The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Wasn't there a post from the GM, or someone with access to the Discord at any rate, vaguely wording that that many actions in infusion would leave some sort of strain? Or am I mistaken?
The context was about it not being the sort of week that would lead to healing mental stress. There was no indication it would *cause* strain. We've spent more actions than this cycling before.

I'm inclined to go 5x Infuse, 1x Regalia, but I'd also be up for seeing Xu's core, doing more office hours, or whatever else.
[] Plan: Catching Up On Mysteries
-[] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
-[] Your puzzle nears perfection. All that is left is to infuse it with anam. x3
--[] (Infuse at ASOE, Firesnake's Coil and the Thicket.)
-[] The more familiar you become with the Caretaker's headquarters, the stranger it seems to you. It is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. It has more rooms in it than any simple building should. Certain parts of it just feel… strange. It is time to begin solving some of its mysteries. You will begin exploring the Warren in earnest.
-[] You have recently begun searching for the Lord's Regalia, the crown jewels of the ancient Moloth people. If anything will have become a Natural Treasure of Royalty in the last several thousand years, it will be that. You have the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, a hall it was frequently used in. Perhaps you will find more clues there.
--[] Senior Kumi's finger would surely get pokey should you make any plans before investigating the situation. You will go to the Jade Lord's Echo and look for further clues.
-[] On your belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel you have dubbed Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more. You will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within his metal.
--[] Get some training dummies and take them to an our of the way location, like the site of the formerly Lost Armoury. Experiment with beating up the dummies.
---[] Invite Mei Daiyu. She may have tips on how to adapt Hummingbird Dance for a weapon, or at least be up for some sparring.

We've still got lots of things to do, so I'm not keen to devote more than 3 action toward the Infusion of Fractal. It is entirely fine to spread the Infusion over two or three weeks.
Other actions I'd be up for trying this week:
Repairing Rainbow Eyes specifically for getting more from Cycling StM. This allows us to bank some successes without drawing on the Second.
The Mei social. She seemed tense when we last saw her. Maybe we should see what is up.
The Kumi social. She'll likely be gone for a while, and we get to find out more about external missions.
Write-in to find that Cooking Duel and watch it.
Starting Fa's Axe. We can work on more than one charm at once. Perhaps we could invite Fa for the first action. We can make sure the balance of the weapon it to her liking and introduce her to Chui Dao.
Cycle An Elegant Plume at Firesnake's Coil using Shouxi's Wind Pill. It will be glorious. Not even meming.
I guess cycling Shatter the Mirror is fine.
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Ehhhh, can't we finally completely deal with our stress this turn? Having mental stress is not an good thing, especially with us having Time.
Going to post a 4X infuse at 3 wonders, Regalia search, and either warren or kumi probably.

I like Alectai's write in for the search, maybe we can do Kumi social and get tips on how to work with the pig
The first centres around KZ homegirl Fa. She has a duel coming up. We owe her an axe.
I agree, she should not fight the duel without the charm we owe her. But the duel is not likely to be next week, maybe its the week after Mo Hanying's finals? So we should probably have time if we start the axe in the finals week.

[X] Finding Treasure
-[] Your puzzle nears perfection. All that is left is to infuse it with anam.
--[] The Twice-Forged-Thicket x4
-[] You have recently begun searching for the Lord's Regalia, the crown jewels of the ancient Moloth people. If anything will have become a Natural Treasure of Royalty in the last several thousand years, it will be that. You have the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, a hall it was frequently used in. Perhaps you will find more clues there.
--[] There is nothing left than to see the Jade Lord's Echo with your very own eyes
-[] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[] A Second Of Eternity
---[] Shatter the Mirror

4x Fractal for obvious reasons. I think the infusion in the Thicket suits it well. Steel is malleable and Wood is adaptable and changes through its life time, from seed to plants etc.

