The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Wait, not a single plan includes scouting for info on Jin's champion? Why?
I've been wanting to scout out Jin's champion since last week... Guess I'll throw my own plan into the ring. I really want to find out Jin's champion so that Jai Fa can prepare herself mentally, maybe start studying their techniques to know how they fight, or start thinking of ways to counter their likely techniques.

Charm against charm, I'll bet on Kong Zhi, so I don't care about what Jin's charms are. It's his possible champion I'm stressing over.

[X] Plan: Mo, Shallow, and Intel
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (1)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (2)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
--[X] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes (1)
---[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (2)
----[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (3)
-[X] You have not spoken with your family in quite some time. You shall pen them a letter (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).
--[X] Explain how things have improved with Mo, that we are now a Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion. You have also introduced yourself to Zhuan Kun by having a spar with the rather martial disciple.
-[X] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
--[X] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
---[X] Invite Fa to join you.
-[X] Mo Hanying seems far more relaxed in your presence now, and is more willing to call upon you for aid. Her latest request involves a trip to the surface with a few members of her retinue. It will be a trying time, you're sure, but hopefully rewarding.
--[X] Invite Jai Shouxi
-[X] Jin Yazhu has certainly selected his champion by now. You will attempt to glean who it will be.
--[X] Request Mo's aid in this matter in exchange for a future favour. Either that, or use up your favour if Mo believes the information is worth that much.
-[X] Spend a Talent to re-charge the Rainbow Eyes.
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[X] Plan: I don't believe in Procrastination
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (1)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (2)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (3)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
--[X] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes (1)
---[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (2)
----[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (3)
-----[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (4)
-[X] You have not spoken with your family in quite some time. You shall pen them a letter (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).
--[X] Explain how things have improved with Mo, that we are now a Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion.
-[X] The only true way to walk your path is to cycle the anam of the world. You will do so.
--[X] A Second of Eternity
---[X] Hummingbird's Dance
-[X] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
--[X] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
---[X] Invite Fa to join you.

Perhaps it is overkill, but I want that face eating box finished this week. Then we only have infusing and teaching Jai Fa how to use them next week. That should leave room for extra social, or other prep.

Chopped off the shopping trip.
I'll vote for any plan that had us spending two actions on infusing, because there's a real chance two actions are enough and I'd rather not waste an action.
So, for those who've made plans, I suggest one addition to the letter subjects.

--[] Explain how things have improved with Mo, that we are now a Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion. You have also introduced yourself to Zhuan Kun by having a spar with the rather martial disciple.

Our mother wanted us to introduce ourselves to Zhuan Kun, so it should be mentioned.
Why are we even inviting Shouxi to meet Mo Hanying? I frankly find his behavior very annoying and would be all for not interacting with him unless necessary. I think I will slightly modify Edkose's plan to remove Shouxi and also add more detailed letter writing

[X] Plan: No Shouxi
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (1)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (2)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] The work on your gauntlet is immaculate. All that is left is infusing it. (3)
--[X] The Lost Armory
-[X] Your fingers itch to begin work on a new charm. You shall begin planning one out.
--[X] You will begin work on a charm for your own purposes (1)
---[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (2)
----[X] You will continue to work on a charm for your own purposes (3)
-[X] You have not spoken with your family in quite some time. You shall pen them a letter (Does not count as an action. -1 bronze talent).
--[X] Explain how things have improved with Mo, that we are now a Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion. You have also introduced yourself to Zhuan Kun by having a spar with the rather martial disciple.
-[X] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
--[X] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
---[X] Invite Fa to join you.
-[X] Spend a Talent to re-charge the Rainbow Eyes.
-[X] Mo Hanying seems far more relaxed in your presence now, and is more willing to call upon you for aid. Her latest request involves a trip to the surface with a few members of her retinue. It will be a trying time, you're sure, but hopefully rewarding.
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[X] Plan: Mo, Shallow, and Intel

For those who've included the Invite Jai Shouxi options into their Plans, I recommend editing the vote format slightly. The way it's constructed, it could accidentally register as a normal action, instead of an add-on.
@Wistways , @DkArthas , @Mirror Mage , @Wynter

For Plan: Mo, Shallow, and Intel, what do you folks think of swapping one of the Infuse actions to a Repair Rainbow Eyes action? There's a chance that 2 actions will be sufficient to finish infusing our archer charm, but even if we roll poorly and do not manage to finish infusing the charm, that can always be finished up next week.

