[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

No point in having fancy seal-work if we get in close with our sword only to be beaten in raw taijutsu skill.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
To be fair when you really think about what happened in the war it becomes clear that without root Konoha might have actually lost.

That would only be valid if anything we'd ever seen ROOT do was actually, uh, helpful to Konoha at all.

Instead every single thing we see ROOT do is some combination of helpful to Danzo and actively harmful to Konoha.

Hell, its even possible that one of the reasons all the other villages appeared to be ganging up on Konoha was all the heinous shit Danzo was pulling, when you consider that the other villages literally knew him as 'the darkness of the shinobi world'.

It'd be exactly in line with how his 'hard man' decisions usually pan out.
That would only be valid if anything we'd ever seen ROOT do was actually, uh, helpful to Konoha at all.

Instead every single thing we see ROOT do is some combination of helpful to Danzo and actively harmful to Konoha.

Hell, its even possible that one of the reasons all the other villages appeared to be ganging up on Konoha was all the heinous shit Danzo was pulling, when you consider that the other villages literally knew him as 'the darkness of the shinobi world'.

It'd be exactly in line with how his 'hard man' decisions usually pan out.

He likes to say a lot of nonsense about acting for the best interest of Konoha, but if you look at the actions he takes and the predictable results (looking at the actual successes rather than ROOTs long long list of ridiculous incompetent fuckups) a pattern emerges.

His schemes consistently damage Konoha's strength (to different degrees and in different areas) whilst also increasing his power (personal, structural or political).

I'll admit it's possible he has deluded himself into thinking he's acting in Konoha's favour...but he definitely doesn't.

The Uchiha massacre might be the most egregious example, but everything he has ROOT do is to Konoha's detriment.
He likes to say a lot of nonsense about acting for the best interest of Konoha, but if you look at the actions he takes and the predictable results (looking at the actual successes rather than ROOTs long long list of ridiculous incompetent fuckups) a pattern emerges.

His schemes consistently damage Konoha's strength (to different degrees and in different areas) whilst also increasing his power (personal, structural or political).

I'll admit it's possible he has deluded himself into thinking he's acting in Konoha's favour...but he definitely doesn't.

The Uchiha massacre might be the most egregious example, but everything he has ROOT do is to Konoha's detriment.
Yeah honestly if we ever fight him to the death I just want to tell him that he was nver and never will be equal ti sarutobi.

I mean for all he talks about sacrificing himself for the village he never did that and even when he died he's only sacrifice only denied an asset if powerful one from the enemy unlike tobirama and sarutobi who sacrificed themselves to protect their comrades and those they care about.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
Adhoc vote count started by gamer50018 on May 31, 2021 at 9:46 AM, finished with 137 posts and 70 votes.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

Fairly simple reason: gotta go fast, special move needs to get the wrinkles ironed out, and being better at taijutsu means the chakra drain move starts becoming viable. If an opponent is ruthless they can drown us in mooks, forcing us to use valuable chakra to deal with them and then sweeping us up with a peer opponent. Usable chakra drain removes this as threat, and actually turns mook swarms into opportunities to recharge.
Good omake, @victor janus ! As the omake author, you absolutely can choose where to put the xp.

Personally, I'm currently planning to wait for the next update to spend my 5 xp. If Fuinjutsu hasn't reached A-rank, I'll pitch in there. Otherwise... probably Speed.

super soldiers ever year
old Konoha personal to death
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Summary. "Over all" should probably also be "overall."
and sheer charka allow
their own loses from their
Uzamaki Karin appears
like an Uzamaki. Much
Hell, Danzo killed the toad that was going to call for Naruto when Pain attacked the village, for seemingly no reason. If Naruto hadn't come, they'd all be dead. He didn't even send Root forces to help defend the village.
His actions really make next to no sense. I remember a fanfic that made it so Obito stole Shisui's eye from him, and used Kotoamatsukami on him to make him do all that stuff, and it honestly made a lot more sense than canon.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
One of the extremely few advantages of literally losing everyone in the clan, including our beloved mom and the very few friends Hisana managed to make in her short life, is that we can tell them that the reason we know a lot of that OOC information about the Sharingan and the Uchiha because "it sounds like an old story that my mother used to tell me when I was little" and, since there are no other known sources of information on the subject (emphasis on known, Danzo and Tobi are still out there), besides Itachi and Orochimaru who are not available for Konoha ( being S Class Criminals and all that), it should be good enough to pass as a "relatively decent" source...

