The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] Oh it's absolutely a bribe, but just because he wants it to be a bribe doesn't mean you have to actually take it as one. Take his charm for a spin, and if you get to keep it at the end of all this, bonus!

It's not a bribe. Or, KZ doesn't think it is:

He raises valid points- but still, you pause. From another point of view, it could sound like Boli Guozao is offering you a sort of bribe. You are fairly certain he means no such thing, but… still, you would be aiding him in this competition in exchange for a charm. That… that sounds like it could cause problems.

Nothing in the vanilla yes option says that KZ won't judge the competition fairly. He absolutely would, too, because the notion of not doing so would be something he'd vehemently oppose.
[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

While the concept is neat, and might become truly great if he manages to iterate on it, it is also highly self-defeating in its current conception. A training-type charm that requires precise calibration but doesn't grow with the user is of very limited use unless one's growth is particularly stagnant.

Tailoring charms to a client is an important and entirely legitimate part of the occupation, but it feels like it would be unnecessarily dishonorable to do this ourselves, especially knowing ahead of time that our planned changes might invalidate his efforts. I'm not entirely sure about asking Zhuan Kun, but I'll still vote for it because it's a neat chance to network. I doubt he'd take the offer badly, per se, but it would be an uninvited imposition on his time, especially if he would need to participate in the competition as a demonstration, which would have unwanted political implications he likely wouldn't want to deal with. We could potentially judge this entry separately before the deadline, though.
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Honestly I'd say no for one major reason.
We are about to undergo a major fleshcrafting project, any calibration done now might be worthless by then. Even if its still a good charm it'd be worthless to us afterwards anyway. Ask him to do it for someone else that needs it or maybe wait on the calibration phase.
It's gonna be particularly useless to use real soon anyway.
We don't know that? That'd depend if it accounts for growth or not, and what the benefits from Fractal is. If the charm doesn't account for any kind of progression for the individual, it's better for that flaw to be exposed anyway.
It's not a bribe. Or, KZ doesn't think it is:
You're quoting a segment where Zhi literally thinks "it could sound like Boli Guozao is offering you a sort of bribe" and judges that that could be a problem. I think it's fair to assume it could be a problem. Or rather, that some people will think less of us for it. Of course the issue isn't compromising the judgement, but our entire involvement in this competition is to raise our public profile, so it's appropriate to think about social consequences.

If we give a shit is of course a separate issue. Maybe we don't care.
You're missing the point. If Boli impresses Zhuan enough, then he ends up falling under Zhuan's influence... instead of Mo's. The point for Mo here is to get people under her banner, not other people's. She wants influence over these budding crafters, not to give influence to other nobles.

Further, Zhuan Kun doesn't need this charm. Boli is selling this as "no need to find sparring partners" as a benefit... but people come to spar with Zhuan Kun all the time. He has no shortage of potential partners.

By that logic, your own vote makes no sense because Kong Zhi doesn't need this charm either. He has partners to spar with, friends to test himself against and socialize with rather than spending AP on a machine. If you're really set against Zhuan, I suggest picking someone like Nokai, who probably doesn't have the opportunity to train regularly against human opponents without facing legal consequences from Geng.

Unlike Zhi, who has Mei and Jai to beat him into the dirt regularly, and Xu Yun to duel against, what Zhuan doesn't have is someone to really test himself against, someone who can beat him. That's why this would be valuable to him.

I've already expressed my belief that Zhuan doesn't want minions and Mo won't be offended by this, so I don't think I need to reiterate.

Remember, we've met Zhuan Kun all of once. This would be... pretty out of left field for both parties. Why not Nokai, one of Mo's allies? Or Fa, one of ours?

Because one of the major goals set for Kong Zhi by his family is to build friendships with the three noble characters in the sect. There were legal and trade consequences for his family by offending Geng, while his mother was extremely pleased with him building a relationship with Mo, and now meets regularly with Mo's mother.

Going forward advances that subplot, helps Zhi's family and makes his mother happy, and might lead to more benefits from his family in the future (though those are probably not going to top the Love Transfixed, but that's the biggest mechanical example of why helping Zhi's family is important, even trying to pay them back for that would be good and in character).

So you want to willfully betray the Heiress of a clan that uses Scorpions as it's sigil who is KNOWN for holding a grudge and fucking over those of whom she holds a grudge against? Does that sound even close to wise?

How is this a betrayal? The post you responded to was arguing that Mo will be happy she gets the chance to network with an otherwise socially isolated noble. Even the appearance of having him in her corner, by showing up at her tournament, would be valuable for her. She already has a dozen charmcrafters who will be eating out of her hand from the tournament. What she doesn't have is an allied social peer.
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[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

I'm not quite sure if this is a great idea or an awful one. I'm on board for it, though.

