The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] Be affable, while Jai Fa continues to be intimidating as she stands behind him. Tell him that the only reason you can think that he might be following you right now is that he's spying for Jin Yazhu to learn about your charms for the upcoming duel. If this is the case, you are not angry, and you tell him as such. Neither of you know one another, except by reputation. Perhaps he is being paid, or perhaps he is being coerced, or perhaps it is something else. Regardless, you are not offended, as you doubt it is personal on his end. You'd like to hear his reasons for doing this, or if he was following you for some other reason, but right now you can't really tolerate anyone trying to spy on you. If he promises to stop, you'll let him leave unmolested this time, and if he's here for something else you'd be happy to let him speak his mind.
-[X] Note that if he is being coerced, you'd be happy to teach him a style suited towards self-defense at a later date, if he would like to learn.
-[X] You give him one last opportunity to say something. If he won't explain anything further, let him leave, and then move to find a place Jai Fa can practice while taking steps to avoid further tails.

you think he is just a red herring?
Darn, I might have missed my chance for a write-in.

There's no real point in beating him up, and if he's clammed up this badly I don't think giving him a riddle will get anywhere.

I'm thinking we just ask him to leave and give us privacy - maybe try and shake his composure by implying we're looking to spend time making out with Jai Fa or something.

[X] "Well, so be it then. If you wish to discuss matters, my door is always open" Turn around and make your way out. "Otherwise, we do not seem to have any business, I will be on my way then."
-[X] Just leave, there's no need to be needlessly cruel, you should try and take some steps to try to lose any other tails you might have though.
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If you aren't going to write in, can I interest you in following mindlessly along with my 'beat him like a dog' plan? I hear it is the 'in' thing.
-[X] Tell him the names of our charms. ask him if likes the names.
--[X] If he likes the names then proceed with: "Do you like riddles, Teng Lim? I have one for you, answer it well and I'll answer a question you have for me. Say you're in front of a maze ..." (Try to get him to solve the maze riddle, mostly to get him talking). Answer his question honestly, so long as it doesn't reveal anything Jin could use in the duel, or reveal the location of valuable assets like the armory or moment. Attempt to trade questions/answers with him to try and figure out who Jin's champion is, what charms he's built, where he's been charging his charms etc. Flatter him a little "I hear you're the genius who's organized the Tear's timeshare, how did you manage that?"
--[X] If he does not appreciate our naming sense then we exchange pointers with him, at length
---[X] Also look behind us in case this is a case of mutual surrounding.

We gotta see if he is worthy of mercy.
[X] Write-In - "Do you like riddles, Teng Lim? I have one for you, answer it well and I'll answer a question you have for me. Say you're in front of a maze ..." (Try to get him to solve the maze riddle, mostly to get him talking). Answer his question honestly, so long as it doesn't reveal anything Jin could use in the duel, or reveal the location of valuable assets like the armory or moment. Attempt to trade questions/answers with him to try and figure out who Jin's champion is, what charms he's built, where he's been charging his charms etc. Flatter him a little "I hear you're the genius who's organized the Tear's timeshare, how did you manage that?"

I want to engage with Teng Lim. Even if we don't learn anything about Jin, it might show his interests so we can meet in a better situation later.
[X] Be affable, while Jai Fa continues to be intimidating as she stands behind him. Tell him that the only reason you can think that he might be following you right now is that he's spying for Jin Yazhu to learn about your charms for the upcoming duel. If this is the case, you are not angry, and you tell him as such. Neither of you know one another, except by reputation. Perhaps he is being paid, or perhaps he is being coerced, or perhaps it is something else. Regardless, you are not offended, as you doubt it is personal on his end. You'd like to hear his reasons for doing this, or if he was following you for some other reason, but right now you can't really tolerate anyone trying to spy on you. If he promises to stop, you'll let him leave unmolested this time, and if he's here for something else you'd be happy to let him speak his mind.
-[X] Note that if he is being coerced, you'd be happy to teach him a style suited towards self-defense at a later date, if he would like to learn.
-[X] You give him one last opportunity to say something. If he won't explain anything further, let him leave, and then move to find a place Jai Fa can practice while taking steps to avoid further tails.

About the maze, we can't test any solution he comes up with at the moment so I really doubt that will go anywhere. It could serve as a nice distraction and mind game though, if he's really spying for someone.

