choice: Adds an extra Sword Perk to every choice after this.
Thunder Slash: Adds Thunder Slash (10 MP. Deals normal sword damage + Zionga)
Sharpening: (+12) > (+15)
UPGRADE: (Spiteful Strike) > (Cursing Slash)
Dawn's Glow: Fusion Skills involving Dawn have a wider range to trigger! (+-3)
UPGRADE: Blustering Strike > Tornado Sever (uses Zandyne)
Scabbard Decals: Adds some interesting looking carvings and graffiti on Dawn's Scabbard. Dawn can edit these at her own discretion.
Honing: +2 ACC, -5 DMG.
Burning Break: Adds Burning Break (24 MP) [SWORD+AGIDYNE] {PHYS/FIRE}
Active Modifiers
- him.
- a soldier's return.
Current Day
Saturday, April 2nd, 2011
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Party and Demons
- Pixie (Zandyne, Dia, Patra, Mazan, Mediarama, Zanma, Diarama, Mazanma) [Str: Force. Wk: Lightning, Dark] {HP: 216, MP: 186}
- Oni (Rampage, Fang Breaker, Tarukaja) [Str: Physical. Wk: Lightning.] {HP: 94, MP: 49}
- Nadja (Zanma, Diarama, Poismudi, Zandyne, Dekaja, Tarukaja) [Wk: Ice. Nul: Light, Dark.] {HP: 202, MP: 124}
- Virtue (Zandyne, Hamaon, Recarm, Resist Wind, Mudoon, Tarukaja) [Str: Force. Nul: Light. Wk: Lightning, Dark.] {HP: 220, MP: 132}
- Devil Dog (Has its own stat page under Informational.)
- Black Frost (Bufudyne, Agidyne, Mamudoon, Endure, Maragion, Mabufula, Zandyne, Tarukaja) [Str: Phys. Dr: Ice. Rpl: Fire. Nul: Dark.] {HP: 265, MP: 149}
- Aquans (Bufu, Mabufu, Bufula, Patra, Fang Breaker, Tarukaja) [Wk: Fire. Str: Ice. Nul: Light, Dark.] {HP: 160, MP: 85}
- Yurlungur (Ice Breath, Diarama, Mediarama, Posumudi, Fog Breath, Makarakarn, Me Patra) [Str: Ice, Lightning, Dark. Wk: Fire.] {HP: 244, MP: 145}
- Turbo-Granny (Auto-Sukukaja, Mazionga, Lunge) [Str: Fire, Ice. Wk: Physical, Dark. Nul: Light] {HP: 196, MP: 78}
- Nue (Shock, Ziodyne, Acid Breath, Tarukaja, Agidyne) [Str: Lightning. Wk: Ranged, Force.] {HP: 241, MP: 130}
- Ippon-Datara (Charge, Explosive Fist, Rampage, Tarukaja, Fang Breaker) [Str: Ice, Lightning. Wk:Force, Light.] {HP: 112, MP: 57}
- Lorelei (Lulluby, Marin Karin, Media, Mediarama, Zanma, Acid Breath) [Str: Ice, Light, Dark. Wk: Fire] {HP: 268, MP: 162}
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People You Know
Madoka Kaname
A pink haired girl from Mitakihara. She's about as sweet as can be.

Most recently, she became a Summoner.

Hair: Pink with twin tails.
Eyes: Pink.

RLT: Madoka sees you as not only her teacher, but her friend.
Sayaka Miki
A blue haired girl from Mitakihara. Rash, energetic, and friendly.

Hair: Blue, bob cut.
Eyes: Blue.

RLT: Sayaka thinks you're a good person, and appreciates your advice.
Oriko Mikuni
A white haired, white clad Magical Girl. Intentions formerly hostile. Works closely with Kirika.

Recently learned of her seer power, and how you interfere with it.

Hair: Platinum blonde, long with at pigtail on the side.
Eyes: An ashy blue.

RLT: A calm fondness. She trusts you.
Kirika ????
A black haired Magical Girl, clad in black. Works closely with her Oriko.

If she sees you holding a Sharpie anywhere near her, she'll most likely avoid you.

Hair: Black, a little messy.
Eye: Gold.

RLT: "I guess if Oriko likes you, I've gotta play nice."
Homura Akemi
A purple Magical Girl, and noticably less hostile that others you've met. Reserved, aloof, and a little cold.

Currently in company with Amy, her new cat overlord.

Update: Amy is living exactly how she envisioned having her own human would be like.

Hair: Black with a hint of purple, straight.
Eyes: Lavender.

RLT: Homura finds you incredibly draining, but she can't deny your effectiveness in not only combat, but also social situations.
Mami Tomoe
A blonde, yellow clad Magical Girl. Pleasant, friendly, and duty bound.

Recently made amends with Kyoko.

Hair: Blonde with drills!
Eyes: Yellow.

