Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)
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Welcome to Prince Aladdin Quest! Aka, Aladdin's Wish never got undone, as Jafar was merely a sorcerer when he "changed Aladdin back".

NOT a Genie.

Meaning, Aladdin's got money, he's got power, he's got 53 Purple Peacocks, to say the least.

Aladdin is, of course, the MC. He's got a genuinely loyal country, since the Genie's an absolute bro, and gave him people he could save, and, well, saved them.

The whole premise is that Genie created an entire nation whole cloth, complete with a population and history. And while Aladdin did know that he only became Prince Ali via a wish, presumably, not being a total dick, Genie gave him the knowledge necessary to be Prince Ali, and didn't just make him the prince of a forged nation without giving him any information about it.
A Whole New World
Wherever I feel like being

You were the Royal Vizier to Prince Ali of Ababwa.

Oh, you heard the stories; of the street rat Aladdin, who found the Magic Lamp, who wished to be a Prince.

Everyone in Ababwa had.

Everyone knew that their Prince had started out with less than nothing. As less than nothing.

The Genie of the Lamp didn't do things by half it appeared, as when he granted the young Prince's Wish, he very well granted the Prince's Wish.

From across the ages, he took the desperate, the dying, the sick, and the poor, and gave them all the knowledge of their new lives, gave them a home, gave them so much.

Thanks to the Genie's forethought and kindness, Ababwa was an incredibly prosperous city with an especially lucrative trade in:

[] Fish, Seafood, Pearls and Coral: Ababwa was located on the shores of a beautiful lagoon, one that the people took great care not to foul. And their stewardship was rewarded with great bounty. (Ababwa has Shipwrights, Sailors, up-to-date maps of the local ocean, and a small standing fleet.)

[] Gems and Precious Metals: Ababwa sits in a valley surrounded by wealth for the taking if one merely has the strong back and the iron will to claim it. (Ababwa is in a highly defensive area; has experts in excavation, mining, and sappers. Has specialized equipment to enable quick excavations.)

[] Rare Woods, Herbs, Spices and Pelts: Ababwa was located near a lush forest, heavy with natural bounty. They also teem with life, many creatures walking under the canopy. (Ababwa inland but not a defensive area. Has experienced Foresters, Rangers, and Herbalists. Easier to add exotic beasts to the Menagerie or train as War Beasts)

Not only was the city fiscally rich, but it was culturally rich as well, with a University that was famed for its:

[] Engineering Lab: More mechanically adept learned individuals, can potentially develop war machines or study captured machines to understand how they work. May be abe to crack Magi-tech from the technical side of things. Can attract those with an interest in mechanics.

[] College of Medicine: A gathering place for those seeking to understand the capabilities and limits of the physical form, and how it may be better fine tuned... or destroyed. Poisons, advanced medical treatments for non-humans, pressure point techniques may be developed, enhanced physical training regimen for the military, better overall health of the citizenry.

[] Wizard's tower: A lone spellcaster and his apprentice have made their home in Ababwa. While the wizard is a bit curmudgeonly, his vast well of knowledge is useful and one that he shares for a minor price, and his apprentice has the vigor to go out on campaign to assist the troops and other agents. Perhaps in time you can find others...

Prince Ali...Make that Prince Aladdin, saved them all, yourself included. He gave them all a home, a chance, and so much.

He didn't know the extent of what he did, but he did it.

So, you were on your way to Agrabah, to help him and Agrabah in setting the date for his wedding. You were accompanied by a squad of your finest men; in order to keep the entourage small but effective. A Prince must have his Guards after all.

While these men were trained as a special unit, the rest of the Ababwab standing forces tended towards:

[] Light Cavalry and Horse Archers: Hit and run tactics; strike like lightning and then fade like thunder.

[] Heavy Cavalry and Foot Soldiers: The gold standard of the modern world; the men are trained to attack in formation, while the Heavy Cavalry rides down more stalwart opposition.

[] Siege Warfare: The best way to fight is to not get hit. Trebuchet and Ballistae augmented by longbow men and a defensive screen make up the bulk of your forces.

You suppose some of the Golden Camels would make a wonderful Dowry for the Princess of Agrabah. Though given what you'd heard about the Princess' taste in pets, perhaps she'd enjoy the more lively creatures in the Menagerie. It was:

[] A Source of Income: While viewing was free, canny merchants had purchased licenses to sell drinks and snacks as people went from enclosure to enclosure admiring the collection that the Genie had brought together and that the Royal Zoologist was always working to expand. Naturally, the Taxman took his cut.
(Gain +500 gold income per turn)

[] A Stable For War: The Menagerie, while housing many gentle creatures, is also home to much fiercer beats, including those that find their place on the battlefield should the kingdom ever need to mobilize to war. The Royal Beast Tamer claimed to be an old hand at his craft, but even a well-trained and cared-for animal could act out unpredictably at times.
(Menagerie houses War Beasts, RER chance that they break containment added to table)

As you crested the final dune and beheld Agrabah though, something prickled along the nape of your neck. The city looked at peace, you could hear cheering even all the way out here... But something felt terribly wrong. Kicking your camel from a trot into a gallop, you and your men streamed towards the city. You hoped it was just paranoia... but the dark clouds beginning to gather out of nowhere indicated otherwise...

AN : Welcome to Prince Aladdin Quest! Aka, Aladdin's Wish never got undone, as Jafar was merely a sorcerer when he "changed Aladdin back".

NOT a Genie.

Meaning, Aladdin's got money, he's got power, he's got 53 Purple Peacocks, to say the least.

Aladdin is, of course, the MC. He's got a genuinely loyal country, since the Genie's an absolute bro, and gave him people he could save, and, well, saved them.

The whole premise is that Genie created an entire nation whole cloth, complete with a population and history. And while Aladdin did know that he only became Prince Ali via a wish, presumably, not being a total dick, Genie gave him the knowledge necessary to be Prince Ali, and didn't just make him the prince of a forged nation without giving him any information about it.

