The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

look at you, now look at me, now back at you, now back to me. Sadly, your not me, but if you keep working at you could almost be as good as me. Look down, back up, where are you. Your at a tournament to try to be as good as me. What's in your hand oh it's a charm, back at me. I have it,
Yea lets do something interesting, rather than the standard boring stuff.

[X] Congratulate the contestants on their work so far and your hopes that they have been able to use these last few weeks to show us their full potential today. Tell them that Charmcrafting may be a difficult path, but it is a path you find well worth the effort and you hope to see them continue to improve.
-[X] Cycle from Ta Riou as you talk, what is that Anam?
changing vote

[X] I stand before you, healed of the changes forced on me when we last met. I am not a Blood artist, nor was I aided by one. I was healed by a charm I crafted. There are many Paths, but the one we walk is perhaps unique in its diversity, in its ability to rise to any challenge with a unique solution. Ultimately, the only limit is our creativity and our skill. Today, I look forward to seeing yours shine.
Adhoc vote count started by nothingtoseehere on Aug 7, 2021 at 6:14 PM, finished with 103 posts and 59 votes.

  • [X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
    [X] Congratulate the contestants on their work so far and your hopes that they have been able to use these last few weeks to show us their full potential today. Tell them that Charmcrafting may be a difficult path, but it is a path you find well worth the effort and you hope to see them continue to improve.
    -[X] Cycle from Ta Riou as you talk, what is that Anam?
    [X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fourm in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
    [X] I stand before you, healed of the changes forced on me when we last met. I am not a Blood artist, nor was I aided by one. I was healed by a charm I crafted. There are many Paths, but the one we walk is perhaps unique in its diversity, in its ability to rise to any challenge with a unique solution. Ultimately, the only limit is our creativity and our skill. Today, I look forward to seeing yours shine.
    [X] Tell the audience how this (Your form) is but one example of the potential of the path of a charmcrafter - And how you know for a fact that there are those who would make it look like a childs toy. Regardless of who stands as victor, all those who have reached this stage show talent, and you hope that they continue to walk this endless path long after the judges make their decision.
    [X] Continuously Shatter the Mirror, each new Kong Zhi adds to the speech till you run out of anam and then you try to tie is all together by bringing it back to the virtues of charmcrafting
    [X] "Congratulations to all that have made it here, and even to those that have not. It has been no doubt an arduous journey, filled with sacrifice and determination. I want you to know that, no matter the outcome, that is not the end of your journey. The true journey is the path of Artist, the person who reaches beyond his grasp, walks the furthest, and see more then the others. That is the true winner.
    [X] Congratulate the contestants on embarking in the art of charmcrafting, extolling its virtues as an art and welcoming them to the Path.
    [X] Congratulate the contestants on making it this far to the final. Warn them of the dangers in complacency and challenge them to continue to push their limits. In their last contest they impressed you with their creativity, and now you expect them to impress you once again.
    [X] Cycle a bit of Royal anam before giving a speech.
    [x] I believe your craft shows who you are. whether they be pill, elixirs, weapons, treasures or charms. I look forward to seeing your creations and I know I will enjoy each of them. Extol the the 6 contestants works to the crowd, to lose to any one of these 5 is an honor.
    [X] I've a duty as a referee
    [X] fuck you Mo
    [X] The life of a cultivator is full of challenges and rewards, and no Path might be as challenging and rewarding as that of the charmcrafter. Rest assured, I know the challenges each of you have faced over the past weeks, because I have lived through them. I know that each of you has brought forth your best, and whatever happens, I want you to know that I consider you a brother on the Path.
    [X] We came here, and we built a pretty good charm (Slam down Dance). You know what we did after that? We built something better (pull out Fractal). You know what we'll do next? Build something even better. This, as much as skill or resources, is what makes a charmcrafter. Regardless of what how you do in this tournament or how good your charm is, this is what we expect. To take what your best, and then and do better.
    [X] Congratulate the finalists on their achievements to date and the work that they have produced. Compliment the artistry that they have demonstrated with their submissions. Warn them of the dangers in complacency and challenge them to continue to push their limits.
    [x] You have all struggled to get here. Not all of you can win, but getting this far is an extraordinary achievement in itself. Even if you don't win, you will find great opportunity, but the winner will receive the greatest opportunity. May the best charmcrafter win.
    [X] Extol the the 6 contestants works to the crowd, to lose to any one of these 5 is an honor.
    [X] Flex on these bright eyed guppies with your unimpeachable masterwork, and dare them to get on your level. You've blown yourself out the water, and you plan to do it again. Think they can keep up?
    - [X] Attempt to cycle from Ta Riou as you talk.
    [X] Congratulate them on making to the finals, then make a call-back to Hanying's suggestion that competitors lean on the previously eliminated & the great opportunity they have a chance to seize before transitioning into how you're looking forward to seeing the excellent charms submitted.
    [X] Flex on these bright eyed guppies with your unimpeachable masterwork, and dare them to get on your level. You've blown yourself out the water, and you plan to do it again. Think they can keep up?

holy splits batman. thats a lot of variation in the votes lol.
The link did not take me to a Scene of Mr Referee from Medabots, and for that reason alone this vote cannot be allowed to succeed./s
Damnit! We did our entrance wrong...