And if he's an informant? At least we know he is and can account for that. Being kind costs little, really. As long as we're watchful.
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Guys... seriously, don't answer his questions by having him try to solve the maze for us. That's possibly handing the enemy info for information we could get ourselves. Don't. Seriously.
Guys... seriously, don't answer his questions by having him try to solve the maze for us. That's possibly handing the enemy info for information we could get ourselves. Don't. Seriously.
Yeah, I'll second this. Teng Lim seems to be an informant of some sort, even if he's not a spy for Jin. Spreading out the information of the Map points to the highest bidder* would not be good, to say the least.

*Ofc it'd be different if it was Zhi who was selling the info, since we'd be getting cash. :thonk:

[X] Be affable, while Jai Fa continues to be intimidating as she stands behind him. Tell him that the only reason you can think that he might be following you right now is that he's spying for Jin Yazhu to learn about your charms for the upcoming duel. If this is the case, you are not angry, and you tell him as such. Neither of you know one another, except by reputation. Perhaps he is being paid, or perhaps he is being coerced, or perhaps it is something else. Regardless, you are not offended, as you doubt it is personal on his end. You'd like to hear his reasons for doing this, or if he was following you for some other reason, but right now you can't really tolerate anyone trying to spy on you. If he promises to stop, you'll let him leave unmolested this time, and if he's here for something else you'd be happy to let him speak his mind.
-[X] Note that if he is being coerced, you'd be happy to teach him a style suited towards self-defense at a later date, if he would like to learn.
-[X] You give him one last opportunity to say something. If he won't explain anything further, let him leave, and then move to find a place Jai Fa can practice while taking steps to avoid further tails.
Guys... seriously, don't answer his questions by having him try to solve the maze for us. That's possibly handing the enemy info for information we could get ourselves. Don't. Seriously.
I don't think he can really use a hypothetical riddle about a maze to find the actual location of a very well hidden maze... that he doesn't even know exists. he doesn't seem the type to venture out into dark tunnels to try and find things that maybe might exist.
I don't think he can really use a hypothetical riddle about a maze to find the actual location of a very well hidden maze... that he doesn't even know exists. he doesn't seem the type to venture out into dark tunnels to try and find things that maybe might exist.
He seems to be the informant type, Dingdong. He was sneaking around, trying to listen to what we're talking about, and he has tons of written parchment stuffed into his clothes, probably detailing stuff for later reference.

At the very least, he'll probably sell the details of the maze, and even though people won't know the exact location, they'll at least know it's something that exists and thus can be searched for.
[X] Be affable, while Jai Fa continues to be intimidating as she stands behind him. Tell him that the only reason you can think that he might be following you right now is that he's spying for Jin Yazhu to learn about your charms for the upcoming duel. If this is the case, you are not angry, and you tell him as such. Neither of you know one another, except by reputation. Perhaps he is being paid, or perhaps he is being coerced, or perhaps it is something else. Regardless, you are not offended, as you doubt it is personal on his end. You'd like to hear his reasons for doing this, or if he was following you for some other reason, but right now you can't really tolerate anyone trying to spy on you. If he promises to stop, you'll let him leave unmolested this time, and if he's here for something else you'd be happy to let him speak his mind.
-[X] Note that if he is being coerced, you'd be happy to teach him a style suited towards self-defense at a later date, if he would like to learn.
-[X] You give him one last opportunity to say something. If he won't explain anything further, let him leave, and then move to find a place Jai Fa can practice while taking steps to avoid further tails.
[X] Be affable, while Jai Fa continues to be intimidating as she stands behind him. Tell him that the only reason you can think that he might be following you right now is that he's spying for Jin Yazhu to learn about your charms for the upcoming duel. If this is the case, you are not angry, and you tell him as such. Neither of you know one another, except by reputation. Perhaps he is being paid, or perhaps he is being coerced, or perhaps it is something else. Regardless, you are not offended, as you doubt it is personal on his end. You'd like to hear his reasons for doing this, or if he was following you for some other reason, but right now you can't really tolerate anyone trying to spy on you. If he promises to stop, you'll let him leave unmolested this time, and if he's here for something else you'd be happy to let him speak his mind.
-[X] Note that if he is being coerced, you'd be happy to teach him a style suited towards self-defense at a later date, if he would like to learn.
-[X] You give him one last opportunity to say something. If he won't explain anything further, let him leave, and then move to find a place Jai Fa can practice while taking steps to avoid further tails.

