Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

@Silently Watches with the Wolfhead rapidly becoming defunct what local gangs are left other than the one headed by Laura's dad? If he's smart he should have noticed the shot across the bow that the PRT did against every villain gang by revealing the mass producible power armor. And any established gang leader would keep an eye on newcomers and rival groups.
This was somewhat answered back in Realign 14.6.
An image appears, showing the crooked 'Y' of Philadelphia's borders and the various major roads running through them. "Two gangs are fairly stable. Winter Hill has long claimed the northeastern part of the city," she says, highlighting everything past Highway 73. You blink at the realization that Winterrose Academy, your own high school, is therefore just within Winter Hill's borders, and you want to slap yourself for never putting the pieces together. You thought it was so much better than Winslow, but you are still going to a gang-run school!

"To the northwest," Morgan continues, highlighting the left arm of the Y beyond North Broad street and Highway 1, "is Fairyland's turf. These two haven't really changed their borders even after getting rid of the Maras."

This part at least is something you know. One of the reasons the Privateers focused on Fairyland first was because nearly everyone lived in East Falls and Germantown, both of which are on the princesses' land.

Morgan pulls your attention to the crux of the Y between Fairyland and Winter Hill. "The bigger problem is the other three gangs. Unlike a lot of the out-of-towners everyone was trying to shove out, they were careful and quiet. We didn't know they were there until they were already settled in. The Wolfheads have claimed this region. You're from Brockton Bay originally, right? That's what's on your file." You nod. Considering Miss Militia is also from your hometown, it is no surprise she would include that bit of information. "Then you should be familiar with the Wolfheads' M.O. They're another neo-Nazi gang, either sympathizers of the Empire Eighty-Eight from your town or actual members who left when the Simurgh hit.

"The southwest is frankly a mess." The stem of the Y splits roughly in half. "There are two gangs duking it out in here, the Terrorhorses and the Vendettas. The Terrorhorses— yes, I know it's a stupid name," she says with a roll of her eyes at your stifled laughter. "I don't know who picked it or why or what they were smoking beforehand. Anyway, they would be a bigger threat if they weren't fighting so much with the Vendettas to their south. The Vendettas themselves aren't that high a priority for the PRT. Other than some petty theft and a few B&Es, they spend most of their time butting heads with the Terrorhorses."
To summarize, the remaining original gang is Fairyland, the "Disney princess gang." They were last seen/mentioned when they killed off the remaining aggressive Privateers sans Kurt.
Once MS-13 was forcibly removed from Phillie, three new major gangs set up shop. Besides the Wolfheads, there are the Terrorhorses and the Vendettas, who are considered minor because they are so busy fighting with each other that their impact on the city so far has been fairly mild.
What might change after the Wolfheads are put down, that remains to be seen.
@Silently Watches, if I we vote for multiple of the listed options, will the the votes be combined, or will the leading vote win in this case?
The leading vote will win. Since there are only four options, you can only vote for two of them if you can't decide.
@Silently Watches with the Wolfhead rapidly becoming defunct what local gangs are left other than the one headed by Laura's dad?
@kamkong is correct
Interesting to see Alpha's fighting style.
Alpha creates or unseals a large number of honest to god shuriken. You stare at her from the corner of your eye. Is she a PRT agent or a ninja? The throwing stars start spinning around faster and faster, and you shrug. You have never seen her use any kind of Shooter spell, so maybe this is her alternative?
The stars do not dig into his flesh, either; instead they start swirling around him so they can more easily carve long furrows into him. She plans to bleed him out, you realize. Keep him occupied with the hyena and nearly literally take him down with a 'thousand cuts'.
A neat alternative to Shooters. Have to watch the lethality, but a very cool visual. How many can she control at a time? It reads something like twenty or so from the text to me.