[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
[X] Congratulate the contestants on their work so far and your hopes that they have been able to use these last few weeks to show us their full potential today. Tell them that Charmcrafting may be a difficult path, but it is a path you find well worth the effort and you hope to see them continue to improve.
-[X] Cycle from Ta Riou as you talk, what is that Anam?
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
Ves said:
is she generating anam?! What aspect even is that?!

You shake your head. That's not important right now. What is important is that you apparently have to speak.
Craziest part about this vote is that in the last words of the update we're told that KZ thinks that Ta Riou generating anam isn't the important thing going on, but a bunch of people have gone 'No u, ackshully it is important!'.

So important that KZ should distract himself from the task at hand, which is off-the-cuff public speaking in front of a massive crowd, to intrude on her personal moment and cycle.
The vote may be fairly settled, but I do so wish to further Ole Kong's reputation as an eccentric.

[X] Continuously Shatter the Mirror, each new Kong Zhi adds to the speech till you run out of anam and then you try to tie is all together by bringing it back to the virtues of charmcrafting
Last edited:
I like this one!

[X] Continuously Shatter the Mirror, each new Kong Zhi adds to the speech till you run out of anam and then you try to tie is all together by bringing it back to the virtues of charmcrafting
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.

Since the one i want has pretty much lost. Consolidating.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
Learn From Glass by Thor's Twin
Learn From Glass

Twisting anam in patterns depicted in his token, Cao Tian felt the changes take hold. Arms covered with fur and muscle superimposed themselves over his own thin and pale arms. With a quick motion, he grabbed a rock the size of his new fists and squeezed, shattering the stone into dust and sand. Frowning, he looked over the new arms. Just as the technique promised, the arms of a powerful bear had replaced his own… inadequate appendages, but as Cao Tian inspected them he could feel his skin crawl and prickle just above his spine. A sigh escaped his lips as he ended the technique. Another failure.

A brief scan of his sect token confirmed what he already knew. This was the fifth sage technique that didn't seem to fit him. All different and varied. From monkeys, bears, even nonliving possibilities like water. None of it seemed to fit him. After the first one didn't seem to fit him, he had asked around to select only the sage techniques that others vouched for. He didn't want to delve into any of the experimental or untested variations if he was having difficulty with basic foundational techniques. Grunting softly, Cao Tian stood up and breathed in the scent of earth that surrounded him. At least here in his Natural Wonder, he was safe from the opinions of others, his only company being the five sculpted pillars of mud and earth that decorated the forgotten cave. But, despite his fondest thoughts, staying here forever would not assist him with staying in the good graces of Elder Sela, or the Delving Heart in general. So he began to walk the curving and twisting passageways to the Court of Preservation. Even though he was not a member of their court, a desire for quality drafted maps always provided enough work for him. It was on the way there that a particular thought struck him. Was… was he doing sage techniques wrong? Or, worse, was there something wrong with him?


Keeping his left hand on the cool earth that surrounded this tunnel, Cao Tian walked a specific path laid out on his map. His fervent inquiries to Elder Sela had been met with sympathetic compassion. He was told that there was nothing wrong with him that Elder Sela could detect which would prohibit the utilization of sage techniques. However, his Elder also told him that they did not have the time to fully inspect his troubles with sage techniques. Instead, he had been directed to seek out tutors to resolve the issues he was having with this branch of techniques. Specifically, an elder sister by the name of Ta Riou. Scrounging up the sect points needed to hire a member of the 5th circle took many sleepless nights crafting maps for the Court of Preservation, but he had done it. Now, as he walked down the tunnel to the designated meeting place, he could only hope that his struggles were nearing an end. That thought kept his spirit buoyed as he left lit tunnels of the Delving Heart and descended into the unpatrolled territory between the Heart proper and the Deeps.

A sudden turn left him agape at the view in front of him. A large cavern opened up with pools of crystal clear water forming from periodic drops from marbled stalactites. A thick carpet of green moss covered the ground which didn't hold pools of water, and at the center of the cavern sat a being of molten glass. Reds and oranges spread and shifted below the clear glass that their skin was made of. Long strands of multi-colored glass created the effect of hair, and the light shining from the molten glass inside the head made each strand glitter like a rainbow. Shaped like a woman, and clothed in starkly contrasting blacks and greys, the being sat with legs crossed, until that Cao Tian entered the chamber fully. Then, as if they were a glob of liquid glass being stretched upwards, they stood in a fluid motion with a smile upon their faces.

"Greetings junior brother! My name is Ta Riou of the 5th circle of Elder Sela's Grove. Are you Cao Tian, of the 8th circle and also a member of Elder Sela's Grove? The man who wishes instruction in the fascinating topic of sage techniques?"

"I… I am, Elder Sister. I am honored by your willingness to instruct me."

"Oh, do save your honor until we get you headed in the right direction!"

With that, she began to put him through paces, expressing each sage technique that he had and observing the transformations and control he had. Multiple times. When he got low on anam, she threw him a pill which he swallowed with only a moment's hesitation. She walked him through how he felt with each one, seeking clarity on if there was a difference in how he felt between the non-living transformations and the living ones. Eventually though, as he was nearing the end of his anam again, Ta Riou called a halt to the practice and motioned him to sit on the moss.