But Jafar turning him back into Aladdin... That information could well be gone.
Character Sheet

Martial - 15 +2 + 1 (Training) = 18 - You don't grow up on the streets of Agrabah without learning how to defend yourself. Sometimes it's fight... or die.
Stewardship - 10 +1 = 11 - Aladdin's "finances" often consisted of "Do I have food in my stomach or not?". He hasn't had a chance to develop much in the way of money sense beyond what he's seen in the bazaar.
It turns out that all Aladdin needed was the proper context to understand the tactics and language of large-scale management of lands and funds. His turnabout is almost frightening to his tutor in his ability to absorb and process information.
Diplomacy - 15 + 6 = 21 - When his hands and feet failed him, Aladdin has often been able to rely on his rough charm to get him out of bad situations.
Intrigue - 18 + 4 +10 (Abu) = 31 - Aladdin has had to become exceptionally cunning to squeeze every last opportunity that presents itself for every drop it's worth and then some.
Learning - 10 + 4 = 14 - Aladdin's had to grow up street smart, but unfortunately his formal schooling hasn't been a priority. He's literate and can do most basic math easily; but he's not about to be translating ancient hieroglyphics or assembling a suit of mobile armor out of a box of scraps.
Occult - 13 + 4 = 17 - Aladdin's experiences with the Cave of Wonders and the Genie have opened his eyes to the mystical as being more than just fables and fairy tales. Aladdin goes into situations regarding magic with an open mind.

One Jump Ahead: Aladdin's life of conning and thievery has given him quick wits and quicker hands. If Aladdin is engaged in a Martial action personally and it goes badly, he can apply half of his Intrigue score as his insights spot ways to take advantage of enemy actions or holes in defenses in order to extract himself and his allies from the situation.

Partner in Crime: Aladdin and Abu have been together for years; able to read each other's emotions and intent without words. Abu is a cunning ape on his own, but when teamed up with Aladdin they form a frighteningly effective team. Abu adds +10 to Aladdin's Intrigue and +5 to Aladdin's Martial when fighting together. May also occasionally cause issues for Aladdin too...

Wait, Paperwork?!: Aladdin's life before his Wish didn't prepare him for the life of a Prince. And with the knowledge that Genie had given him apparently wiped thanks to Jafar, he has no idea how to handle the minutia of keeping a kingdom running. Take -10 on Stewardship rolls.
Negated by Critical Learning Success with Chiron!

Diamond in the Rough: Aladdin's potential is deeper than even he knows. ???

Thick as Thieves - Aladdin's knowledge of how the underworld and the minds of those that skulk through it work gives him a +10 to Diplomacy when directly speaking to a pirate, bandit, or thief.

Ancillaries: Catalina aka "Red" and Kiera aka "Angry" - two young thieves who ended up in Ababwa after fleeing from the Baron's Bandit Army; they were caught in the midst of a crime spree by Ahmed, Abu and Aladdin acting in tandem. Not being the type of person to throw stones, Aladdin gave them the option of working as his aides. The position of trust and the shared ground of being thieves allows Aladdin to take a third personal action. Spending more time with the girls will allow Aladdin to get to know them better and make them trust him more.
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Diplomacy Tracker
The Kingdom of Ababwa

(Credit for this image to Djahal from DeviantArt)

City perks:

Trade Perks

Rare Woods, Herbs, Spices and Pelts: Ababwa was located near a lush forest, heavy with natural bounty. They also teem with life, many creatures walking under the canopy. (Ababwa inland but not a defensive area. Has experienced Foresters, Rangers, and Herbalists. Easier to add exotic beasts to the Menagerie or train as War Beasts)

General Perks

College of Medicine: A gathering place for those seeking to understand the capabilities and limits of the physical form, and how it may be better fine tuned... or destroyed. Poisons, advanced medical treatments for non-humans, pressure point techniques may be developed, enhanced physical training regimen for the military, better overall health of the citizenry.

Council of Professors - A Prince-approved group of Professors and Physicians that assist Dean Chiron in vetting proposals and funding requests with minimal departmental clashing. Keeping their private staff room fully stocked with coffee also helps. Gain +1 Learning Action per turn.

Military Perks

Light Cavalry and Horse Archers: Hit and run tactics; strike like lightning and then fade like thunder.

A Stable For War: The Menagerie, while housing many gentle creatures, is also home to much fiercer beasts, including those that find their place on the battlefield should the kingdom ever need to mobilize to war. The Royal Beast Tamer claimed to be an old hand at his craft, but even a well-trained and cared-for animal could act out unpredictably at times.
Special Animals within Stable:
- Sirrush
- Infant Foreverwing

8 Dire Wolves (6 adults, 2 pups)
2 Ground Sloths (mated pair)
1 Smilodon (pregnant with 4 cubs)
1 Glyptodon
1 Juvenile Cave Bear
1 Dire Pig
1 Andrewsarchus

All crystal locked animals must be revived by Tai Lung (a free action) and will require at least one turn of training to determine what if any uses they might be.

Genie is, to put it in the words of Sinbad, much like a benevolent earthquake. He's there to help, often in a big way, but you're not really going to control how he does so. During a Turn, Genie can act to affect a failing roll. He can turn a critical failure into a normal failure, or if a roll is within 5 points of the DC, he can boost it over the edge.

Genie doesn't have a Stat Block, he's a bit too hard to quantify even with his powers diminished. But right now he's also luxuriating in being free for the first time in millenia, so while he's more than happy to help, he's not going to be taking orders anytime soon. And even with all his power, he can't focus on more than one thing at a time, so if there are two failures, or a crit failure on a Personal and a failure on a National action, Genie will act on his own initiative on what he considers more important.

Turn Start City Funds: 45,498
City income: 32,800
  • 8,000 Medicines, plants, rare animals, pelts and dyes
  • 500 Increased trade from housing expansion
  • 500 Increased Tax Revenue
  • 1,500 Trade with Xiang-Wu
  • 500 Taxes from integration of Mongols.
  • 3,000 Salt harvesting
  • 3,500 Crossbow sales
  • 4,000 Trade with Atlantis
  • 1000 Trade with Agrabah
  • 1500 Trade with Maldonia
  • 2,500 Star Chart Sales
  • 500 Silphium exports
  • 800 Silphium Enhanced Medicines
  • 1500 Eastern taxes
  • 2500 Foreverwing Exhibit
  • 1000 Copper Mine
  • Current Upkeep costs:
    • 3000 Greenhouse
    • 1,000 Salt Harvesting
    • 500 Night Fighters Facilities
    • 500 Crossbow manufacturing
    • 150 Map Production
    • 500 Diplomatic corps
    • 500 Intelligence Apparatus
    • 500 (Tribute to Davy Jones)
    • 250 McCann Bros. Pay
    • 500 Stewardship corps
    • 250 Infiltrators Pay
      • 7650 Total Expenditures
  • Actual Income: 25,150

Trade Partners and Allied States

Xiang-Wu: An independent city-state on the borders of the land now claimed as the Hunnic Empire. Trades silks, spices, and gems. Trade partner with Ababwa. Due to the Defeat of the Dreaded One by representatives of Ababwa, Xiang-Wu is now willing to give Ababwa preferential treatment as a trade partner as well as in politics.