«I still say you're a monster,» Charlie says, clearly speaking to all of you despite the fact that he is addressing Alpha. «You go to the trouble of designing a hyena golem, and you refuse to make it laugh?»
Question, since the golem is in the form of a hyena, does it also possess a similar jaw strength to an actual hyena? And following up on this, If you create a golem with a specific animal in mind during creation, would it possess similar physical attributes to said animal (within reason)?
A neat alternative to Shooters. Have to watch the lethality, but a very cool visual. How many can she control at a time? It reads something like twenty or so from the text to me.
About thirty or so.
Question, since the golem is in the form of a hyena, does it also possess a similar jaw strength to an actual hyena? And following up on this, If you create a golem with a specific animal in mind during creation, would it possess similar physical attributes to said animal (within reason)?
The appearance of a golem is mostly cosmetic. There may be a little difference here and there comparing one golem to another, but they are overall equivalent.
Looks like arrest or flip-Protectorate will win.

[X] Bind him, then talk to him. He doesn't seem like he wants to fight, and it'd be good to get some info on him before you decide what to do.

A Chinese New Year reaction option? I will be using that splash of color today.
Looks like arrest or flip-Protectorate will win.
[X ] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
[X] Bind him, then talk to him. He doesn't seem like he wants to fight, and it'd be good to get some info on him before you decide what to do.

A Chinese New Year reaction option? I will be using that splash of color today.
[X] Bind him, then talk to him. He doesn't seem like he wants to fight, and it'd be good to get some info on him before you decide what to do.
@Silently Watches
If it's Theo, I'm in favor of getting him to Kayden. However, I'm unsure if I should vote for the "Claim Him" or "Flip him" (possibly with "let the Protectorate do what they want") option to accomplish that?
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If it's Theo, I'm in favor of getting him to Kayden. However, I'm unsure if I should vote for the "Claim Him" or "Flip him" (possibly with "let the Protectorate do what they want") option to accomplish that?
If you want him to join Kayden, that would be "Flip him". "Claim him" would be a vote to try making him a member of the Arcana.
If it's Theo, I'm in favor of getting him to Kayden. However, I'm unsure if I should vote for the "Claim Him" or "Flip him" (possibly with "let the Protectorate do what they want") option to accomplish that?
If you vote "Flip him." He'd likely go straight to Kayden, no more votes from us necessary. If you vote "Claim him." then in the future there could be a social vote where we take him to New Orleans to reunite with Kayden. Just a question of if you want his abilities on the team or not.
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.

Right. That would likely involve Kayden wouldn't it.
Feel like that's the best for him, so I'm decided now.
[X] Claim him. He seems more like a scaredy cat than a monster, and his variety of powers would let him fill many roles in the Arcana… if you can trust him.
-[X] Bind him, then talk to him. He doesn't seem like he wants to fight, and it'd be good to get some info on him before you decide what to do.

I don't expect it to win, but I'm interested in seeing more of the character, which narrowed down the options to "flip but stay here" and "claim", with claim having more support.
[X] Arrest him. He's a Nazi, and he deserves to face punishment for his crimes. The courts can figure out what to do with him.
That's enough time, I think. Giving Gestalt to the Protectorate and letting them figure the details out has the majority, and it doesn't look like there's much chance of anything overtaking it.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on Feb 15, 2021 at 10:28 AM, finished with 79 posts and 56 votes.
@Silently Watches : was there a particular reason why 'kill him' was the top of the list on the last vote? Or was that happenstance? Because, if there was a reason, I'd like to know what we could do to help push back against those urges.
@Silently Watches, can you reveal anything about what happened to Squealer? I know that Taylor beat her tank and left her unconscious with Velocity (PHO said she was in custody). Simurgh shows up in BB, no mention of her during the battle or afterwards. Villain breakout from BB, again no mention of her (or the rest of the Merchants really). Was she transferred out of Brockton before the Simurgh, and is in jail somewhere else? Or is she back with the Merchants and essentially running Brockton Bay right now?

