Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Missy: 5 XP
[X] (Missy) Learn a spell (Basic tier or below)

Laura: 4 XP
[X] (Laura) Save XP

Kayleigh: 4 XP
[X] (Kayleigh) Research a new ammo type

Sarah: 2 XP
[X] (Sarah) Save XP

Lacey: 2 XP
[X] (Lacey) Save XP
Whelp, looks like we're being our usual workaholic selves again. I'll content myself with two of my (mostly) preferred options winning. I think next vote I'm going to be aiming to go on that California beach break, babysitting/tutoring Lizzie and making ourselves available to Arcana in some capacity, preferably for another jaunt to the Windy City under more agreeable circumstances than our previous one.

It helps if you specify which spells/ammunition types you're wanting to put points into.

[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[X]: Modification Tier: Aerial Combat, Movement Mastery
[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Telekinesis
[X] (Kayleigh) Learn a Spell
-[X] Guardian Beast of the Gear
[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action
[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery

Edit: and before anyone gets on me about how Blitz Action is a Basic Tier spell, from Sarah's profile on the OP:
Fame skill tree
  • Blitz Action (2 XP) – Move at high speeds in a straight line. Can change direction three times in a row.
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Missy: 5 XP
[X] (Missy) Save XP

Laura: 4 XP
[X] (Laura) Save XP

Kayleigh: 4 XP
[X] (Kayleigh) Save XP

Sarah: 2 XP
[X] (Sarah) Save XP

Lacey: 2 XP
[X] (Lacey) Save XP
Missy: 5 XP
[X] (Missy) Save XP

Laura: 4 XP
[X] (Laura) Save XP

Kayleigh: 4 XP
[X] (Kayleigh) Save XP

Sarah: 2 XP
[X] (Sarah) Save XP

Lacey: 2 XP
[X] (Lacey) Save XP
So, I'm trying to go back through old posts for our spell list plans for all the characters so that I can bookmark and possibly better refine them, and I've only found the one for Laura that I discussed with @kamkong a while ago. Does anyone else have any of the old spell list posts bookmarked still, or remember around when the discussions were had so I can hopefully narrow down my searches a bit more?
My persuasive argument will be posted later after work.

[] (Missy) Familiar (Zeus)

[] (Laura) Iron Defender

[] (Kayleigh) Guardian Beast of the Gear

[] (Sarah) Overdrive

[] (Lacey) Medical Mastery
-[] (Lacey) Refund Strike Boost
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[X] (Missy) Save XP
[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Telekinesis
[X] (Kayleigh) Save XP
[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action
[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery
My persuasive argument will be posted later after work.
I don't know... I debated overdrive for Sarah, but ultimately settled on bringing her up to par on the speedster front first before moving on to "more offense is the best defense", but for the others... That's a Lot of added Guardian characters all at once. I'm not against getting all the characters their autonomous assistants/guardians Eventually, but going back to my earlier comments on this arc, Can we please pace ourselves a bit more? Getting Kayleigh her Gear "now" makes sense because the sooner we get those build slots, the sooner we'll reap the rewards of them, but for Missy and Laura, their guardians would basically amount to more autonomous combat potential (unless Zeus rolls as another Gear, but I doubt he would), which while in the long run might be nice, we generally aren't expecting anything our current roster can't handle other than Endbringers in the immediate future, and in the immediate arc, we generally aren't expecting any combat at All, other than maybe some low-level scuffles with the Gangs possibly excepting whatever @Silently Watches has planned for this arc's interrupt.
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[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[x] Basic Tier: Familiar (Zeus)

Missy getting Zeus is a long time coming. She needs her little friend.

[] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[] Basic Tier: Telekinesis

She really hit it off with Cassiel. Very useful. Can throw her ice around. Other than this I'd probably say Iron Defender.

[X] (Laura) Iron Defender

[X] (Kayleigh) Learn a Spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Guardian Beast of the Gear

Kayleigh could use the help with her guns and bullets.

Sarah: 2 XP
[X] (Sarah) Learn a Spell
-[x] Storm Wave (2 XP)

Ranged Option.

Lacey: 2 XP
[X] (Lacey) Learn a Spell
-[x] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery

She is the healer.
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Alright, my workday is finally finished, so here's my votes again, along with accompanying support.
[X] (Missy) Familiar (Zeus)

[X] (Laura) Iron Defender

[X] (Kayleigh) Guardian Beast of the Gear

[X] (Sarah) Overdrive

[X] (Lacey) Medical Mastery
-[X] (Lacey) Refund Strike Boost

Getting Missy, Laura, and Kayleigh their companion spells together works both mechanically (we have the required XP) and also within the story. Now that Sarah's joined the team, with another Guardian Beast in tow, why wouldn't the girls want to gain companions of their own.

