Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

That's all the writing I can wring from my idea at this time
That's okay. You managed to turn it into 5 exceedingly creepy omake, so consider that a win. :D

If my memory is working, I think I said that I would give you all the XP you earned in one batch when you were finished, so you have 5 XP/training points to distribute as you see fit.
If my memory is working, I think I said that I would give you all the XP you earned in one batch when you were finished, so you have 5 XP/training points to distribute as you see fit.
I remember you saying that as well, so here we go. If you please, I'd like 2 points into Singularity, 1 point into Vampiric Ray, and then I'm going to save the final two until we reach the weekly Device spell vote. Thank you.
Question for those more knowledgeable about Nanoha than I. Is natural reincarnation a thing at all in that universe? I know that Fate and Vivio are examples of artificial reincarnation (cloning and implanted memories) but are there any cases of someone being born with memories of a past life?
Question for those more knowledgeable about Nanoha than I. Is natural reincarnation a thing at all in that universe? I know that Fate and Vivio are examples of artificial reincarnation (cloning and implanted memories) but are there any cases of someone being born with memories of a past life?
Afaik no. There are no natural reincarnations.

The lineage claiming the title of Hegemon of Sutra modified themselves and their descendants to inherit skills, knowledge and memories from one generation to the next.

But there's no natural reincarnations.
Afaik no. There are no natural reincarnations.

The lineage claiming the title of Hegemon of Sutra modified themselves and their descendants to inherit skills, knowledge and memories from one generation to the next.

But there's no natural reincarnations.
There's Black Arm Jeremiah's lineage too, and the only reason Vivio had any memories was because of similar modifications the Sankt Kaiser line went through, though Jeremiah's line focused on passing down raw skill and instinct with no memories/context, whereas the Sankt Kaiser line focused primarily on biomagical optimization with only a little bit of memory stuff on the side, which mostly faded due to Vivio's new life with Nanoha and Fate. The Hegemon line, by contrast, actually passed down comprehensive memories of personal lives as well as martial training. Can't remember if lightning/heavy armor girl 'inherited' anything from her lineage or not.

But yeah, using magic to screw with genetics to create physical or mental inheritances is a thing we know the various Belkan royalty did, but 'natural' reincarnations just aren't a thing in the Nanohaverse as far as we're aware.

Edit: Oh, and i suppose Ixpellia and the Mariage are worth mentioning, though for her it's immortality rather than inheritance, as far as i'm aware?
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I had a thought that has been bouncing around in my head for a while, that, to be fair, is not directly relevant to this story. It's just been so quiet lately, while I've fortunately seen posts from other authors. It's enough to have me worry for SW. Hopefully the vaccine will mean s/he has more free time soon.

The thought is this: from Khepri, we know that Clairvoyant and Doormaker had access to billions of worlds, a number of which had higher tech than Earth Bet. Why didn't Cauldron collect tech and experts from these worlds? There are a number of limitations to tinker tech that might be bypassable if they could get parts that covered bits like power sources that shard powers tend to black-box. I could understand being very careful with letting too much higher tech percolate to the general public of Bet out of fear that something would trigger Zion, but they should have had their own Tinker/Thinker/ordinary engineers building stuff at the base that contained Eden, and therefore somewhere they were *bleep*ed if Scion saw it anyway.
It's just been so quiet lately, while I've fortunately seen posts from other authors. It's enough to have me worry for SW.
I'm still here. I haven't posted anything for this quest because ideas for Spells in Silence are ceaselessly pounding there inside of my skull demanding to be let out, so everyone I try to write anything that is what starts flowing onto the page. Gonna try to write the update I keep delaying sometime this week.
The thought is this: from Khepri, we know that Clairvoyant and Doormaker had access to billions of worlds, a number of which had higher tech than Earth Bet. Why didn't Cauldron collect tech and experts from these worlds?
Lazy answer, but my money is on the fact that they relied on Contessa, whose power they KNEW had been crippled by the Entities. Is it any wonder they Path never suggested they increase their general tech base, especially when Wildbow later said they tried to avoid extremely advanced societies out of the fear they would be killed?
We also know that PtV was completely unrestricted as it was never meant to be given out, and only got a hasty "Entities and sufficiently Entity-like things are blindspots" patch during the fight against Eden, so it's not quite like that.

My money is on: if there is any Earth whose tech could threaten the Entities, they locked it away where powers can't reach it, like they did the worlds where the shards live.
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Lazy answer, but my money is on the fact that they relied on Contessa, whose power they KNEW had been crippled by the Entities. Is it any wonder they Path never suggested they increase their general tech base, especially when Wildbow later said they tried to avoid extremely advanced societies out of the fear they would be killed?