The Integrated Council of Atlantis: Mysterious and alluring, every civilization has legends of Atlantis in some shape or form. The truth is as far out there as any legend. Vessels of stone that sail through both the air and seas, fantastical crustaceans and spices that have been lost to time. And plenty of need for timber, paper, ink, oil, grains... the list is extensive, and Ababwa's fertile farmland is more than happy to try and meet the demand.

Elite Global Huntsman's Club: A group of independent and very... "enthusiastic" hunters that make it their mission to hunt powerful, dangerous game. They've arranged a supply drop with Ababwa and will return infrequently to trade items for more supplies.

Agrabah - After assisting the sultanate with the Sand Witch situation, Ababwans are now wholeheartedly welcomed into the city. And without the vile witches interrupting trade, goods are now free to flow back and forth, as well as news.

Maldonia: A kingdom that has overwritten the country of Morocco, Maldonia is a city caught between the past and the future. With the charming Prince Naveen and his lovely and industrious wife Princess Tiana as the public faces of the crown, they have begun forging close trade ties with Ababwa. Louis the Alligator being granted human speech has made the Ababwan rulership figures of awe in the eyes of the general public.

Lemuria - Originally they were seen as a merely a rival power comprised of the former Southern Satraps and then other smaller kingdoms being brought into the fold by diplomacy and marriage to the large family of the Queen of Lemuria. The truth, however, is far far darker. They are a puppet state, manipulated by a cult dedicated to Dagon, the Deep Father, and engaged in a campaign of corruption and seduction to feed the voracious appetites of the Deep Ones for blood sacrifice and breeding material.
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Cast of Characters
Friends and Allies


An ancient albeit innocent sentient flying carpet that Aladdin befriended in the Cave of Wonders. Apparently also old friends with Genie as well. It's capable of covering incredible distances in short periods of time, and can bear several people at once with ease. Though it cannot lift beyond a certain weight, and if caught on sharp objects or otherwise cut it can sustain damage that may require repairs from an expert weaver.

The Advisors

A young man eager to prove himself, Ahmed will readily admit that he may not rank up there as a tactical genius, but he's resourceful and has a head for logistics that allows him to supplement his lack of experience in warfare. His prized possession is a magical tent that can become as large or small as he wishes it to be with a single muttered word. He and Aladdin have bonded over their shared enjoyment of athletics and movement in general; creating an obstacle course that the two run when they have precious free time in order to keep their reflexes sharp. And merely to feel the wind in their hair as they break the shackles of gravity for a few precious moments.

+12 to all Martial Rolls.

The Magic Tent: When on deployment, Ababwa's main forces do not suffer a malus from inclement weather. No matter the source. When dealing with refugees, it takes longer for unrest to begin to rise as they are automatically provided shelter.

Gained +1 to Martial as a reward to @Simon_Jester

A crusty old salt-of-the-sea type, Sinbad made his fortune through sheer luck and then knowing how to apply that windfall. His days listening to the tales of the rogue Sinbad and the gems he received in payment allowed him to start a trading house before he took ill. Genie's intervention saw him installed as the Head Steward of the kingdom. Mostoften found at the shore of the lake outside Ababwa with a pole in hand, his laconic nature and unsophisticated persona hide a keen mind and a sharp eye for good deals. On top of that Sinbad seems to have a nose for the uncanny or odd, able to sniff out items of potential worth and procure them with relative ease.

+15 to Stewardship

Eye for the Odd: If Aladdin or one of his advisors requires strange or rare materials, gain a +10 bonus to procure them through Sinbad's trade contacts. Also allows him to spot things that may be otherwise overlooked or dismissed while sorting through treasure.

An enigmatic woman who seems to always have a way to divert the flow of conversatin to best suit her purposes. No one yet has been able to find out the story of her past before Ababwa, whether or not she's the original Storyteller herself, or merely someone named for the famous heroine. When not enjoying the gardens and menagerie, Scheherazade can most often be found in a library looking through manuscripts and scrolls for stories unknown to her. Or in the marketplace, talking with traders and travelers to get the latest news.

+25 to Diplomacy rolls

Storyteller Supreme: While hosting diplomatic talks, Scheherazade can induce a -20 malus on opposed diplomacy rolls as she distracts her opponents with stories and witticisms.

+20 to Intrigue Rolls

Acerbic, sarcastic and cunning, Haroud could very well be a reflection of what Aladdin could have eventually become if cynicism had managed to take root in the young man's soul. Haroud is a man who knows what his skills are worth, and expects to be paid for them in full. He's also worth every gold, able to tug on the threads of his personal web of contacts and send information singing back along the threads to him. His personal creedo is "Maximum impact, minimal effort."

Spider in his Web: Haroud has an extensive network of contacts and informants that he has husbanded from his early days as a thief and bandit. They include not only paid criminal informants but merchants and even mercenary soldiers. When attempting to investigate a specific region or individual, Haroud gains a +20 on information gathering attempts.

Ancillary: Eugene Fitzherbert - Eugene has been hired by Haroud as one of his agents! Due to his good relationship with Scherazade, he also works as a go-between for the two councilors. If they are taking complementary actions in the Diplomacy and Intelligence fields, the DCs for both actions are reduced by 10%; if not, he offers a flat +5 bonus to Haroud.

A former Hero and trainer of heroes, Chiron was, according to himself, one of the best. But he let his own ego get in the way of his ability to assess a situation, and paid dearly for it. He tried to face down the Hydrus, the Titan of Ice and Water. He failed and was maimed, one of his legs being frozen solid and then shattering under his own weight. Down a leg and with his pride broken, Chiron was saved by Genie before he could bleed out. Now he works to make sure that not only potential heroes, but anyone that wishes to learn from him to put their talents to good use can be the best they can be. He and Haroud don't get along, as he sees the Spymaster as lazy, while Haroud thinks Chiron to be someone that still keeps half his brain in the same scabbard as his sword.

