We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

Just my 2 cents:

I partially don't want to lose our "Throne World" so to say. Yes, if push comes to shove, we can and maybe should leave with our people and those that want to journey with us.

BUT. if it's possible I want it to exist and be a "symbol". When Publicany arrives, just pay those 30-40% tax and watch them leave.
If someone comes to visit, please, tourism is allowed, heck, we don't even need them to join our sect, or know it exists.

Unsustainable, I know, but Imperium maybe wouldn't immediately send an Crusade fleet, so we could have time.

And If we have to run, I'd want to take the whole planet with us, on principle: "Those that don't want to part of Imperium, can leave with us, WITHOUT losing your homes and mundane lives"
[X] Plan Paradise
-[X] Elysium
[X] Expansion:
Select two Associated Domains that you have previously passed up, the safe but boring choice.
--[X] Earth
--[X] Weather

Weather should also govern atmospheres and breathable air, I believe.

Also I'm seeing all these otherworldly daemons and I'm just thinking

what if we have something completely mundane instead

like a grandma or something

a gang of superpowered magic nannies taking care of you

completely unassuming until something threatens the kids

From the sound of it, we could theoretically set it up in the middle of a battlefield, and the noncombatants in the warded area would be protected from harm, even including bombing runs that hits the area, and other major explosions that logic would dictate should kill them by proximity.

we could probably use it to deliver medical aid
protect our leadership

or create ''medics without frontiers IN SPACE!!!''
where medics move from battlefield to battlefield to aid wounded and civilians
And If we have to run, I'd want to take the whole planet with us, on principle: "Those that don't want to part of Imperium, can leave with us, WITHOUT losing your homes and mundane lives"
If we want to take the whole planet, I think it'd be good to have both Sun and Earth.

We recently got those Lotus Star Generators, who mimic a star's output and can currently be scaled up to Leviathan size. By applying both the Earth Domain, which allows for megascale projects, and Sun, which governs the use of Star and Plasma, we should be able to make an engine capable of moving the entire planet.
what if we have something completely mundane instead

like a grandma or something

a gang of superpowered magic nannies taking care of you

completely unassuming until something threatens the kids


I get the sentiment but Daemons have to be otherwordly. They are quite literally creatures of another world, the Warp and that world exaggerates things it makes them great or terrible, wondrous or fearsome, but it does not really do mundane well.
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[X] Plan Paradise

[X] Plan: Peace, earth, and MAGIC.

I'm awake so I shall vote for my plan and then another plan I like.

picklepikkl Thanks for putting my plan up again after I fell asleep.
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Thank you all for supporting me all this time" You say, and they all hear you. "Please take care of yourselves and everyone else. I'll be with you all."
A mass vision. These three sentences will be more sacred than most things written in a mere mortal-penned book and will be fuzzed over by our theologians for eons to come.
The Cult of Verdance is not patronized by a mere Daemon Prince capable of twisting the minds of the people in service to their great War--but a true-born Chaos God in infancy.
How did Governor Magistrix learn that? Couldn't any Demon Prince also claim that if they wanted?
What is this referring to? Isn't a Haruspex a giant Tyranid thing?

And now onto the actual latest chapter.
[X] Plan Earth, Sun, and Elysium

As much as I think botches would allow for interesting times stories, I want to see where we can get without Sorcery. Sorcery is also one of the things expressly banned by the Imperium. I do think that Guardian would be more to my liking than Elysium. Might switch votes if I can see one that has that instead.
[X] Plan Earth, Sun, and Elysium

As much as I think botches would allow for interesting times stories, I want to see where we can get without Sorcery. Sorcery is also one of the things expressly banned by the Imperium. I do think that Guardian would be more to my liking than Elysium. Might switch votes if I can see one that has that instead.

Being a Chaos God, practicing mass tech heresy and calling the Emperor 'your fucking god' is also frowned upon. I would not pay much attention to what the Imperium bans at this point.
I can't remember if anyone has written up the obvious yet:

Domains: Connection, Endurance, Earth[, other protective domains]

Entlings are roughly humanoid figures composed of braided plant material covered in bark. They are strong, durable, though not terribly fast or nimble. They cannot speak, but can be understood by the faithful by the grace of the Maiden's domain of Connection.

