The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Was there any thought given to what she may ask for. Because I'm not down for making another charm for a commission right now. We've spent a lot of time charm crafting for others and not as much on ourselves. If she asks for a charm in exchange for the information, what will you do?

I believe if it gets to that point, it'll come down to a vote to accept or not. Also, in terms of favour-weight...

Let's call fighting for Mo a medium-favour. She owes us one medium favour for what we did. If she's been gathering info anyway about notables like I expect, I'm guessing her coughing up info about Jin's champion to be a minor-favour. Even if the situation is more complicated than expected and more equivalent to a medium-favour, I don't expect it to be more than that since we have the option of doing it ourselves.

Crafting a whole new charm for her would be what I consider a major favour. She'd need a really good argument to explain why some info about Jin's champion would be worth that much. She's pretty savvy though, and I doubt she'd rip us off, so I think she'd only ask that for payment if she genuinely thought it was worth it.
I don't understand why the leading vote has the marketplace action in preference to the Mo (+ Shouxi) social activity. We have all the mats we need for the next couple of weeks.

What's the appeal?

I mean, I find the hummingbird anam cycling questionable as well, but at least I can see the long-term reasoning, even if the martial art in question is of little use in currently important depth expeditions.

We are basically sacrificing our lone social activity for nothing.
I don't understand why the leading vote has the marketplace action in preference to the Mo (+ Shouxi) social activity. We have all the mats we need for the next couple of weeks.

What's the appeal?

I mean, I find the hummingbird anam cycling questionable as well, but at least I can see the long-term reasoning, even if the martial art in question is of little use in currently important depth expeditions.

We are basically sacrificing our lone social activity for nothing.

It's to get a pill or two in case we need it for the shallows. If we're fighting another Vestige, then running out of anam could be a problem.
@Knight-Radiant can you put in the market action that we'll look at Wonders to rent?
@Vesvius Could I add that on? Just so the Thread can see what's available? Or will that require a dedicated action?

I don't understand why the leading vote has the marketplace action in preference to the Mo (+ Shouxi) social activity. We have all the mats we need for the next couple of weeks.

What's the appeal?
Pills and elixirs my good sir.

Last time, Ves gave us a freebie pill from Fa and we still would have ran out of anam and would have had to flee the dread Crab if we didn't Crit with The Blooming Spear.

Pills and Elixirs
[] The Light of Battle (7 Points. Grade 1 Steel Elixir)
[] The Essense of Shattering (11 Points. Grade 2 Force Pill)
[] Remnants of the Cleanse (14 Points. Grade 2 Smoke Pill)
[] A Word Illspoken (7 Points. Grade 1 Poison Elixir)
[] Hearthfire's Ember (5 Points. Grade 1 Fire Pill.)
[] Woodsman's Respite (7 Points. Grade 1 Wood Pill)
[] Spider's Serum (11 Points. Grade 2 Beast Elixir)
[] The Seventh Nursemaid (6 Points. Grade 1 Blood Pill)
[] An Eye-Opening Experience (6 Points. Grade 1 Light Pill)
[] Seabreeze (5 Points. Grade 1 Water Pill)
[] A Kiss from Lightning (5 Points. Grade 1 Wind Pill)

[] Wisdom Distilled (14 Points. Grade 2 Knowledge Pill)
[] Soldier's Requiem (9 Points. Grade 2 Earth Pill)
[] The East Wind (9 Points. Grade 2 Wind Elixir)
[] The Heart of Stone (5 Points. Grade 1 Earth Pill)
[] Heartbeat (6 Points. Grade 1 Beast Pill)
[] Salvation's Map (14 Points. Grade 2 Discovery Pill)
[] The Curious Reflection (14 Points. Grade 2 Crow Pill)
[] Lasting Remedy (6 Points. Grade 1 Force Pill)

With this unexpected windfall we could easily buy 2-3 grade 1 pills, giving us 10-15 anam in our pocket ready to go at all times. While still leaving us with 1-2 talents to use in case anything comes up.

People are expecting the Shallow Vestige to be easier sure, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. And if we don't end up using them there, we can either give them to Fa for the duel, use them to add 10-15 additional successes to an infusion roll, or save them for the deeps.

My thinking is, do the market now while most of our people are busy, so we have more time to social after the duel.
@Vesvius Could I add that on? Just so the Thread can see what's available? Or will that require a dedicated action?

Pills and elixirs my good sir.

Last time, Ves gave us a freebie pill from Fa and we still would have ran out of anam and would have had to flee the dread Crab if we didn't Crit with The Blooming Spear.

With this unexpected windfall we could easily buy 2-3 grade 1 pills, giving us 10-15 anam in our pocket ready to go at all times. While still leaving us with 1-2 talents to use in case anything comes up.

People are expecting the Shallow Vestige to be easier sure, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. And if we don't end up using them there, we can either give them to Fa for the duel, use them to add 10-15 additional successes to an infusion roll, or save them for the deeps.