+30 to Learning Rolls

The Great Teacher Inspires: Chiron can be assigned to teaching a Hero unit to increase their Martial, Learning, or Diplomacy. This action stacks with any training actions said Heroes take as well. This adds a +40 bonus to their training attempts and doubles their stat gain. However when assigned in this manner Chiron's Learning bonus will not be applied to other Learning actions.

Zummi has revealed himself to be what is known as a Gummi Bear, a race of diminutive intelligent bears capable of speech, magecraft, and advanced science. He and his clan have agreed to serve under Aladdin faithfully in thanks for not only the safety he had granted them, but the kindness and respect in not pushing in an attempt to learn their secrets; rather trusting them to come forward in their own good time.

Add +30 to Occult rolls

Great Book of Gummi - This ancient tome contains a magically preserved collection of the lore and knowledge of the Gummi Bear race. It can only be accessed by a Gummi Bear wielding a Gummi Medallion, an item that is impossible to fabricate or otherwise fake. Zummi has agreed to share carefully curated pieces of lore and information with the scholars of Ababwa in order to help the kingdom that has accepted him and his family.

Nemesis: Duke Igthorn - As one of the only remaining Gummi Bears, he is a key to the mechanisms that the ancient Gummis left across Dunwyn and other locations. If presented with the option to capture him or any other Gummi Bears, Igthorn will take it with only limited hesitation.

Priority: Gummibears - Aladdin may be his sworn liege, but the rest of the Gummi clan are family. If it comes down to a situation where he has to aid one or the other, he will choose the Gummis, unless he can somehow choose a third option to help both somehow.


For this quest Loyalty is more of a narrative effect, in that it determines how much a person is willing to open up to Aladdin. What they're willing to reveal about themselves and the places they came from. Of course, this has the potential to open up new Adventures or new options while interacting with said persons.

Martial - 4: Iago's a parrot not an eagle. He's better served making use of the environment to do damage to his enemies rather than fighting them himself.
Stewardship - 15: Iago helped Jafar keep track of his lab spaces, their various ill-gotten gains, and the sundry compounds and components that Jafar utilized. He's decent at tracking stuff.
Diplomacy - 7: Iago's got a fowl mouth and a short fuse when he's able to actually speak up. While he's an able translator, leading delicate negotiations isn't a strong suite for him.
Intrigue - 23 Iago has a twisty scheming mind, and learned at the shoulder of Jafar when it came to plotting and planning.
Learning - 16 Iago has absorbed quite a few facts and bits of knowledge over the years just from exposure.
Occult - 19 Iago has seen and heard much about magic while working for Jafar, and is a source of many pieces of trivia in regards to magical creatures, places, and items.


"Bird's-Eye View" - +20 Martial/Intrigue bonus when acting as a scout or providing a diversion.

"Talk to the Animals" - Removes all Diplomacy maluses related to communication when speaking with intelligent animals. Allows Iago to substitute his Learning for his Diplomacy when interacting with intelligent animals.

"Looking Out For Me" - Iago is a coward, and hates taking risks, but deep inside is a seed of courage. Iago must pass a Diplomacy or Intrigue check of 40 to take genuinely risky actions.

"Distracted by the Shiny" - Has to make a DC 50 Diplomacy check not to steal treasure when presented with the opportunity on a mission and a 50 Intrigue check not to get caught should he fail the first one.

"Former Familiar" - Iago gains a +10 Intrigue bonus when investigating Jafar and his various hidey-holes.

Loyalty: 65/100

Martial 20 - Tai Lung's entire life has been fixated around combat, especially the unarmed styles known collectively as "Kung Fu".
Stewardship 8 - All of his life, Tai Lung's needs were taken care of by the temple he lived in with his adoptive father and master. He knows how to ration his money a bit, but he's not going to be running a farm anytime soon. Let alone a kingdom.
Diplomacy 16 - Tai Lung can actually be rather polished, urbane and even charming, so long as he can keep his temper in check.
Intrigue 10 - Tai Lung can generally spot falsehoods, but he's a very straightforward person at heart, and tends to get tripped up by metaphorical puzzles and koans.
Learning 15 - Tai Lung is by no means stupid, but his area of study is very focused.
Occult 19 - Having been on the receiving end of, and developing his own, esoteric techniques using chi, Tai Lung is very aware of the supernatural.

Master of a Thousand Scrolls - +15 to Learning actions involving herbal medicine, acupuncture, nerve strikes, or deciphering the use of Martial-related items. +20 to Martial when Tai Lung engages in combat personally.

Neverchosen - Tai Lung takes a -20 to Diplomacy when dealing with entities that have insulted him or those he has deigned to call friends and allies; or their capabilities.

Dark Secret - Tai Lung has the air of a man with heavy thoughts...

Leopard's Claw - Gains +10 to Martial to take enemies or targets down alive; using his specialized chi attack he developed from experiencing Oogway's strikes that felled him. These same techniques can also be used to "unlock" the chi of others; but even they they will need to train in its use to get more than a passive benefit from it.

With Catlike Tread! - Tai Lung's agility and lightness on his feet, combined with his cunning and intuitive mind allows the Snow Leopard to have an easier time not only of bypassing traps, but of even turning them against one another. Gain a +10 to Martial when rolling to avoid or disable traps; and can trigger an opposed roll if enemies are present that he could use the traps against in some way.

Loyalty: 50/100

Martial 13 9 - though he knows much about swordplay and the use of a blade, his age and malnourishment have left him vastly weakened and unable to do much more than use a punch dagger if someone gets close to him.
Stewardship 13 - Faria knows well the importance of rationing and portion control, lessons hard-learned during his time imprisoned. But he has little knowledge of how to run larger enterprises.
Diplomacy 22 - Faria is an incredibly learned man, and knows several languages including Latin, French, Arabic, Greek and English. He also has a vast well of patience to draw upon, built up over his time in prison. His calm, patient attitude can wear down even the toughest negotiators as a river erodes a stone.
Intrigue 14 - Though his reputation as being "mad" helped him be overlooked, he has some skills at deception that helped him hide his attempts at tunneling out of the prison he'd been placed in.
Learning 25 - Faria is a practical font of information, facts, and lore. And what he doesn't know he'll gladly look up, or even pretend he doesn't know just to have a book in his hands once again.
Occult 4 - Faria was a pious man, but the portal opening beneath him as he was about to be crushed by rocks has certainly set his world on end. Being held by a dragon as their personal storyteller even more so!


