Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

As a gentle reminder, one of the benefits for giving Kayleigh a Gear, namely that she would no longer need to depend on Tim to build her new bullet types, was discussed heavily BEFORE we changed the rules to allow her to expand her arsenal using her XP. Having a D-rank core, she will learn her maximum 6 spells long before any other members of the Arcana, so bullets are a good way to use them.

A Gear is not quite so valuable to her now as it once was. Just something to keep in mind.
[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Telekinesis
[X] (Kayleigh) Save exp
[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action
[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery

I'm abstaining on the Missy issue; I'm with Orkus in that we've already got enough characters at this point and don't need more, but I also don't have any real good alternatives for Missy at this point. :p
Missy is in an interesting place. While looking at her spell list it seems like she needs some help doing damage, but she has a cyborg arm that has a particle cannon in it so she can punch hard and have ranged hitting ability to so I've gone with something to fit her Cheshire Cat trickster theme she has in her head. Purple Haze can help her confuse and disorient opponents while she zips around and sets up her to go in or have her Jackal summon to take a swing

My original plan was to have Laura be the party meat shield for character reasons and party comp reasons but it looks like 13th Hour is gonna take that role looking at her spell list. So I think a damage buff spell would be good for her physical striking ability. Strike boost can buff her ice weapon spell and her avalanche spell.

Sarah I've just got her saving XP as she isn't B ranked in her linker core for the beefier spells I want for her and she can't afford Basic tier.

Lacey just living that good medical professional life.

[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[X] Purple Haze - Distorts target's senses.

[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X]Strike Boost – Increase force or speed of the recipient's physical attacks.

[X] (Kayleigh) Save XP

[X] (Sarah) Save XP

[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery

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Changing my vote again, since @Orkus Majorkus actually came up with something interesting. I had briefly considered Purple Haze last night, but as I said at the time, it was late, and I didn't have the mental energy to really come up with any interesting plans for Missy. I'm still keeping Kayleigh with getting her gear, because despite the ammunition issue being more or less resolved now, it still takes pressure off of Tim for making All of her gear, at least for the simple things that only take one build slot, and we're willing to pace out over multiple votes. Also, once we have Kayleigh generally equipped, it's more build slots to Help Tim with other projects, even if we're expecting/hoping for an influx of those soon with scanning Dragon's workforce for mage potentiates. As a third, more Narrative driven point, it gives Kayleigh her own "talking animal companion", since she's got the whole "Anime Magical Girl" theme going for her, and I'm honestly surprised she's been able to resist for this long.

[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[X] Purple Haze - Distorts target's senses.
[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Telekinesis
[X] (Kayleigh) Learn a Spell
-[X] Guardian Beast of the Gear
[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action
[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery

Edit: Also, @Orkus Majorkus , you forgot to add the - in front of the learned-spell sub votes for Missy and Laura
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[X] (Missy) Familiar (Zeus)

[X] (Laura) Iron Defender

[X] (Kayleigh) Guardian Beast of the Gear

[X] (Sarah) Overdrive

[X] (Lacey) Medical Mastery
-[X] (Lacey) Refund Strike Boost
I'm just all kinds of sloppy today sheesh
Sorry in advance @Orkus Majorkus, but I have something to correct as well.
My original plan was to have Laura be the party meat shield for character reasons and party comp reasons but it looks like 13th Hour is gonna take that role looking at her spell list. So I think a damage buff spell would be good for her physical striking ability. Strike boost can buff her ice weapon spell and her avalanche spell.
[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X]Strike Boost – Increase force or speed of the recipient's physical attacks.
I think you're under the same misconception that I once had. For this story, Boost spells are those where a mage can cast a Boost to raise the power of others, but they cannot be cast on themselves. So If Laura got Strike Boost, she'd be able to make everyone in Arcana stronger/faster except herself. From your description, you want to give Laura a self-buff to increase the power of her ice attacks, so just write that for the spell description and Silently will either make a spell name for it or open it up for suggestions.
Alternatively, you could give Laura one of the Break spells, which would make opponents weaker/slower/dumber, thus improving Laura and Arcana by comparison.

Missy is in an interesting place. While looking at her spell list it seems like she needs some help doing damage, but she has a cyborg arm that has a particle cannon in it so she can punch hard and have ranged hitting ability to so I've gone with something to fit her Cheshire Cat trickster theme she has in her head. Purple Haze can help her confuse and disorient opponents while she zips around and sets up her to go in or have her Jackal summon to take a swing
Yeah, that's an issue I keep running into. In addition to the particle cannon, she has super-strength in that arm, she has her shield as a blunt weapon, she now has crystalline claws, and she has a bright red lightsaber.
I think she's good on damage output right now.
Purple Haze is an interesting choice, and if it wins I'll be excited to see how it functions. If I wasn't dedicated to Familiarizing Zeus, my next choice for Missy's spell would likely have been Mirage, as combining speed with illusionary clones sounds all sorts of fun in my mind.