"I have figured out the issue you are having," she began, tapping her fingers on her leg as she continued, "and it will not be a simple issue to resolve."

"Is… is there something wrong with me?"

"No, nothing wrong with you, just a difference in how you view yourself. I believe you would find extraordinary success should you pursue monk techniques, but unless we can shift your perspective, you will always have difficulty in sage techniques."

A moment of silence stretched onwards as Ta Riou tilted her head side to side. Not wanting to interrupt, Cao Tian kept his silence, only tapping his finger rapidly against his stomach where he rested his hands.

Breaking the silence, she asked, "why do you want to use sage techniques so badly, Cao Tian?"

"The human body just feels so limited, to me. A drop of water can flow through the smallest of cracks, a bird can fly hundreds of miles without rest, the earth can shrug off cataclysmic scars, but the human body can't do any of that. Sage techniques just… feel like a whole toolbox just waiting for me to use, and I want to use, but it has a lock that I have to get past first."

"A good answer," Ta Riou said with a grin. "Come back here tomorrow, I'll bring a charm that we can use to work through your issue."

A/N: An omake about a possible future for Ta Riou in the Delving Heart, regardless of the result for this tournament. With her utter fascination with sage techniques and the molding of an Artist's body to different visions, I feel that she could find a niche in the Delving Heart as a trainer and researcher of Sage techniques. Selling techniques she develops through her experiences and insights to the archives of the Delving Heart (like our possibility of selling BSA to the archives) while training others seems like something Ta Riou would find great pride and joy in. As always, I hope you enjoy the read!
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.

Cycling her awe/love Anam seems really rude and distracting us from an already difficult task. Showing off with Shatter the Mirror seems dumb. So I'm supporting the most popular regular speech option.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Vesvius on Aug 7, 2021 at 12:45 AM, finished with 118 posts and 67 votes.

  • [X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
    [X] Congratulate the contestants on their work so far and your hopes that they have been able to use these last few weeks to show us their full potential today. Tell them that Charmcrafting may be a difficult path, but it is a path you find well worth the effort and you hope to see them continue to improve.
    -[X] Cycle from Ta Riou as you talk, what is that Anam?
    [X] Continuously Shatter the Mirror, each new Kong Zhi adds to the speech till you run out of anam and then you try to tie is all together by bringing it back to the virtues of charmcrafting
    [X] I stand before you, healed of the changes forced on me when we last met. I am not a Blood artist, nor was I aided by one. I was healed by a charm I crafted. There are many Paths, but the one we walk is perhaps unique in its diversity, in its ability to rise to any challenge with a unique solution. Ultimately, the only limit is our creativity and our skill. Today, I look forward to seeing yours shine.
    [X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fourm in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
    [X] Tell the audience how this (Your form) is but one example of the potential of the path of a charmcrafter - And how you know for a fact that there are those who would make it look like a childs toy. Regardless of who stands as victor, all those who have reached this stage show talent, and you hope that they continue to walk this endless path long after the judges make their decision.
    [X] Congratulate the contestants on embarking in the art of charmcrafting, extolling its virtues as an art and welcoming them to the Path.
    [X] "Congratulations to all that have made it here, and even to those that have not. It has been no doubt an arduous journey, filled with sacrifice and determination. I want you to know that, no matter the outcome, that is not the end of your journey. The true journey is the path of Artist, the person who reaches beyond his grasp, walks the furthest, and see more then the others. That is the true winner.
    [X] fuck you Mo
    [X] Congratulate the contestants on making it this far to the final. Warn them of the dangers in complacency and challenge them to continue to push their limits. In their last contest they impressed you with their creativity, and now you expect them to impress you once again.
    [X] Cycle a bit of Royal anam before giving a speech.
    [x] I believe your craft shows who you are. whether they be pill, elixirs, weapons, treasures or charms. I look forward to seeing your creations and I know I will enjoy each of them. Extol the the 6 contestants works to the crowd, to lose to any one of these 5 is an honor.
    [X] I've a duty as a referee
    [X] The life of a cultivator is full of challenges and rewards, and no Path might be as challenging and rewarding as that of the charmcrafter. Rest assured, I know the challenges each of you have faced over the past weeks, because I have lived through them. I know that each of you has brought forth your best, and whatever happens, I want you to know that I consider you a brother on the Path.
    [X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fo in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
    [X] Flex on these bright eyed guppies with your unimpeachable masterwork, and dare them to get on your level. You've blown yourself out the water, and you plan to do it again. Think they can keep up?
    [X] Congratulate the finalists on their achievements to date and the work that they have produced. Compliment the artistry that they have demonstrated with their submissions. Warn them of the dangers in complacency and challenge them to continue to push their limits.
    [X] Extol the the 6 contestants works to the crowd, to lose to any one of these 5 is an honor.
    [X] Flex on these bright eyed guppies with your unimpeachable masterwork, and dare them to get on your level. You've blown yourself out the water, and you plan to do it again. Think they can keep up?
    - [X] Attempt to cycle from Ta Riou as you talk.
    [X] Congratulate them on making to the finals, then make a call-back to Hanying's suggestion that competitors lean on the previously eliminated & the great opportunity they have a chance to seize before transitioning into how you're looking forward to seeing the excellent charms submitted.
    [X] We came here, and we built a pretty good charm (Slam down Dance). You know what we did after that? We built something better (pull out Fractal). You know what we'll do next? Build something even better. This, as much as skill or resources, is what makes a charmcrafter. Regardless of what how you do in this tournament or how good your charm is, this is what we expect. To take what your best, and then and do better.
A Harmonious Day (commission) (canon)
A/N: A big thanks to the 42 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. Or, if you'd like to make a donation without the monthly commitment (which would be especially welcome over the next two months), you can buy me a cup of Ko-Fi here.

