The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Zhuan Kun is obscenely rich. He probably already has a bunch of toys that completely overshadow this.
Agree with this point- someone as rich and as dedicated to fighting as Zhuan likely already has gotten tonnes of charms to help train, by himself or as gifts. Maybe a version of this specific charm even, because lets face it, its not exactly the most original idea.
[X] No, you should not. You should avoid any appearance of impropriety.

I choose to believe that charmcrafting is as close to a religion that KZ has.

I think this has been shown through this entire quest, and literally this update where KZ is happy that Boli is happy charmcrafting and chooses not to admonish him for his injuries.

In that context, I think it would be particularly 'out of character' for KZ to allow even the illusion of accepting a quasi-bribe from interfering with his holy duty to adjudicate a charmcrafting contest.

Even though whatever 'out of character' means when KZs actions change at the threads whims, I'd like at the very least to play him with integrity as much as possible.

If only to unwind the Mei backstabbing, where KZ acted like trash for shinies.
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Seriously tho, this would speed up our training by leaps and bounds! We're always complaining about not having enough time and actions to train up our skills. This fixes that
Seriously tho, this would speed up our training by leaps and bounds! We're always complaining about not having enough time and actions to train up our skills. This fixes that
N-no it doesn't? How the fuck does this save us time or actions?
Giving the charm to Zhuan Khu is not a good idea, this competition is for Mo's benefit.
Goddamnit this is not a zero sum game. The inclusion of Zhuan Kun increases the value/prestige of the crafter Mo is cultivating, and Zhuan is utterly unlikely to ever commission further charms, as they're entirely out of his interest!

EDIT: Why is it that every argument against Zhuan Kun is founded in misunderstandings and flawed assumptions?
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N-no it doesn't? How the fuck does this save us time or actions?
Given the wording Boli gave when he described the Room, it'll likely give us some sort of bonus to training techs. Even a small multiplier could save us a couple actions down the road.

Also, we still have one more crafter using our office hours this week. I'd prefer we don't start a trend of turning down free charms.

If y'all are worried about fairness, we can do this again next week and give the other four a chance to try and bribe us. If they all do it, none of them can claim we're unfairly biased.
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I don't get why we're going for Zhuan. We only talked to him once. I know everyone wants to start making connections with him, but a personalized sparring chamber is a bit much for a hello.

Also, we'll be changing half our body soon anyways. There's a chance Ves is giving us this option specifically because it can't take that into account. If he rolls badly on his crafting checks and it fails to adjust for our healed form, we fail it. If it doesn't, then we can judge it against the other charms. Easy as that
Arguing for Yes: voting yes, we are going to judge the charm as it is intended to work. We will be able to judge it better, and critique the problems with it we are already seeing as starting to develope.
[X] Yes, you may as well. You want everyone to be able to put forward their best effort in this competition.

It's only a bribe if he wins
While I see the benefits of getting Zhuan Kun to test it (we do want to make that connection after all), have we considered the impact if it doesn't work?

Boli's charm looks neat, but we don't know if it will actually work. If we go and make the introduction/convince Zhuan to give it a shot, and it doesn't work, he'd probably put most of the hostility/distain on us - we are the respected charmcrafter vouching for this after all. But if it does work, while he'll have some positive inclination to us for the introduction, most of the praise/patronage will go to Boli - he'd be the one tweaking it for Zhuan after all. I don't think it's as great a reward than using it ourselves. Still would rather get Zhuan to try it than refuse outright though.
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Innnnteresting vote...

A truly wonderful social dilemma!

[X] Yes, you may as well. You want everyone to be able to put forward their best effort in this competition.

Ok, so I want to allow him to calibrate the charm to us.
Here are my reasons for this. (I try not to argue against options just for mine :p)

1) It's like soooo rad. A training room where we can have a partner? The ability to spar and refine HB dance or any other technique in secret!! We can work with Chui Dao and not let the whole sect know we have a pet Kukuni! Very tempting.

2)I have faith in Zhi (and our) ability to judge the contest fairly. Yes others may see it as a bribe if Boli wins. But that's their problem. Not ours. So what if it is seen we got a benefit from it! Zhou has been skimming benefits the whole time? We going to let Worse Zhao beat us?

3) I've been seeing some people be like. "We are dooming it to fail because we are planning to use fractal. We will be stronger and then the calibrations are off!"
What?! How is this our problem? We are in magic punch school, where everyone is growing constantly in power and experience. Often in big jumps through technique integration, pills, other esoteric manner. If the charm has not been built with any sort of scaling contingency in mind. Welllll it's pretty shit and we should know that for judging.

Vote calibrate! It will be fun!
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