RLT: Mami thinks that you are a valuable ally, and she enjoys your company.
Nagisa Momoe
A young girl you met in a Labyrinth. Her mother was very ill. With your intervention, her mother will recover.

Absolutely loves anything cheesey.

Hair: White, long.
Eyes: Orange, appearing yellow more near her irises.

RLT: You've spurred Nagisa to grow in her own way, and she and her mother see you as a very close family friend.
Yuma Chitose
A girl you found in Kazamino. Her mother... Wasn't good to her.

Currently under your care.

Hair: Green, slight twin tails.
Eyes: Green.

RLT: Yuma is your family now.
Kyoko Sakura
A rash, red headed Magical Girl from Kazamino. Aggressive at first, but very friendly after a while.

Boy, can she eat!

Hair: Red, ponytail.
Eyes: Red.

RLT: "She's like a taller, less ornery version of me... Huh? No, I didn't say anything."
Your dad.
Hair: Dark Blue.
Eyes: Also dark blue.

RLT: Your dad. He worries about you!
Grandma And Grandpa
Your grandparents.

Grandpa knows about Magical Girls. They both know about demons.

Hair: Grey. Grandma likes hers in a ponytail, and Grandpa keeps his short.
Eyes: Red (Grandma), Black(Grandpa).

RLT: Your grandparents.
The man you met in your dream. Seems friendly, if a tad aloof.

Cerberus accompanies him everywhere.

Hair: Brown.
Eyes: Brown.

RLT: You're an enigma to him, but Kazuya is still friends with you.
Kohaku Hino
Your best friend from your childhood. Recently, you ran into her again!

Hair: Brown, wavy, and long-ish.
Eyes: A bright blue.

RLT: "N-No, we aren't in a relationship!"
Shoji Shimizu
Your other best friend from your childhood. He's a bit more confident than when you last saw him. Good job!

Hair: Jet black, short.
Eyes: Deep crimson.

RLT: He's just happy to have the gang back together.
Lost Samurai
A strange man calling himself a Samurai. His intentions are unknown, but he seems to want to assist you.

Hair: ??????????????
Eyes: ?????????????

RLT: ???????????????
A strange man you met in an arcade. Kyoko seemed eager to leave when she met him.

Hair: Blond.
Eyes: Cerulean.

RLT: ?????????????????
Stephen is a mysterious person, but he seems helpful. He helps where he can.

Hair: White as snow.
Eyes: ?????????

RLT: ?????????????????
The Chief
The police chief for the Kazamino/Mitakihara area. Holds you in relatively high regards.

Hair: Black, greying.
Eyes: Brown.

RLT: "It doesn't feel right to bring a kid like Yumi on the force, but..."
Hiroko Sato
A former Magical Girl. She is an elegant person, with every one of her movements seeming to flow into the next.

Hair: Navy blue, long and flowing.
Eyes: Navy blue.

RLT: Still incredibly thankful for your assistance.
Nori Matsui
A former Magical Girl. Despite resurrecting her, you don't know all that much about her...

Hair: Gold, unevenly cut, sticking out at random points.
Eyes: Crimson.

RLT: A one sided rivalry.
A Magical Girl Serial Killer. She is vicious, vindictive, and just as unpleasant to speak to.

Current location is unknown.

Hair: Blonde, long and flowing.
Eyes: Green.

RLT: Actually hates you.
Hiro Nakayama
A Magical Girl who closely works with Hitonari. She seems nice!

Hair: Green, usually in a bun.
Eyes: A deeper green.

RLT: "I don't know her all too well..."
?????? Hitonari
A futuristic looking soldier. Seems very duty bound.

Hair: Brown, crew cut.
Eyes: Grey.

RLT: Thinks you're a little young to fight demons, but keeps that opinion to himself.
A demon hunter you met. He recently set up shop in Mitakihara!

He is related to Vergil.

Hair: White, messy.
Eyes: Blue.

RLT: ?????????????????????
You don't know too much about Vergil...

...Except that his brother is Dante.

Hair: White, slicked back.
Eyes: Blue.

RLT: ?????????????????????
Raido Kuzunoha ??
Your uncle, who works as a detective for demonic affairs.

Hair: Black, very short.
Eyes: Black.

RLT: Your uncle. He worries about you in his own way.
Haruko ?????
A Magical Girl you had a brief encounter with. Seems very prim and proper.

Hair: Brown with a streak of blue off to her left, long.
Eyes: Blue.

RLT: "...I just can't trust her..."
Arisu ?????
A Magical Girl from the Heian Period. She is mute, and incredibly out of place, but genuinely happy with your grandparents.

Hair: Black, straight, long.
Eyes: Amber.

RLT: Thankful to be alive again.
Saburo Okane
Up until recently, he was the Disciples' "chosen one", but after his mind control being lifted, he just seems to be a normal teenage boy.

