Canonically right now should be the time for Sasuke's defection to Orochimaru.

I wonder how the Trenchcoats will handle the fact that he just... wont?

We did manage to prevent the Cursed Seal on him and Hisana has bonded with Sasuke quite a bit.
Even Naruto's bond to Sasuke is better than in canon.
He is not quite as consumed by revenge as in canon, though Itachi might still have rattled him some.

But most of all he has an ally in Hisana. She never tried to dissuade him from killing Itachi. So even if Sasuke should decide to leave, I'd expect him to come talk to her first. And then we get to tell him that he is an idiot.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

I'd consider these the best of the available options for now. On a side note: might give the Bingo Book Omake a shot.
Someone else should probably start working on the omake too. I have a massive headache all of a sudden and I don't think I'm going to be useful for the rest of the day.
For the other options; Chakra Armor has weakpoints that can be exploited lethally as seen with Hinata exploding that ninja. We also have three layers of defense: speed to dodge, chakra shields to block/parry, and explosive reactive armor as a last line of defense. As cool as it is I think Chakra Armor is most suitable for helping lower tier ninja remain relevant at higher tiers rather then for boosting high tier ninja.
Two points worth making:
  • One, or both, of the two transmigrant factions is reliant on Chakra Armor as a force multiplier. Understanding the weak points allows us to disable it better.
  • Examining the jutsu formula and other sealwork used in building it can also be applied to our own uses.

I mean, Snow harnessed natural energy to perform terraforming.
We have reason to be interested in their technology, if only for the sake of figuring out natural energy.
Not sure if weshould do it now or later though.

I want to take taijutsu, for social reasons at a minimum.
But I'm undecided about the other two. I would suggest taking options that cant be improved by omake XP though.
This is the second time you've made this assertion. I don't suppose you have any actual proof of it?
The fact that Sasuke didn't read any doesn't mean there were none to read.

I don't see what medical skills have to do with a bunch of people wanting our eyes. That seems like a problem more easily solved with stabbing.
Kakashi has been dealing with that for over a decade, he can continue to do so.
Fact: Sasuke didnt know what it would take to activate his Sharingan at the beginning of canon.
Note his standoffishness towards his team.
Or his surprise everytime it evolved, including during the fight at the Valley of the End.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
Fact: Sasuke didnt know what it would take to activate his Sharingan at the beginning of canon.
Note his standoffishness towards his team.
Or his surprise everytime it evolved, including during the fight at the Valley of the End.

The fact that Sasuke didn't read any doesn't mean there were none to read.


Sasuke not knowing this information does not automatically mean it isn't written down anywhere. It just means he doesn't know it.
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[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.

Taijutsu helps us go faster, vac talon has issues and we need a heavy finisher to make a blitz build work, and if we carted that armor down half the continent we may as well get something for our troubles.
Taijutsu helps us go faster

Not unless we get something that makes us go faster from hitting B-rank.

Granted, training with Gai and Lee will probably have some bleedover for raw physical conditioning, cause that's like their thing, but raising Taijutsu in and of itself isn't going to make Hisana faster.

It does occur that it'll probably do Lee some good to get some spars against someone with as varied a skillset as Hisana- as I recall, he still has basically no recourse for dealing with enemy Genjutsu, which is an enormous achilles heel that takes him from being a combat monster to a potential liability.
Sasuke not knowing this information does not automatically mean it isn't written down anywhere. It just means he doesn't know it.
To be fair knowing "how do I activate my bloodline" is pretty important information. That is absolutely something Sasuke, who as a reminder was obsessed with growing stronger, would search out. The fact he did not know the answer then strongly implies he did not find the answer.

Now it could be that none of the details were written down anywhere and thus with everyone dead Sasuke had no way of knowing. However there are other options. For example the clan's records could have been sealed/hidden/protected in such a way that Sasuke could not access them. The go to method for that would be the writing only the Sharingan can read in which case we would have access to them thanks to Hisana. That however doesn't work since Sasuke didn't know about these things post-Sharingan either.

Perhaps the records were sealed such that only authorized personnel, for example the clan's doctors and elders, could access them. That would be a reasonable level of security since the odds of all the doctors and elders dying simultaneously is pretty damn low; especially since they are supposed to be safe in Konoha. Yet since that is exactly what did happen Sasuke and Hisana are locked out and all that information is effectively lost forever.

