The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] Exchange pointers with him, at length
-[X] Also look behind us in case this is a case of mutual surrounding.

How many time do we have teach you this lesson squishy nerds?
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[X] Write-In - "Do you like riddles, Teng Lim? I have one for you, answer it well and I'll answer a question you have for me. Say you're in front of a maze ..." (Try to get him to solve the maze riddle, mostly to get him talking). Answer his question honestly, so long as it doesn't reveal anything Jin could use in the duel, or reveal the location of valuable assets like the armory or moment. Attempt to trade questions/answers with him to try and figure out who Jin's champion is, what charms he's built, where he's been charging his charms etc. Flatter him a little "I hear you're the genius who's organized the Tear's timeshare, how did you manage that?"

I legit like this.
[X] Plan Smooth Talker
-[X] It is clear that Teng Lim is overawed by our presence, quite obviously. We will give him a moment to collect himself.
-[X] Offer up some plausible reasons for Teng Lim to have been following you: Perhaps he is interested in a commission?
-[X] Be genial, but don't give too much trust.
--[X] Incidentally, keep an eye out. There's no way this is the only agent around if he is one and he's this bad.
-[X] If he doesn't speak up, he is welcome to send us a missive, but we would prefer he not follow us about - after all, there are trade secrets about, on this eve of the crafting duel!
Dude's a chump getting forced into this by someone else from the look of it. We probably wont get much from him. And Kong Zhi isnt good enough at social to do much.

I would just tell him bye and to not do this again and move on.

Sucks, but we have neither the time, nor the skills, nor the resources to help.

And if he isnt being forced and is only very good at pretending, it still doesnt help us to waste time on deciphering him.
[X] "Perhaps you would prefer to write what you would like to say down? I believe I have a cousin who took a vow of silence, so that they might better focus on the art of charm making, you know."
[X] "Well, so be it then. If you wish to discuss matters, my door is always open" Turn around and make your way out. "Otherwise, we do not seem to have any business, I will be on my way then."
-[X] Just leave, there's no need to be needlessly cruel, you should try and take some steps to try to lose any other tails you might have though.
[X] Write-In - "Do you like riddles, Teng Lim? I have one for you, answer it well and I'll answer a question you have for me. Say you're in front of a maze ..." (Try to get him to solve the maze riddle, mostly to get him talking). Answer his question honestly, so long as it doesn't reveal anything Jin could use in the duel, or reveal the location of valuable assets like the armory or moment. Attempt to trade questions/answers with him to try and figure out who Jin's champion is, what charms he's built, where he's been charging his charms etc. Flatter him a little "I hear you're the genius who's organized the Tear's timeshare, how did you manage that?"

i like this.
[X] Write-In - "Do you like riddles, Teng Lim? I have one for you, answer it well and I'll answer a question you have for me. Say you're in front of a maze ..." (Try to get him to solve the maze riddle, mostly to get him talking). Answer his question honestly, so long as it doesn't reveal anything Jin could use in the duel, or reveal the location of valuable assets like the armory or moment. Attempt to trade questions/answers with him to try and figure out who Jin's champion is, what charms he's built, where he's been charging his charms etc. Flatter him a little "I hear you're the genius who's organized the Tear's timeshare, how did you manage that?"
[X] Be sympathetic. Tell him that you aren't going to hurt him. If he came to talk about crafting then you would love to discuss it with him, if it is anything else then kindly ask him to leave it for after your duel.
[X] Invite Teng Lin to observe the training.From the sidelines as you Observe Jai Fa try and engage him in talk about charms and crafting.
If asked about the function of the charms tell him that you'd rather keep that secret til after the duel. Ask if he is going to be attending, ask if he knows anything about Jin. But mostly be kind to him.

This might be an unpopular idea but... I think we should just invite him to come with us. So what if he observes the training. We aren't going to make any more charms and Ja Fa is fighting against unknown opponent anyway. Like no harm in being friendly.
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This might be an unpopular idea but... I think we should just invite him to come with us. So what if he observes the training. We aren't going to make any more charms and Ja Fa is fighting against unknown opponent anyway. Like no harm in being friendly.