The interesting thing about Entlings is that they offer a trade-off: ease of summoning in return for time to become useful. They can be summoned almost trivially at the size of seedlings, and then grown to full size (three to four meters in height) over time as they remain in the Materium and incorporate matter from it into their forms. Entlings can also be summoned at full size, with the same less-trivial effort required for the Maiden's more notable servants, but the result is more easily vanquished by an attacker than an Entling summoned and grown over months and years by a diligent follower of the Maiden.

Entlings have been observed linking together to form barriers, temporary structures, and on at least one occasion a titanic composite Entling. Followers of the maiden have also been observed summoning an Entling to possess a living tree, resulting in a sort of arboreal daemonhost.

Figure 1: A comparison of Entlings at different ages past summoning.

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It's scary seeing how far Space Marines have progressed from 40k. If we ran into a chapter like the Marines Malevolent rather than these fine folk, we would have been fucked.
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It's fucking scary seeing how far Space Marines have progressed from 40k. If we ran into a chapter like the Marines Malevolent rather than these fine folk, we would have been fucked.

think about all the other things other factions has

the mechanicus has full acces to DAOT tech

''gravity guns that might as well miniature black holes'' kind of tech
honestly,the only reason why they havent secede yet is because culture and political benefits on their leaders

because for all intents and porpuses with the current tech level the mechanicus has plus their monopoly on tech and indsutry,they should be able to curbstomp the imperium
It's fucking scary seeing how far Space Marines have progressed from 40k. If we ran into a chapter like the Marines Malevolent rather than these fine folk, we would have been fucked.

We would be just as damaged actually, the Marines Malevolent would be dead. It's worth keeping in mind that during confrontation with the Goddess they had no recourse, no weapons that could hurt her and she could sure as hell kill them. That is what finally struck home and got them to listen, the fact that they could have been killed out of hand and were instead offered the chance to withdraw in peace.
[X] Plan Earth, Sun, and Elysium

I can see why Sorcery is great for us in the short term,but the mechanical drawback of actually having crit fail consequences is...ehhhh. Given how we are are in the early game,are thoroughly outgunned and numbered by the IoE, in hard mode,and we don't have the benefit of secrecy we need every advantage we can get and crit failing on something important is NOT something I want to bet on.

Earth is obvious,it opens up a lot more options on what we can do defensively and helps with the big construction projects.

I think that having Sun could be interesting when you think about those lotus reactors we have.
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Votes will remain open overnight, as I don't need an answer to write most of the next update.

Do consider the values of the Gacha though! While it only gets you one domain--the worst you can get is something that has limited application that you don't like using because it's icky and not very PR conscious (Which then goes in the dustbin like the Old Gods threw all their positive domains), and the best are some potentially game-changing trump cards like Prowess, Artifice, Samsara, and similar stuff that hook onto your build and strap rocket engines to it.
The one reason I'm most definitely for Sorcery? It is because it hands the tools for mortals to do things with their own hands, removing some of their dependance on VMs direct attention. Especially useful for the Mender and Weaver sects, because now they have much more potency for what they do when it is needed. And then there are things like the Wraithbone we discovered, among other things. Sorcery would definitely be beneficial in getting the most mileage out of it.
Votes will remain open overnight, as I don't need an answer to write most of the next update.

Do consider the values of the Gacha though! While it only gets you one domain--the worst you can get is something that has limited application that you don't like using because it's icky and not very PR conscious (Which then goes in the dustbin like the Old Gods threw all their positive domains), and the best are some potentially game-changing trump cards like Prowess, Artifice, Samsara, and similar stuff that hook onto your build and strap rocket engines to it.
Unfortunately, I feel that patching up our basics is more important at this point. But at least I'm almost certain that I will vote for the gacha in the two remaining chances we will have later on.
the thing with gacha is that

is just luck,not really interested on ''mostly moderately good things,with 1/4 of mediocre and 1/4 of really good''
The one reason I'm most definitely for Sorcery? It is because it hands the tools for mortals to do things with their own hands, removing some of their dependance on VMs direct attention. Especially useful for the Mender and Weaver sects, because now they have much more potency for what they do when it is needed. And then there are things like the Wraithbone we discovered, among other things. Sorcery would definitely be beneficial in getting the most mileage out of it.

