Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.
The question is will it work on an Endbringer?
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
I wanted Theo! I would have taken the offer.

[X] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Barrage – Upgrade for Rust Shooter. Fire four bullets at one time. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
It is good to see the other teams didn't have too much trouble handling their targets. Wrt Theo, oof. Well, cast is pretty filled out anyway...

[X] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.

As for the "Dragon's Offer" vote, what are the pros and cons again of going Corpo?
[X] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
Le sigh. Give me a minute to tear up the preliminary character sheet I made for Theo. I offer you a Breaker/Trump with five different power sets, and you turn it down. *shakes head*

Sorry, I thought giving him to Kayden made the most sense.
It's not like we couldn't call her or even go visit, after all we have easy access to teleportation. Anywhere on Earth Bet is practically next door.

[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

As for the "Dragon's Offer" vote, what are the pros and cons again of going Corpo?
Pros are that Standstill could join the team and not need to be beholden to going back to the PRT/Protectorate if she didn't want to, and it provides a stable source of income should any of the school-aged members decide to keep caping as adults instead of taking jobs. It also gives legal protection if shit really hits the fan.

Cons are that other corpo teams or the military might ask Dragon to rent the Arcana out for their own purposes. Dragon has already said any jobs like this would be discussed and decided on by the group as a whole, but it still risks getting involved in situations where you and Dragon don't know the full story and are stuck in the middle. Also, as Missy demonstrated, there are Protectorate capes who view corporate capes as less important or less worthy of respect, even lower than independent capes.
Pros are that Standstill could join the team and not need to be beholden to going back to the PRT/Protectorate if she didn't want to, and it provides a stable source of income should any of the school-aged members decide to keep caping as adults instead of taking jobs. It also gives legal protection if shit really hits the fan.

Cons are that other corpo teams or the military might ask Dragon to rent the Arcana out for their own purposes. Dragon has already said any jobs like this would be discussed and decided on by the group as a whole, but it still risks getting involved in situations where you and Dragon don't know the full story and are stuck in the middle. Also, as Missy demonstrated, there are Protectorate capes who view corporate capes as less important or less worthy of respect, even lower than independent capes.
Thanks! Need to think on this for a bit before editing my previous post to add a choice.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
Pros are that Standstill could join the team and not need to be beholden to going back to the PRT/Protectorate if she didn't want to, and it provides a stable source of income should any of the school-aged members decide to keep caping as adults instead of taking jobs. It also gives legal protection if shit really hits the fan.

Cons are that other corpo teams or the military might ask Dragon to rent the Arcana out for their own purposes. Dragon has already said any jobs like this would be discussed and decided on by the group as a whole, but it still risks getting involved in situations where you and Dragon don't know the full story and are stuck in the middle. Also, as Missy demonstrated, there are Protectorate capes who view corporate capes as less important or less worthy of respect, even lower than independent capes.
I´m guessing that Corporate Capes tend to have the reputation that Captain America had in the first part of the film, when he was basically a mascot?
I´m guessing that Corporate Capes tend to have the reputation that Captain America had in the first part of the film, when he was basically a mascot?
Exactly. An attitude that is not necessarily unearned considering most corporate capes are supposed to be flashy rather than do anything, so it's mostly doing PR events and advertisements. The Arcana would be unusual in that regard, though they wouldn't be the first. Cue flashback to Dragon talking about Disney's black ops team.
[X] Barrage – Upgrade for Rust Shooter. Fire four bullets at one time. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
Also, as Missy demonstrated, there are Protectorate capes who view corporate capes as less important or less worthy of respect, even lower than independent capes.

Considering where the group already is I could actually see that as being a bit of a plus from a PR side. Arcana is getting itself a rather fierce reputation (See Theo's reaction in this chapter). People subconsciously associating them with less dangerous mascot teams might curb that a bit. And on top of that "We're Dragon's personal cape team" isn't bad from a PR perspective either.

[X] Lion's Pelt – Coat yourself in an additional defensive forcefield three times as strong as your Knight Armor for 10 seconds.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
Le sigh. Give me a minute to tear up the preliminary character sheet I made for Theo. I offer you a Breaker/Trump with five different power sets, and you turn it down. *shakes head*

None of the team members are Parahumans and we are not a healthy group to put a kid who hates violence with. What with having Taylor who can basically wipe a whole city yet wonders why people are scared of her. With Missy who has a dogs army making her a magical "B*tch" replacement. Also having former Endbringer, a former supervillian, a former Hero who was a supervillain as part of the team.

There is also the fact Parahuman powers don't work outside Earth orbit and are also Shard spyware.

[X] Lion's Pelt – Coat yourself in an additional defensive forcefield three times as strong as your Knight Armor for 10 seconds.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
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[X] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
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[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.