It came up in the Entities' interlude when they were picking the next species to visit, so I'm not sure how much 'later' you meant. The excessive reliance on the Path was a huge problem. When reading the story I thought, until the moment when Eden modified the Path, that all of Cauldron had been a plot manipulating everybody except Contessa to reach whatever goal it had aimed at. The idea that what Eden really did was move the focal control point that they thought they killed into PtV stuck around for a while, too, with the idea that all of the Cauldron experimentation was a series of attempts at building a new Entity-structure to replace the Thinker in the cycle.

We also know that PtV was completely unrestricted as it was never meant to be given out, and only got a hasty "Entities and sufficiently Entity-like things are blindspots" patch during the fight against Eden, so it's not quite like that.

My money is on: if there is any Earth whose tech could threaten the Entities, they locked it away where powers can't reach it, like they did the worlds where the shards live.

There may not have been the tech to directly threaten them, but combining the tech from the many worlds Taylor saw as Khepri would have been so much better than ignoring them like seems to have happened in canon. Doormaker and Clairvoyant being unable to access locked worlds always struck me as strange, though, since presumably they had the version of the powers reserved for Eden's personal use. There are so many flaws with the story as written, but that's part of what makes it such fertile ground for fafnfics.
Doormaker and Clairvoyant being unable to access locked worlds always struck me as strange, though, since presumably they had the version of the powers reserved for Eden's personal use.
I'm pretty sure that the locking away of worlds wasn't a restriction put on the shards (in which case you would be right, as those two shards are most likely unrestricted) but something "physical" that Zion build himself. Likely you would need another shard, a "world-locking" shard to open or close access to them.
I'm pretty sure that the locking away of worlds wasn't a restriction put on the shards (in which case you would be right, as those two shards are most likely unrestricted) but something "physical" that Zion build himself. Likely you would need another shard, a "world-locking" shard to open or close access to them.

Possibly my favorite explanation for where the shards are hidden is one I haven't seen actually in a story, and that is that the other worlds those were placed on were alternate Venuses, Mars, etc., and Cauldron just never thought to ask the right questions or look in the right places to find them. Eden's core landed on several Earths, but with the described sizes of individual shards, Eden's body should have been enormously larger than what is described in canon. I like the idea that that body is comprised of quantum entangled bits* from all of the other shards she was directly managing, with only that part needing to be on a version of Earth to help with targeting and such. The vials, containing those connection bits, linked the drinkers to a bunch of different shards for an aggregate power set determined in large part by what the person's mind could handle.

*Or other instant communication method
I'm still here. I haven't posted anything for this quest because ideas for Spells in Silence are ceaselessly pounding there inside of my skull demanding to be let out, so everyone I try to write anything that is what starts flowing onto the page. Gonna try to write the update I keep delaying sometime this week.
It's cool. You gotta go with whatever ideas are currently flowing. I'm watching both stories so no matter which gets updated first I'll be happy.
I do have some aesthetic-based questions though.
How big is Anubis? Something like a normal adult height, or more along the lines of a basketball player?

With Dragon and Cassiel's gynoids, where does the fairy body sit while they're piloting it? The head, the chest, or some other location?

Is this similar to how you picture Sarah's sword, with the blue lightning bolt crystal at the pommel?
How big is Anubis? Something like a normal adult height, or more along the lines of a basketball player?
6 foot, maybe an inch or two more. If you put him next to Taylor, he doesn't look quite so big, but he's nearly a full foot taller than Missy and still quite broad in the shoulders.
With Dragon and Cassiel's gynoids, where does the fairy body sit while they're piloting it? The head, the chest, or some other location?
Only Dragon has a gynoid body. Her physical form sits in a cavity in the chest.
Is this similar to how you picture Sarah's sword, with the blue lightning bolt crystal at the pommel?
Very similar, yes.
The idea that what Eden really did was move the focal control point that they thought they killed into PtV stuck around for a while, too, with the idea that all of the Cauldron experimentation was a series of attempts at building a new Entity-structure to replace the Thinker in the cycle.

That sounds like an interesting seed for a new fanfic :V Should shop it around. Faintly reminds me of MS (which I haven't finished), in that QA or a bud would probably be part of making a new entity.
Only Dragon has a gynoid body. Her physical form sits in a cavity in the chest.
Had to reread Suntan. I hadn't realized that Unison Devices could either look like fairies or like children, so Dragon needs the gynoid to look like an adult.
Few more questions. Can Anubis make his eyes glow red at will like the puppies do when Missy focuses on them? And can the puppies eyes remain normal for stealthy operation or do they have to glow when Missy is looking through their eyes?
Realign 14.25
[] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.

