Here's my thoughts on the plan for this turn. We have three main priorities: short-term urgent issues, long-term growth needs, and some good ol' fashioned self-care for a majority of our heroes. Any plan presented, in my opinion, needs to strike a balance between these issues. That being said, here's my proposal:
[] Plan Personal Growth
-[][Martial] Lean on Me
Xiang-Wu is facing an assault of epic proportions. Food, property, people. All of them are being taken by Hunnic raiders who have slipped Shan Yu's leash. Send a detachment of soldiers up to help reinforce their borders and as a sign of friendship and good will.
DC: 75 -10 (Good Friends) = 65
Cost: 2,000 Gold
Reasoning: Our neighbor to the East is having a crisis, and the last thing we need is for it to fall and leave us vulnerable to Hunnic raiders. It's in our best interests to help them out.
18+11=+29, 64% chance of success before XP.
- [][Stewardship] Always Under the Same Sky
With the complete map of the stars that Chiron and Will have compiled, selling these before anyone else starts circulating them could net a very tidy profit. Especially from the EITC and the Pirate Lords. And thanks to the University, you don't even need to set up new infrastructure to print them! Gain 2,500 Gold income for sale of star maps to various parties.
DC: 65
Cost: 500 Gold, 150 Upkeep cost
Reasoning: We need to jump on this before the window of opportunity closes, and it's a reliable way to boost our income.
11+15=+26, 61% chance of success before XP.
- [][Diplomacy] Ever-Widening Web
Scherezade is hard-pressed these days to keep her finger on the pulse of all of the activities going on around Ababwa. And as the influence of the Principality extends, her ability to focus on specific areas will be stretched even thinner. She needs more help; more eyes and hands to get things done. Gain second Diplomacy Action
DC: 120
Cost: 2,000 Gold, 500 Gold Upkeep per turn after
Reasoning: We desperately need more Diplomacy actions, and it's only going to become more pressing as time moves on. I say we bite the bullet and get it done. I'd suggest putting Faria on it.
19+25+22=+76, 56% chance of success before XP.
- [][Intrigue] Cast your net out further, begin expanding your intelligence network
There are far more things going on than any one kingdom could keep track of. But the Spymaster is doing his best. Unfortunately, with the new additions to Ababwa, there's no way that he can handle it all himself anymore. Give Haroud the funding and facilities he needs to properly expand out his network of spies and contacts in order to deal with all of the incoming information and news as efficiently as possible. Gain a second Intrigue Action per turn.
DC: 110
Cost: 2000 Gold, 500 Upkeep per turn
Reasoning: Same as Diplomacy, we need more actions here as dangers increase in number. I suggest putting Iago on this action, as he not only has great Intrigue but he and Haroud get along well.
28+20+22=+70, 60% chance of success before XP.
- [][Learning] A Green Thumb...
Developing natural medicines based on the herbs and plants available to the city is probably a good idea. A lot of home remedies tend to be mostly useless, but there's occasionally a nugget of something to be found. Cuts upkeep of hospitals, Physicians and clinics by -500 Gold.
DC: 50
Cost: 1500 Gold
- [][Learning] The Heart-Shaped Herb
There have been notations of an incredibly useful herb found in the medical records of the University. One that Chiron recognizes, but said had been growing rarer over the years as it was used for many different medicines and other applications. The University wants to fund an expedition to Greece to find any remaining samples of this herb, and bring back cuttings and seeds to preserve it as a subject of medical experimentation. Opens up new avenues of medical study, has the possibility to enhance medicines already in use. Adds +500 Gold to Income per turn.
DC: 75
Cost: 2,500 Gold
Reasoning: Both have relatively low DCs, they help with a personal long-term goal of mine to eventually make Ababwa the world's leading center of medical knowledge and skill, and the latter not only increases our income but also gives us preliminary contact with Greece.
12+30=+42, 92% chance of success for the former and 67% chance of success for the latter before XP is considered.