Mostly I think the value of getting a charm that probably won't work well for long is far outstripped by the problem of perceived partiality. As such, if it winds up looking like accepting will win, feel free to shoot me a message and I might move over to whatever the top version of no is at the time.
By the way, just to confirm, the finale happens in week 23 right? The last round was week 19 so we have a couple more weeks since Mo said they have a month.
The reason why I like the write in so much is that we're using character motivations to get someone that normally wouldn't be interested in a crafter interested in us. Pretty ingenious all things considered.
[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

If the nokai option starts gaining traction then ima switch to it in a heartbeat. going with this for two reasons.

1. its pretty bad to take it ourselves because of the whole AFV thing.

2. if this works out? great. if it doesn't? the drama will be SPICY and fun to read.
[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

Well, our mom did ask us to make more of a attempt to get to know this guy and it was pointed out the arguements about not doing so were too negative so I guess we might as well do this
We don't know that? That'd depend if it accounts for growth or not, and what the benefits from Fractal is. If the charm doesn't account for any kind of progression for the individual, it's better for that flaw to be exposed anyway.
Yes it is better for that flaw to be exposed, but this is not us making the best charm. This is a competition.
Calibrating it is one thing but reminding him to account for future growth of the user is pretty much clear meddling.

The product as described doesn't seem to account for that or there would be no 'too weak' or 'too strong' it could just be weak and get stronger every time it loses or something.
Actually, I'm coming around on this write-in for totally orthogonal reason to it giving us a ZK scene. The wording of it makes it seem like, rather then being clever about using it as some sort of political favor, he genuinely thinks ZK would be the best person to show off this charms usefulness and his love of charmcrafting has made him give up a possible advantage in order to let the charm show it's full potential.
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[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!
Actually, I'm coming around on this write-in for totally orthogonal reason to it giving us a ZK scene. The wording of it makes it seem like, rather then being clever about using it as some sort of political favor, he genuinely thinks ZK would be the best person to show off this charms usefulness and his love of charmcrafting has made him give up a possible advantage in order to let the charm show it's full potential.
Yeah this is my read. I'll switch to Nokai too if it gains ground (someone tag me if it does) but 'complete sincerity' is kind of our primary character trait at this point, and I'm all for furthering that. Maybe we should do a visit to each of the competitors in the next turns, just to make things even?
So you want to willfully betray the Heiress of a clan that uses Scorpions as it's sigil who is KNOWN for holding a grudge and fucking over those of whom she holds a grudge against? Does that sound even close to wise?
Betrayal implies both ill intent and a notion that Mo would be losing out, neither of which she is likely to conclude. Zhuan Kun isn't the type of person to sponsor crafters full-time like Mo is doing, so the only way she'd be 'losing' Boli is if she decides he isn't worth the investment to sponsor, in which case she loses nothing. Best case scenario, one of her sponsored crafters hooks Zhuan as an occasional client. Worst case, one of her allies (us) has a minor faux pas trying to establish relations with him, likely not even to the point of minor insult.
Betrayal implies both ill intent and a notion that Mo would be losing out, neither of which she is likely to conclude. Zhuan Kun isn't the type of person to sponsor crafters full-time like Mo is doing, so the only way she'd be 'losing' Boli is if she decides he isn't worth the investment to sponsor, in which case she loses nothing. Best case scenario, one of her sponsored crafters hooks Zhuan as an occasional client. Worst case, one of her allies (us) has a minor faux pas trying to establish relations with him, likely not even to the point of minor insult.

I think someone else already pointed this out, but to be honest I can see her being happy about this if it works out? Having Zhuan Kun show up to her personal charm contest to help demonstrate one of them could show a degree of influence or friendship with him that could be useful for her.
I think someone else already pointed this out, but to be honest I can see her being happy about this if it works out? Having Zhuan Kun show up to her personal charm contest to help demonstrate one of them could show a degree of influence or friendship with him that could be useful for her.
True, though I suspect he might not appreciate the imposition on either his time or his (lack of) politics, so we may want to exercise our official discretion and judge the demonstration for this entry ahead of time.
Why is everyone so hung ho about ZK? We have meet him all of once. We don't know him or how he would take being randomly approached like this. Also, this gift probably isn't going to be useful for him, his sparring partners come to him and his advancement would blow this thing out of the water. Nokai would probably find this much more useful than Zhuan ever would.