I get to vote.
[X] Enlightenment of the Mind: The world is a dark and dreary place, but that doesn't mean you have to be--the Cult of Verdance believes in this thought, and take steps to brighten things up even when things are getting a bit shady--it's a bit infectious really.
-I don't know our cult well enough to give them genetic engineering yet, they might get stupid with it, plus optimistic, positive, and determined cult is a wonderful contrast with the pessimism of the 40k setting, and helps set the tone for who we are going forward. Plus the VM can skill create things in the meantime while our cult grows into a more clear image.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
-We know what is going on with this planet, we still have the ship. Stand, try and make a starting point for our future eye of goodness? Plus I have a feeling Alectai has a few ideas for this world, and it is nice to not always run away from the DM's hard work. Plus we still have the boat if we need to run away. It is still going to be our base of operations if I read the update correctly?
[X] Harvest Power of Reaping and Ruin
Earth: Larger scale bioforms, geosculpting opportunities
-I want it, floradreadnaughts plus tier warforms and verdantforming! But priorities... Very high value if we start expanding outside of our agriworld starting world.
Guardian: Greater combat skills when fighting to protect something
-So very, very on theme, (magical girl tropes, shonen hero tropes, heroic determination tropes, and a wonderful pair to doctors without borders, but I feel it wise to go for out-of-combat abilities as well. Earth would be above this, sadly.
Sorcery: Let your followers invoke your Domains on your behalf, lets them contribute to crits, but also lets them critfail which causes Fun
-Sorcery is simply a staple, plus it might give our proper lads something to do? They can be white mages and summoners, lol. It might also give us a ranged option in combat, good old fashioned smite spam. Plus having more options all around to improve our rolls, even at the risks of crit fails, seems very worth it.
Harvest: VM's loot domain, excels in resource extraction out of combat, allows for lifedrain in combat thanks to the presence of the Death Domain.
So a domain that could really help us prevent any kind of famine or shortages going forward, and still helps us kill the badguys while being even more unkillable? Seems really on beat for our story, and that is why it wins for me, in the end. Might even be able to willingly transfer wounds through the heart-link. One squad is in a safe place and allows a squad in great peril to harvest their excess life force, then slowly restore their sacrificed life energy with their own impressive regeneration. The concept is on theme for plants/farming methinks.
Word of God informs us that harvest and guardian are only sure to be here this time, while earth, and sorcery are part of our domains listed on the character creation screen, however so is weather and that didn't show up as well, which worries me, because I will be honest I want all four of these options.