Regalia so that we can start on the Shadow of the Prince and StM because it can't be rushed due to the size of the Wonder.
[X] Plan: Kumi-Senpai
-[] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
-[] Your puzzle nears perfection. All that is left is to infuse it with anam. (x4)
--[] Infuse it with Anam from all three of your Core Aspects, using the Wonders you've discovered in the recent weeks. It may not matter, but it feels like a reasonable gesture to make.
-[] You have recently begun searching for the Lord's Regalia, the crown jewels of the ancient Moloth people. If anything will have become a Natural Treasure of Royalty in the last several thousand years, it will be that. You have the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, a hall it was frequently used in. Perhaps you will find more clues there.
--[] Your information suggests the Lord's Regalia is brought to the Jade Lord's Echo, and returned quickly. This suggests it is not far from where the Lord's Regalia is kept--however, the information you've gathered so far suggests it's not as simple as just going to the Echo and focusing on your Sixth Sense... Or at least, it may not be. You recall a certain Spirit Boar with an excellent Sixth Sense, perhaps you may be able to trade some kind of food or trinket in exchange for his aid in discovering a strong source of Anam near the Echo? The alternative of course could be some grand endeavor such as with the Lost Armory but you may be able to gain some insight looking there even if this angle of approach fails.
-[] Kumi is preparing to leave the Heart for a mission of some sort, and she is gathering her resources. She would not say no to an extra pair of hands to carry bags as she gets ready to venture forth.
--[] If the opportunity presents itself, ask Kumi about negotiating and working with spirit beasts.

4X Fractal is the more action friendly way to finish infusing. Then searching for the Jade hall, using the spirit pig (and thanks to @Alectai for the wording!)

Then finally a nice social with our favorite senior where maybe we can get some hints on how to negotiate with the pig.
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[X] Plan Goodbye, Sweet Kumi
-[] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
-[] Your puzzle nears perfection. All that is left is to infuse it with anam.x3
--[] (Infuse at ASOE, Firesnake's Coil and the Thicket.)
-[] The more familiar you become with the Caretaker's headquarters, the stranger it seems to you. It is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. It has more rooms in it than any simple building should. Certain parts of it just feel… strange. It is time to begin solving some of its mysteries. You will begin exploring the Warren in earnest.
-[] Kumi is preparing to leave the Heart for a mission of some sort, and she is gathering her resources. She would not say no to an extra pair of hands to carry bags as she gets ready to venture forth.
-[] You and Mei Daiyu have been through a lot together, some good and some bad, but as a confidant to trust your deepest secrets you've confided in Mei more than anyone. Show Mei how you Shatter the Mirror, that your core is made out of time and how seeing you've seen a Mirror image of your future.
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[X] Plan: Backlog Intensifies Further
-[] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
-[] Your puzzle nears perfection. All that is left is to infuse it with anam. (x4)
--[] Infuse it with Anam from all three of your Core Aspects, using the Wonders you've discovered in the recent weeks. It may not matter, but it feels like a reasonable gesture to make.
-[] You have recently begun searching for the Lord's Regalia, the crown jewels of the ancient Moloth people. If anything will have become a Natural Treasure of Royalty in the last several thousand years, it will be that. You have the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, a hall it was frequently used in. Perhaps you will find more clues there.
--[] Your information suggests the Lord's Regalia is brought to the Jade Lord's Echo, and returned quickly. This suggests it is not far from where the Lord's Regalia is kept--however, the information you've gathered so far suggests it's not as simple as just going to the Echo and focusing on your Sixth Sense... Or at least, it may not be. You recall a certain Spirit Boar with an excellent Sixth Sense, perhaps you may be able to trade some kind of food or trinket in exchange for his aid in discovering a strong source of Anam near the Echo? The alternative of course could be some grand endeavor such as with the Lost Armory but you may be able to gain some insight looking there even if this angle of approach fails.
-[] On your belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel you have dubbed Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more. You will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within his metal.
--[] You recall the shape of Chui Dao altering when you were about to draw him forth in anger, in your confrontation with Geng Tu. You're unfamiliar with weapon techniques so far, but perhaps you may be able to gain some insight on the Kukuni's abilities by learning? See if you can find a manual in the Archives or something about basic hammer fighting techniques and if employing them draws a reaction.
-[ ] Commission 3x Grade 1 Wind Pills from Shouxi
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[X] Plan: Backlog Intensifies Further