Was browsing through the forum and eventually linked to the Nanoha Wiki about Unison Devices. This statement caught my attention "For the same reason, Unison Devices can be graded on the mage rank scale and even use Devices of their own."
So I was curious. Can we equip our Unison Device team members with Devices to improve/expand upon their skills?
I imagine that with the state our Doomed Hometown of Brockton Bay is in by this point, any such vehicles will look more like pig-mobiles by now.

That said, I've got this notion of us recruiting the Merchants to help with this LSD plan. Surely they have experience to help safely dose everybody with enough LSD without overdosing. There aren't enough medical professionals (pharmacists, CNAs, RNs, etc), so why not recruit some acid dealers and put them to work doing something useful?
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Because all you really need are a bunch of half decent chemists to both make the LSD and pre set the dosages. Anyone can hand them out by weight

Ah, but how are you going to get Brocktonites to take their drugs? These people know their dealers, trust their dealers, so if their dealers tell them they've got a great drug for them, they'll take it. Even if that great drug was an untreated sugar cube and the dealer is tripping balls from taking all the LSD at once.
Okay, here's the final segment of my omake series. I hope people have enjoyed it.

Sovereign: Extinction

A mechanical, piercing wail penetrated the dark interior of the throne room, drawing the attention of the occupants.

"Explanation?" Asked the figure on the throne, a blue light on their chest brightening.

"Ah, those are the Endbringer sirens my Sovereign." Calamity Witch said. She then paused as a particular sound rang out.


"That pattern…means that it's the Simurgh. And she's coming here. Orders, my Sovereign?"

There was a moment of silence while everyone in the room looked to the figure on the throne, whose armour glowed with lines of blue light.

"Transcendent Gadgeteer, Tome, Mask, Gears. Evacuate all critical artifacts and resources to these coordinates. Transcendent Gadgeteer, cede command on all completed armaments to me. Calamity Witch, Infinite Enhancement, Sword, Shield. Prepare for combat."

Alexandria pulled herself out of the building she had been slammed into and took to the skies again; diving straight back into the battle and seeking a possible opening in which to strike. Normally, fighting the youngest Endbringer was an exercise in frustration, with the angel-like figure almost dancing through the battle; dodging and weaving around crushing blows, redirecting blasts to hit other targets, and of course the growing paranoia that everything you did was part of the monster's plan. This battle, however, had a few differences from normal.

First was that while the Simurgh's descent into Brockton Bay had been as graceful as previous attacks, once it had entered the city its behaviour had visibly changed. Although the expression on its carved face never changed, there was a palpable air of confusion around the Endbringer. Its movements in the air became erratic and jerky. There were multiple occurrences of the angelic figure dropping pieces of its orbiting debris field for absolutely no recognizable purpose (which would likely be a source of paranoia after the battle). And while Alexandria could not perceive the infamous "Scream," the other capes fighting the monster reported that the Scream decreased in intensity several times during the fight, accompanied by the Simurgh flailing around like a distressed bird.

Next were the new capes. Alexandria ensured that she was aware of as many new triggers as she could get information on, but there were always gaps in her knowledge. While rare, new triggers or those who could bide their time sometimes chose Endbringers battles to debut their abilities, usually resulting in fatalities. However, the ones she was witnessing this time were interesting in their effectiveness. There were two direct attackers, Brutes armed with Tinkertech weapons, and a Master/Trump who improved the Brute's attacks and summoned a legion of small, agile creatures. All three possessed some form of forcefield and were capable of flight. But what really caught Alexandria's eye was the Simurgh's reaction to them. Or rather, her lack of reaction. The first sighting of the two Brutes had been when they had charged straight at the Hopekiller a few minutes into the battle. Normally, the Simurgh punished such actions with telekinesis redirecting the capes in ways which benefited the Simurgh. These attacks, however, went completely unimpeded and struck the angel directly, the sword biting deeply into an arm and the hammer driving it downward into a building. Said building erupted into a storm of debris as the Simurgh flew upward, but again, none of the material in the Simurgh's telekinesis seemed to be aimed at the two capes and they evaded easily. The Master then made herself known when she flew in from above and spread her arms, prompting a shower of creatures to emerge from her clothing and rain down on the rubble orbiting the Endbringer. Every piece of debris that hosted a creature began moving erratically, careening around in the air with none of the usual precision that the Simurgh usually wielded, and they eventually began to fall from the air. When that occurred, the creatures were quick to relocate to another piece, and the weakening of the Simurgh's control continued.

