The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

"Besides, so what if we find one of the others? Do you think that will be the end of it? No, your mistress will likely have us hunt down all of them to make sure you have learned! If we find her right away, we can skip the whole process."
Lu: That assumes we'll actually be able to find her in the first place, which we won't. It's impossible. And even if a miracle happens the reward for a job well done is more work.
Survival Check: 6d10s7(1.0) (Includes Bonus Dice). Dice Rolled: 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 6, 2, 9, 3. 6 Successes!
Lu: what. how. I don't even.
"So good!" she says again, this time encompassing you with the praise. "But… can find again?"

You banish the strange feelings your realization stirs in you and shake your head. "Excuse me?"

"Can do again?" Nokai repeats. "I go hide. Try one more and-"
Lu: What was that about skipping the whole process again? Please tell me more about that.
[X] I stand before you, healed of the changes forced on me when we last met. I am not a Blood artist, nor was I aided by one. I was healed by a charm I crafted. There are many Paths, but the one we walk is perhaps unique in its diversity, in its ability to rise to any challenge with a unique solution. Ultimately, the only limit is our creativity and our skill. Today, I look forward to seeing yours shine.

Sound compelling because we have real example.
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[X] I've a duty as a referee
At the start of a match -
On behalf of all our sponsors
I must welcome you
Which I do - there's a catch:
I don't care if you're a champion,
No one messes with me.
I am ruthless in upholding
What I know is right,
Black or white, as you'll see.
[x] I believe your craft shows who you are. whether they be pill, elixirs, weapons, treasures or charms. I look forward to seeing your creations and I know I will enjoy each of them. Extol the the 6 contestants works to the crowd, to lose to any one of these 5 is an honor.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fourm in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.

[X] Congratulate the contestants on their work so far and your hopes that they have been able to use these last few weeks to show us their full potential today. Tell them that Charmcrafting may be a difficult path, but it is a path you find well worth the effort and you hope to see them continue to improve.
-[X] Cycle from Ta Riou as you talk, what is that Anam?

[X] I stand before you, healed of the changes forced on me when we last met. I am not a Blood artist, nor was I aided by one. I was healed by a charm I crafted. There are many Paths, but the one we walk is perhaps unique in its diversity, in its ability to rise to any challenge with a unique solution. Ultimately, the only limit is our creativity and our skill. Today, I look forward to seeing yours shine.

[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fourm in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.

[X] Congratulate the contestants on their work so far and your hopes that they have been able to use these last few weeks to show us their full potential today. Tell them that Charmcrafting may be a difficult path, but it is a path you find well worth the effort and you hope to see them continue to improve.

[X] I stand before you, healed of the changes forced on me when we last met. I am not a Blood artist, nor was I aided by one. I was healed by a charm I crafted. There are many Paths, but the one we walk is perhaps unique in its diversity, in its ability to rise to any challenge with a unique solution. Ultimately, the only limit is our creativity and our skill. Today, I look forward to seeing yours shine.
Yo guys no approval voting in this quest
And Zhi wonders why all those rumours start.
He didn't try to do anything, his body moved on its own!

[X] "Congratulations to all that have made it here, and even to those that have not. It has been no doubt an arduous journey, filled with sacrifice and determination. I want you to know that, no matter the outcome, that is not the end of your journey. The true journey is the path of Artist, the person who reaches beyond his grasp, walks the furthest, and see more then the others. That is the true winner.
[X] Continuously Shatter the Mirror, each new Kong Zhi adds to the speech till you run out of anam and then you try to tie is all together by bringing it back to the virtues of charmcrafting
[x] Continuously Shatter the Mirror, each new Kong Zhi adds to the speech till you run out of anam and then you try to tie is all together by bringing it back to the virtues of charmcrafting
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
Created account just for this.

We are giving a speech right now. All eyes are going to be on us. So what we need beyond anything else is regality.

We have the Scepter of the Moloth. It should've refilled after the [Redacted]. Why not cycle a bit of it's Royal anam before giving a speech?

[X] Cycle a bit of Royal anam before giving a speech.
We have the Scepter of the Moloth. It should've refilled after the [Redacted]. Why not cycle a bit of it's Royal anam before giving a speech?
It'd be pretty conspicuous. Pulling out a powerful unbonded treasure in front of a crowd is just asking for trouble.

Also, it still hasn't fully recharged yet.
Something that I learned in rhetorics class and something that I suggest we include in a write-in:

-"As mother taught you, during the speech concentrate on Ta Riou (or any other one person) and imagine that you are talking to them and not a whole crowd."
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[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
[X] I stand before you, healed of the changes forced on me when we last met. I am not a Blood artist, nor was I aided by one. I was healed by a charm I crafted. There are many Paths, but the one we walk is perhaps unique in its diversity, in its ability to rise to any challenge with a unique solution. Ultimately, the only limit is our creativity and our skill. Today, I look forward to seeing yours shine.
Lu pauses. He stares at you. Then he drops to his hindquarters, giving you a look that can only mean, '...sure. Good luck with that.'

<Mu! MuGhiGhiGhi!>

See Lu!? Even our hammerson gets it! Consistently proving to be the best reward from our sigil test yes he is!

Don't think about the difficulty Lu, think about that juicy monster meat she'll give you when you find her!


You have never really thought about it before, but here, in the water and mud, with Nokai pinned beneath you, you are forced to confront one fact that hadn't really registered with you before this very moment.

The S.S. Nokai is coming in at full ramming speed!

Today, you will pick a winner, and the sect will have a greater understanding of the glory of charmcrafting.

And flex on that SMOKING SEXY STYLE on those fools with our aesthetically superior new bod!
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
It'd be pretty conspicuous. Pulling out a powerful unbonded treasure in front of a crowd is just asking for trouble.

Also, it still hasn't fully recharged yet.
It seems that binding is a very simple matter that can be done in a few moments.

As for "hasn't fully recharged yet". Where are you getting that information? I can't find the scepter in any info sheets. Plus it's been a week since we got it, it's bound to at least have 5 points of anam. Unless [Redacted].
It seems that binding is a very simple matter that can be done in a few moments.

As for "hasn't fully recharged yet". Where are you getting that information? I can't find the scepter in any info sheets. Plus it's been a week since we got it, it's bound to at least have 5 points of anam. Unless [Redacted].
Not everything can be bound. All indication so far is that this scepter is one of those unbindable things.
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[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.

Seems good. Keeps the subject on the competition. Makes it clear Zhi is passionate about his art. Gives face to all the competitors. Should be an honest speech, which is the kind Zhi is good at.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
There are a lot of nice points but i especially like @Wynter and @Maladictus

[X] Congratulate the contestants on making it this far to the final. Warn them of the dangers in complacency and challenge them to continue to push their limits. In their last contest they impressed you with their creativity, and now you expect them to impress you once again.
optional add-on: After all, you would be disappointed if they could not show the sect the potential of charms after coming this far.

Edit- changed versatility and greatness > potential
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What would be cool is if we can incorporate a hint or two into our speech that it's us. While they maybe able to recognize our voice, they've only ever heard us once or twice.

It would be really fun if they hear a speech from what looks like a new and unfamiliar charmcrafter, only to realize "Wait a minute, he's that guy from before!". Especially if we can use it to demonstrate "Hey, this is what you could do as a Charmcrafter, if given the right materials and enough training."