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I support a Hail Mary but if I have to pick a side and I stress I don't want to. I would choice traverse city here's why

the most important lesson I learned in the Erie Campaign is how hard it is to reach out and touch the enemy "war is simple but simple is hard"
the Michigan soviet republic is closer to our supply line and we can easier bring down our full might shock and awe we cant do that on traverse city

edit amphibious operation can be costly as lementon showed us
edit2 Michigan Soviet republic has been described as Stalinists so chances are higher we are going to have to fight them in the future then traverse city whos actually trying to get on our good side
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I support a Hail Mary but if I have to pick a side and I stress I don't want to. I would choice traverse city here's why

the most important lesson I learned in the Erie Campaign is how hard it is to reach out and touch the enemy "war is simple but simple is hard"
the Michigan soviet republic is closer to our supply line and we can easier bring down our full might shock and awe we cant do that on traverse city
Which is my reasoning too. However, I'm just hoping we make the DC.
We could also just not pick a side too.
Admittedly, that would make things a lot easier, though it would probably let a conflict fester in the region while we go about our business elsewhere. Might even affect the region as a whole. Others might offer to help one side or the other in our stead.

It would help us avoid quite a bit of headache now, though the question becomes if we could fix it later.
Does anyone else feel we got a massive invisible bonus to our conference and congress diplo rolls due to having a good OOC debate about this stuff? 'Cuz I was expecting way more political heat in both congress and the conference...

Also, I am gonna write at least one omake reacting to this. I was thinking of something about what the CMC side of the VIck civil war will think once they get the news. I so want to see Blackwell's reaction to this news too. @AKuz have any ideas? Pretty please? ^_^

Does anyone else feel we got a massive invisible bonus to our conference and congress diplo rolls due to having a good OOC debate about this stuff? 'Cuz I was expecting way more political heat in both congress and the conference...

Also, I am gonna write at least one omake reacting to this. I was thinking of something about what the CMC side of the VIck civil war will think once they get the news. I so want to see Blackwell's reaction to this news too. @AKuz have any ideas? Pretty please? ^_^


@fasquardon I think it also helped that all the stuff we've done basically matched up so well.

We beat Victoria but we didn't focus entirely on what benefited us. We did other things as well like: Opening up trade to the outside world for everyone, getting Victorian 'aid workers' to fuck off. Annulling Victoria's treaties. Getting war brides released.

All of which helps the various other groups.

Then we went on to take a firm yet conciliatory stance in this conference. Remember the past but let's collectively move on and we are ready to work with *everyone* to our collective benefit. Working to alleviate the conflicts in the Mid West instead of stoking them. We established rather strongly that we aren't Victoria. Only the group that was actively making trouble was slapped down but much of that was them hanging themselves on the rope handed to them.
So like some long term thoughts on the farmers. They have a secure place because frankly it's not gonna be much work, most of the people taking advantage are probably opportunists or pseudo getting revenge on Victoria-by-proxy* Maybe a few looking to conquer a nation that they are sure no one will possibly object to, the Commonwealth saying 'stop that' is probably gonna end it easily

The diplomatic headache less so. The easiest are the original inhabitants who... can do whatever. Andrew's initial foray killed like... over half? Some stupid number and left the remaining intimidated as the Garden was built, but he kept enough alive to raise** the first set of Children*** when the division wasn't there. The Children, however, are a a thornier issue. "Mercy" for example, the child who was placed in Mary's household should be sent back. She still thinks of where she came from as her home, has clear memories, and wants to go back. And the Farmers aren't going to easily do it on their own. Not because they are bad, but because the worldview forced upon them doesn't even consider it. Children come, and you take care of them. Children come, and you take care of them.

At the same time, many of the older ones probably would be alienated, alone and uncertain if they came back. Especially because they'd be 'back' with the expectation of being some 'long lost child' who should feel a familial bond they don't know, but have learned to fake very, very well. Nor does a answer of 'let them decide' work out, because they have learned that when someone wants something, and they 'let you decide' there is a right choice, and it's what they want. Mary is assertive by Farmer standards. All of which makes it a minor headache to sort out, one we are likely going to have to muddle through for lack of an army of psychologists to sort through all of them.

*Yes, this is totally unfair, but well, fair isn't much worth here.
**For certain values of raise. The levels of parentification among the older Children is basically 'yes'.
***And someone is going to want to make a term for it that isn't what the Victorian's called them

I don't think acting decently towards first people will lose us legitimacy
Legitimacy is how much we are seen like the old US.