I'm still keeping Kayleigh with getting her gear, because despite the ammunition issue being more or less resolved now, it still takes pressure off of Tim for making All of her gear, at least for the simple things that only take one build slot,
Yeah, the gear can handle just building different styles of guns for Kayleigh to supply with bullets, as well as a wide variety of Batman-style gear if we can think of it. It also could potentially supply the other members with simple stuff, like some clawed gauntlets with the Wireless taser for Cat Sith (an idea I've been toying with) or tracking beacons or whatever we can come up with that fits the Gear's capabilities.
[X] (Missy) Save exp
[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Telekinesis
[X] (Kayleigh) Save exp
[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action
[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery

Missy we haven't come up with a solid choice, so banking the Exp is a solid choice for the week since we can always spend it later.

Laura learning Telekinesis would be fun, she can Unison with Cassie and amp it up, plus it's just a fun utility power when not limited in uses / day.

Kayleigh doesn't need a dedicated Gear anymore due to the spell bullet change. (She can mooch off Tim and his familiars for a bit, coming up with unique gadgets will even get him XP)

Blitz Action to get in combat sooner makes sense for the melee character. I know it's less an issue with SW's loose mechanics but in 3.P the ability to move as a Swift Action is king for a full-attacker.

Less sold on Lacey's Medical Mastery, but she's fitting in with the doctor's office, so sure, lean into it. (Unlearning the boost spell is also a solid choice, but she's got theXP to spend)
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even if we're expecting/hoping for an influx of those soon with scanning Dragon's workforce for mage potentiates
So maybe I should have made my thoughts clearer on this, but adding magic to Dragon's employees won't give Tim more build slots. These are DRAGON'S employees, so they will be dedicated to fundamental research on magic computing and magiengineering in general. Or in other words, this will be a narrative world-building change, not a mechanical change.
it gives Kayleigh her own "talking animal companion", since she's got the whole "Anime Magical Girl" theme going for her
Just saying, a straight up familiar would take care of that too! :D
So maybe I should have made my thoughts clearer on this, but adding magic to Dragon's employees won't give Tim more build slots. These are DRAGON'S employees, so they will be dedicated to fundamental research on magic computing and magiengineering in general. Or in other words, this will be a narrative world-building change, not a mechanical change.
I kindof figured, which is one of the reasons why I was generally against the action this vote, at least until you decide on and inform us of if/how we might actually be able to utilize these potential resources in the future, even if we can't utilize them at the moment.

Just saying, a straight up familiar would take care of that too! :D
Ah, but per the earlier discussion on why D-Ranks can't support Guardian Beasts other than Gears due to the strain of needing enough power for non-tech skills, would Kayleigh be able to support a Familiar that could use non-tech skills, or would a Familiar have access to tech-skills that a Gear doesn't? If the answer to the last question is "No", then the only functional difference I see between a Guardian and a Familiar for Kayleigh would be how inherently protective of her they would be, and I like the narrative potential of the former more than the latter.
Sorry in advance @Orkus Majorkus, but I have something to correct as well.
Oh my god, I remember that being the case now that you said it good god if it wasn't the middle afternoon I'd be tempted to just go to bed. I'm tempted to give her Shell Break, it does what I want with the added benefit of boosting everybody else's attacks on target but I just can't pass up the idea of her smashing open a building with her halberd. And what better name for a spell than one who was famous for slaying giants.

[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[X] Purple Haze - Distorts target's senses.

[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X]Corineus' Might – Enhance the physical strength of the caster

[X] (Kayleigh) Save XP

[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action

[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery
Ah, but per the earlier discussion on why D-Ranks can't support Guardian Beasts other than Gears due to the strain of needing enough power for non-tech skills, would Kayleigh be able to support a Familiar that could use non-tech skills, or would a Familiar have access to tech-skills that a Gear doesn't? If the answer to the last question is "No", then the only functional difference I see between a Guardian and a Familiar for Kayleigh would be how inherently protective of her they would be, and I like the narrative potential of the former more than the latter.
D-rank mages can learn both of these spells, but due to their weaker Linker Cores, the maximum number of spells their Familiar or Defender knows will be reduced by 1.
This is one of those instances where I decided to loosen the rules. Because it's fun, and I'm the GM so I have carte blanch to break my own rules if I want to.
[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[X] Purple Haze - Distorts target's senses.