My thinking is, do the market now while most of our people are busy, so we have more time to social after the duel.
Considering how we still ran out of anam post-duel, I can see the logic in this. Buying pills can not only help us fight without relying on freebies, but it can help replenish our Core so we don't need to sacrifice actions to fill it back up.

In the event we don't end up using as much anam as we did last time, we could still use the pills we keep for emergencies or technique cycling.

...I'll be fine with this on two conditions.
1: We check the rental Wonders while we're at the market this turn.
2: We take care of Mo Social and intel-gathering the turn right afterwards.
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@Vesvius Could I add that on? Just so the Thread can see what's available? Or will that require a dedicated action?

Pills and elixirs my good sir.

Last time, Ves gave us a freebie pill from Fa and we still would have ran out of anam and would have had to flee the dread Crab if we didn't Crit with The Blooming Spear.

With this unexpected windfall we could easily buy 2-3 grade 1 pills, giving us 10-15 anam in our pocket ready to go at all times. While still leaving us with 1-2 talents to use in case anything comes up.

People are expecting the Shallow Vestige to be easier sure, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. And if we don't end up using them there, we can either give them to Fa for the duel, use them to add 10-15 additional successes to an infusion roll, or save them for the deeps.

My thinking is, do the market now while most of our people are busy, so we have more time to social after the duel.

Thank you for providing the reasoning behing marketplace, but sadly I can't say I agree with it.

It sounds overly conservative, since the Shallows vestige is highly unlikely to be as strong as the previous one, Fa is likely to have improved at least a bit in the meantime, and it's not like we have an another hunting/exploration activity this turn that would require us being topped off with anam.

Furthermore, we are already being overly conservative with three infuse actions, when even two might suffice.

I am leery of sacrificing a social activity, one that is also a good opportunity to tip Shouxi into SL 2, for some rather dubious gains.
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1: We check the rental Wonders while we're at the market this turn.
2: We take care of Mo Social and intel-gathering the turn right afterwards.
This was my intent.

Ves has said he'll let us see a list of rent-able wonders, and next week we should only have the infusion for the box left. With only three crafting actions that leaves us 5 for repairing the Rainbow eyes, socials, getting Fa up to speed with the charms, and investigating Jin's Champ.
Given that we don't need to finish the infusion this week if the roll is poor, I think that overly conservative fits the situation. And every single plan has three infusion actions :/

Edit :
I figured I should stop complaining and post my 'own' plan. The general idea is the same, I don't ind going to the shop but I removed the likely wasteful infusion action and added an exploration roll, because I think we could use another Wonder should we find it.

[X] Plan: Rise of the BOX Or Maybe Next Week
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (1)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (2)
-[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
--[X] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes (1)
---[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (2)
----[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (3)
-[X] You have not spoken with your family in quite some time. You shall pen them a letter (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).
--[X] Explain how things have improved with Mo, that we are now a Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion.
-[X] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[X] A Second of Eternity
---[X] Hummingbird's Dance
-[X] You have talents and you have sect points. They burn a hole in your purse and token the longer you have them. You shall go to the sect market and seek to offload some of your wealth
-[X] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
-[X] The Delving Heart is a massive cave complex full of mystery. You'll seek that mystery out and find out more about the place you now live.
--[X] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
---[X] Invite Fa to join you.
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I'm also not a fan of using a third infusion action. Even if we don't fix Rainbow Eyes, we are likely to finish in 2 - if we do fix it the odds are even higher.

For those saying to play it safe, why waste an action this week more than half the time? There's no reason not to just finish it next week, we don't need it for the shallows.

While I see the appeal of going to the market, if we want it to be worth an action we would spend at least 3 talents on pills so we don't have to come back until after the duel.

Given all this, guess I'll make my own plan:

[X] Plan: Rainbow Mo Buying Pills in the Shallows
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (1)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (2)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
--[X] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes (1)
---[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (2)
----[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (3)
-[X] You have not spoken with your family in quite some time. You shall pen them a letter (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).
--[X] Explain how things have improved with Mo, that we are now a Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion. You have also introduced yourself to Zhuan Kun by having a spar with the rather martial disciple.
-[X] You have talents and you have sect points. They burn a hole in your purse and token the longer you have them. You shall go to the sect market and seek to offload some of your wealth
-[X] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
--[X] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
---[X] Invite Fa to join you and discuss who you can invite and how to reward them.
-[X] Spend a Talent to re-charge the Rainbow Eyes.
-[X] Mo Hanying seems far more relaxed in your presence now, and is more willing to call upon you for aid. Her latest request involves a trip to the surface with a few members of her retinue. It will be a trying time, you're sure, but hopefully rewarding.
--[X] Invite Jai Shouxi
So, turns out I miscalculated for the Avg 32 in two infuse actions, need 32 thing. That was with Cycling 5 + Rainbow Eyes. Cycling 6 + Rainbow Eyes is avg 40 for two actions, which is well above.

Without the Eyes, it's avg 28, but we still have four charges left so it's tilted a lot more towards 40, which is still well over the necessary 32. Sorry everyone. My bad.