The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

I wonder how many people saw Kong Zhi running around like mad to infuse his box. He was openly carrying that bulky item from his home, to the Eternity, then to the Armory and back after all. I wonder how much intelligence Jin got from that. Not like the effect would be obvious just from seeing a box...
i'd imagine he would assume that the box was hiding our actual charm. not that the charm IS the box lol.
Pretty sure that doesn't work because, in the past, we've needed to dedicate actions to charging things - otherwise we could infuse charms 2 anam a day from our core and not need to cycle into them.
I said it was easy not that it was a free action. As a single action its pretty easy, it doesn't require travel, it doesn't require outside resources, it doesn't require talents or sept points, what is does require is time(read actions). On a full core charge you losing points of anam you could have spent elsewhere over time. Spending an action to drain the user's core and letting it recharge while crafting is an effective way to do it. I'm pretty sure it even trains some related skills to charge items like this. Probably cycling.

People in this quest spend a bunch of time at full charge when sitting around the house. That is wasteful when you have an anam dump sitting around your room all day. Particularly when you then spend 3-4 day straight crafting charms. Granted its (see below) to charge the box another way, but spending an action to spend wasted 'future' anam charging stuff is a good use of an action. Particularly as closer natural wonders are drained and you start having to spend actions for travel and talents/SP to get enough travel supplies to get there.

Currently its one item to charge.. in the future that is likely to change. Also its much more normal to do than all these charm binges where your unresponsive to the people standing on your head or whatever. Also, a relatively free period lets other people social link you sometimes. Kong Zhi is not exactly Mr. Available when it comes to social links. Other people's action lists must constantly contain, "Kong Zhi is unavailable due to being in the zone." Constantly when you add in the field trips. You kind of have to catch him between binges... okay granted you' have to botch out a lot to not attract commission work after this though.

Kind of funny to think of Kong Zhi as the events only character in other people's games. All these random people with 'Make a social link with Kong Zhi, the crafting Kong Clan's scion' and getting constant busy signals. I get visions of Zhi being waylayed during a trip by people that randomly encountered him and its their only chance to get his attention/commissions. Most protagonists get ambushed by bandits... Kong Zhi gets ambushed in the wild by people wielding bags of money and resources. Its why all the crafters end up hidden in compounds.

(Below)As the saying goes: Fast, cheap, good (quality). Pick two. In terms of charge an item with anam:

-Fast+Cheap= is charging off your own core. Its available to you for free, but is only 2 points a day(for now) is meh recharge but it can be gained by doing other actions. However its going to be needed eventually. When the SP and talents are spent and you need to not leave town for something.
-Fast+Good Quality= is at the cost of cheap. Pills cost monitary/crafting resources after all.
-Cheap+Good Quality= is at the cost of time so natural wonder. Self recharging over time... but travel times exist. The more skill at anam manipulation and charging the faster these drain.

Come to think of it, an advantage of this box is you can rent it out and charge people for not recharging it themselves (Be kind rewind recharge). Also, unlike normal charm crafting charges it can be now be subletted for talents/SP. Just use the Quest Board.
I said it was easy not that it was a free action. As a single action its pretty easy, it doesn't require travel, it doesn't require outside resources, it doesn't require talents or sept points, what is does require is time(read actions). On a full core charge you losing points of anam you could have spent elsewhere over time. Spending an action to drain the user's core and letting it recharge while crafting is an effective way to do it. I'm pretty sure it even trains some related skills to charge items like this. Probably cycling.

People in this quest spend a bunch of time at full charge when sitting around the house. That is wasteful when you have an anam dump sitting around your room all day. Particularly when you then spend 3-4 day straight crafting charms. Granted its (see below) to charge the box another way, but spending an action to spend wasted 'future' anam charging stuff is a good use of an action. Particularly as closer natural wonders are drained and you start having to spend actions for travel and talents/SP to get enough travel supplies to get there.

