The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Please don't spit all over the idea of due process.

Personally speaking, I think it's not too much of a stretch to draw parallels to the Kukuni and the view that borderlanders have of barbarians like Nokai.
We don't understand it, we don't have that much info on it, and all our past experiences have involved aggression or the fear of it in some way. Finally given the opportunity to learn about such an entity with as little direct harm to others as is reasonably possible (and please don't pretend that a higher-level disciple or even an Elder wouldn't be able to wipe the kukuni out if it came down to it—there's no way that Ves would give us an outright impossible encounter without some degree of foreshadowing, and we're still a bottom-tier disciple in the grand scheme of things), it's only natural to want to learn more.

We got WoG that unless we rolled really fucking badly we wouldn't suffer from anything too abhorrent. That's as close to a safety blanket as one can reasonably expect to have.

I'm nowhere near a pacifist, nor am I an all-loving person utterly incapable of holding a grudge, and I'm certainly not free from the desire of revenge.

However, I do not think that something that doesn't even realize what it's doing is something "wrong" to us should be instantly blasted apart. You can't call it sociopathic, because it's not human and doesn't work on the same morality as us. What is horrible to them could be interesting to us, as we have seen here. Hell, in the SI-verse omake, Ves describes the setting as a deathworld where he'd probably end up as a Vestige, and then as materials for someone to make a snappy pair of suspenders from (paraphrasing). I, personally, think that that's got to be pretty fucked to some degree. These characters and people have similar moral values to us, but I don't doubt that they'd kill with very little hesitation, and then none at all.

What separates us from monsters? No, really; I'm curious as to what your personal beliefs on such a thing is, though we might need to take this to PMs before we get marked down for derailing.

There's so much cherry-picking (I don't mean in terms of evidence) going on here. We disapprove of this thing's actions in experimenting with its creations, and yet we ourselves actively went out to kill creatures to make shiny new objects. Granted, those creatures were not sentient, and thus we had about as much remorse for the action as one would have for picking out a parcel of ground beef at the supermarket.
But that's the difference; this thing is something we can actually try and communicate with.

I keep on reading that my plan doesn't work because "we don't know enough about it. You keep on making all these assumptions. It's heading right for us."
Yeah. I fully agree. I fully agree that we don't know enough about it to make a judgement on its character, its way of thought, everything else about it.
We clearly dehumanize it, and sure, to an extent we're right to. It's doing things no sane human would.

And that's because it's not human. I recognize that.

And I also recognize that such a thing does not preclude the ability to learn human customs or change ways of thought. It is a creature of Mind and has, at the very least, that much potential.

I know that power grants the privilege of choice, and we are sadly lacking in decisive amounts of it—but the Rakshasa is a pretty good equalizer. It was enough to be pretty much the final decider between a match of eclectic not-synergized-in-any-way items, and an optimized-to-the-gills item set. That's pretty fucking big.

Sorry for writing all over the place. I didn't get to cover everything that I was thinking of. Please poke as many holes into my argument as you can, so that I can shore them up. Above all, though, let discourse be relatively civil.


I'm not angry, I don't mean to come off that way, and I'm sorry that what I wrote is coming off that way. When I referenced Mengele I was reaching for the first real-life medical horror example I could think of, without considering if it had other potentially inflammatory connotations - which on reflection I should have.

That said.

Several tendrils merge and extend, reaching out for you.

Feelings that are not your own wash over you.

Excitement. Pleasure. Curiosity.

As the alien feelings slide through your flesh, you shiver and take another step back. You've never experienced emotions this inhuman before, but you have read accounts from Artists who have- and that means you now know what this entity is.

Before you is a Blood-aspected Kukuni- and it wants you to join the wildlife at its feet.