It's commission time once again, ladies and gentlemen, and we have a Supermax on tap here tonight! Our illustrious commissioner wanted something a bit more world-buildy than our usual fare: a day in the life of Zhi's mother, the illustrious Kong Ru. We weren't able to get the entire day in there, but I think you'll be more than pleased with what is on display. I hope you enjoy!

Kong Ru does not have a great deal of contact with people from her past.

Oh, she certainly corresponds with her family. Scarcely a week goes by without a letter from her brother, father, or the twins. But as far as communication, those few missives are all that comes out of Brilliance for her. There are no well-wishes from childhood friends. Very few members of the Lai household outside of her direct family even seem to remember that she is still alive. As far as the city of her birth is concerned, Lai Ru may as well not have ever existed.

Of her companions from the Rose Triumphant, Kong Ru hears more. Every now and then a scroll bearing the ivory rose comes to her and she is able to spend an hour lost in the words of a dear friend. The day those scrolls arrive are rare, but treasured all the more for their scarcity. When a missive from one she has shed blood alongside arrives, Kong Ru knows that she is going to have an excellent day.

Today is one such day.

Ru breaks the seal on the scroll with a smile and leans back in her chair to unfurl it. Delicate characters on ivory parchment greet her, filling the Kong Matriarch with fond memories of hours spent tutoring her juniors to correct their atrocious brushwork. But she does not allow herself to linger over-long on the past, not when the present has just as much promise. She brushes aside her memories and only then does she actually start reading the message herself. After the first few paragraphs, her joy only increases, forming a deep laugh that bubbles up from her throat like heat from a forge.

Beside Ru, her servant pauses at the surprising sound. Instead of commenting right away, the slight girl finishes her task, refilling her mistress's tea cup with a slow, careful pour. As she straightens up, she speaks. "Is all well, Lady Kong?"

Ru shakes her head with a chuckle. She gestures at the scroll and looks to her longtime retainer. "It could not be better, Caxi. Dun Tudou has sent his response!"

Caxi nods in understanding. It has been over a year since Kong Ru sent out her last message to her former Junior. A year may be little more than the blink of an eye to a high-class Artist like Dun Tudou, but to one not fixated on the goings on of a sect it can be an eternity. No wonder Lady Kong is happy; she must have wondered if the great Dun Tudou would even still acknowledge her.

"And what does Lord Dun have to say?" Caxi asks. A normal servant may hold their tongue and allow their curiosity to burn behind their eyes, but no normal servant would be the sole member of the Lai Household to accompany Lai Ru in her new Path. "What does he think of your offer?"

"Oh, I have not even gotten to that part yet," Ru responds. She sighs and leans back, picking up the tea with her free hand. "He is still as long-winded as ever- and he insists on starting with his memories of days gone by."

From the smile that still plays over Ru's lips, Caxi doubts that she minds such reminiscing as much as she says she does. "Sometimes, I wonder why I even bothered to teach him how to write," she muses. "When all he does with that gift is remind me of that incident with the Moon Flowing Fountain."

Caxi winces at the words. Her mistress may be able to look back at that time with fondness now, but she was not the one who had to salvage her own clothes. Caxi had waged a war of her own that night, doing her best to tease every drop of ichor from what were once fine Lai robes, only to be forced to set the entire outfit alight upon admitting her failure. Her fingers itch just thinking about the Moon Flowing Fountain.

The retainer suppresses a shudder and carries on with her duties, moving to clear the table of the remnants of Lady Ru's morning meal. The only things she leaves are the tea cup, the pot, and the plate of cookies- just in case Lady Ru decides to treat herself. When Caxi returns to Lady Ru's sitting room, she finds the cookies untouched and the lady of the house herself pouring over the letter once more.

This time, though, while a small smile still plays on her lips, her eyes are narrowed. There is only one thing that Dun Tudou could write of that would so capture her focus. "So?" Caxi asks once more. "What does Lord Dun say in regards to the offer?"

"He is speaking delicately for fear of causing offense," Kong Ru answers. "All he is willing to say right now is that the idea 'interests' the Dun, but they would need several concessions in order to continue negotiations. Little Tudou does not even bother to say what those concessions would be."

Caxi barely holds back a wince. "So that would be a no, then."

"Oh, no, not at all," comes the response. "Were the Dun not interested, Little Tudou would not have left the door open in such a manner. At least some of them must be very intrigued at the possibilities that such a union represents. Sadly, they cannot say so directly- not until Shuren finishes his Step." Her voice is steel, leaving no doubt that such a fate will come to pass.