[X] Invite Teng Lin to observe the training.From the sidelines as you Observe Jai Fa try and engage him in talk about charms and crafting.
If asked about the function of the charms tell him that you'd rather keep that secret til after the duel. Ask if he is going to be attending, ask if he knows anything about Jin. But mostly be kind to him.
If we're going to give him what he wants, we should at least try to get something in return - this is a weird way to try to gain favor-debt.
IMO, we should be polite to him, but at the same time we shouldn't just hand him all the information about our Charms directly, since he was sneaking and trying to listen in.

That's cause enough to be wary about just telling him about our Charms, I think, since he may turn over that info to Jin. Again, we can still be polite about this.
[X] Write-In - "Do you like riddles, Teng Lim? I have one for you, answer it well and I'll answer a question you have for me. Say you're in front of a maze ..." (Try to get him to solve the maze riddle, mostly to get him talking). Answer his question honestly, so long as it doesn't reveal anything Jin could use in the duel, or reveal the location of valuable assets like the armory or moment. Attempt to trade questions/answers with him to try and figure out who Jin's champion is, what charms he's built, where he's been charging his charms etc. Flatter him a little "I hear you're the genius who's organized the Tear's timeshare, how did you manage that?"

Wow. I love this write in. I genuinely dont even care if we get amything useful out of it. Just the fact that we could induce a "Huh?" moment is worth it to me.
[X] "Well, so be it then. If you wish to discuss matters, my door is always open" Turn around and make your way out. "Otherwise, we do not seem to have any business, I will be on my way then."
-[X] Just leave, there's no need to be needlessly cruel, you should try and take some steps to try to lose any other tails you might have though.
[X] Exchange pointers with him, at length
-[X] Also look behind us in case this is a case of mutual surrounding.

There's no need to appear weak. Give him a polite lesson in minding his manners and call it even.
3 votes! We are doing this!! Don't miss your chance to speak and be heard as long as you repeat what I've already said!
How in the open are we? Are there other disciples around? Or a good chance of them passing by? If we decide to interrogate this guy, might be best to do so somewhere more private.
I honestly don't want to answer squat unless he gives us a good reason to, and we can solve the maze on our own. No reason at all to possibly give Jin any advantage here.

[X] Be affable, while Jai Fa continues to be intimidating as she stands behind him. Tell him that the only reason you can think that he might be following you right now is that he's spying for Jin Yazhu to learn about your charms for the upcoming duel. If this is the case, you are not angry, and you tell him as such. Neither of you know one another, except by reputation. Perhaps he is being paid, or perhaps he is being coerced, or perhaps it is something else. Regardless, you are not offended, as you doubt it is personal on his end. You'd like to hear his reasons for doing this, or if he was following you for some other reason, but right now you can't really tolerate anyone trying to spy on you. If he promises to stop, you'll let him leave unmolested this time, and if he's here for something else you'd be happy to let him speak his mind.
-[X] Note that if he is being coerced, you'd be happy to teach him a style suited towards self-defense at a later date, if he would like to learn.
-[X] You give him one last opportunity to say something. If he won't explain anything further, let him leave, and then move to find a place Jai Fa can practice while taking steps to avoid further tails.

If we just leave what stops him from just resuming following us?

The fact that we'll be on the lookout for him. He isn't that stealthy, and stealth largely requires the ignorance of the person you're tailing/stalking to work.
If we're going to give him what he wants, we should at least try to get something in return - this is a weird way to try to gain favor-debt.

He isn't a Soldier. He can't sense anam. If we invite him what is he going to see.
Widows Ward- maybe a shield thing? And a scary wailing woman.
Box - cannot test without using charge will not be activating
Respite - no visible activation
Retort- some sort of projectile, acid maybe

Thats some pretty basic info and we can grill him while he watches. Also if we are nice and he is being threatened that totally puts us on the good side. We actively want to improve our rep with people, this is a step to do it.