Realign 14.25

You give him a smile that is all teeth and watch him squirm harder. "Good evening, Gestalt."

The Nazi cape keeps his eyes locked on yours. You would think him a statue except for the shudders that are running up and down his spine. The longer you watch, the stronger they get, and… You peer closer, and sure enough, you think you can see some kind of thin brown liquid pooling in the corners of his eyes. It looks like sap, which makes you wonder.

Is sap what you get when you make a boy who is made out of wood cry?

Footsteps behind you tell you that the members of Operation Pentagram have walked up, but Gestalt's terrified attention never leaves you. With a sigh, you swing your staff upwards to lay across your shoulders. "You want to fight some more, or do you want to go ahead and surrender?"

He mutely shakes his head, his eyes falling towards the floor before jerking back up to keep watching you.

"Smart choice." You wave your hand for him to stand, and after several seconds where his eyes finally leave yours so he can look at the others standing behind you, he complies. "You really should have thought twice about signing up with a bunch of Nazis."

"…want to."

"What was that?" asks Charlie.

Gestalt's voice is still weak, but he is nonetheless louder as he repeats, "I didn't want to. I just didn't have any other choice."

"Why wouldn't you have any—" Your mind flips back to the last stand of the Empire Eighty-Eight. When you came back from roasting their capes, you learned that Cricket had been the single Empire cape to get away, but that was in part because somebody Triggered as a new cape during the assault. And as an escapee from a Simurgh containment zone, he would want to stay with the only person he could be sure would not run away screaming. Which leaves just one of the big questions that is coming to mind. "How were you involved in the Empire in the first place?"

"My… My dad was high up in the group. I tried to stay away from it all as much as I could, but he wouldn't let me say no."

You nod. If he already had a connection with the group even before running away from Brockton Bay, that would just reinforce the desire to stay with Cricket despite not agreeing with either their actions or ideology. Better the devil he knew than the devil he didn't. It even does a decent job explaining why both times you dealt with him, he was so quick to run. His behavior was strange because you are used to fighting villains who want to be villains.

And if he does not want to be a villain, maybe all he needs is some other road to walk. You look up and down him again. If you do not miss your guess, you expect him to be around your age.

"What are you thinking, Calamity Witch?" Alpha asks.

"The Protectorate is always looking for capes. They've flipped villains before." Including Purity and Crusader. "A villain who claims he never wanted to be a villain in the first place should be child's play to work with. He looks like the right age to be in the Wards, so there would be plenty of people to keep an eye on him."

It would also have the advantage of putting Gestalt somewhere he might not want to immediately run away from. He is not comfortable at all around you, but maybe if he went down to New Orleans he would appreciate having a couple of familiar faces. You just are not sure how much New Orleans wants to play host to a third Nazi.

Either way, the important part is still getting him away from here. The Protectorate can figure out the fine details. This is, after all, literally their job.

"…So you aren't going to kill me?"

That shakes you out of your contemplation, and you stare at him in near-incomprehension. You cannot claim that you have never killed anyone, but you certainly have not done it enough for anyone to think that is your default answer to everything. "We didn't kill the actual German Nazis out there. Why would I kill you?"

He does not appear to have an answer to that, or at least does not want to give one that he does have. Instead he follows along meekly as all of you leave the room to collect your captives. Barbar floats along, held aloft by your telekinesis, while Alpha picks up Flimmern in the same way. That leaves only Schütze to be physically carried by Cat Sith after transforming into a truly massive tiger and having the villain placed on her back. As your group finally leaves the office buildings, you see that you have a group of familiar faces waiting for you and tying up their own successful captures.

To the left, the PRT mage with the sword is watching Gespenst, glowing emerald chains stretching out from his hands and wrapping around the captured villain. The skull-masked Brute, Wahrheit, is splayed out on the ground along with a man in an octopus-like mask, although you can see Kayleigh paying very close attention to the latter with her black and gold gun pointed unerringly at his back. To the right, Missy sits on the ground, her small form absolutely dwarfed by the broad-shouldered dog-headed figure standing guard behind her. Her hands pet one puppy while several others are circling a pair of capes in billowing white and black costumes and a third who wears a feathered black cloak and a plague doctor's mask. She does not seem to have been massively inconvenienced by being the only member of your team to go into the sports store. Not that you expected her to have a problem, but it is nice to have verification.

"I've been meaning to ask this, but how did Night and Fog get here?" you ask your own group. "Last I had heard, the Protectorate was planning on putting them in a parahuman asylum."

"Break-out a couple of months ago," Charlie told you with a grunt.