The Children I Never Had - Faria can take on a Hero as his "apprentice". Each turn they are his Apprentice, roll a d4. On a 1 they get a +1 to Learning, on a 2 a +1 to Diplomacy on a 3 a +1 to Martial, on a 4 a +2 to Diplomacy. Every turn that he has an apprentice, they will gain a stat until they hit their natural limit. When apprenticed, Faria must go with his apprentice when they are assigned to an adventure, and uses up one Hero slot. While under his tutelage, neither the apprentice nor Faria can take National actions as all their attention is on their training. When on an Adventure, on a critical Faria can turn an encounter into a teaching moment and give a +1 to the relevant stat for all parties except himself.

These Old Bones - Faria has suffered prolonged imprisonment and periods of malnourishment. He will need to be gently brought back to the fullness of health that the doctors of Ababwa can achieve. Faria suffers a -4 penalty to his Martial as well as to all rolls taken during an Adventure aside from Diplomacy and Learning.

Rusted Bones, Iron Mind - Faria's memory is a monstrously powerful thing. Once the man has read something, he is able to recall it with crystal clarity. Has no malus on recalling written words and dictating them verbatim.

"Lifer" - Faria spent much of his life as a prisoner inside the Chateau D'if, and knows the prison better than anyone alive. He gains +15 to all rolls when at the prison.

Loyalty: 40/100

Martial 15 + 1 = 16 - Calla is surprisingly adept with a sword, shield and bow, The only things holding her back from being even better with them is her current lack of reach and height against most opponents, as well as not having an apparent style specifically suited for her.
Stewardship 16- Calla has excellent organizational skills and a good eye for delegation as well. All she lacks at the moment is experience.
Diplomacy 19 - Calla is well versed in several languages, has a thorough grasp of etiquette, and can easily distinguish which fork to use during which course of a meal.
Intrigue 13 - Calla has some basic cunning and ability to pull tricks, but she's not capable of pulling off grand deceptions on her own.
Learning 14 - Calla is more than capable of learning, but she finds it dull unless the teacher is able to find some way to capture her interest.
Occult 21 - With the studying that she's undertaken with her master, and now the acquaintance of the Fairy known as "Holly" (short for Hollyhock apparently), she's beginning to really learn the power that has lain dormant in her blood; and tap into its potential.

Pauper's Princess: Calla has been nursing an attraction to Cavin for a long time, and has finally brought it into the open. The two of them are courting (under the watchful eye of Grammi and Gruffi), and when working together are a formidable team. +5 to any actions where both Cavin and Calla are working together; +15 to rolls for Calla when Cavin is in danger.

Fae-Friend - Calla's experiments with magic led to her being found by a displaced faerie called Hollyhock. The very young fae has latched onto Leah as a protector and safe haven in the maddened world she finds herself adrift in. Calla gains a +15 Diplomacy bonus when interacting with Fae creatures, and Fae creatures will not automatically attack her unless ordered by a superior. She also gains a +10 to identify an unknown Fae.

Blood of the Earth - Calla's bloodline apparently contained latent potential for what is known in her homeland as "druidic magic", though many here would say shamanism and call it a day. She gains a +10 to occult in dealing with magical plants and animals, as well as having extra options to circumvent obstacles presented by plants, animals or the earth. If performing a Learning action involving plants or animals, add half that boost to her Learning.

Red in Tooth and Claw - If Calla is placed in a high stress situation, a composure check of 1d100+Martial with a DC of 35 will be rolled. On a failure her magic lashes out outside her control to try and end the threat, or remove her from the area.

Nemesis: Duke Igthorn - As the princess of Dunwyn she is naturally a threat to Igthorn's claim to the conquered throne, and if he has an opportunity he will take it to try and remove her and Cavin from the board.

Priority: Gummibears - Aladdin may be her sworn liege, but the Gummis are practically family. If it comes down to a situation where she has to aid one or the other, she will choose the Gummis, unless she can somehow choose a third option to help both somehow.
Loyalty: 90/100

Martial: 14 + 5 = 19 - Cavin was in training to be a knight under the tutelage of Sir Tuxford, he has experience using not only swords and daggers, but staves, spears, and bows. As he's grown into his body he's become very proficient in their use.
Stewardship: 10 - As a squire, Cavin's duties included maintaining and repairing Sir Tuxford's gear as well as his horse's tack. To that end while he's not an economic genius he knows how to handle himself and keep things organized.
Diplomacy: 12 - Cavin's not the smoothest talker, but his genuine affect and wish to help others in need shines through. He's capable of talking to people on their own level.
Intrigue: 17 - Cavin's much cannier and cunning than he gives himself credit for, his inventive thinking and ability to adapt on the fly; to say nothing of tactical application of the power of Gummiberry Juice means that he's quite the slick operator in a pinch.
Learning: 16 - Cavin's grandfather raised him, and as a former knight of the realm, Sir Gawain made sure that Cavin was not only well-schooled, but more importantly that he kept an open mind. As such he is able to take in and process information quite quickly.
Occult: 8 - While he has no magical powers or capabilities of his own, his exposure to such over the course of his friendship with the Gummi Bears has left him with something of a working knowledge of the occult.

Princess' Pauper - Cavin has been nursing an attraction to Calla for a long time, and has finally brought it into the open. The two of them are courting (under the watchful eye of Grammi and Gruffi), and when working together are a formidable team. +5 to any actions where both Cavin and Calla are working together; +15 to rolls for Cavin when Calla is in danger.

Tuxford's Squire - Thanks to his time learning under the genial Sir Tuxford, Cavin is able to not only fight effectively, but is actually more able to absorb lessons in regards to knightly etiquette and skills. +5 Martial in direct combat, +5 bonus to learning knightly skills.

Gummiberry Juicer - Cavin's extensive usage of Gummiberry Juice over the course of his friendship with the bears has led to him being the most experienced human alive when it comes to making the most effective use of the Juice's power at any one point in time. He gains a one-time bonus of +10 to intrigue and Martial during Adventures he's sent on.

Priority: Gummibears - Aladdin may be his Prince, but the Gummis are his family. If it comes down to a situation where he has to aid one or the other, he will choose the Gummis, unless he can somehow choose a third option to help both somehow.