We may have been an exile, but our mother was a pure-blooded Uchiha and she could have been much more knowledgeable about the Uchiha history and oral knowledge than she should... Which she wasn´t, but since there is no way of double-checking besides Edo Tensei, it is still a valid excuse to justify our OOC knowledge.
Do remember that Shisui was a loyal agent for Konoha Intelligence, to the point of working against the Uchiha coup attempt and reporting back.
We dont actually know what Konoha Intelligence knew about internal Uchiha practices prior to the massacre, and really dont want to risk being caught out in a deception.

Naruto can instantly enter sage mode via his clones. He would most definitely have some clones set up if he knows he is going to get into a confrontation.
Minato has Kurama to gather natural energy
Jiriya does have a time limit, he just gets around it by using the toads.
1)Naruto had no clones set up because he did not plan on a confrontation. I read the chapter.
2)True enough. But that does not suggest that other people require activation time. Because again, Hashirama. Both Toad Elders.
3)No, that is not true.
At no point after he has activated Sage Mode in his Pain fight did he or the Toad Elders mention any worries about his working under a time limit.

Fact: Canon Sasuke concluded the best way to achieve his goal (claimed to be avenging his clan by killing Itachi) was to train himself up and 1v1 him, using basically the same skill-set Itachi used to become an ANBU Captain at the same age Sasuke became a genin.
Fact: Canon Sasuke has terrible judgement and can't be assumed to have found all available information or options.
(Hisana is a very different story.)
1)Canon Sasuke's....special choices does not actually suggest dont mean he had the information.
To be fair, the Uchiha as a whole are not immune to fake news; they somehow came to the conclusion that Mangy Eyes required murdering your best friend when as far as we know neither Izuna nor Madara did so.

2)He was the clan heirs son and had access to the Uchiha compound for six years.
If they existed, he'd have found them prior to leaving the village, or he'd have turned them up after he knocked up Sakura and begat a daughter on the poor woman. He certainly knew how to get into the Naka Shrine after Itachi murdered the rest of the clan.
It wasn't in the open, it was hidden. Not extensively, but it was in the Naka Shrine's basement, hidden under a tatami mat and blocked off by a seal-covered stone. It was also supposed to be completely illegible to anyone without the Sharingan, so any alteration by a non-Uchiha would have been distinctly apparent.

While I agree that - unless Hisana didn't mention finding them at all for some reason - there probably aren't records of Uchiha-specific medical concerns available, you're getting into territory you distinctly misremember.

But - and this is a pretty big but - Rin was able to perform a field transplant of Obito's eye at age ~13, as a chuunin.
Now, I want to make this clear. We can't do that in real life in ideal conditions. Rin did it in a cave without a surgery team or anything but her field medical supplies. I don't doubt the Sharingan creates unique medical problems, but I also doubt they're as unique or hard to treat as you seem to assume (given your certainty we need to learn iryojutsu so we can be our own optometrist).
1) They live in a village with Byakugan users, and Underground Projection Fish Technique is a C-rank technique we first see used by genin in the Chuunin Exams. It kinda stands out. Especially since IIRC they were moved from their original location to the edge of the village in the aftermath of Kyuubi, and had to build the district from scratch.

2) Thats certainly what the Uchiha were led to believe.
The fact that Black Zetsu was able to alter the tablet undetectably suggests that their belief about the illegibility of the stone was in error.