Emphasis mine again. I'm not making a moral argument here at all. I'm making a much less principled and more primordial argument. It wants to kill us. Kill it first.

you are attacking an ambulatory system of blood vessels

Can we use Vitriolic Retort to inject acid into its vessels? Acid, if I recall my D&D correctly, is an excellent alternative to fire when it comes to deep-sixing regenerators.
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[] Engage in melee, use the grappling rules

More seriously:

[X] Disable our senses of smell and taste using our new tech, grapple with it and use our knowledge of Craft (Weaving) to bind the blood vessels together.
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[X] Scream at it
-[x] Use Warhounds Cry Immedietly as it's reaching towards you, jump back and use the box while it's disoriented. Then have the Rakshasha go in Melee while we take pot shots with vitriolic retort. Don't engage in melee ourselves unless we see an opening. Use Warhounds cry again when Rakshasha looks like it's getting overwhelmed. If Rakshasha runs out of time and the Kukuni still looks healthy, run away. Use pills as needed.
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Do ya'll think it would be worth the time, effort, and anam cost to shut down one or more of Kong Zhi's senses? It's only speculation on my part, but I fear the kukuni has some means to influence creatures via scent or sound. We cannot yet turn off the ability to hear, IIRC, but removing our ability to smell and be influenced by what amounts to "magic pheromones", or even simple overpoweringly vile odors, might be useful here.
[X] Use your sixth sense to look for the highest concentration of anam and direct anam attacks there. Stay away from melee, using Vitriolic Retort and Warhound's Cry. Open the Box and let the Rakshasa's Hunger guide it. Use pills as needed to supplement your anam pool if you run below 5 anam or healing pills after taking a second stress box.
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[X] Scream at it
-[x] Use Warhounds Cry Immedietly as it's reaching towards you, jump back and use the box while it's disoriented. Then have the Rakshasha go in Melee while we take pot shots with vitriolic retort. Don't engage in melee ourselves unless we see an opening. Use Warhounds cry again when Rakshasha looks like it's getting overwhelmed.
OK. The first thing we've got to do is activate the Box if we hope to survive, I think we've got that. This is before any other technique, just to be clear, and I hope the reason for this is obvious.

We should hit with Vitriolic Retort every two rounds, or arguably even every round. We need to pile that debuff on the Kukuni if we hope for victory. Going into close-range is dangerous since that's how it does fleshwarping, by the way, so if the Kukuni swaps into something that counters Archer, we should attack with Warhound's Cry, not BSA.

If it closes the distance anyway, BSA is ofc the option we'd have to take, but we should avoid getting in close at all costs.

Above all, we must be willing to use our anam pills and our healing pill. If we lose, Zhi's going to get fleshwarped, bare minimum.

We decided to fight? Then we better fight like the alternative is long-lasting horrible consequences, because that's exactly what they are.
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I mean, I'd be willing to trust you to figure out a battle plan @Vesvius , but if you'd prefer we did it...

[x] Activate the box immediately then use vitriolic retort from afar and then dodge use hummingbird's dance if it tries to strike at you
Alright people. You've chosen to fight the Kukuni, but have chosen not to give me an actual battleplan. Part of that is my fault; I didn't put in a write-in slot specifically for a battleplan and that's my bad. But now, as I gear up to write this update, I realize I kinda need one. I mean, I could do it myself, but I get the sense that that won't end well. So it's minivote time!

You are squaring off with a Blood Kukuni. What is your battle plan?
[] Write-In

This vote will be open until I can sit down and actually write this update, and the threadmark will be removed at that time. Now, tell me: you are attacking an ambulatory system of blood vessels. How do?
Do we need to specify that we want to use pills or will KZ just use them as necessary?
I'm currently exhausted from my effort post, but I would suggest taking notice of the environment in order to obtain an advantage.