And finally, there was the plethora of Tinkertech weaponry throughout the city. The new capes, using their immunity to the Simurgh's foresight, had steered the Simurgh towards an innocuous building in the city. With no forewarning, a continuous bolt of lightning exploded out from said building and struck the Simurgh's midsection, scorching the porcelain skin. Alexandria froze in midair, stunned. The Simurgh hadn't dodged, hadn't redirected the beam, and it certainly hadn't seemed like it had planned that! The Simurgh gestured with an arm towards the source of the lightning, and Alexandria's heart sank. This was the part where, in past battles, Tinkertech would be delicately plucked from its location, intricately rebuilt using telekinesis, and then repurposed into an even more devastating weapon to be used against the defending capes. This time, however, the Simurgh tore off the entire top half of the building with its mental grip, then ripped it to pieces to expose the floor with the weapon, which was still blasting away at the angel with lightning. Alexandria dived towards it, hoping she could destroy it before it could be turned against them, only to halt as the weapon was slammed down, collapsing the remains of the building it was found in atop it.

The Simurgh has always kept Tinkertech around to use against us. Alexandria thought. Searching her memory, the weapon did not match any recorded Tinkertech on file. She also recalled that as far as she could tell, the Simurgh had never directly touched the weapon with her telekinesis, only the building around it. Is this another new trigger. Could…Could that weapon be invisible to the Simurgh?! Just like the others?" Alexandria resolved then and there that after this battle, she would be personally tracking down these new capes and recruiting them. This kind of immunity to one of the Endbringers was something the Protectorate, hell, the entirety of Earth Bet, desperately needed.

As if to add more weight to her thoughts, a myriad of differing energy effects began peppering the Simurgh from various locations all over the city. The Simurgh began moving, it usual flowing dodges and orbital debris shield reasserting to protect its body, only for the attacks to unerringly stay on target. No, Alexandria thought, it's both that the Simurgh can't see the attacks coming and they are exceedingly fixed on its position. Her observation was supported by what appeared to be a rotary cannon emerging from a manhole beneath her; that began firing laser beams which, once they cleared the rooftops, twisted in flight to target the Simurgh directly. With the constant barrage, the Simurgh was barely able to support any debris into the air before a blast of some type demolished it. Once more, the seeming immunity to the Simurgh's precognition was proving advantageous, as the monster could not locate any of the weapon platforms except for those utilizing continuous beams. Even after flattening the locations with those weapons, the Simurgh was still under continuous fire from the others, and was now more damaged than it had ever been before. Alexandria watched as the Simurgh, its body blackened, battered, and damaged far more than she had seen previously, reversed course and began retreating out of the city. We've won, she thought, hope growing in her mind, following at a distance to ensue its departure.

As the Simurgh drifted out over the body of water that gave the city its namesake, a new attack was launched. From one of the wrecked ships in the harbour, a strange-coloured orb of light shot from the side, splitting the ship in half with the force of its exit. The orb struck the Simurgh legs and erupted into a globe that hurt Alexandria's eyes, seemingly made of every colour and yet no colour at all. The Simurgh was consumed by the globe up to its chest, and retaliated with the flick of a wing, crushing the remainder of the ship under a massive telekinetic impact. The Simurgh shuddered and her free limbs twisted around, but she remained encased within the globe. The waters below her rose up in imitation of what her brother was capable of, but they had no impact on the globe.

