The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Hey team, let me just lay the groundwork a bit.

After the duel is over, we need to focus on getting an elder's approval. Consensus is that we get that via the map missions, so we need to prioritize that. But I want to just put out there a bit that we are not guaranteed that, and the lingering possibility exists that finishing the map stuff doesn't get us a seal for 8th circle.

To combat this, I urge us to use our non map related actions (after the duel, sigh, lost that argument and don't I know it) to do stuff that tracks towards an elder's approval. Tion's crafting sessions, etc. I get that with Aunt Bi potentially arriving, and possible damaged charms from the duel, there will be a lot of tempting sidequest stuff. Heck, I still want to know why the mail is losing letters, I feel the urge. But we got to focus a bit here.

So, once we finish the duel, laser focus on the map and also anything else that goes towards an Elder's approval. We do not want to end up taking Sela's handshake on the last day.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] A Pond, Reflected
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[X] [TAIL] Approach him and asked why he is following us.
So, just something to point out...

"I would suggest using it often in the duel," you tell her. "The blood anam in your system fades quickly and must be refreshed if you wish to retain the temper. However, it is not the most visually impressive charm. Over use could harm our standings with the judges. I shall leave the final determination in your hands."

It should be remembered that winning the fight is not a requirement to win the duel itself. While the WW has better dice, the fact that it's just a straight-up Defender charm means that it isn't exactly the most impressive to the judges, especially since it's only Grade 2. A Pond, Reflected on the other hand is a charm that is explicitly quite flashy, as it is both an Archer and a Defender charm at once - that's probably far more impressive and rare than a Defender charm with an additional Defender effect. While normally I'd say its low dice pool is a problem, APR + the box gives it an impressive dice pool, so if Jai Fa uses it a couple of times that could wow the judges. VR also can lower the successes of the opponent, making APR as a follow up not as bad as it could be. Merging Light and Water anam into one charm is also something that's apparently impressive, as Shouxi wasn't certain it could be done.

Another issue is that the charms could get damaged, and if the Widow's Ward is damaged we may have issues with getting our payment out of Xu Yun. If APR is damaged? Well, Shouxi paid for it, got a good amount of use out of it, and has explicitly volunteered it for this duel. He knows exactly what risks he's taking.
It should be remembered that winning the fight is not a requirement to win the duel itself. While the WW has better dice, the fact that it's just a straight-up Defender charm means that it isn't exactly the most impressive to the judges, especially since it's only Grade 2.
I feel like only Grade 2 is a bit of mild understatement when the Charm you're comparing it to is Grade 1. Grade 2, by itself, is double the effectiveness of a Grade 1 Charm of the same dice. and APR doesn't even have that. This is a big deal, as potency is something that's quite important when you're trying to determine the better charmcrafter. More importantly, it also comes with a bonus effect that lingers (Hardness 3), allowing Jai Fa to take even less damage.

I'd call it a difference of five successes, but really, it's a lot more than just the immediate successes, since there's the strategic value granted by the fact that Hardness 3 remains if Jai Fa pivots to an Archer, as an example.

While flash is important, flash without substance is embarrassing, especially for an artisan who prides himself on quality, tbh. All the flexibility in the world is worth nothing if a specialist in a single field can utterly destroy you. If the APR wasn't as weak as it was, your arguments on flexibility would probably sway me, but it is, so they didn't.

As for not caring about dice because of the Box, it'd be blatantly obvious narratively that the Box would be dealing the lion's share of the damage, emphasizing the weakness of the Archer in comparison even more.
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You have been moved close to tears four times in your entire life.

You baited us how dare.

The idea of someone not wanting to know every facet of information they can gather about your charms is utterly foreign to you, and again you have to hold back your instinctual response. "No, that will not suffice," you answer. "Charms are not like a sword or a hammer; you cannot simply flail them about if you wish to show off their full potential. And since the entire purpose of this challenge is to show off the full potential of my creations, you will be hearing about each and every one of these in detail. Are we clear?"

Such authoritative language! Kong Zhi is taking this seriously!

Jai Fa nods and you continue. "As for it's capabilities, it conjures a shield in a place or a position of your choosing. The best use of it is to create armor where none exists. But in a pinch, you can use it to create obstacles in your opponent's path. It's use comes with a wonderful side-effect as well; every time you use it, the blood anam within will leach out into your own veins."

"...that sounds like it could end poorly," Jai Fa tells you after a moment's consideration

Creepy Zhi! You don't tell a girl you're gonna sanguinate her!

Heh. "Your champion." Like Fa's a knight and Zhi's the princess.

Sense Motive Check: 3d10s7(0.9). Dice Rolled: 1, 10, 5, 2. 0 Successes! Fail!

It takes you a moment to answer the strange question. "It just felt right," you eventually say. "The Rakshasa dances, it is infused with night, and it has a certain poetic quality to it that I felt suits it's nature well. Why? Did-" you stop and shake your head, a smile on your face. "I am not changing the name. No matter how foolish it makes you feel, you will be using The Dance at the Midnight Crossroads."

Jai Fa studies your face for a long moment. Then she lets out a long, heaving breath. "As you say," she says. But she doesn't sound convinced. Does she really think she's going to be able to talk you into changing the name? If so, she doesn't know you at all.


Isn't that hard to figure out what we missed. Jai Fa is wondering if the name is saying something about Kong Zhi's experiences. She isn't mocking the name, she's wondering of its origins and what it says about him. It's fine. Still, frustrating!

"The Respite and the… Dance will be fine," she says. "They do not need much input besides triggering them or preparing to deal with their backlash. But the other three? They are all charms that need focus and attention to use properly. I have to decide when the best time to use each of them would be, I need to plan ahead several steps to get the best value from any of them, and all of them cost anam to use."