Kayleigh is offered an immediate companion that is fully fleshed out, who can then be used to craft ammunition while we buy other spells for Kayleigh, as well as either assisting Tim to add another build slot or can work on it's own so we have two build slots for basic weaponry and tools. So more guns and gadgets for Kayleigh and anyone else interested.

With Laura and Missy, they are given the two companion spells that gain abilities over time, so getting them created now means we start the clock on gaining XP. With Missy, she can essentially "train" Zeus up rather than him having all the skills off the bat, and since we get to design all the aspects of Zeus's character, I was envisioning him presenting as more of a shy younger sibling who looks up to Missy, which is something she hasn't has a lot of in her life.

Laura is the most cautious of the girls when it comes to new things. She likes to delay things and ask questions and try to figure things out on her own. This makes suitable for the Iron Defender scenario, where a mage is poking at the Guardian Beast/Familiar ritual and accidentally casts it on a "smart" machine, bringing it to life. Also, since the Iron Defender is a creation of my mind, I want it to be given to the best possible candidate. Taylor and Sarah can't make Iron Defenders, Kayleigh really needs a Gear to thrive, and Missy has Zeus. So Best Ice Girl it is!!!

For Sarah, I was torn between my my logical brain and my emotional brain. On the one hand, @Almech_Alfarion, while speed is great, flight will be paramount, especially since Cat Sith will gain it as well. In three weeks or less, Sarah will advance to a B-rank core and will be able to purchase Aerial Combat, likely costing 6 XP. So my logical side want to start banking XP for her immediately. However, my brain is also very liberal with the serotonin whenever we buy a spell and it reveals the hidden spell below it. So Overdrive is my compromise by both purchasing a spell and leaving an XP in the bank.

As for Lacey, getting Medical Mastery will Boost her two healing spells, improving her in the role we've put her in and that she has embraced. Refunding Strike Boost will give us another spell slot to work with, and remove a redundant spell since Olivia has that spell (along with Barret Boost) and Olivia has no reason to leave Lacey's side.

@Silently Watches, where is the list of spells that are available to learn? I can't vote for one if I don't know what I can vote for.
While Almech and Silently covered most of your question, one caveat is that Sarah is a template mage, so she can only learn spells that are listed in her character profile on the front page.
[X] (Missy) Familiar (Zeus)

[X] (Laura) Iron Defender

[X] (Kayleigh) Guardian Beast of the Gear

[X] (Sarah) Overdrive

[X] (Lacey) Medical Mastery
-[X] (Lacey) Refund Strike Boost
Don't we need Tim to build a drone first?
@kamkong's idea is that Laura casts the spell on the Ascalon box, and via it's connection to Dragon's old systems, it's able to become an Iron Defender, because magic shenanigans.

My general objections to the plan aren't in the spells themselves, but that it massively Front Loads Absolutely Everything with immediate new character additions All. At. Once, especially after the last week's activity vote focusing on drawing in more tech-mages via Dragon and offering Ex-Adepts options to become Magic if they so wish and accept the potential consequences... instead of drawing everything out a bit more and better pacing things so that us players can better adjust to having the new characters in our game dynamic before adding the next one(s).

Edit: And rebutting @kamkong's argument for Sarah's spell choices, the difference in cost between Blitz Action and Overdrive is 1XP for Sarah. One week between purchase opportunities for Flight probably isn't going to make all that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things, and in the mean time, more speed will let her keep pace with everyone else on our roster who can get it, since Missy, Laura and Taylor all already have it. Kayleigh is the only exception because of her Linker Core and our plans to make her our Batman, so I'm not counting her.
-Edit:Edit: Also, if we're really that desperate to get Flight Immediately after it becomes available for purchase via Linker Core growth, then there's always the option to write a few Omakes for bonus XP.
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Don't we need Tim to build a drone first?
If we want an Iron Defender made from a drone, then yes. If you can frame a scenario wherein Laura would encounter a different machine "smart" enough to be made into a Defender, then no. I posted an idea about transforming the box that comprises Ascalon, the device built by Richter to shut down Dragon, into an Iron Defender. Another idea I've had since involves a programmable assembly arm, able to receive input to construct whatever someone wants to build. So long as you can spin the idea to Silently, it's possible.
[X] (Missy) Familiar (Zeus)

[X] (Laura) Iron Defender

[X] (Kayleigh) Guardian Beast of the Gear

[X] (Sarah) Overdrive

[X] (Lacey) Medical Mastery
-[X] (Lacey) Refund Strike Boost
[X] (Missy) Familiar (Zeus)

[X] (Laura) Iron Defender

[X] (Kayleigh) Guardian Beast of the Gear

[X] (Sarah) Overdrive

[X] (Lacey) Medical Mastery
I think next vote I'm going to be aiming to go on that California beach break, babysitting/tutoring Lizzie and making ourselves available to Arcana in some capacity, preferably for another jaunt to the Windy City under more agreeable circumstances than our previous one.
I assume you mean "available to Pentagram" here, but if you're looking to take Arcana on a road trip to reach their beach destination, I could be convinced.

