Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

[X] Plan: Meet the Crew
-[X][Prince] Make the announcement. The people will be sympathetic and will likely rally around their Prince. Outside forces may perceive this as a weakness to take advantage of.
-[X][Martial] Meet with your General (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Stewardship] Meet with Minister of Trade (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Diplomacy] Meet your Chief Diplomat (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Intrigue] Meet your Spymaster (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X] [Learning] Meet the Dean of the University (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X] [Magic] Try to find someone that knows about magic (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Persona] Correspond with Jasmine
-[X][Personal] Look into knowledge pertaining to People
[X] Plan: Meet and Greet
-[X][Prince] Make the announcement. The people will be sympathetic and will likely rally around their Prince. Outside forces may perceive this as a weakness to take advantage of.
-[X][Martial] Meet with your General (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Stewardship] Meet with Minister of Trade (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Diplomacy] Meet your Chief Diplomat (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Intrigue] Meet your Spymaster (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X] [Learning] Meet the Dean of the University (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X] [Magic] Scour the University library for any magical references.
-[X][Persona] Correspond with Jasmine
-[X][Personal] Study at the University
[X] Plan: Meet and Greet

From there I can definitely see expanding trade and housing districts as some gimme "start boosting resource gain early" opportunities, Agrabah Embassy as a diplo touchstone, and the rest of it more or less as "throw the dice in the air and see what happens"
So what do you guys think of the various other options? As well as my description of Ababwa?
[X] Plan: Choose your priorities.
-[X][Prince] Make the announcement. The people will be sympathetic and will likely rally around their Prince. Outside forces may perceive this as a weakness to take advantage of.
-[X][Martial] Meet with your General (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Stewardship] Expand housing district
-[X][Diplomacy] Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah
-[X][Intrigue] Meet your Spymaster (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X] [Learning] Go learn how to be a prince, again.
-[X] [Magic] Try to find someone that knows about magic
-[X][Persona] Correspond with Jasmine
-[X][Personal] Look into knowledge pertaining to People - You've a cheap sort of charm to you, but that's not going to cut it forever, especially now that you're in the big leagues

Overall, I have tried to choose the things that seem most important at the moment, like forging ties with Agrabah. Meetings with advisers are certainly important, but some are obviously more important than others. Also, we should look for a candidate for court wizards - such a person can give us many new opportunities.
As for the announcement, everything is simple. Internal problems can destroy the state much faster and more reliably than enemy intrigues.
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So what do you guys think of the various other options? As well as my description of Ababwa?

The other options look interesting.

Honestly I would have made meeting our advisors a sub turn. Right now it looks like most of the actions are just going to be meeting them. Next turn is where we will actually get into figuring out our priorities.

I enjoyed the description of Ababwa very much. Must be like a completely different existence for Aladdin.
Honestly I would have made meeting our advisors a sub turn.
That is a fair assessment, but I figured that you all should have the option to pick and choose who to meet and when. I was rolling the dice for them this turn either way.
I enjoyed the description of Ababwa very much. Must be like a completely different existence for Aladdin.
Oh yeah, Aladdin is having to adapt fast. Thankfully he's good at being quick on the uptake, eh?
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Out of curiosity are you planning for the advisors to be full hero units or just kinda stat modifiers for each category based on our kingdom?

Also are you making them OCs or trying to find appropriate characters to fill the slots?
The advisors specifically will be stat modifiers. Hero units will come later, depending on what you choose to do. As for OCs vs appropriate characters, I'm waiting till I have the numbers to inform me of their competence level; so I suppose the general answer is both.
[X] Plan: Meet and Greet

After mess with Genie, I think Aladdin would be on an truth only diet for a while
- [X] Internal fortress plan

--[][Prince] Keeping it secret was better overall, even if it caused some tensions with his people when he didn't act as they expected. Outside forces are much less likely to learn of Aladdin's condition.
- [][Martial] Meet with your General (roll for how impressive they are)
- [][Stewardship] Meet with Minister of Trade (roll for how impressive they are)
- [][Diplomacy] Meet your Chief Diplomat (roll for how impressive they are)
- [][Intrigue] Meet your Spymaster (roll for how impressive they are)
-[] [Learning] Meet the Dean of the University (roll for how impressive they are)
-[] [Magic] Try to find someone that knows about magic (roll for how impressive they are)
- [][Personal] Train with the bow (raise martial or possibly acquire a trait)
- [][Personal] Study at the University
"What about my whole... memory issue?"
-[][Prince] Keeping it secret was better overall, even if it caused some tensions with his people when he didn't act as they expected. Outside forces are much less likely to learn of Aladdin's condition.