The retainer nods thoughtfully, going out of her way not to even think about what will happen should Lord Shuren fail in his endeavor. Such thoughts are not even worthy of existence; she should give no time to them, just as Lady Ru strives, and mostly succeeds, to dismiss such an idea in its entirety. "What will your response be, then?" A brush and paper appear in Caxi's hands, ready to take down Ru's words.

But the lady of the house waives her off. "No need for that, Caxi. I will respond to Dun Todou personally. I think… yes, I will thank him for his thoughts and mention our other offers. By the time he responds, Shuren will have ascended and we can negotiate the union from a position of greater strength."

She stands suddenly, pausing only to deposit her tea cup neatly on it's saucer as the scroll vanishes into her stasis ring with a flash of light. "It is going to be a wonderful day!" she states to Caxi, but also to the world at large. "I think… I think I will do the shopping today!"

Caxi pauses before responding. After all, supplying the household is normally a job for the servants- and since the Kong household isn't prestigious enough to support a full staff, that means it is a job for her. But, in the end, Lady Ru will do as she pleases. All Caxi can do is nod along. "Very well," she says. "If you would give me but a moment to complete my inventory, I can be ready to go at a moment's notice."

Lady Ru nods amiably. "It will take me a few moments to gather myself. Will… ten minutes suffice?" By which she, of course, means that she will be leaving in ten minutes whether Caxi likes it or not.

All the servant can do is nod, bow, and move.

Taking the complete inventory for the needs of a clan is no small feat, and the challenge only grows when the clan is as… eccentric as the Kong. But Caxi is a professional. She has served at Lady Ru's side for the better part of both of their lives. And as such, she is never caught unprepared. The inventory may not be complete quite yet, as the usual shopping day is later in the week, but that does not mean she has yet to begin it. She must only check a few more things before she is ready to go.

Normally, she would check those things over the course of her duties. But considering that Lady Ru has other ideas, the schedule must be accelerated. Caxi taps into her core, allowing anam to flood her limbs and hasten her movements as she runs from the central household. She darts from home to home without a word, brushing past Kongs of all stripes as she hurries to determine their needs. Some clan members greet her, others try to engage her in conversation, and still others move to bar her from their dwellings, but she ignores them all. Arms are ducked under, locks circumvented, and friendly waves returned as she attends to her duty. All the while, her brush is moving, cataloguing everything she sees.

By the time Lady Ru is ready to go, Caxi awaits her with a bundle of papers. "Everything is accounted for, Lady."

Lady Ru nods, as if she expected nothing less. She reaches over and plucks the papers from Caxi's grasp, leafing through them idly. "Bowen needs more rations, of course," she muses. "A new awl for Bai… does he not know that those things do not simply forge themselves? Auntie Shufen needs fresh incense; we will have to go to the Northern Market for that. And…"

She trails off as she takes in the last few items on the list. "Why exactly do we need the skull of a three-year old Ora? That…" Lady Ru shakes her head, glancing over to Caxi. "Bi, I suppose?"

Caxi nods in answer. "And Lady Bi wished to make it known that she would not tolerate substitutions this time. The skull must be three years old, not a month more or less."

Lady Ru looks towards the heavens, as if asking what she did in a past life to offend them, and lets out a heaving sigh. "Very well," she huffs out. "We will add a stop at the Emporium to our trip for the skull. But-" The Kong Matriarch shakes her head and jabs her finger at one item on the list. "I will not be purchasing this."

"The yellow wine for Lord Fang?" Caxi questions. "It seems a small enough expenditure to make-"

"It is, and that is why he can make it himself," comes the blunt response. "If Fang wants to sit in his sunroom and drink the years away, that is entirely his business. But he will be doing it out of his own pocket, not bleeding the clan to sate his hunger." Lady Ru extends her hand and instantly, Caxi drops her brush into it. The entry for Kong Fang's wine is crossed out with an almost violent flourish. No further words need to be said. Together, Lady and Servant make their way from the Kong Compound and into the open streets of Harmony.

As they leave the quiet corner of the city that houses their home behind, the streets begin to get more and more crowded. The stone walkways on either side of the roads fill with men and women of every size and stature. Caxi spies men wearing the fur-collared robes from Empire's northern reaches walking alongside her. Beyond them, she makes out the tanned skin of the eastern residents on a pair of arguing merchants. Carrying their supply train are a group of small children who are happily chatting away as they work, all with the leathery complexion that can only come from living on the Laughingstar Coast. Not for the first time, Caxi marvels at the width and breadth of the Radiant Empire, with all of it coming home to roost in Harmony.

But the crowded walkways pale in comparison to the sights Caxi witnesses using the actual roads. A train of oxen trundles along at a sedate pace, dragging a block of stone as large as the central Kong residence along to destinations unknown. The shadow of the stone gives shade to a dark-skinned man riding a large lizard which trots along quickly, eager to keep itself in the stone's cool cover. Off in the distance, a troupe of retainers marches along, carrying a palaquain on their shoulders as they move towards Daystar Hold.

