The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

So before Bihai can compare Fa to a cool winter's evening
This line almost caused soup to get sprayed all over my laptop. There should have been a warning about that as well! :p

I have many thoughts about this. A training room charm would certainly be useful. But it does seem a bit like a bribe, and we are not exactly short of training opportunities.
Getting it calibrated to Zhuan Kun is certainly an interesting option. And makes it very confusing as to whether or not we have been bribed. Might also destroy the charm. Many political issues too.
We could suggest that Boli calibrates it to himself. That gives him something useful for future if he doesn't win the competition. Although it may seem weird to judge if it is properly training him. Then again, at least nobody else will be subject to a potentially malfunctioning charm.
We could get a friend to calibrate it. But it still looks a bit like a bribe.
We could just grab some random person. Would be completely neutral, but this would be confusing for everyone involved.
Originally I was torn because as mentioned it could be seen as a bribe but taken another way, it would need to be a well-made charm to do so. If in order to be a good bribe his charm has to be worthy of winning the completion then it's not a bribe at all.

Well reasoned. I do wonder just how long it takes for this charm to be suited towards a user. Is it possible for Boli to leave the tailoring up until the very last moment?
[X] A charm such as this can only be put to the test by the best. Find Zhuan Kun!

let's fucking go lads!!!

edit: i get if this is a bit to dicey, but we can benefit from this and i'd say if you want better odds then choosesomeone like Fa, Mei, or ZZu Yun or who ever if ya want to.

Lets take this chance to benefit ourselves, even if indirectly or hell, even Nokai herself.

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[] No. Mo Hanying has emphasized that making allies with others at the competition is a virtue, he should seek out a former competitor or spectator to demonstrate his charm in action.

This is a neat charm, but it's a bit too overspecialized for me to say it's a winner, and I'd feel bad if this guy won or lost with it. Lets point him towards someone else, so he gains an ally and someone else gets a cool training room.


[] He should seek out Nokai, and ask for her help. She is a fierce combatant, and a friend of Mo Hanying who isn't a judge.
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[X] Unfortunately we would be a poor choice for such an endeavor. We're working on a project which would likely alter the constraints he's looking to use. He will need to find someone else.
[X] Unfortunately we would be a poor choice for such an endeavor. We're working on a project which would likely alter the constraints he's looking to use. He will need to find someone else.
@Vesvius - A question for the sake of clarification, assuming Kong Zhi can ask Boli about it. This charm has to be calibrated to an individual. How does it hypothetically respond to changes in the individual? Not only growth, but more radical changes, like say half our body or more changing due to using a different charm to do just that?
[X] Whilst you believe that Boli is earnest in his desire for assistance and means no impropriety the perception of such can be just as dangerous as the real thing. As such this is not a question you should answer on your own, instead you should involve Mo Hanying and any other necessary overseers in the competition to ensure that Boli gets an honest chance to show the full range of his talents without any possible stain of corruption.
[X] Whilst you believe that Boli is earnest in his desire for assistance and means no impropriety the perception of such can be just as dangerous as the real thing. As such this is not a question you should answer on your own, instead you should involve Mo Hanying and any other necessary overseers in the competition to ensure that Boli gets an honest chance to show the full range of his talents without any possible stain of corruption.

Pretty scared of splitting the no vote but I really love this write-in, it's very well thought out.
@Vesvius - A question for the sake of clarification, assuming Kong Zhi can ask Boli about it. This charm has to be calibrated to an individual. How does it hypothetically respond to changes in the individual? Not only growth, but more radical changes, like say half our body or more changing due to using a different charm to do just that?
I will not be answering this, as Zhi would have to ask Boli Guozao about it to get said answer, and that would tip him off that Zhi's about get go through a change- and more importantly, point out a possible flaw in Boli Guozao's charm. That would have a larger impact on the competition than anything else Zhi could do here.
I'm a little bit puzzled by the charm's inflexibility though. Does this mean that it won't make itself harder when the user gets better?

Why would you go to so much effort for something that doesn't work long term?
[X] Whilst you believe that Boli is earnest in his desire for assistance and means no impropriety the perception of such can be just as dangerous as the real thing. As such this is not a question you should answer on your own, instead you should involve Mo Hanying and any other necessary overseers in the competition to ensure that Boli gets an honest chance to show the full range of his talents without any possible stain of corruption.
[X] You will use your experience building Dance at the Midnight Crossroads and charm crafting in general to hint at a solution to allow his charm some level of self calibration.
come on lads, Zhuan kuns hates charms that augment to help fight, not charms that like this.

Also, why take the charm when we'll suffer direct social damage? that's a fucking hell to take care off when we could get someone like Zhuan kun to take it and be an interesting way to meet him and show our usefullness.

If ya don't want to take the risk with Zhuan ku, fine but let's at least benefit one of our friends with it like say Xu Yun, Mei Daiyu, Jai Fa, or hell even Nokai or one of her dogs lol.

Zhuan kun seems to be ignoring both the other nobles and this would be a lovely way to connect Mo and Zhuan together and weaken Gengs potential grasp on him.

lets fucking go mates. No risk no gain mates as I say.
[X] Whilst you believe that Boli is earnest in his desire for assistance and means no impropriety the perception of such can be just as dangerous as the real thing. As such this is not a question you should answer on your own, instead you should involve Mo Hanying and any other necessary overseers in the competition to ensure that Boli gets an honest chance to show the full range of his talents without any possible stain of corruption.

Not really a fan of this tbh.

Y'all are the ones holding office hours. You're the judge. Not Mo Hanying or anyone else.
[X] Yes, you may as well. You want everyone to be able to put forward their best effort in this competition.
[X] Yes, you may as well. You want everyone to be able to put forward their best effort in this competition.

Take the free charm. Judge the competition honestly. If it's the best charm, it wins. If not, it doesn't.

Mo pretty much told us that this competition would give us opportunities. This is one. Let's take it. This also would make him friendlier towards us, and that doesn't hurt.
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[X] Whilst you believe that Boli is earnest in his desire for assistance and means no impropriety the perception of such can be just as dangerous as the real thing. As such this is not a question you should answer on your own, instead you should involve Mo Hanying and any other necessary overseers in the competition to ensure that Boli gets an honest chance to show the full range of his talents without any possible stain of corruption.
Mo Hanying would totally turn around and say that she has full confidence in KZ's judgement here. The choice should be entirely his.
And she would be smug about it, while closely considering his decision.