3) Sure Rin was able to perform an emergency field transplant.
But they were able to go home and get Kakashi into the hands of Uchiha medics with Sharingan expertise for expert review, back when Minato was the presumptive heir-apparent, and Uchiha-Konoha relations were still pretty good.

Those no longer exist.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

-Final Hurricane Seal because we ran low on chakra during the last mission
-Gai and Lee training allows a certain amount of socialization, which is something Hisana could use in building contacts outside her immediate circle.
Plus, she might be able to drag the rest of her team along with her; both Naruto and Sasuke could benefit from better taijutsu skill.
-Beast Slaying Vaccum Talon is something we cant improve just by dumping points into ninjutsu. So it gets the nod.
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[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
2) Thats certainly what the Uchiha were led to believe.
The fact that Black Zetsu was able to alter the tablet undetectably suggests that their belief about the illegibility of the stone was in error.

3) Sure Rin was able to perform an emergency field transplant.
But they were able to go home and get Kakashi into the hands of Uchiha medics with Sharingan expertise for expert review, back when Minato was the presumptive heir-apparent, and Uchiha-Konoha relations were still pretty good.

Those no longer exist.

2) Black Zetsu can hijack bodies, including the bodies of Sharingan users. This doesn't disprove the claim that it can't be read without the Sharingan.

3) Fair point.
Do remember that Shisui was a loyal agent for Konoha Intelligence, to the point of working against the Uchiha coup attempt and reporting back.
We dont actually know what Konoha Intelligence knew about internal Uchiha practices prior to the massacre, and really dont want to risk being caught out in a deception.
I bet that most of what Shisui would tell the Village was mostly the most recent and useful intel regarding the situation at hand, like the names of the conspirators, or intel over their plans or activities... So I will assume that he would leave Uchiha Oral Traditions and more precise knowledge of the Sharingan´s transformation out of the report, for convenience sake if nothing else, so if we decide to use the "Mommy told me source" to reveal some of the OOC info that we have (like the activation, powers, and side effects of the MS) we should not have that many problems.

Besides that I have to say that it is a pleasure to have you back @Tekomandor and sorry for bothering you but I just found out that there are a couple of omkes that are not in the list (besides the other three that @macdjord has already pointed) and, after checking the thread for a while it seems that they did not get any XP rewards when they were published, maybe I am wrong, but I have not found it...


Whenever she had to wear the formal kimono, she always felt impossibly awkward - it had all the embarrassment of a child being caught wearing their parents clothes, combined with the dread that she was stealing her brother's rightful place.

Making things worse, she was absolutely certain that everyone else could see it on her. Acting and elocution lessons were one thing, but it'd be pure hubris to think that she'd be able to keep up a mask skilled enough to fool multiple jonin.

Still, she tried her best to keep her pace even and her head held high as she walked into the room, instead of descending into a shameful shuffle. She held back a groan as she stared at the seating - the Uchiha fan emblazoned on a seat right across from the Senju vajra, near the very head of the table.

She glanced around the unfamiliar chamber surreptitiously as she made her way towards her seat, comparing it to the more austere conference room that previous meetings had been held in. Each of the places she passed was marked with a clear clan symbol - many she recognized, and a few she did not.

There was just one exception: the seat just past her own, at the very end, elevated above the others - and engraved with the Konoha Leaf. It was empty. It being empty was why they were here.

Sarutobi wouldn't be here to help her this time, she realized, and that thought more than anything made her finally accept the reality that he was gone. She'd play-acted her role before, but this would be different. She'd have to stand on her own.

Inoichi nodded to her as she took her assigned seat, and something about his solemn, slightly sad smile made her entirely sure he had already read her like a book. Still, she nodded back, and unfolded her papers. He was the only one already there, which suited her just fine - she'd arrived well ahead of schedule precisely to avoid having to face all the stares at once.