- [][Occult] Unscrambling an Identity
The find of the dragon's egg has everyone curious as to what kind of dragon it will be. The knowledge of Drago Bludvist's Bewielderbeast has made it quite clear that there are many, many different types of dragons. Some are fiercer than others or require special care. Zummi will do his best to use all the resources at his disposal to identify the species of dragon within the egg. Or at least, try and figure out how close it is to hatching...
DC: 35/75
Cost: 0 Gold
Reasoning: Not only is it time-sensitive, but having a dragon at our beck and call can only be an asset for us.
14+30=+44, auto-pass for first tier and 69% chance of success for the second tier.
- [][Personal] Life's a Zoo
Visit the Menagerie (pick out a mount and/or just stress relief). The Menagerie is a great place to relax and watch the animals just live their lives. Though since Abu is no longer an elephant, Aladdin may need a new animal as a mount for when he can't take Carpet. See what animals the Menagerie has to offer that can be trained as mounts.
DC: 60
-- [] Train specifically with the Sirrush
DC: 30
Cost: 0 Gold
Reasoning: Aladdin needs some R&R after the adventure and meeting with Davy Jones; also we need to build our bond with the Sirrush.
- [][Will Personal] Will He Stay or Will He Go?
Will has made many friends in the time he's been in Ababwa. But his beloved Elizabeth is firmly entangled in the affairs of Atlantis. He can either decide to go with Elizabeth to Atlantis, or to stay and make use of the radio to try and keep up a long-distance relationship.
--[]Go: Will leaves for Atlantis. The Atlanteans are willing to give you an attache... of sorts, to make up for losing such a valuable ally. Improves relations with Atlantis, gains ??????
Let Will be with Elizabeth; I'm fairly certain our boss will give us a good hero to make up for the loss of Will.
- [][Iago Personal] You Scratch My Beak...
Iago is well aware that you didn't hire him on for his good looks. He'll pitch in as best he can with projects. Just tell him where to put his effort in.
--[][Intrigue] Cast your net out further, begin expanding your intelligence network
- [][Jose Personal] I'm Old, not Dead
Jose is more than willing to help Aladdin and Ababwa with any tasks that he can.
--[][Diplomacy] Ever-Widening Web
Both of them should probably get personals next turn.
- [][Tai Lung Personal] Walk the Earth
Helping the noncombatant residents of the kingdom or province that they're associated with is apparently a duty of Kung Fu masters, at least as Tai Lung tells it. He'll spend the next couple months moving around the protectorates and the principality itself in order to help the common folk with what issues he can. Tai Lung's name becomes known as someone looking to help.
Diplomacy DC: 60
Reasoning: Let Tai reconnect with his roots; besides, I'm sure there's plenty of trouble spots in the kingdom who could use the help of a roaming champion.
+16, 54% chance of success.
- [][Leah Personal] Time with Cade
Cade and Leah have been practically joined at the hip since they came to the kingdom (Not like that you perverts). But with the advent of her powers and all the time spent training in them, it feels like a rift has begun to open between them. Time to remedy that!
Diplomacy DC: 50
Reasoning: She needs time off; she's been doing nationals non-stop, not to mention she killed two of the sand witches. Cade can help her come to terms with that.
+19, 69% chance of success.
- [][Selous Personal] All Creatures Great and Small
The menagerie of Ababwa is an astounding place, truly ahead of its time even if it's also being used to house creatures for warfare. Even then they're cared for well and given comfortable enclosures and good food. Selous is curious to find out all of its inhabitants. And perhaps give this "Frosting" some tips on how to prepare enclosures for even more exotic beasts. Increases Selous' favorable opinion of Ababwa.
Learning DC: 50
Reasoning: We need to give him a reason to trust us. And if we have Aladdin there, there's a good chance the actions will synchronize.
+15 (and +20 if Great White Hunter procs), 65/85% chance of success.
Total cost: 10,500 gold.
Income increase: +3000/turn
Upkeep increase: +1000/turn.