Currently its one item to charge.. in the future that is likely to change. Also its much more normal to do than all these charm binges where your unresponsive to the people standing on your head or whatever. Also, a relatively free period lets other people social link you sometimes. Kong Zhi is not exactly Mr. Available when it comes to social links. Other people's action lists must constantly contain, "Kong Zhi is unavailable due to being in the zone." Constantly when you add in the field trips. You kind of have to catch him between binges... okay granted you' have to botch out a lot to not attract commission work after this though.

Kind of funny to think of Kong Zhi as the events only character in other people's games. All these random people with 'Make a social link with Kong Zhi, the crafting Kong Clan's scion' and getting constant busy signals. I get visions of Zhi being waylayed during a trip by people that randomly encountered him and its their only chance to get his attention/commissions. Most protagonists get ambushed by bandits... Kong Zhi gets ambushed in the wild by people wielding bags of money and resources. Its why all the crafters end up hidden in compounds.

(Below)As the saying goes: Fast, cheap, good (quality). Pick two. In terms of charge an item with anam:

-Fast+Cheap= is charging off your own core. Its available to you for free, but is only 2 points a day(for now) is meh recharge but it can be gained by doing other actions. However its going to be needed eventually. When the SP and talents are spent and you need to not leave town for something.
-Fast+Good Quality= is at the cost of cheap. Pills cost monitary/crafting resources after all.
-Cheap+Good Quality= is at the cost of time so natural wonder. Self recharging over time... but travel times exist. The more skill at anam manipulation and charging the faster these drain.

Come to think of it, an advantage of this box is you can rent it out and charge people for not recharging it themselves (Be kind rewind recharge). Also, unlike normal charm crafting charges it can be now be subletted for talents/SP. Just use the Quest Board.

Currently, our fully-charged core holds 18 anam.

This means a full-core dump action will not fully charge the box. So we still need another action to finish the charge.

With our current Cycling skill and the Rainbow eyes, cycling action channels, on average.... 18 anam. Plus, it has the advantage of keeping our core charged up for combat/emergencies. Oh, and it also raises our cycling skill.
(Even without the eyes, its 15 on average, and will go up to 17 once we hit cycling 8)

An action is an action is an action. Any "Extra" stuff that happens in an action is via QM fiat, so until Ves explicitly says "sitting at home charging from your core will get you more extra social interactions" that's pure speculation.
74. The Work of Lifetimes
A/N: A big thanks to the 23 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. If you'd like to check out the Royal Road crosspost, head on over and check it out! Leave a rating while you're there. It really does help me out.
[] Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
You have been moved close to tears four times in your entire life.

The first time was long ago. Your parents had gone on a long journey and you had been too young to understand why. Your memory from that age is fairly incomplete, so all you have to go on is stories that Uncle Fang tells when he's particularly deep in his cups. The way he tells it, you were inconsolable for days, and were unable to be moved from your room until your parents returned from their business. But Uncle Fang is a notorious embellisher; you choose to believe you likely came close to crying a few times.

The second was the first time Father allowed you to assist him. You had been certain you were going to ruin his project and had spent the entire day dreading the inevitable failure. Thankfully, Father never noticed, and you finished the tasks given to you with no more than a few minor snarls. Still, tears of worry had almost been shed.

The third time was very different; it was when you were presented with your first ever tool of your own. You still remember it fondly. It was a small bronze chisel perfect for faceting a ruby you had been having trouble with. And later on, there was the fourth time, when your ordinary tools were set aside and Auntie Bi replaced them by throwing an oilskin full of miststeel at your head.

But now? Now there is a fifth time to add to that list.

You cannot help it. They are… just so beautiful.

Sitting before you on the Spire's kitchen table are almost all of the charms you have made since coming to the Delving Heart. The massive wooden form of your box sits beside the small necklace you wove for Xu Yun, behind which lays your gauntlet. Before them all is a small pile of rings which you have taken off of your own fingers for the first time since you finished them. All together, they are a wondrous sight.