We don't really have time to waste on this, just move on and make sure we aren't followed again.
[X] grab him by the shoulders. Look deep into his eyes. "Look the voices in my head are really sus of you. if you don't tell me what you are doing here right fucking now i swear to god they will make me beat the ever living shit out of you. If you want to walk out of here with your bones intact then you better start fucking talking. hell if you can make the voices like you then maybe they will make me craft a charm for you. if your wondering why i'm so fucked up its cus i cycled time anam. Don't do it kid. The voices NEVER STOP."
[X] Be affable, while Jai Fa continues to be intimidating as she stands behind him. Tell him that the only reason you can think that he might be following you right now is that he's spying for Jin Yazhu to learn about your charms for the upcoming duel. If this is the case, you are not angry, and you tell him as such. Neither of you know one another, except by reputation. Perhaps he is being paid, or perhaps he is being coerced, or perhaps it is something else. Regardless, you are not offended, as you doubt it is personal on his end. You'd like to hear his reasons for doing this, or if he was following you for some other reason, but right now you can't really tolerate anyone trying to spy on you. If he promises to stop, you'll let him leave unmolested this time, and if he's here for something else you'd be happy to let him speak his mind.
-[X] Note that if he is being coerced, you'd be happy to teach him a style suited towards self-defense at a later date, if he would like to learn.
-[X] You give him one last opportunity to say something. If he won't explain anything further, let him leave, and then move to find a place Jai Fa can practice while taking steps to avoid further tails.
I call it, Plan One Nerd to Another

[X] Ask Jai Fa to go ahead to the Training ground, tell her we'll catch up.
-[X] Be friendly to Teng Lim, ask how his training has been going, offer congratulations on his progress with Elder Tantoi. Branch off into general conversation, maybe ask if he's ever thought about getting a charm to replace his spectacles?
--[X] If Teng Lim doesn't relax, give him your word that he is in no danger from us and ask what is wrong. If it's something we can help with offer aid.
---[X] If he still refuses to speak, tell him kindly but firmly that we do not appreciate being followed and ask him to leave. Then meet up with Jai Fa and resume preparations for the duel.

It's not gonna win, but It's how I wish KZ would react. I've been the nervous nerd to scared to talk before
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[X] Ask Jai Fa to go ahead to the Training ground, tell her we'll catch up.
-[X] Be friendly to Teng Lim, ask how his training has been going, offer congratulations on his progress with Elder Tantoi. Branch off into general conversation, maybe ask if he's ever thought about getting a charm to replace his spectacles?
--[X] If Teng Lim doesn't relax, give him your word that he is in no danger from us and ask what is wrong. If it's something we can help with offer aid.
---[X] If he still refuses to speak, tell him kindly but firmly that we do not appreciate being followed and ask him to leave. Then meet up with Jai Fa and resume preparations for the duel.
[X] Ask Jai Fa to go ahead to the Training ground, tell her we'll catch up.
-[X] Be friendly to Teng Lim, ask how his training has been going, offer congratulations on his progress with Elder Tantoi. Branch off into general conversation, maybe ask if he's ever thought about getting a charm to replace his spectacles?
--[X] If Teng Lim doesn't relax, give him your word that he is in no danger from us and ask what is wrong. If it's something we can help with offer aid.
---[X] If he still refuses to speak, tell him kindly but firmly that we do not appreciate being followed and ask him to leave. Then meet up with Jai Fa and resume preparations for the duel.

finally a vote that i unironically like lol. i'd prefer to be the good guy here. we don't have our charms on us so if we get beat up when jai fa leaves then nothing really happens besides we know teng is a shitbag. so its pretty safe. and on the upside we may actually make a new friend and theres no way anyone can criticize us for acting like this.
He's a nerd, and he's petrified with fear, if we can get him working on a puzzle his brain might be able to win-out over his rabbit-reflex.
I'm not actually convinced that he's petrified with fear. He's nervous and jumpy, but he's explicitly noted as normally being nervous and jumpy - that doesn't really explain why he's completely silent rather than offering some kind of excuse or attempting to avoid confrontation in some other way.