Normally, she'd have quietly talked to the Hokage while waiting, making sure she was prepared for what would be discussed, but... that was impossible, now. And whoever was chosen to be the fifth, it still wouldn't be the same.

So stupid - why hadn't she done more to change things? She closed her eyes and tried to calm down, but all she could think of was that Sarutobi had been the one to give her advice on how to handle these meetings - and now there would be no more advice given. What she had would have to be enough.

Hyuuga Hiashi swept in next, and if Hisana's mask had been a flimsy thing easily seen through, then his was an utterly impenetrable barrier that didn't let a single hint of his feelings through. Still, despite the immense power his clan had, he had never acted like the lone genin in the room was at all out of place, and that was enough for Hisana to feel grateful.

Over the next few minutes, more clan heads filed in, and Hisana handed a copy of the files she'd gathered to Nara Shikaku with a true sense of relief. Nobody she'd examined had stood out to her as a likely candidate for secretly cultivating a Mangekyo - but, looking at just his file, neither would Obito, so that didn't mean much. Hopefully the Jonin Commander would get something more out of it than she had.

Still, with her only real contribution to the discussion already delivered, she hoped she would be able to try to sink into the background. She wasn't ready, not yet. The facade had always been difficult to maintain, but now, with the exhaustion and disbelief setting in, she could practically feel it falling to pieces.

She turned her head, so she wouldn't need to look at that empty seat at the end, and concentrated on not showing her tears. Trying not to hunch in on herself too obviously, she prayed that the meeting would pass without incident.

That hope shattered like fallen glass as the last few clan heads filed into the room - along with Danzo Shimura. He strode into the room nonchalantly, flanked by Mitokado and Utatane, the two members of the Konoha Council.

Hisana forcibly kept herself still, barely managing to keep herself from pulling a kunai into her open hand. He was here. He was here and he was looking at her-!

A hand came down on her shoulder.

"Maa, and here I thought that only clan heads and currently recognized Council members were part of this meeting." Hisana tried not to sag too obviously in relief as her teacher shifted his hand a bit, his gaze still laser focussed on Danzo.

Throughout the room, a number of the clan heads made aborted moves for their weapons at Kakashi's sudden appearance, but Danzo didn't so much as flinch, still calmly considering Hisana.

Kakashi kept talking, though. "Perhaps you got the time of the jonin and administration meeting mixed up with this one?" His visible eye curled into an obvious mockery of a smile. "I understand, it happens to me all the time."

Danzo's gaze finally shifted away from her, and up onto Kakashi. "You'd bar me from this meeting, while you yourself have intentionally avoided politics for a decade?" He sounded so very calm, so very reasonable, and Hisana desperately kept herself from shivering and giving more of her reaction away. "You'd bar me, but not this child?"

Kakashi casually took a seat in a chair Hisana could have sworn wasn't empty a few moments earlier, still smiling at Danzo. "Well, I decided that someone should represent the Hatake at this meeting, and Pakkun refused to do it, so here I am." And then suddenly the smile was gone, and Kakashi's tone was dead serious. "And you certainly wouldn't be suggesting to exclude the head of a founding clan from this meeting, would you...?"

Danzo kept observing for just a few moments more, then nodded. "Very well, I'll simply raise my thoughts in a different venue. Good day."

And with that, he swept away, and Hisana was pathetically grateful that the production Kakashi had made of things kept everyone focussed on him, and not on her.

Homura cleared his throat, slightly bewildered. "There wasn't any call for that behaviour, Hatake. Danzo is a trusted member of the community, and was the Hokage's close friend."

Kakashi shrugged, entirely unapologetic. "Sure, but he wasn't on the invite list for this meeting, was he? We've got to strictly obey the rules and times set out for meetings, isn't that right, Hyuuga-sama?"

The Hyuuga patriarch slowly blinked at being put on the spot, but managed to keep his expression neutral. "...Yes, decorum should be maintained. Shall we proceed?"