Across the table, Jai Fa doesn't seem to agree. She seems to appreciate the sight, certainly, but she's not showing nearly the reverence you would expect from one experienced with true art. If anything, she looks slightly bored, which offends you on level you were not even aware you possessed.

That impression is furthered when she looks up at you and holds back a visible yawn. "They are very nice," Jai Fa tells you. "Now why am I here?"

You barely bite back a torrent of invective and instead settle for rolling your eyes. "To appreciate the fruits of my labor," you jab. Jai Fa shakes her head and pushes away from the table, and you hurry to continue before she actually gets up. "And because we must discuss the charms before the duel. Surely you would like to know the capabilities of what you will be wielding before you wield them, wouldn't you?"

Jai Fa thankfully stops getting up. But she does not seem convinced. "Why do you not simply give me the charms before the duel and tell me how to use them? A whole presentation seems like it will waste valuable time that neither of us can spare."

The idea of someone not wanting to know every facet of information they can gather about your charms is utterly foreign to you, and again you have to hold back your instinctual response. "No, that will not suffice," you answer. "Charms are not like a sword or a hammer; you cannot simply flail them about if you wish to show off their full potential. And since the entire purpose of this challenge is to show off the full potential of my creations, you will be hearing about each and every one of these in detail. Are we clear?"

Your friend and champion still looks like she would prefer to be anywhere else, but she does settle back into the chair. After a moment's pause she crosses her arms. "Well?" she prompts you. "Are you going to start?"

You don't wait for her to change her mind or try to leave again. Instead you step forward and pick up the first charm your hands land upon: the necklace. "We will begin with this one," you tell her as you hold the blood red cords out before you. "This is the Widow's Ward. It is a defender charm born from blood and sorrow- and it technically is not mine. Xu Yun commissioned it, but he has yet to pick it up. He has told me that while I have custody of it, I am welcome to use it as I wish."
Widow's Ward (Necklace)
Defender Charm 2 (Blood 13, Sorrow 6)
Trigger Cost: 2 Anam
This Charm projects anam in the form of hardened armor in a place of the user's choosing. This counts as a 15d10s8 Defender Technique. Furthermore, the turn it is used and the turn following, it grants the user Hardness 3.
Jai Fa quirks an eyebrow. "And has he told you when that will be?" she asks curiously.

You shake your head. "No, but I cannot imagine it will be much longer. He told me he needed it for exploration in the lower caverns; I do not think he will continue putting that exploration off for much longer. But that is besides the point. The reason I bring it up is because it is very important that the Widow's Ward suffer no damage during this challenge. So please, make certain it comes to no harm."

Jai Fa nods and you continue. "As for it's capabilities, it conjures a shield in a place or a position of your choosing. The best use of it is to create armor where none exists. But in a pinch, you can use it to create obstacles in your opponent's path. It's use comes with a wonderful side-effect as well; every time you use it, the blood anam within will leach out into your own veins."

"...that sounds like it could end poorly," Jai Fa tells you after a moment's consideration.

"Perhaps you misheard me," you explain. "I said that it is wonderful, and wonderful it indeed is. For while the blood anam remains in your system, you become more difficult to wound. Your skin itself gains an additional temper, making it more difficult for anything to damage you."

"I would suggest using it often in the duel," you tell her. "The blood anam in your system fades quickly and must be refreshed if you wish to retain the temper. However, it is not the most visually impressive charm. Over use could harm our standings with the judges. I shall leave the final determination in your hands."

