Voting for my initial standout faves, will dive into the arguments later maybe possibly.
For now I'll just say that on Diplo, roping in the other Colleges will likely be the biggest source of missing pieces of the puzzle that we can feasibly get (while Ice Witches, Damsels, and Ulthuani mages - especially the last - may be relevant as well, we have no clear in with any of those at this time) and IMO probably very interesting besides, and Duckling Club has been one of my favorite things in this quest full stop. Seriously, there's so many iconic lines just from Duckling Club, and just the whole thing is fantastic. More please thanks.
And on Lesson, there's a few there that are practical but seem boring to me, and at least one that seems interesting but excessively hazardous (hello, Dhar trait). So Mathilde leaning into her tendency to engage in shameless looting acquisitive reconnaissance sounds like a recipe for thrilling heists and assorted shenaniganry while also getting us some shiny gubbins to use and/or research, while I'm actually physically incapable of resisting the lure of a trait that reads like "knowledge and insight so comprehensive it's heretical."
[x] DIPLO: Collegiate
[x] DIPLO: Mentor
[x] LESSON: Light Fingers
[x] LESSON: Theologian