[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[X]: Modification Tier: Aerial Combat, Movement Mastery
What's your argument for this spell choice? Due to Haste mode, Missy possesses Movement Mastery+ when it is activated, and she can swap between modes at the speed of thought. So using a spell slot for something we have on hand seems counterproductive to me, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Also, your spell choice for Laura is solid. Telekinesis is definitely my second choice for her, so if my vote fails to win for her, I hope yours does.

So, I'm trying to go back through old posts for our spell list plans for all the characters so that I can bookmark and possibly better refine them, and I've only found the one for Laura that I discussed with @kamkong a while ago. Does anyone else have any of the old spell list posts bookmarked still, or remember around when the discussions were had so I can hopefully narrow down my searches a bit more?
Before our discussion about Laura, you had an engaging post about potential weaponry to build for Kayleigh and the roles it would play in her development, and I had my own post following it with a spell list and my own ideas for weaponry. There were some earlier Kayleigh's build (here, here, and here) before she received her Device, but many of the ideas from them were folded into the magical ammunition category. I haven't touched upon Missy here because I've stalled out considering too many different ideas and I can't come to a solid conclusion in my ideas file. Currently waiting for us to get Barret Boost serum, see what power Missy gets from it, then decide if it is worth pursuing.
I have also posted spell list ideas for Zeus and Ascalon, as well as a hypothetical Unison Device for Kayleigh, but I won't include those unless you ask for them.
I have also posted spell list ideas for Zeus and Ascalon
Well, just from their names I'd suggest a hammer, Thor is close enough to Zeus and probably better than a metal rod, and obviously a sword.
Not spells, but equipment.
Maybe Ascalon could shift into a sword?
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I assume you mean "available to Pentagram" here, but if you're looking to take Arcana on a road trip to reach their beach destination, I could be convinced.
Yes, I meant Pentagram. My brain ran off without informing me when I typed that out, apparently.
What's your argument for this spell choice? Due to Haste mode, Missy possesses Movement Mastery+ when it is activated, and she can swap between modes at the speed of thought. So using a spell slot for something we have on hand seems counterproductive to me, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.
No real argument, other than that Missy's Haste Mode modifier description does not make any mention of that feature, and I had forgotten about it when I was looking through potential spells/upgrades for her. I think our only real plans for her at present revolve around "Littlest Cyborg Ninja, with a side of Badass Summoning." Thanks for digging up the old Discussions, though. I've got them bookmarked now, and I'll try to go over them when I have more time.

Not really having a plan for Missy, and it being Way past when I should have been in bed for Work tomorrowtoday and not having time to formulate a better plan, I'm switching my vote for Missy to Familiarize Zeus, even though it's against my better judgement and not something I really wanted to do this go-round...

[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[X]: Familiar: Zeus
[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Telekinesis
[X] (Kayleigh) Learn a Spell
-[X] Guardian Beast of the Gear
[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action
[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery
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[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[X]: Familiar: Zeus
[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Telekinesis
[X] (Kayleigh) Learn a Spell
-[X] Guardian Beast of the Gear
[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action
[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery
[X] (Missy) Learn a spell
-[X]: Familiar: Zeus
[X] (Laura) Learn a spell
-[X] Basic Tier: Telekinesis
[X] (Kayleigh) Save exp
[X] (Sarah) Learn a spell
-[X] Blitz Action
[X] (Lacey) Learn a spell
-[X] Modification Tier: Medical Mastery

Edit: and before anyone gets on me about how Blitz Action is a Basic Tier spell, from Sarah's profile on the OP:

As Sarah has a Template, spell tiers are irrelevant. There is only a tree and list of spell costs. The inflexibility of the tree is the balance for the reduced costs to learn spells, and the core upgrade. I'm sure SW was merely not thinking things through, and operating more on autopilot.

Don't we need Tim to build a drone first?

Laura needs to learn the spell to cast it. Tim(or somebody else) has to build a target for the spell. As a result, unless we're using an existing piece of tech, giving her an Iron Defender would by necessity need to be present in two separate votes.