This is Kong Zhi's first fight alone, so the plans must be fiendishly clever, with anything that can be filed under 'teamwork' out of the window.
Protoplan: Cleanse and Purify
- [X] Open combat with Warhound's Cry to open the distance and buy time to pop Dance. The Rakshasa should prioritize cutting apart the vessels connecting it to the bodies.
- [X] Take shots from range with Vitriolic Retort, preferably aiming for wounds opened by the Dance to inject acid into its vessels and hopefully disrupt any regenerative abilities it may have.
- [X] Engage with the Spear only as a last resort, preferably after a Warhound's Cry to disorient it and open an attack opportunity.
- [X] Keep it away from any large piles of blood/gore; it may be able to use those to regenerate or to create combat homunculi.
- [X] If the Dance ends and the enemy is still up, run. Use Warhound's Cry as necessary to open the distance.
- [X] Use every pill we have as needed.

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I still think we should do like a tree, but...

Well, now it seems we're gonna beat the shit out of a mass of blood.

First, we need to get out of the cave. Not get grabbed, and stay mobile. And scare all the animals in the outside.

It's probably best if it's a 1v1, since the thing is basically a bloodbender. No fighting it on equal footing.
Do we need to specify that we want to use pills or will KZ just use them as necessary?
Be as specific with things as you want. You can just give me a general overview if you would like, or you can give me a long list of conditionals for Zhi to follow. Either way works.

For pills spesifically, Zhi will not use them unless the battle plan spesifically mentions using pills. You got them for the Deeps, unless you tell me you're using them now, I'm assuming you're saving them for the deeps.
OK. The first thing we've got to do is activate the Box if we hope to survive, I think we've got that. This is before any other technique, just to be clear, and I hope the reason for this is obvious.

We should hit with Vitriolic Retort every two rounds, or arguably even every round. We need to pile that debuff on the Kukuni if we hope for victory. Going into close-range is dangerous since that's how it does fleshwarping, by the way, so if the Kukuni swaps into something that counters Archer, we should attack with Warhound's Cry, not BSA.

If it closes the distance anyway, BSA is ofc the option we'd have to take, but we should avoid getting in close at all costs.

Above all, we must be willing to use our anam pills and our healing pill. If we lose, Zhi's going to get fleshwarped, bare minimum.

We decided to fight? Then we better fight like the alternative is long-lasting horrible consequences, because that's exactly what they are.

we should use the box right away but I think we'll get attacked while using it. Warhounds Cry should buy us time to activate the box safely.
So, a thought.

Blooming Spear of the Auroch managed to core a Six-Foot deep hole into solid rock. What if we use it to collapse the cavern? If we run back out of this small cavern to give us space, we won't get caught in the collapse. If this goes correctly, the Kukuni and its biomodified allies should be pinned for a few rounds and take a hefty chunk of damage for good measure.

We should really consider the fact that the Kukuni has allies in the form of these modified creatures, after all, so damaging them all at once with an opening strike is invaluable.

Outside of using it as an opening move, we could use it if we're almost out of anam and gotta get the hell away, though that's riskier because we might not be in a good position at that point.
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[X] Try to lure it away from the pile of corpses.
[X] Scream at it
-[X] Use Warhounds Cry Immedietly as it's reaching towards you, jump back and use the box while it's disoriented. Then have the Rakshasha go in Melee while we take pot shots with vitriolic retort. Don't engage in melee ourselves unless we see an opening. Use Warhounds cry again when Rakshasha looks like it's getting overwhelmed.
--[X] Get ready to dodge out of the way if it tries to attack, and don't leave a direct line of sight to yourself.
---[X] Try to stay away from the animals outside of the slaughter place.

Added some things to the other vote. I dunno if it's good or nah.
Is there any value in specifying we prioritize defense, and use dodges even where a deflection would otherwise serve? The less this thing touches us the better off we'll be.