Nemesis: Duke Igthorn - As one of the major factors to keeping the Gummi Bears both secret and helping foil Igthorn's plans multipel times over Igthorn habors a massive grudge against the lad. His connection to Princess Call makes him that much more dangerous, and so if he has an opportunity he will take it to try and remove her and Cavin from the board.
Loyalty :90/100

Martial 20-2: 18 (Selous was a legendary hunter, scout, and soldier, who went so far as to create his own volunteer unit when the British military wouldn't let him enlist on account of old age. He's 64 years old, and still going strong.)
Stewardship 15 (Selous was an incredibly successful hunter and guide who made a fortune in a hard business. Not only that, but he was responsible for handling logistics for both military units and massive hunting parties, and did so well and successfully.)
Diplomacy 12 (Selous was well-known for his many powerful connections, and rubbed shoulders with princes and presidents alike. Much of his success can be attributed to his ability to promote his own skills, and earning the genuine friendship of the likes of Theodore Roosevelt and Hugh Lowther, 5th Earl of Lonsdale.)
Intrigue 18 (A lifelong hunter, Frederick Selous stalked the deadliest of game all over the world and emerged unscathed. His skills translated well to warfare, and he served as a scout in several conflicts, including World War 1.)
Learning 15 (Selous was a recognized expert in firearms, zoology, conservation and wildlife management, and natural history. He spoke several languages, and was very well-read and traveled alike.)
Occult 8 (Selous grew up in the midst of the Occultic Movement of the 19th century, and is by no means ignorant of what's commonly considered to be the supernatural. That said, recent events have led him to take it more seriously than he might have otherwise.)


"Great White Hunter" - Frederick Selous is such an archetypical huntsman that he was the real-life inspiration for Allen Quartermain. As a result of his career, he gains +30 Martial and Intrigue when hunting animals, +15 Stewardship when selling his gains and managing groups of people up to the scale and complexity of small-scale military units. Finally, he gains +10 Learning when working with firearms, and +20 Learning on the subjects of Natural History and zoology.

"Conservationist" - While Selous was responsible for killing thousands of beasts, he was also one of the first to recognize the importance of responsible wildlife management if the species were to survive for future generations. He holds a -10 Diplomacy malus when dealing with careless, excessive, or malicious hunters, +10 Diplomacy when advocating on the behalf of wildlife to a sympathetic audience, and +10 Stewardship when managing animal populations.

"Military Man" - Selous served the British Empire in the First and Second Matabele Wars and in World War One, his experience as a hunter and marksman translating well to work as a scout and sniper. Selous gains +20 Martial when operating as a scout or sniper, and +10 when in melee combat. With that said, his advancing age has lowered his Martial base stat cap from 20 to 15; should he find a treatment that mitigates the effects of old age, his Martial will return to what it was at its peak. (Thanks to his achievements, Selous's Martial base cap has been raised to 18!)

"Seen It All" - Selous has had a widely varied life, and very little surprises or intimidates him. He suffers no diplomacy maluses when dealing with those of superior rank to himself, and reaction rolls to the shocks of the amalgamated world are reduced in severity.

"Enmity of the Elite Global Huntsman's Club" - Selous parted with the Club on terrible terms; in his opinion, they embody all of the worst aspects of hunting. He considers McLeach in particular to be the most loathsome of the lot. He suffers a -15 Diplomacy malus with the organization as a whole (although individual members might hold a different opinion), and a deep and abiding enmity with Percival McLeach. Should they encounter each other, they will do their level best to see the other dead.

Loyalty: 50/100

Martial: 15 (Helga is a capable combatant and excellent markswoman, with a ruthless streak that permits her to take full advantage of both skills in battle.)
Stewardship: 18 (Helga is a capable subordinate to her boss Rourke, and helped manage logistics and organization for the Atlantis expedition.)
Diplomacy: 15 (Helga is both beautiful and cunning, a dangerous combination for an unwary opponent.)
Intrigue: 17 (Helga is no stranger to skulduggery and other scheming actions, and is skilled at both concealing and uncovering secrets.)
Learning: 11 (Helga is intelligent, but prefers to outsource scholarly activities to the specialists.)
Occult: 6 (Helga has heard Rourke's stories and was awestruck by Atlantis, but has little experience with the supernatural outside of those experiences.)


"Femme Fatale" - Helga is a very beautiful woman, and has no qualms about using it as a weapon to seduce, manipulate, or infiltrate. On a competing Diplomacy check, Helga can inflict a -15 Diplomacy and Intrigue malus as her opponent is distracted by her smoldering good looks, and subsequently gain +10 to future Diplomacy or Intrigue rolls as people are more disposed to think well of her because of her beauty.

"I Was Promised A Percentage!" - Helga is just as mercenary and driven by profit as her boss. She gains +5 to all rolls on actions that promise her said profit - and +10 to all rolls fighting those who would seek to steal it from her.

"Aide-de-camp" - Helga is Rourke's chief subordinate, and does her best to support him in his activities. She offers him a +10 bonus to all collaborative actions as their history and familiarity makes them work well together.

Update: "Once Bitten" - Having been persuaded by Milo to turn her coat on Rourke, the subsequent disillusionment and depression has made her even more cynical. She has vowed to never be taken advantage of again like she was by Rourke. Her loyalty is frozen at 25; she is grateful to Ababwa for a second chance and has a decent opinion of them for helping reunite Will and Elizabeth, but her unwillingness to trust easily means that it will take a significant gesture from Aladdin to break through her shell. Currently, she is available for Nationals and can go on Adventures. She retains her old expertise at organization and management, and has a +5 bonus to relevant actions.

"She-Fu" - Helga is strong, limber, and agile, and her mobility lets her out-maneuver foes who might outclass her in sheer power. On a competing Martial check, on a successful roll she can inflict a malus proportional to the magnitude by which she out-rolled them on their next rolls to reflect her agility as she leaps and runs circles around her opponent.

Loyalty: 25/100

Martial: 14+1 (15) (Henry is a talented soldier and has survived his share of scraps and firefights.)
Stewardship: 8 (Careful, considered stewardship of one's resources is not this young man's strong suit; he has been living hand-to-mouth for several years.)
Diplomacy: 12 (While highly socialized, Henry is a bit on the naive side and has been known to stick his foot in his mouth on occasion.)
Intrigue: 16+2 (18) (Henry can be very sneaky and duplicitous when the occasion calls for it, and has pulled off a number of cons and gambits. With that said, he has also been the victim of several cons, most recently at the hands of Mata Hari herself.)
Learning: 20+3 (23) (Henry learned at the knees of his father, a famous classical scholar. He has also met a wide range of people, all of whom had some useful skill, knowledge, or bit of wisdom to pass onto him.)
Occult: 10+1 (11) (Henry's knowledge of myths, legends, and other supernatural elements is nearly encyclopedic; and after his experiences, not the least being his encounter with the Headpiece of Anubis, he takes them seriously.)