[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Telekinesis

[X] (Kayleigh) Research a new ammo type
-[X] Time stop rounds

[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action

[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery
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I notice the two people voting to research new ammo for Kayleigh still have yet to specify what Kind of ammo they wish to research.
So maybe I should have made my thoughts clearer on this, but adding magic to Dragon's employees won't give Tim more build slots. These are DRAGON'S employees, so they will be dedicated to fundamental research on magic computing and magiengineering in general. Or in other words, this will be a narrative world-building change, not a mechanical change.
Oh. There was an ask awhile back (after the chapter where Dragon mentions scanning her employees) where they asked if using a social vote to scan the employees meant they would be available to add to Tim's Tech vote (or for recruitment) and you answered in the positive then.
@Silently Watches a question in regards to the last chapter. Dragon asked us to scan some of her employees, and someone asked if we needed to spend a social vote on that or if it could be done offscreen. IIRC you said that it could but if we did they would work for Dragon instead.

Did you mean that if we spent the social vote we would get some new characters that take up the same role as Tim's GB's? That is, single slot magiengineers that can give their slot to Tim if we want to build something that requires his skills and a lot of slots.
Which is mainly why I campaigned for it. Ah well, giving Dragon more magi-engineers will likely have some positive effects on the world. Maybe after the new computers DragonTech will introduce the Hardlight scalpel, since @Silently Watches has stated that they and every medical professional they know would sell their children for that technology.
Oh. There was an ask awhile back (after the chapter where Dragon mentions scanning her employees) where they asked if using a social vote to scan the employees meant they would be available to add to Tim's Tech vote (or for recruitment) and you answered in the positive then.

Which is mainly why I campaigned for it. Ah well, giving Dragon more magi-engineers will likely have some positive effects on the world. Maybe after the new computers DragonTech will introduce the Hardlight scalpel, since @Silently Watches has stated that they and every medical professional they know would sell their children for that technology.
Huh. This is something I'm going to have to chalk up to the narrative changing in my mind over the almost a YEAR since the question was asked. :oops:

They may pop in and out, and maybe they will be able to build something for you instead of asking Tim to do it, but overall the purpose they have (now, anyway) is very different from simply a mechanical increase in how much stuff you can do.
Okay, I've decided what I'm going to do about Kayleigh. Since nearly everybody was split on saving her XP or teaching her the Guardian Beast spell, leading to a tie between those two choices, I'm going to save her XP this week since that way I'm not locking her into anything. Next in game week she will have to learn SOMETHING, and you have God only knows how long in the real world to talk that out and figure out what you're doing.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on Jul 11, 2021 at 2:39 PM, finished with 45 posts and 16 votes.
Vote Missy
Since Missy's vote was clearly (although surprisingly not overwhelmingly) to teach her the Familiar ritual, we need to have ANOTHER vote. First, let's determine timing:

[ ] Missy creates her Familiar this week.
[ ] Missy waits to create her Familiar.

You get to choose this because I know some people wanted all the Familiars and Guardian Beasts to be created at the same time. The next set of votes are dependent on the one above; i.e., if you voted for Missy to wait to make her Familiar, DO NOT vote on any of the following options. I don't want this to get confusing to tally up.

[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] (Gender) Roll the dice

Age and personality:
[ ] Impulsive and happy tween
[ ] Friendly and laid-back mid-teen
[ ] Protective and teasing late teen to early 20s
[ ] Supportive and caring late-20s to early 30s
[ ] Write in
[ ] (Age) Roll the dice

First spell:
[ ] Write in
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[X] Missy creates her Familiar this week.

[X] Male
This seems odd to vote on seeing as I'm pretty sure Zeus is already a male...
[X] Friendly and laid-back mid-teen

Definitely an electric based spell... I'll give making one a shot...
[] Faraday Field: Coats the user in electricity that also boosts strength and speed.

[X] Spell: Nerve Zapper. Paralyzes multiple targets.

[] Zeus
And the name vote makes it more odd...

Maybe we can compromise on Kayleigh?
Get her Maintenance or Mass Weapons Tech?
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[X] Missy creates her Familiar this week.
[X] Male
[X] Shy but determined tween. "Younger Brother" archetype
[X] Bolt Blade - Mana blade projection in form of a lightning bolt. Can be thrown for a limited ranged attack.
[] Lightning Lash - Lightning mana whip that is freely controllable by Zeus.
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I say Missy needs a proper mother figure in her life!

[X] Female
[X] Supportive and caring late-20s to early 30s
[X] First Spell: Physical Heal

Anyone got any good name ideas?
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