Edit: (Just to be clear, this is as more snark than serious speculation)
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I know and acting with decency does not cost us legitimacy any more than actively being assholes gains them or victoria would be seen as USA v2

Edit: (I see your edit :p)
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@PoptartProdigy - What is the status of the "Michigan Soviet Republics?" In the omake that created them they were described as having been taken over by their own ex-Georgian bank robber, but who that is or how they act has never been elaborated on, and it's never come up in the quest - which is somewhat jarringly contrasted with Traverse City. Has the faction been altered in their inclusion into the quest canon?
Question I'm gonna try my hand at quests with my first one taking place in Texas during 1837 but I'm not gonna use dice cause a) I don't know how to use them and b) if I did I probably suck so can anyone give me some tips on the do's and don't s of questing
Exactly. And I doubt that FCNY is raring to go rejoin Victorian new york, and if we ever reunite with Puerto Rico they were long since due a state. And of course we also have canadian possessions, and may get more when we finally take over Victoria.
And after that, we might as well absorb what's left of Canada the Uk is in no shape to contest us they just came out of a civil war the commonwealth is dead, and Brexit happened :V
Absorbing Canada is entirely contingent on us being able to accommodate them and them willing to join whatever monstrous EUIV Frankenstein nation we eventually create.

Man, everyone seems to be counting their chickens before the hen's even laid the eggs. :p Or should we just keep going and create a United States of Earth?
Just to be clear, when people talk about 'us' taking over and recreating the USA, they mean whatever alliance/federation the various revivalist powers will eventually form? Because I doubt that the CFC itself can directly control anything not within a certain distance of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi without separatist movements arising, and that's assuming no significant regional power shows up before we consolidate influence.

Mind you, I do find the idea of the CFC eventually sending a expedition fleet south to find any allies, only to roll a crit and inadvertently annex the entire Caribbean hilarious.
I support a Hail Mary but if I have to pick a side and I stress I don't want to. I would choice traverse city here's why

the most important lesson I learned in the Erie Campaign is how hard it is to reach out and touch the enemy "war is simple but simple is hard"
the Michigan soviet republic is closer to our supply line and we can easier bring down our full might shock and awe we cant do that on traverse city

edit amphibious operation can be costly as lementon showed us
edit2 Michigan Soviet republic has been described as Stalinists so chances are higher we are going to have to fight them in the future then traverse city whos actually trying to get on our good side
I can't guarantee it, but I strongly suspect that the MSR would make concessions to practicality to have us on-side, probably as much so as Traverse City would.

As for the rest:

At Leamington, Victoria sent troops unprepared directly into entrenched defenders liberally supplied with machine guns and artillery, while an enemy naval squadron circled around behind them and the enemy made a desperate all-in effort to cancel out their sabotaged air superiority

We need do no such thing.

We don't actually have to stage an amphibious landing in the normal sense to hit Traverse City; we just have to march our troops about... well, we'd be basing out of the MSR's territory since they'd be friendlies. Something like 150 miles, I think, overland. That's not nothing, but... Note the key differences here between the examples you are presenting of what Victoria did, and what we're doing.

Our army has Professionals Study Logistics. Victoria's does not. Note that we were able to manage an overland march along the north shore of Lake Erie during the Buffalo Campaign, at a greater distance than we'd have to go to reach Traverse City overland. Victoria failed to do anything to supply its operations overland at any time during the Detroit Campaign. Indeed, they failed disastrously to resupply the eastern force while operating over the same terrain bare months earlier, going the other direction, and had to be bailed out by vassals! But then Victoria, famously and adamantly, has No Logistics.

Furthermore, unless Traverse City is a second Toledo, which I highly doubt... we will assuredly be dealing with much weaker opposition on their end. Even in relative terms, they are unlikely to enjoy meaningful advantages, especially after we finish our current training program.
And after that, we might as well absorb what's left of Canada the Uk is in no shape to contest us they just came out of a civil war the commonwealth is dead, and Brexit happened :V
Absorbing Canada is entirely contingent on us being able to accommodate them and them willing to join whatever monstrous EUIV Frankenstein nation we eventually create.
Greater American Union go! From the Arctic to the Antilles.
Fortier: Oi, mates! Have some consideration for us Canucks, will ye? Some of us happen to like not being Yankee.
The first thing we need to do with access to the outside world is buy one of those automatic T-Shirt printers. "I invaded Victoria and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"
The first thing we need to do with access to the outside world is buy one of those automatic T-Shirt printers. "I invaded Victoria and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"
Sara Goldblum:

"We already have one of those."