Another possibility is that someone stole the data in question. Tobi could have easily collected the information while slaughtering the clan or Danzo's Root members could have collected it along with the Sharingans they stole. Either way the data is no longer available until/unless we reacquire it.
[] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
+Sealing progress. Possible tech-tree unlock. Possible benefit to Konoha.
-Lower expected personal benefit.
[] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
+Good to get your current best-attack finished. Would probably get Advanced Ninjutsu to B-rank.
-Doesn't directly work toward a new trait. I thought this would be a cheaper action than some of the others, seeing it take a full action-slot annoys me a touch.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
+Sealing progress. Gotta go fast.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
+Sealing progress. Gotta go fast.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
+Social. Ranged improvements. Probably hilarious/awesome. Might help Lee.
-Doesn't directly work toward a new trait.

Wow, deciding my votes on this was a wrench. How to decide when I want to do everything?

As a minor action, I suggest that we make sure to spend some time with our teammates - particularly Sasuke. He's in a much better place than in canon, but let's not get arrogant...

@Aranfan and @gamer50018 : Which nations are you thinking of claiming? As I see it, there are four non-Konoha major powers. I've forgotten the rules of Bingo Books - would Sand (an ally of Konoha) include Konoha's ninja in their Bingo Books? But, at minimum, that leaves Mist, Cloud, Stone, and a host of more minor powers (Waterfall, Rain, and Sound all come to mind immediately). TL;DR: If I can think of any good ideas, I'll try to claim one that neither of you have claimed.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
@Aranfan and @gamer50018 : Which nations are you thinking of claiming? As I see it, there are four non-Konoha major powers. I've forgotten the rules of Bingo Books - would Sand (an ally of Konoha) include Konoha's ninja in their Bingo Books? But, at minimum, that leaves Mist, Cloud, Stone, and a host of more minor powers (Waterfall, Rain, and Sound all come to mind immediately). TL;DR: If I can think of any good ideas, I'll try to claim one that neither of you have claimed.

I was planing on doing a reaction to kakashi haveing captured a bingo book that had Hisana in it and showing it off to the three.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
We cant because a lot of things Hisana knows are from OOC knowledge.
There are no specifics in the documentation, and the oral knowledge died with the clan members.
Thats why we're shit out of luck.

How is the orphan Hisana, raised outside the Uchiha, supposed to know about the Mangy Eye's side effects?
One of the extremely few advantages of literally losing everyone in the clan, including our beloved mom and the very few friends Hisana managed to make in her short life, is that we can tell them that the reason we know a lot of that OOC information about the Sharingan and the Uchiha because "it sounds like an old story that my mother used to tell me when I was little" and, since there are no other known sources of information on the subject (emphasis on known, Danzo and Tobi are still out there), besides Itachi and Orochimaru who are not available for Konoha ( being S Class Criminals and all that), it should be good enough to pass as a "relatively decent" source...

We may have been an exile, but our mother was a pure-blooded Uchiha and she could have been much more knowledgeable about the Uchiha history and oral knowledge than she should... Which she wasn´t, but since there is no way of double-checking besides Edo Tensei, it is still a valid excuse to justify our OOC knowledge.
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[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Final Hurricane Seal.

[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.

I don't much care for Taijutsu since we specialize in Kenjutsu, and feel like the chakra armor is less important since we can have other people research that for us, but we can't have other people train our techniques for us. Probably.
I just reread a summary of the Sasuke Recover Mission.

And the Sound 4 featured prominently in it...
But we killed them back in the Clash.

We have thoroughly derailed that. But the Trenchcoats had since the Clash time to plan for it.
They gotta be up to something.
"And what d you three have to say for yourselves? You were sent to bodyguard an actress so a film could be insured, and you ended up winning a civil war in the Land of Snow?" Tsunade said, glancing at an open folder on her desk.
Chapter 535 page 5. Naruto using sensing to find out that was happening. When he activates Sage Mode later on, its instantaneous.
Naruto can instantly enter sage mode via his clones. He would most definitely have some clones set up if he knows he is going to get into a confrontation.
Chapter 665 page 14. Minato did not take time to activate Sage Mode; it literally was as instant as Kakashi using Kamui or Gaara activating a technique.
Minato has Kurama to gather natural energy
Chapter 468 page 16. Naruto was talking about how long HE personally could hold it. Not suggesting that someone like Jiraiya had a time limit using his own method.
Jiriya does have a time limit, he just gets around it by using the toads.
[x] Work out the last problems with her Beast Slaying Vacuum Talon.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
I just reread a summary of the Sasuke Recover Mission.

And the Sound 4 featured prominently in it...
But we killed them back in the Clash.

