The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Thing is for me...

We know what we have to do to get on Zhuan's good side. Get good at punching and hit him in the face hard enough that he remembers our name.

At this point the idea is to try and play middleman, with a guy who needed a secretary to remember who we were after a big public debut. Now he doesn't have a secretary to help him remember people, and he's busy with his little elite sparring group. Hell, if we REALLY wanted to get his attention, we'd let the guy calibrate the charm on us, use the thing to Get our Phyisical techs ON POINT, then go find Zhuan and punch him in the face.

Like... the whole point of this contest seems to be networking and talent scouting, we have people desperately trying to get in our good graces, to the point that they are pestering our friends trying to get our attention... and the major response is "Oh you should go talk this other guy instead"

Idk, I don't get the Hype for this plan. I don't see it doing much for Zhi, Maybe it will launch this Boli guy's career to cool places, but I dont' WANT to be a middleman ya'know?

Also... is it that wrong for us to just... accept nice things when people offer them?
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[X] Yes, you may as well. You want everyone to be able to put forward their best effort in this competition.
[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!
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Yes it is better for that flaw to be exposed, but this is not us making the best charm. This is a competition.
Calibrating it is one thing but reminding him to account for future growth of the user is pretty much clear meddling.

The product as described doesn't seem to account for that or there would be no 'too weak' or 'too strong' it could just be weak and get stronger every time it loses or something.

Why would he make it so it starts of weaker when he can tailor it so that it immediately gives a benefit?

"This, Lord Kong, is the most ambitious charm I have ever created. When it is finished, it will serve as a complete training aid. When the user steps inside, they will be greeted by the perfect training companion, a creation of anam designed to push them to their limits and beyond. The charm's owner will not have to waste time seeking out sparring partners or subjects to test new techniques on. My Training Ground will supply all of that and more- when it is complete."

I don't get why you assume that it won't account for growth. Are you thinking that it will push people the limit only once and that Boli didn't think that training makes people stronger?
Why is everyone so hung ho about ZK? We have meet him all of once. We don't know him or how he would take being randomly approached like this. Also, this gift probably isn't going to be useful for him, his sparring partners come to him and his advancement would blow this thing out of the water. Nokai would probably find this much more useful than Zhuan ever would.
Because he's one of the three major nobles in our circle that we were told to make contact with by our Mom - the most powerful family of the three, in fact. We've made a positive connection with Mo and established a negative relationship with Geng Tu, leaving him as the last loose end/outstanding question mark.

And maybe this won't work. Or maybe it will be a small thing he acknowledges that we then don't capitalize on because we don't want to put the effort in. But it has the potential to be a decent enough move - he appreciates sparring above all else, so being the one who got him an interesting set of spars should be worth some attention - so you can see why people might be interested, yeah? Especially if the other options are "get nothing" or "get the charm yourself, deal with the potential cost of being seen as having taken a bribe".
[X] No, you should not. You should avoid any appearance of impropriety, find someone else to demonstrate the charm

Definitely against the spirit of things, let the guy find someone else and not let the other nobles involved, if the guy can walk the talk then he is good enough
It definitely won't look good if Zhi gets a free charm and then Boli wins, which might cause some splashback on Mo if her people are so easily bought. Similarly, going to Zhuan is the exact opposite of what Mo wants from this thing and won't grant us any favours.

Why not have Mo demonstrate? And then lean on her a little to commission one for us. Essentially just reversing what's going to happen anyway to avoid impropriety.

[X] Suggest Mo Hanying.
It definitely won't look good if Zhi gets a free charm and then Boli wins, which might cause some splashback on Mo if her people are so easily bought. Similarly, going to Zhuan is the exact opposite of what Mo wants from this thing and won't grant us any favours.

Why not have Mo demonstrate? And then lean on her a little to commission one for us. Essentially just reversing what's going to happen anyway to avoid impropriety.

[X] Suggest Mo Hanying.
Your solution to the problem of it looking like the judge might have been bought - or at least accepting a bribe even if he didn't go through with it - is to make it look like the bribe went to Mo instead?
[X] No, you should not. You should avoid any appearance of impropriety

For the people voting to have Zhuan Kun calibrate the charm. This is a bad idea Zhuan Kun is Mo Hanying's rival and this is Mo Hanying's competition including him in this will be a slight against her and Kong Zhi cannot afford that as Mo Hanying's favor is one of the reasons why Geng Tu has not directly challenged Kong Zhi.
Sad that it doens't seem like we're getting a charm, but if it's a choice between a boring no and actually doing something, I'll choose doing something.

[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

[X] No, you should not. You should avoid any appearance of impropriety

For the people voting to have Zhuan Kun calibrate the charm. This is a bad idea Zhuan Kun is Mo Hanying's rival and this is Mo Hanying's competition including him in this will be a slight against her and Kong Zhi cannot afford that as Mo Hanying's favor is one of the reasons why Geng Tu has not directly challenged Kong Zhi.

Zhuan Kun operates on another level than Mo Hanying, doesn't he? He doesn't really seem like he's into the whole social aspect of things. He fights the ones who want his favour, but don't seem to care beyond that?
Clearly a charm designed to make him even less social is a benefit for both Mo Hanying and Zhuan Kun! :p
[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

If we calibrate it for us now then fractal view might throw it off. Other nobles might be rivals for Mo but they are also potential allies.
This is a bad idea Zhuan Kun is Mo Hanying's rival and this is Mo Hanying's competition including him in this will be a slight against her and Kong Zhi cannot afford that as Mo Hanying's favor is one of the reasons why Geng Tu has not directly challenged Kong Zhi.
What is the slight? Do you see the idea that one of the charmcrafters competing for her favor made something that interested even the great Zhuan Kun being something that will undermine her image?
Zhuan Kun operates on another level than Mo Hanying, doesn't he? He doesn't really seem like he's into the whole social aspect of things. He fights the ones who want his favour, but don't seem to care beyond that?
Clearly a charm designed to make him even less social is a benefit for both Mo Hanying and Zhuan Kun! :p
It doesn't matter that Zhuan Kun doesn't want to be on Mo's level by right of birth he is one of the three nobles in Kong Zhi's batch which makes him Mo's rival. Mo's goal is to bind talented people to her banner she will not like it if Kong Zhi then proceeded to give away one of the talented people she hopes to recruit to someone else even if that someone else does not care.

Other nobles might be rivals for Mo but they are also potential allies.
We should make allies yes but not at the expense of allies we already have.

What is the slight? Do you see the idea that one of the charmcrafters competing for her favor made something that interested even the great Zhuan Kun being something that will undermine her image?
The charm crafter does not matter what matters is that it was Kong Zhi who brought the charmcrafter to the attention of another noble Kong Zhi who people think is Mo Hanying's friend introduced a potential talent over to her rival.
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The charm crafter does not matter what matters is that it was Kong Zhi who brought the charmcrafter to the attention of another noble Kong Zhi who people think is Mo Hanying's friend introduced a potential talent over to her rival.
Right. So now we have Mo potentially being the patron of a charmcrafter so good Zhuan Kun bought a charm from him. This is bad?