Utatane stepped forward. "Yes, let's. In short, Homura and I have already spoken to Jiraiya, and he has refused to accept the position of Fifth."

There was a brief outburst of muttering between the Inuzuka and Akimichi heads, before quiet voice of Aburame Shibi cut through the noise. "We should not yet begin discussing. Why? Because there is more that the Council members have not yet told us."

Homura nodded fractionally in appreciation. "Indeed. He refused, because he felt that Senju Tsunade would be more qualified, and expressed conviction that he could convince her to accept. Provisionally, do you, the clans of Konoha, accept Senju Tsunade as your fifth Hokage?"

There was a contemplative silence, as everyone gazed around, but... there were no objections to raise.

Tsunade was beyond legendary. She was an immensely powerful shinobi, of course, but beyond that... she was perhaps responsible for saving the lives of more Konohan lives than anyone else who had ever lived. If Jiraiya could truly bring her back from her self-imposed exile...

The Nohara clan head was the first to speak. "For her many contributions to medicine, saving the lives of countless Shinobi, the Nohara accept."

And then the floodgates were opened.

"For the strategic value her reputation would bring, the Nara accept."

"For the debt we are owed for her assistance-"

"For the unquestionable power that she possesses-"

"For her unyielding commitment to the causes of good-"

"-the Inuzuka accept."

"-the Yamanaka accept."

"-the Hyuuga accept."

And then... once again, everyone was looking at her.

She stood up, aware of how it didn't put her height much above that of the still-seated adults, and cleared her throat. Her eyes drifted to the empty chair where Sarutobi should have been, then to the seat across from hers, still vacant, marked with that six-pronged symbol.

She was still so small, and so weak. But this was an important moment, and it deserved her best effort.

"For the legacy that her ancestors have upheld, and for the shared history that binds us to this village, the Uchiha clan accepts Senju Tsunade as the Fifth Hokage."
So I had some inspiration and wrote an omake from Sasuke's pov involving how the whole Itachi thing might have affected his view of Hisana. I'm not 100% satsfied with Sasuke's characterization in it, but this is the first omake I've ever written, so hopefully it's decent.

Sasuke Uchiha was scared of his cousin.

It had been a little thing; nothing too major, but always there. He'd never admit it to anyone (it was hard enough admitting it to himself) but especially not her. She was his sister in all but name, (and even a little of that) and he knew it would break her should she ever find out, so she never would. The fear was subtle at first, and he wrote it off as simply being scared that she would end up dead too (a fear he could admit he also had) but it was more than this. She was essentially the perfect big sister: strong, always present, always willing to help-to make time for Sasuke... like Him.

In the beginning he could play it off, look at how they were different and see Hisana as herself. She worked herself to the bone, taking any and all advantages that she could - no pride, no simple ease, no natural genius to guide her... and that was enough. She was touchable-human. She wasn't him. Then, she became untouchable. He felt like it happened overnight; one day she went from a caring sister he would one day surpass to an insurmountable wall - like him.

He still tried to comfort himself, looking at her lack of pride; her clawing at anything that could help. She was wasn't him. Then the invasion happened and he couldn't comfort himself anymore. When her sword was covered in wind - when she flew through the air and killed that freak like it was nothing: he didn't see Hisana. For a split second he saw Itachi effortlessly doing some maneuver even his father would marvel at, and she was him.

It was shameful, to look at his own cousin that way, to dare compare the two. But he did.

When he heard about the Uchiha that had helped kill the Third though, he had instanly looked for his cousin. Her pain, fear, anger, and determination were the same as his, and he once more saw his cousin, in all her desperate glory, marveling at how he could ever see her as something else.

Itachi had messed him up; Sasuke had the self awareness to at least admit that. He may always see Itachi in her, despite knowing how utterly different they are. But no matter how much they overlapped or how much he saw Itachi in her, She. Was. Not. Him.

Itachi had killed his family once. He refused to let his mere shadow do it again.
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