We have thoroughly derailed that. But the Trenchcoats had since the Clash time to plan for it.
They gotta be up to something.

At this point they'd have to just full on kidnap him, or resort to mind control, which isn't exactly easy to do.

But then, its been abundantly clear since they showed up that the trenchcoats have long since failed in their stated mission. Canon died ages ago and short of full on reality warping there's no way to bring it back. Hell, they arguably killed it themselves.

Which mostly makes me think that their stated mission isn't their actual mission.

They could just be incompetent idiots, granted, but they could also not be and its probably important to remember that people can just lie.
Noncanon Omake: Iwa Bingo Book
Iwa Bingo Book

The Crimson Kamaitaichi: Uchiha Hisana

Name: Uchiha Hisana
Title: Crimson Kamaitaichi
Rank: Genin (Presumed to be promoted in near future)
Clan: Uchiha
Bloodline: Sharingan
Threat Level: Extremely Dangerous
Standing Orders: Kill On Sight

Uchiha Hisana, currently ranked as Genin, but suspected to be listed for promotion to Chunin or Tokubetsu Jonin. One of only two survivors of the Uchiha massacre, and appears to be the acting Clan Head. She is known to possess a fully developed Sharingan, and is usually seen alongside the other surviving Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke. Member of Genin Team Seven, and is a student of Hatake Kakashi. Her record is abnormally short, having only two officially known missions. However, both missions are stated to be A Rank. Her first mission, though apparently originally a caravan escort mission, was later categorised as an A Rank after the fact. The exact reasons for this are currently unknown, implying the situation to have been unusually important. Her second, more detailed mission led to the recent coup in the Land of Snow, where she killed at least one Jonin and the former daimyo personally and was singlehandedly responsible for the breaching of the palace defenses. She is also known to have fought during the attempted invasion of Konoha by Oto and Suna, where she is believed to have personally defeated many Chunin ranked opponents from both villages and killed several of Oto's elite, at least one of whom was an A Rank ninja. She is to be treated with caution, and killed if at all possible. As with her sensei and cousin, recovery of her intact Sharingan is to be considered of paramount importance.

Threat Assessment:

Extremely high talent in Kenjutsu. Utilises multiple B and A Rank ninjutsu, primarily focusing on Wind Release, Water Release and Fire Release. Currently unconfirmed reports indicate that the Lightning Release technique she used during the coup in Snow may be the Chidori. Her technique used to kill daimyo Doto is believed to be impossible to replicate, due to using free floating Nature Chakra. However a weaker variant of it is highly likely to be encountered. Known to use the Sharingan's genjutsu abilities in combat with some degree of skill, but is inferior to most dedicated genjutsu specialists. Her taijutsu abilities are currently identified as her greatest weakness. Any ninja engaging Uchiha Hisana are advised to disarm her at all costs, as without her kenjutsu skills she is drastically less dangerous.

Uchiha Hisana has developed a reputation for extreme speed, compared to Shunshin no Shisui by at least one of the Jonin killed by her during the coup. Though this has been deemed an exaggeration, she is indeed known to be capable of incredible feats of speed. Any ninja engaging her must be prepared for extremely high speed combat. She is also known for extremely close teamwork with Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, her teammates. However they are considered a lesser threat at present. More dangerous is the likely presence of her Jonin Sensei, Hatake Kakashi, the former student of the Yellow Flash and son of the White Fang. See his entry for further information.

Well, not my best to be honest. I wasn't quite sure where to go with this one, so I tried for a style based on an intelligence report that might be given to an Iwa ninja expected to have a chance of running into Team Seven. The "Crimson Kamaitaichi" is a two fold nickname: crimson, for the colour of the Sharingan, and Kamaitaichi, a yokai known for attacking travellers by slicing at them at such speeds it is often mistaken for nothing more than a gust of wind. Hisana fights by moving at insane speeds and cutting things, either with wind or a sword, so it's basically perfect.
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[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
[x] Try and improve on her Sealing by working on her Lightning Blood Seal.
[x] Try and improve her taijutsu by training with Gai and Lee.
Might not necessarily be that they're keeping canon on course for the sake of things being canon:

Might just be that they're trying to keep things relatively predictable. Canon would be better for that, but it's not necessarily required. If you can keep things at least similar, might be able to better predict how to change things to get what you want.

Alternatively, they're spending too many resources battling other factions like the Camo faction, and as such they've not been able to put all their focus here. Which I personally find unlikely, since if they're that dedicated to canon, They'd be hyperfocusing on the leaf instead, to the point where Hisana would be under nigh constant threat.