-[][Prince] Make the announcement. The people will be sympathetic and will likely rally around their Prince. Outside forces may perceive this as a weakness to take advantage of.
Hey @TempestK I call sus(?*) on these two points.

First if the Genie was being a Bro when fulfilling the wish for Aladdin to be a prince why did he not get memories to that effect? Seems kind of a low blow from the Genie dropping a Princedom on Aladdin without the knowledge to run it.

Second its stated by the Royal Vizier to Prince Ali of Ababwa:
Oh, you heard the stories; of the street rat Aladdin, who found the Magic Lamp, who wished to be a Prince.

Everyone in Ababwa had.

Everyone knew that their Prince had started out with less than nothing. As less than nothing.

The Genie of the Lamp didn't do things by half it appeared, as when he granted the young Prince's Wish, he very well granted the Prince's Wish.

From across the ages, he took the desperate, the dying, the sick, and the poor, and gave them all the knowledge of their new lives, gave them a home, gave them so much.

Thanks to the Genie's forethought and kindness, Ababwa was an incredibly prosperous city with an especially lucrative trade in:
So... the entire population knows that Aladdin made a wish for a Princedom and they came to inhabit it. Also that he was a street rat. So even if he did not have any knowledge to rule they are there, and better off then they were before, Because of Aladdin. Why would they react negatively? Nor would they hold it against him because he did not react like he "should".

It all seems kind of weird.

(*is sus the right term?)
First if the Genie was being a Bro when fulfilling the wish for Aladdin to be a prince why did he not get memories to that effect? Seems kind of a low blow from the Genie dropping a Princedom on Aladdin without the knowledge to run it.
Literally answered in the OP, Jafar knocked wish-granted knowledge out of his head with the reversion.
Why would they react negatively? Nor would they hold it against him because he did not react like he "should".
...But the post you quoted noted that they wouldn't actually have issues with it? The main consequence is people from outside the nation seeing it as a weakness.
First if the Genie was being a Bro when fulfilling the wish for Aladdin to be a prince why did he not get memories to that effect? Seems kind of a low blow from the Genie dropping a Princedom on Aladdin without the knowledge to run it.

Second its stated by the Royal Vizier to Prince Ali of Ababwa:
Genie did give him the knowledge. Which is how Aladdin was able to conduct himself appropriately when dealing with the Sultan. But when Jafar "undid" his wish? He essentially put Aladdin back to factory reset and wiped Genie's magic off of Aladdin specifically.
So... the entire population knows that Aladdin made a wish for a Princedom and they came to inhabit it. Also that he was a street rat. So even if he did not have any knowledge to rule they are there, and better off then they were before, Because of Aladdin. Why would they react negatively? Nor would they hold it against him because he did not react like he "should".

It all seems kind of weird.
The main consequence is people from outside the nation seeing it as a weakness.
Ninja'd by Grue here on both counts, but this is especially relevant. It was a matter of how vital Aladdin considered it in terms of operational security for the kingdom. It would have also meant that Aladdin would have been going into situations where he'd potentially not react in the way someone was expecting. Have that happen often enough and people will start to worry that there's something wrong with their prince. And the rumor mill will generate something. The vote is basically how Aladdin choses to control the narrative of what happened to him.
How did Jafar "undo" the wish? I mean Jafar wasn't a Genieat the time. Watching the movie all i saw was his clothing changed. It didn't look/sound like his personality changed at all.

Magic, Jafar was the most powerful sorcerer in the world at the time and he undid it on a single target with no magical defenses and its his personal specialty in mind manipulation to boot.
Much easier than erasing a kingdom.
My opinion is that it's less a factory reset and more Jafar's spell/magic drained Genie's magic that made him a prince, the magic foundation is there so to speak, but out of gas.

Also one thing Genie probably did was make Jafar the most powerful Sorcerer in the world at that moment, but didn't give him the knowledge of magic, how to use said magic properly or how to channel said magic and if Genie was a let's say less than kind Jafar didn't tell him to make said power permanent.
-[X][Prince] Make the announcement. The people will be sympathetic and will likely rally around their Prince. Outside forces may perceive this as a weakness to take advantage of.
-[X][Martial] Meet with your General (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Stewardship] Expand trade district
-[X][Diplomacy] Establish a diplomatic embassy in Agrabah
-[X][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
-[X] [Learning] Meet the Dean of the University (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X] [Magic] Try to find someone that knows about magic (roll for how impressive they are)
-[X][Personal] Correspond with Jasmine
-[X][Personal] Look into knowledge pertaining to People

Better hope for a good magic roll, otherwise if we roll low enough our magic advisor will be a Hedgewitch obsessed with jams!
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