The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] The stone door inscribed with musical notes.

Xiong Eryu: There are strange treasures in the Warrens, and if you go too deep it's dangerous.
Kong Zhi, hurling himself down a vertical stairwell like it's charlie and the chocolate factory: CHAAAAAAAAAAAAARMS!!!!!!
[X] The stone door inscribed with musical notes.

Music seems to always carry interesting shit in this quest see Rags, that Material Creation Omake etc;
[X] The metal door that is hot to the touch

Metal and heat. I'm going with this because it matches Zhi the most of the three. Also because it makes me think of a forge
you take a breath to luxuriate in the knowledge that the side-effects from your brief exposure to her Royalty have worn off
Goodbye simp aura 😔

"Kong Zhi, when Elder Siani believes you are prepared, you will be raised to the Seventh Circle."
holy shit we're moving up in the world

That is indeed the Spirit Pig you enlisted in your trip to the deeps sitting at Sister Xiong's feet, staring up at her with adoring worship.
He's alive! I don't know why I'm so happy but I am :D

Their mastery is over Light Anam
From the moment they arrive in the Cloudforge Plateau, disciples of the Breath learn self-sufficiency, Wind Anam, and violence.
It's cute that our parents both have the other's sect's element in their core.

The Summer has entire halls dedicated to Seated intellectuals who come from far and wide to debate the nature of this realm.
Beach stoners, got it.

You just stare at Sister Xiong.

The Warren… the headquarters of the Caretakers… has mysteries and treasures locked away in it's lower levels… and you will only find them if you pass tests set by the Warren itself.

Why did no one tell you this earlier?!
...We need to take this action every week. No exceptions.


[X] The wooden door adorned with an eye.

Gemstone guy should pick the gemstone eye.
[X] The wooden door adorned with an eye.

That ring will be very convenient for travelling. I still want to carry The Box on our back though, since it's become part of our vibe by now and to have it ready on a moment's notice~
I would avoid the stone door. This one seems like it would lead to a musical trial, which Kong Zhi knows nothing about.
[X] The stone door inscribed with musical notes.

I'm a sucker for music magic

I would avoid the stone door. This one seems like it would lead to a musical trial, which Kong Zhi knows nothing about.
Zhi plays an instrument tho? And his mom is a famous composer. I'm sure he picked up something from her.
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[X] The metal door that is hot to the touch

A forge, perhaps? Seems like it might fit Kong Zhi's talents and skills best.

Ah my bad, he did learn some things from her. However, he isn't an excellent musician.

Kong Zhi isn't an excellent one, yeah. He's okay. He didn't want to learn too much, lest Auntie Bi throw him on a horse again once he had the music to calm the savage beast.
Sister Xiong notices the look on your face and nods in your direction. "Kong Zhi," she states. "I would like to formally introduce you to our newest friend, Songlu. After recent events, it was determined that we should make ourselves known to him, and so I have taken him under my wing."

Then her focus returns to the pig- Songlu, she called it. "Though I would have done so instantly, without any prompting, had I known just how cute you are!" Sister Xiong coos. "You are such a handsome lad, aren't you? Aren't you?"

From the besotted look on Songlu's face, you get the sense that he does not mind such treatment at all. Though it's contented expression vanishes as Sister Xiong continues, "But that does not excuse you stealing my chalk. You did take my chalk, did you not?"

Songlu's gaze turns to the ground and it produces a thick white stick from seemingly nowhere. "Yes sorry sorry, Mistress," it says mournfully. "Songlu very sorry yes. Only wanted spend more time near Mistress."

Hearts practically appear in Sister Xiong's eyes. "Oh, Songlu," she sighs. "You did not have to behave in such a manner for that! All you had to do was ask! You are alway welcome at my side- in fact, I think this lesson will be greatly served by your assistance. Would you like to draw on the slate for me?"

By Songlu's expression, you would think it is looking at the sun rising over the horizon. "Yes yes, Mistress! Songlu best draw helper!" It scurries away, sprinting behind her and taking up a position on top of the desk, just waiting to spring at the slate.

You cannot take your eyes from the beast. "Sister Xiong?" you ask faintly. "What… happened to it?"

The smile on Sister Xiong's face doesn't waver in the least. "Nothing intrusive or unwanted by my new friend, Kong Zhi," she states, reaching out and patting Songlu on the head. The pig preens and presses up against her palm, searching for more affection. "Songlu was a touch coarse and unrefined before, certainly. But it was nothing my anam could not fix."

I still think Kumi is the best romantic partner for Kong Zhi, but I personally would like Sister Xiong to step on me give me a lesson on the history of the Imperial Sects.
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Is… is it your mental fortitude? Is Sister Xiong going to force you to withstand your aura?

Typo, should be: "her aura"

I still want to carry The Box on our back though, since it's become part of our vibe by now and to have it ready on a moment's notice~

Agreed. We wouldn't want to get surprised by a random encounter and have to spend time grabbing the box out of the new ring. Also probably don't want to flaunt the ring because that's just begging to get robbed.

I would avoid the stone door. This one seems like it would lead to a musical trial, which Kong Zhi knows nothing about.