Since we are not having Jai Fa practice until both our charms are ready, it is not absolutely critical to complete our infusing by this week. On the other hand, if we roll well and it turns out we only need 2 actions to infuse after all, then it gives us a chance to do more during this week.
Why are we even inviting Shouxi to meet Mo Hanying? I frankly find his behavior very annoying and would be all for not interacting with him unless necessary. I think I will slightly modify Edkose's plan to remove Shouxi and also add more detailed letter writing.
1. Because he is a genius refiner who if we befriend will probably be very useful in the long run. 2. Because he is annoyingly holding back our relationship with Jai Fa, so him liking us more should help with that. 3. Because he lives with us and we should get to know him if only for that.
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Soldier and seem to have attracted the Notice of one of the Sect Elders, and that we are set to compete with the Foul Jin in a Duel of Crafters, with the Honorable Jai Fa stepping in as champion.
Isn't the letter its own vote?

I don't feel cramming it amidst the turn plan is a good idea.

And regardless, we should mention how we got to Soldier in the week after we sent our letter. That's significantly more impressive than a general "I've done it", given how long it has been.
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@Vesvius two questions. Would Shouxi get penalties for shoting his charm at an enemy engaged in melee with allies? Would he help carve uo a Vestige's corpse so that more mats can be harvested?
Shouxi would not be penalized for using a ranged charm/technique while others were in melee, ans he would be presumably picking his shots and not just raining em down. He would definitely help carve the vestige, and that might give you more picks. Though he would, of course, want his piece of the pie.
I want to get to the shallow spot. @Vesvius can we add a line so that Jai Fa and Kong Zhi discuss participants for the final spot?
Yes, you can include that.
Might as well ask. @Vesvius, for writing a letter home, does that get its own voting period?
It will. No need to include that in the Plan vote.
@Wistways , @DkArthas , @Mirror Mage , @Wynter

For Plan: Mo, Shallow, and Intel, what do you folks think of swapping one of the Infuse actions to a Repair Rainbow Eyes action? There's a chance that 2 actions will be sufficient to finish infusing our archer charm, but even if we roll poorly and do not manage to finish infusing the charm, that can always be finished up next week.

Since we are not having Jai Fa practice until both our charms are ready, it is not absolutely critical to complete our infusing by this week. On the other hand, if we roll well and it turns out we only need 2 actions to infuse after all, then it gives us a chance to do more during this week.

For what (little) it's worth, I would be voting for your plan if the voters agree with the swap.

I find the champion intel important as well, and sooner we find out the sooner can Fa start making necessary adjustments in her duel preparation, but making sure Rainbow Eyes are operational is absolutely vital.
@Wistways , @DkArthas , @Mirror Mage , @Wynter

For Plan: Mo, Shallow, and Intel, what do you folks think of swapping one of the Infuse actions to a Repair Rainbow Eyes action? There's a chance that 2 actions will be sufficient to finish infusing our archer charm, but even if we roll poorly and do not manage to finish infusing the charm, that can always be finished up next week.

Since we are not having Jai Fa practice until both our charms are ready, it is not absolutely critical to complete our infusing by this week. On the other hand, if we roll well and it turns out we only need 2 actions to infuse after all, then it gives us a chance to do more during this week.
Hm... I'd be cool with the Rainbow Eyes swap, but I also feel that the sooner we complete infusion, the better.
Personally I'd prefer to be sure we finish up the infusion of the Archer charm so that we for sure have it to go into the shallows. Fa coming is likely, but not a certainty, and having that would be a great boon for fighting whatever might be guarding the weapon.
Personally I'd prefer to be sure we finish up the infusion of the Archer charm so that we for sure have it to go into the shallows. Fa coming is likely, but not a certainty, and having that would be a great boon for fighting whatever might be guarding the weapon.

Noted! Just gotta see what everyone else thinks. I know we wanna finish that charm ASAP, but nothing says we can't do it first thing next week.
@Wistways , @DkArthas , @Mirror Mage , @Wynter

For Plan: Mo, Shallow, and Intel, what do you folks think of swapping one of the Infuse actions to a Repair Rainbow Eyes action? There's a chance that 2 actions will be sufficient to finish infusing our archer charm, but even if we roll poorly and do not manage to finish infusing the charm, that can always be finished up next week.

Since we are not having Jai Fa practice until both our charms are ready, it is not absolutely critical to complete our infusing by this week. On the other hand, if we roll well and it turns out we only need 2 actions to infuse after all, then it gives us a chance to do more during this week.

I'm happy for that :)