Caxi squints at that last one, eying the heraldry embroidered on the palaquains' drapes. Six golden leaves falling from an ivory tree. His Imperial Glory's revered niece must be paying her uncle a visit. Normally, she only attends court when it involves one of her interests. So for her to be in Harmony today, the Court must be discussing either an expedition across the Emberflow Abyss or perhaps a new horse race. Caxi leans forward and states as much to her mistress, drawing a thankful nod.

"Amend the list," Lady Ru orders, and Caxi moves to obey. A new entry is scrawled on the end of their shopping list: extra supplies of leather. Their current stores are good enough for normal occasions, but if a new race is going to be announced, everyone is going to demand new saddles and kits for their prized stallions, all inscribed with tasteful runes to subtly aid in their steed's performance. It would not do to have the Kong be unable to meet that upcoming demand.

As she adds to the list, Caxi begins a quick tally of what is needed and what stops they will have to make. Most of the supplies needed for the day-to-day operation of the Clan can be purchased easily in the Farmer's Quarter, and any merchant worth the title will deliver their goods to the Compound. That should be their first stop, so as to have everything waiting for Caxi to handle when they return home. After that, there are the more esoteric goods, which can be found over in the Plum District, save Bi's skull. That will need a special trip to the Emporium in the Trade Quarter. From there, they can return home, stopping at several specialty shops on the way for pills and elixirs- and of course, at the florist's, to freshen up young Zhi's rooms while he is away.

Yes, the path is fairly straightforward. Farmer's Quarter first, then Plum District, then the Trade Quarter. Caxi nods to herself and straightens up, looking to her Lady-

Only to find Lady Ru striding sedately away from her. Her path doesn't lead anywhere Caxi had on their route. Instead, her course seems set for the southern reaches of Harmony.

"Lady Ru?" Caxi questions as she catches up to her Mistress. "Do you have some business in the Powder District?" There can be no other destination that Lady Ru has in mind. The southern portion is bereft of anything else that Lady Ru might have interest in; it is mostly the domain of the wealthy Seated and the un-Sparked combat schools. The only exception is the three blocks that form the border between the undesignated spaces and the Dawn District: an expanse of serene white marble home to some of the most exclusive shops in all of Harmony known as the Powder District.

"I do not," Lady Ru admits. "However, it is very much in our interest to have others think that we do."

Caxi cannot find fault with that logic. Disregarding the annoyances that such a delay will bring, she bows her head and follows.

Despite her words, Caxi cannot help but think that Lady Ru has an ulterior motive for her sudden trip to the Powder District. She keeps those suspicions silent the entire trip there, contenting herself with watching the streets and reporting anything interesting that she sees to her mistress. But shortly after entering the refined beauty that makes up the noble's quarter, Caxi's suspicions prove accurate when they spot a familiar face emerging from a shop.

Lady Mo Qiu is the picture of elegance and grace. She stands head and shoulders taller than Lady Kong, with a willowy build akin to that of the court's favored dancers. Her auburn hair cascades down her shoulders in thick ringlets, and she is dressed immaculately in fine robes of green and gold. Behind her trails a train of half a dozen servants, each loaded down with bags and parcels from seemingly every shop in the Powder District.

At the sight of the Mo matriarch, Lady Ru's footsteps stutter for a split second. But she masters herself near instantly and she carries on, moving down the marble path as if she hasn't even seen the noble. As she walks, Ru glances to the side to look at Caxi. "Do you think this refiner will be up to par?" she asks, continuing a conversation they never began. "Begin searching for a third option; if this one is not up to the task, then we need to be ready to-"

"Kong Ru?" a voice calls. "Is that Kong Ru I see?"

Lady Ru pauses as if taken aback, then turns to face the one calling her name with a mask of polite confusion on her face. "Yes, is there something you-"

She stops midword and a slow smile that would look genuine if Caxi hadn't spent decades at Ru's side spreads over her face. "Mo Qiu!" she exclaims, sketching a slight bow. "My apologies! I did not see you there!"

A matching smile grows on Lady Mo's face and she moves forward, clasping Ru's hands with her own. "It is quite good to see you," the noble states. "I was just thinking about you this morning. It has been too long since we have shared tea, has it not?"

"It has," Lady Ru agrees. "I just said as much to Caxi here this morning, did I not?"

"Indeed you did, Mistress," Caxi agrees. She knows her part in this little play too well to stumble over her lines now.

Mo Qiu's eyes sparkle with seemingly honest delight. "Well, then there is no better time for us to remedy that lack than right now! There is a delightful tea house on the next block over- that is, if you can spare the time."

"Spare the time?" Ru responds. "My Lady Mo, you would be doing me an honor and a service- but I must insist that it be my treat."

"No, no, I tendered the invitation," Mo Qiu responds. "Please allow the honor to be mine." The two go back and forth in a similar vein as they walk together, the Mo servants falling in beside Caxi to form one large train while they walk.

To an uneducated neophyte in the ways of politics, this entire exchange would look just like an unplanned meeting between two friends. They would see the friendliness, they would see the respect both parties have for each other, and they would see nothing more than the ladies of two houses taking time out of their busy schedules to share a cup of tea.

But what a learned eye would see would be the subtle jockeying for position between Caxi and the Mo servants. A learned eye would see the careful calculation in very act of the parties greeting each other. They would see the undercurrents of the conversation and perhaps begin to piece together that this casual meeting is no such thing.