"They're loyal to Gesellschaft above all else." You turn around to glance at Gestalt, who is still following along but keeping his eyes fixated on the ground. "As soon as agents reached them with new orders, they were out. It's hard to keep them contained, especially Fog."

"Interesting, but not my main concern at the moment," Alpha says before walking towards the mage with the chains. Shrugging, you follow along as she points to the cape with the octopus mask. "Who's this? We have one hostile more than we accounted for."

"No idea, Captain. Guy grew a bunch of tentacles out of his back and from the ground around him. Pain in the ass to deal with."

Once again Gestalt pipes up with information. Because he sees no point in keeping quiet, or because he's trying to be as helpful as he can to better his own chances of going to the Wards instead of prison? "Flimmern knew him, but I never caught his name. He got here just two days ago."

"Did she have a computer she generally worked from?" demands Alpha, turning back to Gestalt.

"She had a laptop, yeah. She mostly kept it in her room. I only saw it a few times. Second floor, take a right when you get off the stairs, and it's the second door on the left."

Alpha looks over at Charlie, who sighs before turning around and jogging back towards the office building. "You want to convince me to put in a good word for you?" the PRT's team leader asks Gestalt. She does not wait for him to get a word in before pointing at the ground next to her concrete hyena. "Sit there, and no funny business. Stay in your normal form, too. You try turning into a tree and teleporting away, you won't like what happens next."

"Doesn't work like that," he mutters, but he does so while dropping onto the ground and pulling his knees up to his chest.

"Thank you for the assist, Calamity Witch. If you and the rest of your team want to head out, you're welcome to do so. We're just waiting for the PRT transport to arrive."

You give the woman a nod before broadcasting to the rest of the Arcana, «We're good to go. Let's head back to Dragon's workshop.»

When the orange light from your teleport spell fades, you dismiss your Barrier Jacket and claim a nearby chair. "Good job, everyone," you tell them before focusing on Sarah. "You and Cat especially. For the first time fighting with new powers, you seemed to take to it like a fish to water."

"Thanks," she says with an embarrassed smile. "I thought it was going to be harder, too, but it was almost like… like my body remembered how to do it. I've never swung a sword around before, but suddenly I felt like I had been doing it for years."

"Template contains recorded memories of previous mages," Perfect Storm chimes in. "Increases combat capabilities with each iteration."

"Whatever it was, I won't turn it down. It made everything a lot easier." Her costume disappears, but she keeps the sword in her hands and whirls it around at the side. "I think I've figured out what to name my Device, too. It seems like it's only appropriate considering the first thing I did with it was helping to wipe out a gang.

"Terminus Est. 'This is the end'."

Le sigh. Give me a minute to tear up the preliminary character sheet I made for Theo. I offer you a Breaker/Trump with five different power sets, and you turn it down. *shakes head*

Anyway, that's a wrap for the Wolfheads. All the girls earn 1 XP as do the members of Operation Pentagram, and Taylor gets to learn a new spell.

[ ] Sabotage Shift – Create dozens of bullets surrounding you and fire them in all directions. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
[ ] Barrage – Upgrade for Rust Shooter. Fire four bullets at one time. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
[ ] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.
[ ] Lion's Pelt – Coat yourself in an additional defensive forcefield three times as strong as your Knight Armor for 10 seconds.
[ ] Turn your spell point into 1 XP for
-[ ] Missy
-[ ] Laura
-[ ] Kayleigh
-[ ] Sarah
-[ ] Lacey

The other question has nothing to do with this fight but is probably even more important for all that. What are you going to do about Dragon's offer to hire the Arcana as a corporate team?

[ ] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[ ] Defer – Hold off on the decision as you aren't sure one way or the other yet.
[ ] Refuse – Thanks, but no thanks. You can't bear losing your independence.
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[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Barrage – Upgrade for Rust Shooter. Fire four bullets at one time. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.

[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.

Mostly because I want to reach Starfield Harvest and another possible Ragnarök condition.
[X] Vampiric Ray – Forcibly drain another's mana to refill up to 25% of your own pool. If target is not a mage, they are left permanently weakened and somewhat more frail.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.
[X] Lion's Pelt – Coat yourself in an additional defensive forcefield three times as strong as your Knight Armor for 10 seconds.
[X] Accept – This solves so many problems, it would be foolish to turn it down.

Shrugging, you follow along as she points to the. "Who's this? We have one hostile more than we accounted for."
The what now?

Le sigh. Give me a minute to tear up the preliminary character sheet I made for Theo. I offer you a Breaker/Trump with five different power sets, and you turn it down. *shakes head*
I think your mistake was in thinking that the playerbase wanted more than one token male supporting character.

That, or in my case I'm frankly more interested in your original characters than yet another story with Theo in it.
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