"Omnidisciplinary Scholar" - Henry Jones is an incredibly well-read and highly educated young man, and suffers no maluses when studying or learning about various subjects. That said, his intellectual upbringing has left him somewhat skeptical when it comes to the occult, and he suffers a -5 malus to his base Occult stat as a result.
Update: As a result of his achievements, the malus has been eliminated!

"Advanced Polyglot" - Henry speaks 26 languages and knows sign language; barring rare occasions, he suffers no communication maluses with other people, and gains +10 Learning when studying a new language.

"World Traveler" - Henry has seen much of the world and learned how to survive in a multitude of places. He suffers no maluses when traveling across varied terrain and is less prone to cultural misunderstandings than most.

"Making It Up As He Goes" - Henry has displayed a talent for improvising plans and adapting when things go awry; he suffers no maluses when faced with the unexpected, and gains +5 on all rolls when on an adventure.

"His Father's Son" - Henry's father was a classical scholar, and he ensured that Henry knew just as much as he did. Henry gains +10 learning when studying history and the humanities. Furthermore, upon passing an Occult check of 25, he can substitute his base Learning stat for his Occult stat when studying ancient myths and legends or confronted by the same.

"Soldier" - Henry survived the hell of the Somme and Verdun, and helped mastermind a strike against a German rail line in East Africa. Thanks to his experiences, he gains +5 Martial when in direct combat.

"Diamond in the Rough" - Henry's potential is greater than even he knows. ???

Ancillary: "Bullwhip" - difficult to use, difficult to counter, Henry Jones is a natural at wielding one, and can utilize it in battle with no maluses. Enemies who are unfamiliar with whips suffer a -5 malus when countering it.

"Ambition: Indiana Jones" - With the encouragement of General Von Lettow, T.E. Lawrence, and his older selves (met via the Anubis Headpiece), Henry has found a new goal for himself: earn his doctorate and realize the potential he saw in his older selves! The closest university that matches his ambitions is that in Ababwa; for the next two years (12 turns) or until he earns his doctorate, at least half of his actions taken must be University Studies.
Update: Henry has been accepted into the University of Ababwa! Due to staffing shortages and the valuable information he possesses, Headmaster Chiron has made him an adjunct! Henry has been unlocked as a Hero unit for Aladdin, albeit one with limited deployment opportunity!

Loyalty: 40

Martial: 12 (Garth is a trained soldier of the French Foreign Legion, skilled with sword, pistol, and rifle alike. With that said, he's not the born warrior that his brother is.)
Stewardship: 12 (In another time, the bookish Garth would begin a prosperous business, and be in charge of the fortune he and his brother stole from the Sheik. For now, though, he's just really good with numbers and organization.)
Diplomacy: 14 (Garth is a very amiable man who gets along with just about anyone, but has no formal training as a diplomat.)
Intrigue: 14 (Garth is no stranger to the seamier side of life, and takes caution where his brother might charge in.)
Learning: 13+1+2 (16) (Garth is a very intelligent man with a deep knowledge of a variety of fields of learning. He's especially good at research via documents and libraries.)
Occult: 8 (Garth has no formal knowledge of the more magical side of existence, but recent events have made him reconsider his former rationalist stances.)


"Badass Bookworm" - There are few things Garth loves more than sitting down with a good book. Garth gains +10 to learning rolls when he has access to a library, and +5 to tutoring subjects that can be taught out of a book. And while he is not a warrior on par with his brother Hub, Garth can hold his own in a fight; he suffers no maluses when assigned to violent actions.

"Natural Storyteller" - Garth can spin a tale like few others; he gains +5 to Diplomacy rolls when given the chance to entertain.

"Pennypincher" - In the future that never came, Garth would have been responsible for curating the usage of a massive fortune, and done so well. In the present, Garth grants a 10% discount on Stewardship actions to which he is assigned as he determines how to perform it more efficiently, and a +5 bonus to said actions.

"Cool-Headed" - Garth is a very calm and even-keeled man, not prone to outbursts of emotion and controlled. He gains +10 to Diplomacy and Intrigue actions.

"Unassuming" - Garth tends to fade into the background when his more boisterous brother is in the room; even by himself, the man has an unnerving tendency to remain overlooked. He gains +5 to Intrigue actions when performing fieldwork and intelligence gathering.

"Master Distiller" - Garth gains +5 to Stewardship actions involving the production of alcohol, and unlocks special actions for both water and alcohol distillation.

"Dream Team" - Garth and Hub are inseparable; and when together, almost unstoppable. They gain +10 to their rolls when assigned to the same adventure, and +5 when assigned to support their brother on a National action.

Loyalty: 50


Martial: 15+2 (17) (While born in modern times, Hub at times seems like a relic of older days - a crack shot, a masterful swordsman, and a vicious fighter.)
Stewardship: 8 (While Hub finished high school, life as a soldier of fortune has not been particularly helpful in teaching him to organize his life and steward his earnings - he has his brother to help him with that.)
Diplomacy: 7 (Hub can be polite and charming as the occasion requires, but is much more direct and no-nonsense than his more genteel brother.)
Intrigue: 9 (Smart and canny, Hub has a keen eye for detail.)
Learning: 12 (Hub is intelligent and literate, although not on the scale of his brother.)
Occult: 9 (After the great upheaval, Hub leapt full-force into the more arcane aspects of reality rewritten.)


"The Things Worth Believing In" - Hub is an honorable man who always tries to do the right thing, insofar as it aligns with his own moral code. When in a subordinate position, Hub must pass an Intrigue check of 50 to maintain his cool when being given an order that clashes with his values. Conversely, if he fails the check, Garth must pass a Diplomacy DC of 50 to keep his brother from doing anything that might come back to bite them. This trait also gives Hub a +10 roll bonus when doing something he truly feels is righteous and reflective of his values.