I really like the idea of finding a weapon art for our hammer.
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[X] Plan Indiana Kong and the Regalia of Kings, Fractal Edition
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[x] Plan Zhi's Many Facets
- [] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
--[] There have been several strange events in the Prospector's Courtyard of late. The theft of Ming Hui's parcels, and the strange incursions into the Spire which you... acquired charms to deal with. Broach this subject to your Senior this week to see if they think it merits investigation.
-[] Your puzzle nears perfection. All that is left is to infuse it with anam. (x5)
--[] 2x each at the Firesnake and Thicket, 1x at the Bathhouse
-[] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[] A Second of Eternity
---[] Shatter the Mirror
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[X] Plan Indiana Kong and the Regalia of Kings, Fractal Edition

I want the puzzle to be done ASAP: it will have many mecanical benefits so the sooner it's done the more we benefit.
And I really want to advance the Regalia quest as well.
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Hi Guys, my plan will help us finish 2 more things on our list.
  • Finish Fractal View
  • Help us obtain the Regalia
We have been making strides this past week with our list of things to finish and I want to continue it!

[X] Plan Indiana Kong and the Regalia of Kings, Fractal Edition
- [] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
- [] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[] The Steel Thicket
---[] Infusing Fractal View x2
--[] The Black Anvil
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
--[] The Firesnake's Coil
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
--[] A Second of Eternity
---[] Infusing Fractal View x1
-[] You have recently begun searching for the Lord's Regalia, the crown jewels of the ancient Moloth people. If anything will have become a Natural Treasure of Royalty in the last several thousand years, it will be that. You have the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, a hall it was frequently used in. Perhaps you will find more clues there.
--[] Try to bribe the ascended spirit pig with food and some low-level matts (Ifeagrass (Blood 3), Wool of a Verdant Ewe (Beast 2)) for his help in tracking down the regalia on the Jade room.
-[] Buy 3x Grade 1 Wind Pills from Xouxi
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[x] Plan Zhi's Many Facets
- [] You are now a member of the Eighth Circle, and as such, your time is no longer your own. Elder Siani and his Caretakers require your service. (This action counts as 3 Actions. This action is mandatory.)
--[] There have been several strange events in the Prospector's Courtyard of late. The theft of Ming Hui's parcels, and the strange incursions into the Spire which you... acquired charms to deal with. Broach this subject to your Senior this week to see if they think it merits investigation.
-[] Your puzzle nears perfection. All that is left is to infuse it with anam. (x5)
--[] 2x each at the Firesnake and Thicket, 1x at the Bathhouse
-[] You have recently begun searching for the Lord's Regalia, the crown jewels of the ancient Moloth people. If anything will have become a Natural Treasure of Royalty in the last several thousand years, it will be that. You have the location of the Jade Lord's Echo, a hall it was frequently used in. Perhaps you will find more clues there.
-[] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[] A Second of Eternity
---[] Shatter the Mirror

this is too many actions.

Maybe no StM and replace bathhouse cycling with Second of eternity cycling
-[] On your belt hangs a small hammer inhabited by a Kukuni of Steel you have dubbed Chui Dao. It seems to be an affable spirit with a passion for beating metal, but there may be more. You will experiment with Chui Dao and see what other secrets hide within his metal.
--[] You recall the shape of Chui Dao altering when you were about to draw him forth in anger, in your confrontation with Geng Tu. You're unfamiliar with weapon techniques so far, but perhaps you may be able to gain some insight on the Kukuni's abilities by learning? See if you can find a manual in the Archives or something about basic hammer fighting techniques and if employing them draws a reaction.
I am mildly concerned that we could end up with yet another technique to train if we did this.
[X] Plan Indiana Kong and the Regalia of Kings, Fractal Edition

I want to put 5 actions into A Fractal View, and we're *probably* on a soft time limit for the regalia so keeping that up is good.

Could be tempted by a Kumi or Mei social instead though
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Yeah, might be better to finish HD first and then see if Zhi can integrate Chui Dao in the style.

Odds are that the kukuni can shape the hammer further than what it did at the confrontation with Geng Tu.
While my bet is that we'll end up dropping HD for Hypothetical Hammer Tech, "push through and finish a physical tech and see what happens when we do" is an option with some appeal for sure.
[X] Plan: Backlog Intensifies Further

Edit: switching back to this since the plan I voted for appears to have been deleted haha
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