Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.
[X] Arrest him. He's a Nazi, and he deserves to face punishment for his crimes. The courts can figure out what to do with him.
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.
[X] Arrest him. He's a Nazi, and he deserves to face punishment for his crimes. The courts can figure out what to do with him.
Good for you; not so much for him.

You give him a smile that is all teeth and watch him squirm harder. "Good evening, Gestalt."
I love it when a raid goes off successfully. Anyway, what to do with Gestalt...hmm. He's cowering and this is no longer an active combat zone, so summarily killing him is going too far into Stone Cold Killer mode unless he is an unrepentant Nazi (seems unlikely at this juncture imo) or tries to sneak attack us. For now, leaning towards:

[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.
[X] Claim him. He seems more like a scaredy cat than a monster, and his variety of powers would let him fill many roles in the Arcana… if you can trust him.

I want to try out our LSD Ziz treatment plan!
Theo was not a racist pre Simurgh.
And I still hold he'd be good for our healer template.

[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.

For Kayden and Aster. Hopefully.
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[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything toobad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.
[X] Kill him. With his teleportation powers, he will be next to impossible to hold in prison. Don't let him start this all over again.
Doesn't killing him over his supposed teleportation make little sense when he clearly can't teleport away right now?
[X] Bind him, then talk to him. He doesn't seem like he wants to fight, and it'd be good to get some info on him before you decide what to do.

[X] Arrest him. He's a Nazi, and he deserves to face punishment for his crimes. The courts can figure out what to do with him.
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.

Although... was there a chance that he was a Ziz bomb? There might not be any good options here.
[X] Arrest him. He's a Nazi, and he deserves to face punishment for his crimes. The courts can figure out what to do with him.
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.

Arrest seems to be kind of the default here since at this point we ain't ITG enough to kill him out of hand. Flipping him is more of a add-on that gives the-artist-probably-known-as-Theo something approximating a good ending without us needing to play supervisor - we've got enough cats to herd as it is! So yeah, I endorse this product and/or service.
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.

I'd rather not have him become a teammate after we traumatized the absolute beejebus out of him, both physically and mentally >>
[X] Flip him. The Protectorate is always looking for more capes, and it doesn't seem like he's done anything too bad yet.
-[X] Let the Protectorate do what they want with him.
[X] Claim him. He seems more like a scaredy cat than a monster, and his variety of powers would let him fill many roles in the Arcana… if you can trust him.
-[X] Bind him, then talk to him. He doesn't seem like he wants to fight, and it'd be good to get some info on him before you decide what to do.

Okay, so I was half right for the Office building. I guessed it would be Flimmern, Gestalt, and Night & Fog. We got Barbar and Schütze instead. Have to wait and see who ended up facing N & F, and hope it was the Construction team since they've got the anti-Breaker binds.
Good fight. Cat Sith having electric punches now adds another level of effectiveness to her and Sarah, and she did well for her first fight with us.
I'm all for recruiting Gestalt to Arcana. His powers are extremely versatile, he still hasn't effectively attacked any of the mages, and recruiting former enemies to your cause is a magical girl staple.
[X] Claim him. He seems more like a scaredy cat than a monster, and his variety of powers would let him fill many roles in the Arcana… if you can trust him.
-[X] Bind him, then talk to him. He doesn't seem like he wants to fight, and it'd be good to get some info on him before you decide what to do.

Okay, so I was half right for the Office building. I guessed it would be Flimmern, Gestalt, and Night & Fog. We got Barbar and Schütze instead. Have to wait and see who ended up facing N & F, and hope it was the Construction team since they've got the anti-Breaker binds.
Good fight. Cat Sith having electric punches now adds another level of effectiveness to her and Sarah, and she did well for her first fight with us.
I'm all for recruiting Gestalt to Arcana. His powers are extremely versatile, he still hasn't effectively attacked any of the mages, and recruiting former enemies to your cause is a magical girl staple.
We've put the fear of Explosion and Death into him, forcing him to stay around us might make him Second Trigger.
We've put the fear of Explosion and Death into him, forcing him to stay around us might make him Second Trigger.
True, but that was when he only knew our reputation (which is admittedly quite vicious) and was against Taylor. Introduce him to Kayleigh or Laura (even Sarah would have a story) and he'll see that there is a compassionate side to Taylor. Being on the same side, having a monster watching your back instead of hunting for you? Might be a way to get through to him. And as it's fairly likely this is Theo (will not say 100% until it is stated in text), then he's familiar with being on the same side as terrible people, so he might be more willing than we think.
It's why I choose the "Bind and Talk" option a subvote. Lets us humanize Taylor to Gestalt before bringing him onboard.
Oof. I kind of want him but people have brought up good points that he is going to be traumatized as all hell around Taylor and co.

First encounter scaring the hell out of him and second encounter literally cutting off one of his arms (even if it regrew, though that's not a sure thing given the different color, it may only be temporary).

Recruiting him into Arcana is tempting but may well be too traumatic for him.

There's also the chance that if he joins the Protectorate Theo might be reunited with Aster and Kayden (iirc that was Purity's name)