If we had a specific objective we were pursuing, I'd probably be inclined to even take the no-risk option at this juncture. The journey being the objective, the concept of "risk" is balanced differently. The consequences of failure are dangerous, but they don't really undermine our goals here otherwise.
Freedom is a concept Ling Qi locked into her current conception relatively early in her cultivation career, her Yellow breakthrough probably encapsulating the core spirit she approaches the concept with. Same time she got what is now the Rooted Wings trait, which boosts support art projects. Ling Qi has grown a bit since then, so now's a good time to revisit the concept.
And I know it's extremely tired to claim at this point, but freedom isn't irrelevant to the power/obligation tangle in her heart demon, as I see it. Exploring the limits of what she allows herself could also help her set healthier expectations on herself.
[X] Jumped down to land upon it's back, and find where the dream-beast was going. (Grinning Feat 50 XP. 60% Chance of Success. Advance Freedom Concept by one on success)