This insight means that ENM kills storytellers, but Ling Qi is in part about uncovering and spreading stories of the world. I don't want this insight.
Wow guys. Am I the only one that sees this about being the inverse of the art just like FSS's insight?
[] The self is a story, and memory is the teller of tales.
This is saying that "memory is just a teller of tales. Self is the story".
as in, don't trust memory to find truth. Find truth from the self.
We're Sincerity. Memories can be sincere but still just tales
- Sincerity is the measure by which the worthiness of the self and ones guests should be measured.
- There are endings and Endings, only the very last one is final. Just as winter ends in spring, small endings are new beginnings.
- Though a path might be hard and lonely, it has worth if you can present something of beauty to those you care for at the end.
- There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end.
- Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more.
- Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing.
Sincerity is found in the Self, not in fickle memory. I'm an odd person, I distrust memory and dislike how trusting the average person is of their memory. As if it's real, when it's not. The Self is real. A living catalog of what really happened. Finding sincerity in our guests that may not match their own self image, I find that incredibly interesting.
Most people don't realize how much approximation and assumption underpins their reality and sense of self. I find mixing the idea that other's realities are likely not the sincere truth of their selves very useful. Especially for Song-seeking. We don't want the false songs and delusions we want the sincere reality.
I think this Insight might let us do some of the acting and mutability arts that our AM insight have been rendering non compatible.
acting isn't noncompatible. There is only one moon. The eight phases are the same moon, in different roles and "costumes". There is nothing inherently insincere about acting. Not all acting is sincere but that doesn't mean we can't.
Gah. I've been saying this since Forge and y'all still think we can't.
endings of selves do not mean the Ending of Tales. Of memories. These might not be sincere, but we can pull on these threads to recover the sincere Self at the start of that "rainbow dream". This is very powerful mixed with ENM and is the first tease of how we can Seek Songs long lost to time. We need a memory, story thief. We don't use it on enemies, we use it conceptually to pull from the "lost". How much of that Weilu Corpse still has Stories. Memories. Songs. Can we pull and recover such things?
The self is the story, and memory is the tales? meh. nothing strong here jumping at me.
dont get caught up in stagnant navel-gazing nostalgia because it's death. Keep moving the Self Story forward. Tales are fun, but not the real.
memory is mercurial and fickle, but we should make sure to harden the core Story of Self so that it is defended from erosion/corruption of malleable memory
Even though the Self is a Story of Self, that Story spins Tales off of itself even if we do not hear such Tales.
I am a
huge fan of this insight because it's just the sort of Toolbox insight that should spawn some excellent advanced insights. I'll wait on the vote to see what our slots look like. But this is.
You have no idea how much I want to bust open that Pandora's box. Imagine how cool the fight would be. I think that whole segment with the death pool and time-prison was in my top 5 favorite moments of the entire story, just because of how amazingly creepy and well-described it was.
this ENM insight is, in my opinion, how we can make this scene happen. I don't think it'll be a fight actually, I think it's the Self we'll be delving the Tales of in order to find the Story/Song at the core. I think this is super amazing, and I don't mind it being a fight but I'd much prefer an exploration of the Story and the Tales of the Weilu corpse rather than a fight by itself.
all in all I think most people are taking the exact opposite idea of the insight, as if this isn't going to be slotted into LQ who has historically been
deeply disturbed by memory editing and permanent altering. I think this is a tool that will be used extensively for the opposite. Recovering Stories from their derived Tales. Seeking Songs(stories) from the Tales of memory and tracing them back to their Sincere Inception long Hidden from View. I've actually never been this excited for an insight before omfg it's so perfect