Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

Well are we going the RougeTrooper GI route now?
I mean, do we just put them in the rest of the combat troops? They would probably need a different set of armor than the male clones.
Oh no! Do we have to give them the talk? Should we make a PowerPoint presentation to train mass groups when they get older.
Figuring it how to deal with them can take place when they are more than half a year old.
It happened because work was rushed right? Does that mean it actually saved some time?
No, that is just flavour text. Somebody cut corners which result in mistakes that nobody caught until someone noticed that some of the new babies had the wrong set of genitals.
Anyways so we make males and females now I guess.

Both male and female Mando's fight so I don't see why this has to be any different.
More from the perspective of giving the Republic an army with a few thousand females clones could be awkward.

"Female clones?"

"Yes, you see we ha some issues with production."

Is not the best publicity for the product.
Ummm I would think that the cloning experts might be interested to provide a solution to that by mandating certain percentages to female clones so that it would seem consistent and would be shown that they can be able to create a new product that is not an exact clone. It would help in their cover-ups.
Both male and female Mando's fight so I don't see why this has to be any different.
Mostly, this one small change causes disproportionate changes to character dynamics and the war. Granted, there'll be new logistical concerns, and we have to count on genetic proximity that these siblings don't "experiment," when they're older. They should stick to mad science like Doctor Tanasi.
Mostly, this one small change causes disproportionate changes to character dynamics and the war. Granted, there'll be new logistical concerns, and we have to count on genetic proximity that these siblings don't "experiment," when they're older. They should stick to mad science like Doctor Tanasi.
We could probably do some genetic tinkering so they dont find each other attractive should we decide to roll out the "mistake" across the whole force.
"Female clones?"

"Yes, you see we ha some issues with production."
It's fine. An easy solution is to say we wanted to make sure there were friendly faces to deal with any social situation, or that test groups were disturbed by a male faces so we added female faces. Saber Jango Face for the win.

[Jk] immediately order additional female clones to bring the ratio up to 50/50 so that the mistake looks intentional.
You say that, but we can 100% roll with this. Really confuse Dooku.
After a question on Discord, I have decided to add a vote on the future production of the mutant female clones.
Will more female clones be produced?
[] Have 10% of each batch as females.
[] Have 20% of each batch as females.
[] Have 25% of each batch as females.
[] Have 50% of each batch as females.
[] Don't produce any more female clones.
Variations in build is annoying to a clone army as everyone being the same shape is one of the massive benefits, the best options is probably just to break them off into their own division. Maybe a low casualty support corps so the replacements don't foul up the line.

The other, more ambitious idea would be to tilt into it, exploit the advantage of clones with a lower mass and use the female clones as starfighter/ship personal and formalise the split with a male army and female navy.
[Jk] immediately order additional female clones to bring the ratio up to 50/50 so that the mistake looks intentional.
"Why are we doing this?"- Nala Su.

"Because SOMEONE has to handle the Base's Paperwork, have you seen an army work without a functioning Logistics Unit?"-Jango Fett

"I still question this"-Nala Su.
You say that, but we can 100% roll with this. Really confuse Dooku.
"Why are their Female versions of you?" -Dooku.

"Social Situations and Logistics least until we update the Phase I's to fit all of them. Come on sir, this is important for the plan."-Jango

"I see that you made a mistake, and are somehow making it a feature."-Dooku.

"Would you expect me to do anything less."-Jango.
Jango Face for the win.
Great now we're gonna use them to SELL MERCH!!

Only if we put in Merch from Mandalorian History, Gotta give Revan that respect.
Eh why the hell not the whole thing is pretty amusing anyway

[X] Have 25% of each batch as females.
[X] Have 25% of each batch as females.

This sounds about right for me to lobby for the splitI want later then.
"Half the clones are female?" Says Dooku while looking constipated

"Naturally. We had some trouble early on with the first batch but we cleared right that up. You picked the right mandalorian for the job." Jango boasts in dead serious voice.

"...I see... I'll just, leave you to it." Dooku try's and fails to make a dignified exit.