"Hot-Blooded" - Hub is a natural-born scrapper, and feels most alive when he's in a fight. He gains +5 to Martial actions, and an additional +5 when in personal combat.

"A Spade For Every Soldier" - Hub has shown promise as a defensive tactician and engineer, and gains +10 to Martial rolls for building or improving physical defenses.

"Because It Was There" - In a theoretical future, Hub would have traveled the world, accomplishing deeds and seeing places that seemed almost mythical to those who heard of them. He loves seeing new and unexplored places and experiencing new things, and gains +5 to all personal rolls when on an adventure.

"Dream Team" - Garth and Hub are inseparable; and when together, almost unstoppable. They gain +10 to their rolls when assigned to the same adventure, and +5 when assigned to support their brother on an action. (Does not stack with 'Because It Was There')

"A Worthy Rival - The Champion." Queen La's Champion has eluded Hub twice. He will not escape a third time. Hub gains +5 to all rolls when fighting Queen La's Champion. Conversely, so does The Champion.

Loyalty: 50
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[X] Fires of Industry
-[x] Gems and Precious Metals: Ababwa sits in a valley surrounded by wealth for the taking if one merely has the strong back and the iron will to claim it. (Ababwa is in a highly defensive area; has experts in excavation, mining, and sappers. Has specialized equipment to enable quick excavations.)
-[x] Engineering Lab: More mechanically adept learned individuals, can potentially develop war machines or study captured machines to understand how they work. May be abe to crack Magi-tech from the technical side of things. Can attract those with an interest in mechanics.
-[x] Siege Warfare: The best way to fight is to not get hit. Trebuchet and Ballistae augmented by longbow men and a defensive screen make up the bulk of your forces.
-[x] A Source of Income: While viewing was free, canny merchants had purchased licenses to sell drinks and snacks as people went from enclosure to enclosure admiring the collection that the Genie had brought together and that the Royal Zoologist was always working to expand. Naturally, the Taxman took his cut.
(Gain +500 gold income per turn)
[X] Fires of Industry
-[x] Gems and Precious Metals: Ababwa sits in a valley surrounded by wealth for the taking if one merely has the strong back and the iron will to claim it. (Ababwa is in a highly defensive area; has experts in excavation, mining, and sappers. Has specialized equipment to enable quick excavations.)
-[x] Engineering Lab: More mechanically adept learned individuals, can potentially develop war machines or study captured machines to understand how they work. May be abe to crack Magi-tech from the technical side of things. Can attract those with an interest in mechanics.
-[x] Siege Warfare: The best way to fight is to not get hit. Trebuchet and Ballistae augmented by longbow men and a defensive screen make up the bulk of your forces.
-[x] A Source of Income: While viewing was free, canny merchants had purchased licenses to sell drinks and snacks as people went from enclosure to enclosure admiring the collection that the Genie had brought together and that the Royal Zoologist was always working to expand. Naturally, the Taxman took his cut.
(Gain +500 gold income per turn)
[X] Bounty of Land
-[X] Rare Woods, Herbs, Spices and Pelts: Ababwa was located near a lush forest, heavy with natural bounty. They also teem with life, many creatures walking under the canopy. (Ababwa inland but not a defensive area. Has experienced Foresters, Rangers, and Herbalists. Easier to add exotic beasts to the Menagerie or train as War Beasts)
-[X] College of Medicine: A gathering place for those seeking to understand the capabilities and limits of the physical form, and how it may be better fine tuned... or destroyed. Poisons, advanced medical treatments for non-humans, pressure point techniques may be developed, enhanced physical training regimen for the military, better overall health of the citizenry.
-[X] Light Cavalry and Horse Archers: Hit and run tactics; strike like lightning and then fade like thunder.
-[X] A Stable For War: The Menagerie, while housing many gentle creatures, is also home to much fiercer beats, including those that find their place on the battlefield should the kingdom ever need to mobilize to war. The Royal Beast Tamer claimed to be an old hand at his craft, but even a well-trained and cared-for animal could act out unpredictably at times.
(Menagerie houses War Beasts, RER chance that they break containment added to table)

I think that this would be a good synergy for the choices we have.
[X] Plan: Wizard Pirates
-[x] Fish, Seafood, Pearls and Coral
-[x] Wizard's tower
-[x] Siege Warfare
-[x] A Source of Income
[x] Bounty of Land

Maybe "Wizard Navy" would be a more apt name, but basically using magic to help control and protect the seas. And thus profit from trade and be able to exert naval pressure for defense, and maybe be able to have an easier time recruiting hero units from across the world.

Perhaps experience with siege weapons and magic could lead to advanced magitech-cannons or something. (Plus magitech ships that could be more advanced than regular ships.)
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For the Bounty of Land, I just want to say I think that having access to a forest would give us interesting access to certain kinds of medicine and poisons we otherwise wouldn't, and that it'd be an easier way to replenish the menagerie and may give us more unique war beasts easier, or in the Menagerie. Also, the College of Medicine would allow better treatment for the animals if we're using any animal forces in our army.
That is very true. I apologize if I was implying that they weren't optimal or anything. I just like to hear people's reasons for why they do something.

It's fine, nothing wrong with being curious about reasoning behind plans.

For the Bounty of Land, I just want to say I think that having access to a forest would give us interesting access to certain kinds of medicine and poisons we otherwise wouldn't, and that it'd be an easier way to replenish the menagerie and may give us more unique war beasts easier, or in the Menagerie. Also, the College of Medicine would allow better treatment for the animals if we're using any animal forces in our army.

It also opens path to having good assassins.
It also opens path to having good assassins.
This is a very good point. And with better quality of health the nation would have, it'd make the assassins healthier too. And thusly probably in better shape to do their assassination. Edit: Oh, and pressure point techniques could be interesting to see developed for assassination too.
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[X] Bounty of Land

A nation of Doctors, and of Spies is quite the powerful one indeed. Not to mention the power of the Spice Trade.

This is a very good point. And with better quality of health the nation would have, it'd make the assassins healthier too. And thusly probably in better shape to do their assassination. Edit: Oh, and pressure point techniques could be interesting to see developed for assassination too.
A sudden poke in the side, resulting in them gasping and falling to their knees in pain and paralyzed, and then a "kind local doctor" who happened to have been nearby agrees to treat him- and then, well, you could guess the path from there.
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[X] Bounty of Land

Was debating between this and the magical navy, but hit and run and such is definitely more Aladdin's speed.