Alas, this is no simple tea shared between friends. This is yet another round of the subtle gamesmanship that Lady Ru has become all too familiar with since coming to Harmony.

The dance continues in that vein as the combined party makes its way to the tea shop. The two ladies make friendly conversation all the while, neither speaking of anything more consequential than the weather until they are escorted to their table on a second-floor balcony. The majority of Lady Mo's servants remain outside, leaving the noble with a slight manservant to serve as Caxi's counterpart. The two servants assist in seating their respective ladies and step back, allowing the two to speak without interruption

The conversation remains on trivialities for quite some time. It would be quite rude to simply leap into the more meaty matters, after all. But eventually Lady Ru finds a natural transition point in the words and grasps it with both hands. "At least your honored husband will be fortunate enough to miss the rainy season," she states with a sigh. "I hear his travels have taken him north?"

"Yes, though it pains him to leave his men at the eastern border," Mo Qiu responds. She lifts up a teacup and takes a delicate sip, pausing to allow the flavors to play over her palette. "But when His Imperial Glory asks for a personal favor, one simply must accept."

Lady Ru nods, a look of understanding painted on her features. "Of course," she states. "We must all make sacrifices in the name of the Empire. Still, it is an honorable duty he carries out. Does he find it to his liking?"

A delicate laugh emerges from Mo Qiu, reminding Caxi of tinkling bells mixed with the chirping of crickets. "His last letter indicated as such- if one reads it closely," she states with a chuckle. "Truly, he is not happy unless he has found something to spark his ire, and there is no shortage of sparks in the Northern Armies. It is no wonder that His Imperial Glory asked for him to whip them into shape."

"The Northern Armies can be quite unruly," Lady Ru allows. "But if your lord husband spends much time with them, he will soon find that they have no equal in the Empire. When the armies go to war, they fight with the fury of a force ten times their size against a threat that never seems to slacken or relent. Such a thing tends to harden even the softest soldier; it is no wonder they are just as fierce in camp as they are on the battlefield."

"I would not have thought you such a proponent of the men in the field," Mo Qiu answers. "Is that a note of hometown pride I detect?"

Lady Ru ducks her head slightly, allowing a faint flush to pass over her cheeks. "I may not live in Brilliance anymore, but that is not to say I have abandoned it entirely," she states. "And I've many a cousin serving in the Northern Armies. Your lord husband will not find any of them wanting."

Mo Qiu nods in amused acceptance, taking another sip as she does. "Enough about my beloved," she states after a moment's consideration. "I have been most rude, filling your ears with naught but my own family's affairs. How does your husband fair? Does he still plan to take the Warlord's Step?"

"Oh, he has already begun," Lady Ru responds. "My Shuren completed his preparations a fortnight ago. His workshop is sealed, but already we can feel the anam beginning to coalesce."

One of the noble's eyebrows begins to climb, stopping halfway up her forehead. "Already?" she asks. "That would be a most expedient Step. When my father took the Warlord's Step, it took him six months to reach the tempering stage. You must be proud."

Lady Ru nods primly, but freezes at Mo Qiu's next words. "Still, it is said that the fire that burns the hottest burns out fastest. Have you made any preparations for what will happen should Lord Shuren falter in his step? It hardly bears thinking about, but one must always be prepared for the worst case in any scenario."

To anyone else, the slight twitch of Lady Ru's toe would seem like nothing at all. But to Caxi, it is practically a scream of denial. The servant steps forward, moving to refill Lady Ru's teacup. The Kong Matriarch takes the distraction to let out a short breath before sitting up straight, refocusing herself on the conversation at hand.

"Of course we have prepared for the worst-case scenario," Lady Ru responds. "We've enough resources to last us no matter how long the Step takes. All of Shuren's outstanding orders were filled, and any long-term contracts have been ably taken over by Kong Bi and Kong Ping. We are more than able to weather the storm until Shuren has completed his labors."

The idea of Lord Shuren failing at his step is not mentioned. In Lady Ru's eyes, the possibility simply does not exist. Kong Shuren will complete his Warlord's Step. The only thing left up to question is when.

Mo Qiu nods amiably at the unspoken declaration, her face a mask of polite interest. "And what of the rest of your family?" she asks. "I have heard excellent things about the youngest generation of Kong."

"Then you have heard the truth," comes Lady Ru's answer. "Young Cui has recently reached the Indigo Threshold in the Breath Undying and threatens to be a true standout in this year's tournament. And of course, we could ask for no greater shepherd for the youngest generation than Kong De. Despite the Cerulean Summer asking more and more from him as the seasons change, he still travels the Empire to assist any Kong who needs it."

"Oh yes, I have heard much of their exploits," Mo Qiu responds. "And may I offer my congratulations on the match between your Kong Cui and the young Ai Scion? The Ai Clan are a storied and venerable lineage; it speaks well of you that they join their fortunes to yours."

"My thanks," Lady Ru responds. "But their match has little to do with me. The two have been inseparable since arriving at the Breath Undying; were we to stand in their way, we would simply be run over."

"Ah, the stubbornness of youth," Mo Qiu sighs. "At times I wonder if we were ever as headstrong as our children."