Alexandria floated over the water, alongside many other capes both in the air and on the ground that were staring at the trapped form of the Simurgh. Her attention was suddenly drawn upward by a spot of light appearing high above the city. Focusing her eyes showed that a vaguely runic triangular orange sigil had formed, with an indistinct figure wreathed in a purple aura centered above it. She then found herself falling downward in midair, a strange pressure pulsing from within her chest. With a gasp of pain, a glowing red cloud of vaporous light flowed out from her skin and moved upwards towards the symbol. Alexandria, just barely catching herself and still reeling from the feeling of pain after so many years, looked back at the waterfront as a cape - Ice-based Blaster. Philadelphia. Villain. - collapsed to her knees as a pale blue cloud was pulled from her body and into the sky. The lights were emerging from several of the visible capes and areas throughout the city, seemingly at random, and more concerning was the masses of colours rising from where the highways leaving the city were located. The colours all blended together into a stream which flowed into the sigil and were absorbed; an orange aura blending with the purple already around the cape high above. What looked to be three miniature suns appeared, one at each point of the triangle. Tongues of flame streamed from the suns towards the middle of the sigil, swirling around and around to create an even bigger ball of fire. Meanwhile, Alexandria was flying upwards, powering through the pain to observe whatever this cape was doing.

As she came closer, her armband blared out with a harsh clicking noise, and Dragon's voice followed shortly after, filled with fear. "Radiation Spike! Behemoth protocols, evacuate NOW!!!" Dragon screamed as the figure above gestured downward with their staff. Alexandria flew directly at them, determined to prevent their attack before it struck those below, when her world was consumed by light, heat, and sound, sending her cartwheeling downward from the force and only barely hanging onto her consciousness.

Alexandria uncrossed her arms and found her vision and hearing returning, finding herself enmeshed in a thick cloud bank. Descending through it, she emerged to find a scene of horror, her armband accentuating it with constant clicking and a litany of deceased capes. The bay was no more, the water vaporized and spread over the entire city as a radioactive mist. The abandoned ships and bedrock had been liquified and shaped into a crater, the inside still glowing with heat. All the remaining towers had collapsed, and fires were burning everywhere Alexandria could see, adding smoke to the toxic haze over the ruined city. And hanging over the massive crater, the single shining gain of this entire event, was the globe, shimmering with its odd colouration and with a charred, unmoving figure ensnared within it.

We…did it? The Simurgh is dead? Alexandria thought, before glancing back at the ruined city. But was it worth it? All this death, all this destruction, so many good heroes dead?

"Exceptional." Alexandria spun around to see an armoured figure in the air before her, looking down at the deceased Endbringer. "Threat to population terminated."

"Who are you?!" Alexandria angrily demanded. "Do you know the parahuman that did this?! As a member of the Triumvirate, I order you to tell me!" The figure slowly spun to face Alexandria, seemingly unconcerned at the ire in the Brute's voice.

"I am Sovereign. Calamity Witch killed the Simurgh Endbringer." The jewel in the figure's breast lit up and washed Alexandria's body with a blue light. "And your new title is Extinction Knight." A beam shot from the gem into Alexandria's chest, and for the second time that day, she felt pain. The heroine tried to fly, to escape, to attack this person, but her power wasn't responding. She frantically searched her memories, searching for any clue as to who this person was and what they were doing and…"

"Alexandria deceased, H15" the remaining armbands in the city dutifully reported.
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That's all the writing I can wring from my idea at this time. Other story notions that I don't have the motivation or creativity to tackle at the moment include one where IAE completely overwrites Dragon, probably seen from the Dragonslayer's perspective and ending with Mags getting stealth converted and killing Saint from behind, and another where the Soujourner (and the TSAB in general) is tricked into an ambush using the recovered radio. If anyone else wants to do something with these ideas, or has their own for this divergent universe, I'd love to see them made into stories.