"What, we don't have literally NO industry! Did you really think our clothes makers would be able to resist for this many months? Do you know what the demand is like? Hell, I bought one myself."
Little controversy on the vote topics, so the vote's open, folks!

They ARE sitting on the shortest overland route to Toronto that doesn't pass close to Victorian territory before entering Toronto.

That's the one thing the Blue Mountain Farmers, formerly Andrew's Garden, have that is of value to the Commonwealth- a strategic location IF we are trying to extend our reach to shield Toronto.
Yes, of course, that's just not a short-term concern like the ones the narration was addressing. 😜
... Ok, remind me what kind of dice we roll on? Was it D50s?
I must say poptart, you certainly have a way of getting me to often cackle out loud when I read through your updates on this quest.
Thank you!
The nice thing about Poptart is that they don't ONLY use those moments of ridiculous unexpected cunning to have the antagonists pull a bazooka out and blow the protagonist away with it.

They also do the reverse, with the protagonist pulling off some combination of smart moves that lock down an enemy.
If I don't get to write characters doing cool shit, what's even the point? :rofl:
This is beautiful, I love what you did with the barebones dialogue we worked out, a wonderful fleshing out of the piece.
T'was fun!
I don't think acting decently towards first people will lose us legitimacy
Acting decently, no. What will lose Legitimacy is acting affirmatively and substantively to make material recompense for American and Canadian wrongs to the First Nations (with Legitimacy losses scaling in proportion to how much you claim heritage with either of those nations). Like, just being non-assholes to First Nations people and groups isn't going to lose you anything aside from the approval of assholes; you can be an acceptable government for such peoples to participate in without losing a single point of Legitimacy. It's actually making meaningful sacrifices that impact your majority populations in order to make up for what the First Nations have suffered that makes you discernably less America.
[x][FEUD] Ally with the MSR. Traverse City will cancel your basing rights. In the event of the feud going hot, Traverse City will be well-placed to interdict the Straits of Mackinac.

[x][COMMIES] Guarantee the Commune's independence. Another friendly power on Lake Erie is hardly a bad thing to have.

[x][RIVER] Agree to the alliance. The Kingdom isn't a large problem, but it could definitely cause issues for your plans for the Mississippi. You're happy to limit their opportunities for expansion.

[x][MEDIATE] Oh, but it is. You have no immediate interest in Minnesota but whatever's going on between Bemidji and Manitoulin intrigues you, and you very much do have a medium-term interest in resolving this conflict to your west before it becomes your problem, later. You will have the option to organize this mediation.


Acting decently, no. What will lose Legitimacy is acting affirmatively and substantively to make material recompense for American and Canadian wrongs to the First Nations (with Legitimacy losses scaling in proportion to how much you claim heritage with either of those nations). Like, just being non-assholes to First Nations people and groups isn't going to lose you anything aside from the approval of assholes; you can be an acceptable government for such peoples to participate in without losing a single point of Legitimacy. It's actually making meaningful sacrifices that impact your majority populations in order to make up for what the First Nations have suffered that makes you discernably less America.
I will willingly eat that horse.

Legitimacy ain't everything.
[X][FEUD] Pitch a Hail Mary and see if they'll listen to you if you try to mediate their disputes. Prompts a roll, DC 43.

[X][COMMIES] Guarantee the Commune's independence. Another friendly power on Lake Erie is hardly a bad thing to have.

[X][RIVER] Agree to the alliance. The Kingdom isn't a large problem, but it could definitely cause issues for your plans for the Mississippi. You're happy to limit their opportunities for expansion.

[X][MEDIATE] Oh, but it is. You have no immediate interest in Minnesota but whatever's going on between Bemidji and Manitoulin intrigues you, and you very much do have a medium-term interest in resolving this conflict to your west before it becomes your problem, later. You will have the option to organize this mediation.
[x][COMMIES] Guarantee the Commune's independence. Another friendly power on Lake Erie is hardly a bad thing to have.

[x][RIVER] Agree to the alliance. The Kingdom isn't a large problem, but it could definitely cause issues for your plans for the Mississippi. You're happy to limit their opportunities for expansion.

[x][MEDIATE] Oh, but it is. You have no immediate interest in Minnesota but whatever's going on between Bemidji and Manitoulin intrigues you, and you very much do have a medium-term interest in resolving this conflict to your west before it becomes your problem, later. You will have the option to organize this mediation.

Am uncertain on the Feud for now.
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