"I have to question that as well," Lady Ru answers. "But then I receive a letter from my Father containing a tale of events I long since forgotten, and I get my answer."

Mo Qiu laughs politely at the joke. Lady Ru sips at her tea again and waits for the chuckle to fade before continuing. "But of course, I am most proud of little Zhi. The Delving Heart has proven trying for him, but he has overcome each and every trial with grace and aplomb. I've been told that he is even helping your own daughter with some small matter."

"Oh, yes," comes the response. "He is helping officiate one of Hanying's charmcrafting competition. I must say, he is doing a most excellent job. The other contests Hanying is sponsoring are not running nearly as smoothly."

Lady Ru nods, which Mo Qiu takes as an invitation to continue. "The combat tournament is a complete fiasco," she reveals. "The competitors there seem to treat each new challenge as an excuse to smash their heads together as many times as they can in as short a period as possible. It seems likely they will not even have the final round as scheduled; Hanying has had to plan an alternate finish. And while the refining contest is not nearly that bad, the competitors have proven to be far less skilled than hoped. There are some rough talents there, but they will need substantial investments before they can prove their worth."

"Meanwhile, the charmcrafting contest is going brilliantly. There are several real gems that have been unearthed, and the contest itself has moved from round to round without a hitch. Though your Zhi has only been tangentially involved, his reputation has done wonders at keeping things smooth."

"You are too kind," Lady Ru demures. "But I am certain he will be thrilled at your regard. He has had nothing but positive things to say about your Hanying as well. She is a credit to the Mo."

"I could not be prouder of the woman she has become," Mo Qiu responds. "Though, of course, never tell her I said that. I fear that her ego would grow to untenable levels." This time, it is Lady Ru's turn to laugh politely.

When her laughter ceases, it is time for the conversation to take another turn. "If we speak of our children much longer, I worry that we will both burst with pride," Lady Ru states with a sigh. "Sadly, not all Kongs are as fortunate in their endeavors as Zhi is in the Heart. Just last week, Kong Shi was lamenting his lack of fortune in the Vermillion Gates."

"Oh?" Mo Qiu asks, polite concern on her face. "I hope it is nothing too serious."

"Nothing that cannot be handled in due time. Some of the families there have heard rude rumors about the quality of Kong craftsmanship. Quality will prevail, of course, but Kong Shi is beside himself that anyone would say anything derogatory about our work."

"That is truly awful," comes Mo Qiu's response. "I am sure any false rumors will be dispelled by the vaunted Kong talent. Though perhaps we could be of some assistance; the Mo have several interests in the Vermillion Gates. My husband's sister enjoys summering there. We would be happy to say a few words to reaffirm the quality of Kong-made charms."

"That… that would be most welcome!" Lady Ru responds. "And of course, we could never expect you to do so without being certain of your words. We would be happy to provide your husband's sister with several examples of our work- so that she could speak with honesty about it's quality, of course."

"Of course," echoes Mo Qiu. "She would welcome such a generous gift. Anything made by the vaunted forges of Kong would be a marvel beyond compare."

"I shall contact Kong Shi immediately and ask him to seek out Mo Chin in all haste," Lady Ru states. "Anything she requires, she can pass back to him, and I will send her request on to Kong Ping. I assure you, she will find no fault in Ping's craftsmanship."

"I am sure she will not."

From there, the conversation continues in that vein. Various problems in different cities are brought up, each of which just so happens to be able to be fixed by one of the families at this table. Kong is having difficulties with the marshall of Everstand? What a coincidence, the marshall is an old friend of Lord Mo, and he will be aghast when he realizes he has been treating such a respected family so poorly. The ancestral Mo compound in Autumn Tear has fallen into disrepair? That is barely a stone's throw from Soaring Crow, the ancient home of the Kong! They are practically neighbors. It would only be right for the Kong to assist in such a vital manner. On and on it goes.

Caxi barely hears any of it. All of her focus is on the sun as it rises high in the sky and then slowly begins to set. She trades a look of commiseration with her counterpart standing behind Mo Qiu.

At this rate, she is never going to be able to finish the shopping!
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"Tangentially involved" in the competition, she says.

Meanwhile, Dad Kong is working on the step with no meaningful input from his son. It's interesting how busy the plan makers seem to be even though there are plot threads that the Voters have largely ignored.

This is such a rich world / simulation that I haven't even noticed how much has been getting away from Zhi. I wonder if he will have a sudden realization when he finds out that there are milestones passing him by for the various Family requests that were sent at the start of the quest
"Oh, he has already begun," Lady Ru responds. "My Shuren completed his preparations a fortnight ago. His workshop is sealed, but already we can feel the anam beginning to coalesce."

One of the noble's eyebrows begins to climb, stopping halfway up her forehead. "Already?" she asks. "That would be a most expedient Step. When my father took the Warlord's Step, it took him six months to reach the tempering stage. You must be proud."

Interesting how it sounds like this step has multiple discrete stages within the period of seclusion, which can be detected from the outside.

I wonder if this means we'll learn of Shuren's results sooner than later.
Not to mention Zhi being sent A Love Transfixed which Shuren was going to use during his Warlord Step. Arguably should Shuren fail, Zhi is partially the cause.
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