Edit: I say we pop the Rakshasha immediately. Our best guess is that it has been luring animals in somehow, and may attempt a similar strategy with us. Starting with Warhound's Cry tells it to abandon subtlety and go for the jugular, while manifesting Rakshasha may not provoke that kind of response until it attacks. Also, the Rakshasha might be able draw fire, preventing it from touching us, and having an ally on the field immediately is extra valuable when tentacle-grappling might be the kukuni's play.
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[X] Plan Keep Away
-[X] Keep our distance, Send the Rakshasa in to keep it off us and use Vitriolic Retort to fire archer attacks at the densest parts of the kukuni.
--[X] If the Kukuni seems to be drawing power/strength/etc from the "roots" imbedded in the flesh of the beast, try to disrupt it.
---[X] Switch to Warhound's Cry if minions enter the fray
---[X] Use Stallion's Enclosed Garden if we come under sensory attack
----[X] Take a Soldier's Requiem if Anam reaches 5 or lower
-----[X] USe A Moments Respite if two stress boxes are filled
------[X] Take An Evening's Rest pill if two stress boxes are filled and A Moments Respite has already been used.
-------[X] If Anam reaches 5 or lower and no Soldier's Requiem remain, attempt to retreat.

I figure keeping out of it's reach is key here. It can't damage the Rakshasa, and we can stack debuffs on it with Vitriolic Retort
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Start a fight with someone simply because you can.


As you follow the curve of a tunnel, your legs freeze without your direct permission. Your nose flares as the rich scent of blood washes over you, and your eyes widen as they take in what stands before you. You no longer feel like you are in a menagerie any longer.

You are in a charnel house.

Before you, the tunnel floor is carpeted with corpses. Bodies of animals of all stripes are thrown together in enormous piles that scrape the tunnel roof. Badgers and birds, goats and wolves, it matters not what the beast was in life. Now it is just so much meat in a pile, held together with other meat only by the sticky lacquer of blood. What few bodies are not part of the overwhelming piles are instead left to rot alone on the stone, forming monuments to mutilation.

And in the center of the bodies stands…

You have no idea what it is. But you can guess that it is responsible for the scene before you.

The beast… entity… creature that stands amidst the bodies does not seem to have a physical form. It is made of light the color of a day old scab stretched out into a thousand miniscule veins. The light pulses in time with your own heartbeat, and its tendrils dig into the bodies around it like roots burrowing into stone. With every heartbeat, the amount of tendrils change as they merge together and separate once more, forming longer spikes that rend the bodies into even more horrifying shapes that-

A goat beneath the entity's limbs lets out a plaintive cry. Your feet move backwards on their own.

Ancestors, the creatures it is subjecting to it's care are still alive.

Your foot nudges against the body of a mole and the noise of a sandal squelching in liquid echoes out through the bloodstained tunnel. The glowing traceries of light that are cutting open half a dozen beasts at once freezes-

Several tendrils merge and extend, reaching out for you.

Feelings that are not your own wash over you.

Excitement. Pleasure. Curiosity.

As the alien feelings slide through your flesh, you shiver and take another step back. You've never experienced emotions this inhuman before, but you have read accounts from Artists who have- and that means you now know what this entity is.

Before you is a Blood-aspected Kukuni- and it wants you to join the wildlife at its feet.

Realities of Engagement:
  • The tunnel entrance/exit is curved, leading towards larger wildlife areas.
  • The animals that have been experimented on stick around in the general area.
  • The tunnel floor is carpeted with corpses.
  • There are artificial walls of corpses that reach towards the roof.
  • These corpses are being kept for some purpose. Alternatively, the creature does not consider disposing of them a worthwhile use of its time.
  • The creature does not have a physical form.
  • The creature is one giant cardiovascular system.
  • The creature has many tendrils as appendages.
  • The creatures is capable of enforcing physically impossible change upon bodies.
  • The creatures number of appendages is variable. The manifestation of these appendages is also variable.
  • The creature can exert its emotions upon the mind.
  • The creature has the finesse to capture and operate upon creatures as small as moles.
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If this were a story set in the modern world, I would say indeed, begone creepy guy. I wouldn't kill him, because torturing animals is perfectly legal, however disgusting that is, and I certainly wouldn't want to befriend him,
While I kind of get what you're trying to say, I feel like there's a much better way to say this that doesn't basically sound like "I'm not going to do anything to stop the guy that's torturing animals."
I wrote about 500 words describing this, and then midway through I realized that train of thought was getting so far off track that it may as well start a naval shipping company, so, uh, whoops!
Still feel like I should point that out though.