Zhi plays the Sheng. When the gang was completing his task to gain his sigil, Zhi told a story about how Aunty Bi demanded he learn an instrument in order to better learn how to ride horses. He then played a tune on the Sheng which while rough did was favorable recieved.

[X] The wooden door adorned with an eye.
[X] The metal door that is hot to the touch.

Ring is pretty neat. Nice to have storage. Though i'm dubious on the usefulness of the estate itself, at least while we are in the sect itself. we already have a home and can place our most valuable items in the ring. maybe while we are out on the road? could be nice to sleep in comfort while traveling. since you could sleep and it would recharge while ur awake. basically a portable campsite with only one entrance (for non space artists) so its even easy to gaurd if needed.
She sighs and shakes her head, a mote of disapproval breaking through her regal bearing. "I think it is far too soon to even hint at such things, but when the Master makes up his mind…" Sister Xiong sighs, clearly despairing at the mere thought of ever changing Elder Siani's thoughts on a subject. "My thoughts are immaterial."

Sister Xiong stops and fixes you with a firm look. "Kong Zhi, when Elder Siani believes you are prepared, you will be raised to the Seventh Circle."

Her words are enough for your feet to collide with each other. You stumble forward, almost landing face first on the stone floor. Only your combat training saves you from such a fate. Instead of tasting the earth, you roll forward, tumbling down and then back to your feet once more. Were your thoughts not preoccupied, you may have paused to admire your own recovery.

But no, there's no time for that. Your thoughts are very much occupied. "The Seventh, Sister?" you almost gasp. "But I… I've barely been promoted to the Eighth!"

"Indeed," comes the displeased response. "But the Master seems positively thrilled at the idea of promoting you again so quickly. I believe his exact words were…"

Sister Xiong frowns, her gaze distant as a conversation you were not privy to plays out in her memories. "'....Kong Zhi has provided such exemplary service,'" she repeats "'We would be doing the Heart a great disservice if we did not give him the opportunity to perform more of the same.'"

"Oh," you numbly repeat. When Sister Xiong puts it like that… honestly, it does not sound like much of a reward. It sounds like Elder Siani just wants to see what kind of things you'll do if he tosses you up to the next circle.


Your train of thought is cut off as Sister Xiong's gaze grows in intensity. "Kong Zhi," she states, finality firm in her voice. "We do not know when Elder Siani will decide that you are 'ready'. It could be in six months, it could be in the next five minutes. When that happens, you will be wandering far and wide with our sect's name on your shoulders. I will not have you shame us before the other sects, and I will not allow you to hide behind the shield of ignorance should you pull us into a blood feud. Is that understood?"

That's kind of worrying.

Is… is that the pig?

It takes a moment of google-eyed staring for it to sink into your brain, but after a moment you are forced to come to grips with the thought that your eyes are not lying to you. That is indeed the Spirit Pig you enlisted in your trip to the deeps sitting at Sister Xiong's feet, staring up at her with adoring worship.

Pig is alive!!

Songlu's gaze turns to the ground and it produces a thick white stick from seemingly nowhere. "Yes sorry sorry, Mistress," it says mournfully. "Songlu very sorry yes. Only wanted spend more time near Mistress."

Hearts practically appear in Sister Xiong's eyes. "Oh, Songlu," she sighs. "You did not have to behave in such a manner for that! All you had to do was ask! You are alway welcome at my side- in fact, I think this lesson will be greatly served by your assistance. Would you like to draw on the slate for me?"

By Songlu's expression, you would think it is looking at the sun rising over the horizon. "Yes yes, Mistress! Songlu best draw helper!" It scurries away, sprinting behind her and taking up a position on top of the desk, just waiting to spring at the slate.

Sister Xiong has a soft side! Also, that's like 80% adorable and 20% horrifying.

You almost laugh, but Sister Xiong seems very serious. You make a note to find out what she's talking about later and continue. "I… those are the only ones I am familiar with- wait, no. His Imperial Glory was an Artist from the Whispering Jackal. Mother made sure to have me memorize that one."

Sense Motive Check: 4d10s7(1.0). Dice Rolled: 10, 7, 7, 3, 6. 3 Successes!

A sudden emotion flashes across Sister Xiong's face. Whatever it is, you do not get the chance to identify it. By the time you realize that she even had a reaction to your words, her normal mask of regal neutrality has taken its place on her face once more.

If there was any doubt that Sister Xiong was indeed a member of the previous dynasty.

Songlu moves back to Sister Xiong's side, and your senior drops a hand down on her porcine pet's skull. "These seven sects make up the pillars that make the Radiant Empire what it is today. They are the Radiant Empire. We are the Radiant Empire. No other nation has such a broad variety of Artists. No other nation trains and treats their Artists so well. To know the sects is to know the Empire."

It's interesting that Sister Xiong seems to still take pride in the Empire as a whole, despite her family being deposed.

Also, we're getting a history lesson from a member of the previous dynasty. Is this a tiny window into how royalty was raised to think of the Empire? Or has her sense of the importance of the sects been exaggerated by essentially being exiled to one?