With that, you put the Widow's Ward back down and scoop up the rings. "Next, of course, is my first charm. I hope you remember A Moment's Respite. It is far simpler to use than the Ward. All you must do is put on the rings. Then, when you are weary and damaged, simply press the activation ruby."
A Moment's Respite (Rings)
Monk Charm 1 (Earth)
This set of bejeweled bone rings is your first finished product as a charm crafter. They draw the power of earth anam to allow you to withstand more that you otherwise could. Once per day, you may store a full box of Mental or Physical stress within this charm, freeing it and allowing you to continue on as if you were undamaged. However, before using this charm again, it will have to be emptied. When the rings are emptied, or when twenty four hours have elapsed from first storage (whichever comes first) you receive the stored stress as fresh damage. This new stress cannot be stored in this charm again.
You spin the central ring to allow Jai Fa a better look at the knuckle-sized gem. "The Respite does the rest. It drains away your weariness and enables you to fight harder for longer. Though be warned- the recovery is short-lived. One day after use, the Respite sends your exhaustion back into you."

Jai Fa leans forward. "Yes, I remember your rings. Does the weariness have to return to its source? Can someone else not don the rings and spread the blow out?"

"I wish it functioned like that," you reply wryly. "It would have made my recovery from the last duel far easier. But no, the exhaustion is yours and yours alone. Even if you have taken the rings off, it will always return to you. So prepare some pills- or perhaps a bed."

Your champion nods, and you place the rings back down on the table. "Now. On to my newer creations," you continue. You scoop up your gauntlet and slide it onto your hand. "This is the Vitriolic Retort. It is most likely the simplest charm I have laid before you."

You cycle a bare whisper of anam into the charm. The runes in the bone burn with an acidic green and a small drizzle of hissing liquid falls from your palm. "It is an archer charm that uses a combination of force and acid anam to allow you to strike from a distance. All you need to do is aim the rings at your opponent and let loose; the charm does the rest."
Vitriolic Retort (Jeweled Gauntlet)
Archer Charm 3 (Force 12/Pain 4/ Acid 2)
Trigger Cost: 3 Anam.
This charm fires a missile of acid propelled by force anam at a high velocity. This counts as a 18d10s7 Archer Technique. If this attack seizes or maintains tempo, the victim subtracts 1 success from their next 1d4 combat rolls.
Jai Fa makes a beckoning gesture, and you obligingly remove the web of medallions and beads so you can pass it over. Your friend slides it on and makes a fist. "I see," she muses. After a moment's study she looks back at you. "There is something else here besides the force and acid."

"Ah, good catch!" you cheer. "That would be the pain anam that was in the wood that makes up most of the charm. That adds a unique side-effect onto whomever the blast hits. The acid damage is quick and short lived, but the pain tends to linger. It should do wonders in slowing down Jin Yazhu's champion."

The next few moments are spent with Jai Fa closely inspecting the Vitriolic Retort. Once she's satisfied, she slides it off. Then she nods at the box that dominates the table. "I suppose you saved the biggest for last?"

"Of course!" you chirp, reaching out and resting a hand on your newest work. "This, Jai Fa, is the Dance at the Midnight Crossroads."

Dance at the Midnight Crossroads (Wooden Box)
Traveler Charm 3 (Night 21/Hunger 14/Mind 5)
Trigger Cost: 5 Anam.
Before this charm is used, it must be primed by cycling 20 anam of any aspect into it. Once it is ready, it can be triggered for the above anam cost, summoning the dark Rakshasa. This creature fights to aid its summoner for 8 rounds of combat before dissipating, adding an additional 20d10s7 to every technique its summoner uses.

This charm is fully charged and ready for use.
You pull open the rope holding the doors shut, allowing the demon mask and triptych to shimmer before Jai Fa's eyes. "It has a very, very simple purpose: to give you aid. Feed it anam and your energy shall combine with that already priming the charm. Once the two combine…"

Another wisp of anam is sent out and the Rakshasa of darkness congeals once more. "And this will come to your side, only it will be six feet tall and far more intimidating. It will fight with you for as long as it's energy sustains it- which should be a good few minutes. I would suggest leading off with it; perhaps with it's aid you will be able to claim a quick victory."