Now, @firestorm440, I'm honestly kind of stumped as to how to read that piece. Before I get hammered by a "with your eyes" joke, let me explain my perspective.

To me, at least, I can't actually tell if this is Word of God "yes this thing wants to kill you," in which case why the heck did Vesvius even give us the option to negotiate at all, or if Kong Zhi is just being dramatic (as both Jai Fa and Mei Daiyu can personally attest as being in character, but for entirely different reasons kek).
Also, I highly doubt it would try to kill us on purpose. Experiment, sure, and there's a non-negligible chance that it might do an oopsie while trying to figure out how to replace our lungs with a birthday cake, but considering that when we walked in on that goat the Kukuni was operating on—

rereads the passage to make sure I'm getting it right
Before you, the tunnel floor is carpeted with corpses. Bodies of animals of all stripes are thrown together in enormous piles that scrape the tunnel roof. Badgers and birds, goats and wolves, it matters not what the beast was in life. Now it is just so much meat in a pile, held together with other meat only by the sticky lacquer of blood. What few bodies are not part of the overwhelming piles are instead left to rot alone on the stone, forming monuments to mutilation.
With every heartbeat, the amount of tendrils change as they merge together and separate once more, forming longer spikes that rend the bodies into even more horrifying shapes that-
A goat beneath the entity's limbs lets out a plaintive cry. Your feet move backwards on their own.

Ancestors, the creatures it is subjecting to it's care are still alive.

beneath the entity's limbs
the creatures it is subjecting to it's care are still alive.



beneath the entity's limbs
the creatures it is subjecting to it's care are still alive.



Indeed, indeed.

Here's one of the other merits of a cave-in. While Spirit Beasts and Kukuni aren't hurt by mundanity as a consequence of their nature, these modified creatures were explicitly mentioned to not be Spirit Beasts by Zhi. This means that a cave-in would wipe them off the playing field or at least seriously injure them, while pinning them down alongside the Kukuni. That's quite valuable, if I say so myself.

For that reason, I think trying to cave-in the small cavern where the Kukuni and the beasts are is a good idea. Either that, or we could lure it through the passage and cave that in, but that's a ton more risky.
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I like your plan, @Knight-Radiant; what do you think about adding a couple further conditionals?

-[X] Switch to Warhound's Cry if minions enter the fray
-[X] Use Stallion's Enclosed Garden if we come under sensory attack

EDIT: I don't think Warhound's is strong enough to physically burst the blood vessels - right? I'm weighing trying it once at the outset to see if it has outsize results before switching to Vitriolic Retort, which we're more confident in.
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Indeed, indeed.

Here's one of the other merits of a cave-in. While Spirit Beasts and Kukuni aren't hurt by mundanity as a consequence of their nature, these modified creatures were explicitly mentioned to not be Spirit Beasts by Zhi. This means that a cave-in would wipe them off the playing field or at least seriously injure them, while pinning them down alongside the Kukuni. That's quite valuable, if I say so myself.
I don't think Kong Zhi is lucky enough or knowledgeable enough to cause a cave-in, let alone capable of one to begin with. While the holes we can drill with Auroch are fairly deep, they are penetrating as opposed to shattering. I admit that flipping "rocks fall everyone dies" on the enemy for once would be very entertaining, though.
We have a mineralogy skill.

I will bet five bucks that trying to cause a cave in will prompt the very first mineral roll in this quest because it is partially material science.

For this reason, I support causing a cave in.