You got something to say Fa?

I think she's on the right track though. It's been shown in previous updates that Fa is bad at thinking on her feet, she's the type to think about her actions in advance. Overwhelming her is not a recipe for success.

Jai Shouxi waves off your concern. "I am entirely certain. Please, take it back and use it with my compliments. Work so fine must be shared with the public! However, I do expect it to be returned. So do not get too comfortable with it."

Damn it Shouxi your shit is our worst work! Take it back you fiend!

[] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[] [LOADOUT] A Pond, Reflected
[] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads

The Pond has the bad side effect of making the War and Retort redundant, since it would double up on techs. The Ward and Retort are simply better charms, and I won't be hoodwinked into making a bad deal.

[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads

Perception Check: 4d10s7. Dice Rolled: 4, 8, 5, 7. 2 Successes!
Opposed ??? Stealth Check: 3d10s8. Dice Rolled: 2, 5, 1. 0 Successes!
Kong Zhi is victorious!

Well. Between the two rolls in this update, better we win this one.

You have never spoken with Teng Lim before, but you know him from your classes and from his reputation. He is not martially inclined, nor does he seem to be an artisan of any stripe. But according to Jai Shouxi, he is close to receiving a sigil from Elder Tantoi regardless. Aside from that, all you really know is that he is highly nervous and has terrible vision.

Jai Fa shakes her head. "We are being stalked by Teng Lim," she muses. Then she glances over at you.

"How do you wish to handle this?"
[] [TAIL] Write-In


So, we're gonna flip the script on this guy. Stakes are to high right now to play softball, we're going hard.

Here's the plan. Jai Fa and Kong Zhi split up. We'll do this to see who Teng Lim is after. I know you guys think we're the center of the universe, but maybe he's Fa's creepy stalker, we have to make sure. Whoever he follows, the other person will start to turn around to get behind him, than we trap him in a classic pincer maneuver. This'll mean he has nowhere to run, and than we can shake the guy down in safety.

You guys want tobe civil about this, and we can be-from a position of absolute power. Capiche?

[X] Split up with Jai Fa to determine who Teng Lim is after. The person he doesn't follow will go around and creep up behind him to trap him between Zhi and Fa. Once he is trapped, confront him aggressively, but do not attack him unless he makes the first move.
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[X] [TAIL] Approach him and asked why he is following us.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[X] [TAIL] Approach him and asked why he is following us.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[X] [TAIL] Approach him and asked why he is following us.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[X] [TAIL] Confront Teng Lim, but in a nonagressive way. This may have nothing to do with the duel.
[X] [TAIL] Approach him and asked why he is following us.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
oh god, i just realized, if we're just trying to use pure charms, Ming Hui actually might have been a great champion.

That depend if he has had any combat training at all or been in fights. See Kong Zhi's earlier interaction with Nokai. Xue managed to get the jump on KZ multiple times, but after a few times of sparring KZ managed to catch Xue.

There is a narrative component to fighting as well. You're just not going to get all the potential out unless you are accustomed to fighting.
This means a full-core dump action will not fully charge the box. So we still need another action to finish the charge.
Now it won't. The core size can be altered by training and upgrades. Speculating on Kong Zhi completing the quest at 18 core is just not logical, as that stat has actually increased in quest. I thought me posting about a stack of items, which currently fail to exist yet, besides the Box to charge indicated that I was floating an idea ahead of time. The Box is currently charged after all. Also, its shown no indications of needing a full charge in one go. Also its a sometimes a charm, so its useful if not mandatory to equip.

Frankly, I was more more pointing out how much anam gets 'wasted' during every crafting binge. I don't think its happened that Kong Zhi wasn't at full core while crafting. I've seen no indication that being at full core helps with that step... at all. So I suggested 'spending' future anam to take advantage of the 'down time'. If it helps imagine a theoretical 500 anam to charge item and how it would require multiple sessions to charge.

Speaking of which, I am in fact aware it would take multiple sessions to charge the box that way... that is why I mentioned partial charging and spending the anam that would be regenerated during a crafting binge on such an act. I also mentioned doing it when local natural wonders and the bank account are low is a valid action. You seem to have decided that I was calling for this to happen next turn... even though allowance just came in and Zhi owes his champion a charm... so probable shopping trip and possible crafting skill training to budget for. Depends on the charm ordered.


Just want to point out at least one quester seems to have missed (or forgotten) that stat training is a thing you can spend actions on... as well as skill training social skills. Though I can also see crafting a helmet/hat charm that detects failed social checks is more likely with how things are going... I can just imagine the reaction to attempting to craft such a thing would be from your dorm mates.
An action is an action is an action. Any "Extra" stuff that happens in an action is via QM fiat, so until Ves explicitly says "sitting at home charging from your core will get you more extra social interactions" that's pure speculation.
I can only conclude your doing that 'skimming' thing with my posts as you seem to have entirely missed me mentioning potential clients ambushing Kong Zhi on a field trip armed with bags of money as Zhi is so hard to get a hold of. Somehow you have concluded I think I can sock puppet the QM and spawn random events.
[X] [LOADOUT] No charms. "Jai Fa, your beauty, grace, elegance and power have made me fall completely, overwhelmingly and inexorably in love with you. You are the only charm that I will ever need in my life."
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[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] A Pond, Reflected
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[X] [TAIL] Confront Teng Lim, but in a nonagressive way. This may have nothing to do with the duel.
[X] [TAIL] Confront Teng Lim, but in a nonagressive way. This may have nothing to do with the duel.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
You know what's gonna happen next update?

When we confront him in whichever way is voted the majority, we'd fail the Sense Motive check again.

Like we always do.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[X] [TAIL] Approach him and asked why he is following us.