Jai Fa stares at the dark silhouette for moments on end. She continues to look until the anam sustaining the manifestation fades and takes the shade away. Only then does she look back at you. "What did you say this charm's name was again?" she asks.

You pause, caught unawares by the sudden show of interest. "The Dance at the Midnight Crossroads," you repeat.

"That is what I thought you said," she replies. Jai Fa seems to think for a moment before speaking again. "That is a very… evocative name. May I ask what inspired you to such… grandiosity?"

Sense Motive Check: 3d10s7(0.9). Dice Rolled: 1, 10, 5, 2. 0 Successes! Fail!

It takes you a moment to answer the strange question. "It just felt right," you eventually say. "The Rakshasa dances, it is infused with night, and it has a certain poetic quality to it that I felt suits it's nature well. Why? Did-" you stop and shake your head, a smile on your face. "I am not changing the name. No matter how foolish it makes you feel, you will be using The Dance at the Midnight Crossroads."

Jai Fa studies your face for a long moment. Then she lets out a long, heaving breath. "As you say," she says. But she doesn't sound convinced. Does she really think she's going to be able to talk you into changing the name? If so, she doesn't know you at all.

Any protests she might make are quickly quashed however, as the door to the first floor creaks open. Footsteps sound on the stairs and a moment later, the two of you are joined by Jai Shouxi. His eyes rake across your treasure trove and he lets out an approving noise. "You finished your latest work!" he cheers. "It has turned out quite well; no doubt it will prove a formidable tool in your challenge."

"Thank you," you acknowledge. "I was just telling your sister how to make the best use of the charms- and keeping her from trying to change their names."

Jai Shouxi shakes his head. "Attempting to interfere in an artisan's naming scheme?" he muses, clucking his tongue. "That is quite rude of you, Fa. I am deeply ashamed and also amused by your efforts."

Jai Fa closes her eyes and sighs. Her brother takes that as an excuse to turn back to you. "Are these all of the charms you will be using?" At your nod, he frowns. "I think you may have missed one."

You glance over your charms once more. A Moment's Respite. The Vitriolic Retort. The Widow's Ward. The Dance at the Midnight Crossroads. That's all four. "No, I-"

Jai Shouxi cuts you off by reaching into his pocket and producing a familiar rod. "No. You have one more." With that, he places it on the table with the rest of your creations.

You smile at the sight of every piece of your work collected in one place, but then you stop and look at your roommate. "Are you certain?" you ask. "I would not want to deprive you of options should you need it while we use it."

Jai Shouxi waves off your concern. "I am entirely certain. Please, take it back and use it with my compliments. Work so fine must be shared with the public! However, I do expect it to be returned. So do not get too comfortable with it."

Jai Fa snorts. "Have no fear," she replies. "It is not my usual style."

You pick up the rod and weigh the familiar glass in your hands. "It appears we have one last entry. This is, as you know, A Pond, Reflected. It is a hybrid charm born of water and light. From one end, it produces a dangerous ray of light that moves far faster than even the Retort's blasts. From the other, you can create a short lived shield of water."
A Pond, Reflected Charm (Rod)
Archer Charm 1 (Light 9, Water 3)
Trigger Cost: 2 Anam
The Charm allows the Artist to fire bolts of light from the charm at his opponent, causing heavy damage. Alternatively, the charm can be reversed and can be used to shield the Artist instead with plumes of water. If the charm is used in this fashion, it is treated as a Defender Charm.
"I am familiar," she replies dryly. "I have seen it used several times." Jai Fa takes the rod from your hands and weighs it in her own. "But there is a problem."

"Oh?" you ask, looking over your charms once more. Is there a flaw you missed? You swore you fixed all the errors before you infused them! Is it the Retort? You knew there would be a problem with the retort!

"Yes," Jai Fa continues. "There are simply too many charms here for me to use them effectively."

You stop and slowly look at you champion. "Explain," you tell her.