Hair: Black, short.
Eyes: Grey, near black.

RLT: Still sorting his thoughts out.
Manami Iseri
A friend of Hiroko Sato who you only met once. Seems a little shy.

Hair: Blonde, messy, but she tries to take care of it.
Eyes: Orange.

RLT: ?????????????????
Hitomi Shizuki
Madoka and Sayaka's friend from school. Recently, decided to go with the trends of becoming a summoner.

Hair: Light green.
Eyes: Lime green.

RLT: Believes you're a teacher just like Sayaka said.
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1: Dropped in the Deep End
You are... Disoriented, to say the least.

You are currently lying on your stomach. Fortunately, you are uninjured. You push yourself off the ground, and discover that the sights and sounds of Mitakihara's Mall have been replaced by...

It wouldn't be entirely out of line to call this "scenery" a cross between chicken scratch and a child's coloring book. Everything seems to be overgrown, flowers blooming from increasingly impossible locations.

As you stand amongst this delusion, a question enters your mind; how did you get here?

You attempt to work backwards through your thoughts, which are scrambling to make any sense of this strange realm.

What is your name?
[] Write in.

How old are you?
[] Write in. (CANNOT BE OLDER THAN 21)

Why are you in Mitakihara, anyway?
[] You were recently transfered from another school, and you were trying to get a feel for the area.
[] You weren't exactly a model student. Your parents, as well as the school board, thought that sending you to a quiet town would help.
[] Just sight seeing, really. Sometimes, you need to wander about and clear your head.
[] Write in.
[x] 19
[x] You weren't exactly a model student. Your parents, as well as the school board, thought that sending you to a quiet town would help.

...what kind of student are we if we are over 18?
Putting the "informational" (that's another category you can use besides Threadmarks btw) stuff right at the start may bring complications in the future. Imagine we're well into the quest, someone new opens it up, and instead of the first update like they expect, they see a character sheet chock full of spoilers. It would be like sour milk :V. Also, there's a Quest Advertising Thread you can use to attract more people.

[x] Yumi Konishi
[x] Yumi Nakahara
[x] 19
[x] Just sight seeing, really. Sometimes, you need to wander about and clear your head.

Totally didn't spam a name generator for this. Still couldn't confine it to one choice, so approval voting. I'm assuming that we're female here, but feel free to correct me.
[X] Yumi Konishi
[X] 19
[x] You weren't exactly a model student. Your parents, as well as the school board, thought that sending you to a quiet town would help.
[X] Female
[X] Aoi Yamakawa
[X] 12
[X] You were recently transfered from another school, and you were trying to get a feel for the area.

Should fit easier into the PMMM cast
[X] Aoi Yamakawa
[X] 14
[X] You were recently transfered from another school, and you were trying to get a feel for the area.
[X] Female
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[X] Aoi Yamakawa
[X] 12
[X] You were recently transfered from another school, and you were trying to get a feel for the area.
[X] Kanna Kobayashi

How old are you?
[X] 17

[X] Write-In: You wanted to get away from the other students who insisted on calling you "Dragon Loli"
[X] Yumi Konishi
[X] 19
[X] You weren't exactly a model student. Your parents, as well as the school board, thought that sending you to a quiet town would help.
[X] Female

Oh yeah, angry grandma route. Because what all the it other girl's ages? 11? 10?
[X] Yumi Konishi
[X] 19
[X] You weren't exactly a model student. Your parents, as well as the school board, thought that sending you to a quiet town would help.
[X] Female

Oh yeah, angry grandma route. Because what all the it other girl's ages? 11? 10?
The PMMM cast mostly spana the 12-15 age bracket. Madoka is 14, as is Sayaka and Homura(aside from time traveler things). Mami is a year older. Kyouko is PROBABLY younger, but a street kid, so way more rough edged.
The PMMM cast mostly spana the 12-15 age bracket. Madoka is 14, as is Sayaka and Homura(aside from time traveler things). Mami is a year older. Kyouko is PROBABLY younger, but a street kid, so way more rough edged.
Okay. Really feel like 12 is a little too young though.
So how about a compromise?
[X] Yumi Konishi
[X] 14
[x] You were recently transfered from another school, and you were trying to get a feel for the area.
[X] Female
I'm kind surprised at the unopposed female PC vote. I thought at least one person could vote male, but I guess I was wrong!

Also, how would I tally votes? Do I need to do it by hand, or is there a command I can use? (This isn't me wanting to close the vote, I'm just curious.)
[X] Kanna Kobayashi

How old are you?
[X] 17

[X] Write-In: You wanted to get away from the other students who insisted on calling you "Dragon Loli"
Because i find it funny
[X] Aoi Yamakawa
[X] 14
[X] 12
[X] You were recently transfered from another school, and you were trying to get a feel for the area.
Voting is open