I'm more of the opinion that he has assumed from the way Kong Zhi and Jai Fa ambushed and surrounded him (which is pretty hostile, and could easily play into preconceptions based around slander from Jin) that we're going to beat him up regardless of what he says - so he's decided to take his lumps and say nothing that might make it worse.
[X] Ask Jai Fa to go ahead to the Training ground, tell her we'll catch up.
-[X] Be friendly to Teng Lim, ask how his training has been going, offer congratulations on his progress with Elder Tantoi. Branch off into general conversation, maybe ask if he's ever thought about getting a charm to replace his spectacles?
--[X] If Teng Lim doesn't relax, give him your word that he is in no danger from us and ask what is wrong. If it's something we can help with offer aid.
---[X] If he still refuses to speak, tell him kindly but firmly that we do not appreciate being followed and ask him to leave. Then meet up with Jai Fa and resume preparations for the duel.

This plan builds rapport with Teng Lim, but also establishes boundaries. I feel like it engages more with Teng Lim, without giving up anything valuable if he is a spy.
[X] Ask Jai Fa to go ahead to the Training ground, tell her we'll catch up.
-[X] Be friendly to Teng Lim, ask how his training has been going, offer congratulations on his progress with Elder Tantoi. Branch off into general conversation, maybe ask if he's ever thought about getting a charm to replace his spectacles?
--[X] If Teng Lim doesn't relax, give him your word that he is in no danger from us and ask what is wrong. If it's something we can help with offer aid. Tell him that if he is being coerced then we can help him learn how to protect himself or give him our protection.
---[X] If he still refuses to speak, tell him kindly but firmly that we do not appreciate being followed and ask him to leave. Then meet up with Jai Fa and resume preparations for the duel.

modified it slightly to help him if he is being coerced into doing this.
[X] Be affable, while Jai Fa continues to be intimidating as she stands behind him. Tell him that the only reason you can think that he might be following you right now is that he's spying for Jin Yazhu to learn about your charms for the upcoming duel. If this is the case, you are not angry, and you tell him as such. Neither of you know one another, except by reputation. Perhaps he is being paid, or perhaps he is being coerced, or perhaps it is something else. Regardless, you are not offended, as you doubt it is personal on his end. You'd like to hear his reasons for doing this, or if he was following you for some other reason, but right now you can't really tolerate anyone trying to spy on you. If he promises to stop, you'll let him leave unmolested this time, and if he's here for something else you'd be happy to let him speak his mind.
-[X] Note that if he is being coerced, you'd be happy to teach him a style suited towards self-defense at a later date, if he would like to learn.
-[X] You give him one last opportunity to say something. If he won't explain anything further, let him leave, and then move to find a place Jai Fa can practice while taking steps to avoid further tails.
I will note.

Teng Lim is by all appearances, still a Servant.

Teng Lim to date, has never been seen hanging out with Geng Tu and Jin, save at large gatherings where all teh 9th circle shows up. And his defining trait is being nervous.

We have nothing but suspicion, and tbf, sneaking up on the guy who's known to be very nervous and pinning him between two stronger disciples is not conductive to good communication. It costs nothing to be kind, whereas kindness can make a huge difference.

For those who have forgotten, Teng Lim is not from a cycling background. He didn't even know what a Natural Wonder was when he got here. Meaning he has no support. If he's being coerced, then being kind and reasonable could turn him to our side.

If he's a dick in disguise, then we can break his face later.
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I feel like sending Fa off would leave us pretty vulnerable to an ambush. Maybe try to sneakily tell her to hide near by instead of going all the way to the training ground?

Edit: is there a discord for this story?
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[X] Be affable, while Jai Fa continues to be intimidating as she stands behind him. Tell him that the only reason you can think that he might be following you right now is that he's spying for Jin Yazhu to learn about your charms for the upcoming duel. If this is the case, you are not angry, and you tell him as such. Neither of you know one another, except by reputation. Perhaps he is being paid, or perhaps he is being coerced, or perhaps it is something else. Regardless, you are not offended, as you doubt it is personal on his end. You'd like to hear his reasons for doing this, or if he was following you for some other reason, but right now you can't really tolerate anyone trying to spy on you. If he promises to stop, you'll let him leave unmolested this time, and if he's here for something else you'd be happy to let him speak his mind.
-[X] Note that if he is being coerced, you'd be happy to teach him a style suited towards self-defense at a later date, if he would like to learn.
-[X] You give him one last opportunity to say something. If he won't explain anything further, let him leave, and then move to find a place Jai Fa can practice while taking steps to avoid further tails.