"The Respite and the… Dance will be fine," she says. "They do not need much input besides triggering them or preparing to deal with their backlash. But the other three? They are all charms that need focus and attention to use properly. I have to decide when the best time to use each of them would be, I need to plan ahead several steps to get the best value from any of them, and all of them cost anam to use."

She sighs. "I am uncertain that I will be able to use them all to their fullest potential. That worries me. I would not have you lose this challenge because of my inability to split my focus."

Hm. She raises a valuable point.

Jai Shouxi seems to disagree. "I think you are underestimating yourself, sister dear," he tells her. "If there is anyone who can use all of these weapons to their fullest in the heat of combat, I am certain it is you! Do not sell yourself short!"

"Perhaps," Jai Fa says. "Still, it is a risk that I am leery of."
She places A Pond, Reflected back down on the table. "You make the decision, Kong Zhi. Whichever charms you think I should carry into battle, those are the ones I shall wield.

Which charms will Jai Fa use in your challenge? (Vote for as many or as few as you would like. Any charm with a majority will be selected.)
[] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[] [LOADOUT] A Pond, Reflected
[] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads

You think on it carefully for a moment before giving Jai Fa her answer. She nods, and scoops up the indicated charms. "Very well," she says. "Then let us seek a place to practice. I shall attempt to grow accustomed to these. If I have any questions, I shall ask them."

"Excellent," you tell her. "That sounds like a good idea. Jai Shouxi, do you wish to accompany us?" The refiner begs off, citing work on his tea that must be done, letting you and Jai Fa leave on your own minutes later. It takes some doing to close the door behind you with your arms full, but soon the two of you are on your way.

"Where were you thinking of practicing?" you ask. "The training craters?"

"Perhaps," Jai Fa replies. "If we could find a sparring partner for me to use the charms upon, it would be ideal. Or we could go to the area the duel will be taking place in. It is always good to grow accustomed to a battlefield before waging war upon it."

"That makes sense. I-"

Perception Check: 4d10s7. Dice Rolled: 4, 8, 5, 7. 2 Successes!
Opposed ??? Stealth Check: 3d10s8. Dice Rolled: 2, 5, 1. 0 Successes!
Kong Zhi is victorious!

You pause as a shape moving in the corner of your eye catches your attention. "Wait," you mutter, hastily resuming your stride. "I think that someone is following us."

Jai Fa is silent for a moment. Then she dips her head slightly. "I believe so as well. Someone is certainly watching us. But I do not see Jin Yazhu, nor any of Geng Tu's associates."

"Neither do I," you reply. The two of you continue walking through the Ninth Circle Courtyard, eyes peeled, but your pursuer does not make themselves obvious. All you have to go on is a vague sensation of being watched and a shape in the corner of your eyes that moves every few moments.

An opportunity presents itself as you reach a wider path. "Turn here," you mutter. Jai Fa instantly heeds your words and turns, allowing you to move with her and letting you turn your head just enough to see what was behind you without seeming suspicious. It's enough for you to see your tail.

"I see him," you say. "Small, male, dark hair. His robes are torn at the cuffs, he's wearing a headband, and he has heavy spectacles on."

Jai Fa grunts an acknowledgement. After a few more steps, she says, "I see him. It… wait. Are we being stalked by Teng Lim?"

Another surreptitious glance confirms it: you are being followed by Teng Lim.

You have never spoken with Teng Lim before, but you know him from your classes and from his reputation. He is not martially inclined, nor does he seem to be an artisan of any stripe. But according to Jai Shouxi, he is close to receiving a sigil from Elder Tantoi regardless. Aside from that, all you really know is that he is highly nervous and has terrible vision.

Jai Fa shakes her head. "We are being stalked by Teng Lim," she muses. Then she glances over at you.

"How do you wish to handle this?"
[] [TAIL] Write-In
We should chat with him. I'm not sure what pressures Geng Tu or Jin would bring to bear that would affect him, so this may be unrelated. If Jin is bringing pressure to bear... then I'd like to find out what.