Unfortunately, I feel that patching up our basics is more important at this point. But at least I'm almost certain that I will vote for the gacha in the two remaining chances we will have later on.

Pretty much my position. We still have holes in the fundamentals, we can't really afford to go shinny hunting.
Its best for us to risk the Gacha when we are on a more secure foothold. As it is we still have a lot of things to cover before we have most of our bases covered.
Domain's- Life, Death, Harvest, Connection

Fey creatures that are notorious in their revelry Satyr's are delighted to join parties of all kind's drinking, dancing and singing the night away. Quick to make friend's and enemies alike they are fickle in temperament and so wander wherever they please be that in the forest's they call home or in town's looking for a grand time.
Do be warned though when their ire is stirred by those who wish harm under the Verdant Maiden they fly into a rage like no other quickly turning more bestial with glowing eyes, growing thick shaggy fur, claws and horns sharpening into wicked points to evecsrite their foes with.

Domain's- Earth, Endurance, Elysium, Life
Made of their namesake the stone folk are creatures of earth given life by the Verdant Maiden to spread peace and allow life too flourish in area's either too scarred by battle or terraforming uninhabitable area's into a flourishing ecosystem.
Their bodies are often covered in Moss, Flora and trail behind Fauna as they spread life to desolate areas and creatures of the forest follow in their footsteps for an easy meal and just to relax in their reassuring aura.
To those who break the peace bringing violence and war will find it hard pressed to bring down what is essentially a boulder on legs and quickly find that the phrase "between a rock and a hard place" is quite apt in their situation.

@Alectai I made a thing
[X] Plan: Peace, earth, and MAGIC.
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Hmm, think I'm going to change my vote (I mean I only have one other, so not like it's going to win).

[X] Plan Rolling for that Samsara
-[X] Elysium: The power of peace, sanctuary, and safety. Mastery of the Elysium Domain grant access to wards and bindings capable of enforcing peace upon limited areas While these cannot be used to protect combattants-such wards are proof even against indiscrimate attacks as long as the peaceful reside within them.
-[X] Transcendence: There are deeper secrets, you merely need to reach for them. Roll 1d100, the result is compared to a table and a new formerly Restricted Domain is granted as an Associated Domain. It's basically a Gacha, some can be very good, some can be mediocre, and some are about on par with your standard choices, you just don't know what you'll get!
[X]Plan: Peace, earth, and MAGIC
-[X] Elysium: The power of peace, sanctuary, and safety. Mastery of the Elysium Domain grant access to wards and bindings capable of enforcing peace upon limited areas While these cannot be used to protect combattants-such wards are proof even against indiscrimate attacks as long as the peaceful reside within them.
-[X] Expansion: Select two Associated Domains that you have previously passed up, the safe but boring choice.
--[X] Earth: The power of soil, stone, and everything in between. Mastery of Earth has great benefits in terraforming and drawing forth natural resources, it also augments your Weaving by allowing you to concentrate sufficient nutrients in one place to produce megaflora scale creatures.
--[X] Sorcery: An oldie but a goodie! Sorcery is a mechanism to delegate your own attention down to suitable mortal agents! It allows them to call forth your Daemons, invoke lesser echoes of your own Spheres, and generally is just a really flexible form of power! Of course, Sorcery isn't one hundred percent Reliable, and it doesn't really do anything to expand your abilities as a god in and of itself. Maybe take it now and see about whipping up some kind of neat witchy coven thingie? Or maybe it'd be best to leave it for later once you have more to offer with it. Decisions decision.