Edit: Loadout wise, thinking:

[x] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[x] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[x] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite

Jai Fa has defender techs already, and there's no need for A Pond, Reflected. Though Shouxi's a bro for offering.
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I just want to say that whenever The Path Unending updates I go, out loud, "ooh!" and greatly enjoy every update.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads

The wand is one of the weaker charms and it needs a hand dedicated to it.
A Pond Reflected is 100% a no-go, since it's a 12d10s9. Quite lackluster in potency compared to the others, to say the least. (Unless, has the damage been retooled @Vesvius? Mainly asking because it says heavy damage instead of a dice amount

The Blood Defender is redundant and inferior to Jai Fa's own defender for that matter, but I can see use in Hardness 3 for two rounds per use I guess. That being said, her own Defender probably gives Hardness for the round it is used within.

As for the other three, I think they're perfectly fine and should definitely be used.
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A Pond Reflected is 100% a no-go, since it's a 12d10s9. Quite lackluster in potency compared to the others, to say the least. (Unless, has the damage been retooled @Vesvius? Mainly asking because it says heavy damage instead of a dice amount.
It has not! And indeed, from a dice standpoint, APR is not the most impressive charm before you. But it does have its strong points that none of the others do. So keep that in mind.
In terms of the tailing vote, would going somewhere with alleys/tunnels, splitting up and having one party hide/circle around to try trap Teng Lim be a good idea?
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads

fun update. annoyed that we have failed both insight checks into jai fa when dicussing THE BOX. hopefully we will get more chances.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads

Well, it seems that it's better for Jai Fa to use our Defender Charm instead of her own tech based on what Ves said, which makes sense considering this is a Charm duel. There's also the fact that Widow's Ward gives two-round Hardness 3, so I'm leaning towards it.

Also, I'll note that the Defender part of APR is 2.5 times weaker than The Widow's Ward. Pretty important fact, if I say so myself.

(12d10s9 is average 4/3 (1.33) suxx, 15d10s8 is average 10/3 (3.33) suxx)
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[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] A Pond, Reflected
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads

APR is flashy, while the Widow's Ward is not. The Ward has better dice, but it's explicitly not flashy, and this is about showcasing Zhi's work. Also, merging Light and Water into one charm is apparently impressive.

So leave out the Ward, as much as I'd like to have it, and show off a bit. Thanks to the box we can take a bit of risk there.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] A Pond, Reflected
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads

[X] [TAIL] Confront Teng Lim, but in a nonagressive way. This may have nothing to do with the duel.
Hmm, I think we may have subconsciously channeled some of Jai Fa's story here. Could it be that she is the girl depicted in our Rakasha box?
Time anam does it again.

...if it turns out in the future that us creating this charm ended in wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff sending it back to help her, I will be quite tickled.
We did say, after all
It has a very, very simple purpose: to give you aid.

I feel an omake coming on.

As for the vote, I think Dance, Respite, and Widows Ward would be excellent pickups here. Widows ward synerizes well with her fighting style and is cheap to use. To maximize the benefits she'll be activating it every other turn however so the cost stacks up.
Victrolic would give her a decent ranged option but im not sure it actually fits her fighting style and may require more thought to showcase properly, splitting her focus.

Wand might secretly be a good pick to show off here, but it has the same problems of not really matching her fighting style. Side benefit is that she has seen it in use many times and it is likely the one she's the most familiar with. I'll keep it as a pocket pick to swap out for ward. Them both being active charms and not really sharing combat applications means they shouldn't be picked together, I think.

[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads
[X] [TAIL] Approach him and asked why he is following us.
[X] [LOADOUT] A Moment's Respite
[X] [LOADOUT] The Widow's Ward
[X] [LOADOUT] The Vitriolic Retort
[X] [LOADOUT] A Dance at the Midnight Crossroads