We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

[X] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Harvest Power of Reaping and Ruin
[X] Sorcery Power of Will and Word

Weavers of Life is by far the best doctrine simply because its the only one that leads to capability increases for our Cult, while the other two just make them do more of what they'll probably be doing anyways. Stand, because we're already in an unimportant junkheap of a planet that won't be getting checked on quite possible for decades. Splitting my vote between Harvest and Sorcery because I'm fine with either of them winning, one grants us resources/growth/scale out of combat plus a bit more toughness in combat, the other grants versatility in all areas. Hmm, Growth Rates to be playing Supreme Plant Commander or turn this into a magical girl show, decisions decisions.
[X] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Earth: Power of stone and soil
[X] Enlightenment of the Mind: The world is a dark and dreary place, but that doesn't mean you have to be--the Cult of Verdance believes in this thought, and take steps to brighten things up even when things are getting a bit shady--it's a bit infectious really.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Harvest Power of Reaping and Ruin

Gotta say, I really love our Reaper theme. For all the Verdant Maiden's chill, 40K's no place for pacifists - and she can bring the hurt when the dice are down.

While I'd like to grow more powerful before throwing down with the Imperium ... where would we go? Equinox is already at the darkest end of the empire possible, and they actually think the planet's dead - it's hard to imagine a better set-up to expand and consolidate.
so here is something we need to know, how many ships does our world have and does it trade with different worlds? i would assume so since it's an Agri world which usually are the breadbaskets of subsectors. this is what we will need to expand our cult to different worlds
[X] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Harvest: Power of Reaping and Ruin
[X] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Harvest: Power of Reaping and Ruin
Hmmm. In the end, both the Harvest and Earth all pretty balanced both in the long run and short term, and I want them both. The question is just which I want more now, and in that case? I think I'll go for the aesthetic and narrative reasons for my choice, because holy shit we just cut off the Nightbringer with a fricking scythe from taking back what was his. So getting Harvest now would just fit perfectly into this moment. It also plays so damn well into our Beyond Limits advantage with the Death Domain, which also allows all kind of additional shenanigans like stealing the life-force of our reaped enemies while in the middle of the combat. And with the looting-potential this Domain has, it should potentially allow for all kinds of tricks for rapid growth for our cult and its infrastructure when used together with our other Domains, which would benefit us if we want to yoink the planet out from under Dana's daddy dearest.

Also, I want to use the Harvest plus Death combo later on to let VM drink the Tyranid Hive Mind through a methaphorical straw in the Warp. Because she would definitely do that, that derpy yet scary ditz of a goddess.

[X] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Harvest: Power of Reaping and Ruin
[X] Enlightenment of the Mind: The world is a dark and dreary place, but that doesn't mean you have to be--the Cult of Verdance believes in this thought, and take steps to brighten things up even when things are getting a bit shady--it's a bit infectious really.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.

[X] Sorcery Power of Will and Word

Sorcery would gave us versatility so it a good option to choose overall.
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[X] Enlightenment of the Mind

I'm picking this because, as pointed out earlier, it's damn near unique in the setting. Optimism is something that simply doesn't happen. It's also incredibly useful as a stabiliser and potentially a force multiplier; more optimistic cultists will be better able to endure hard times, and will have better morale on the field and thus be harder to break. Which brings me onto the final reason I like it.

It's essentially taking one of Nurgle's core traits- accepting everything is fucked up and only going to get worse- and flipping it on its head. Giving the same benefits, but from a much brighter standpoint. Emphasising the difference between us, while at the same time still being incredibly similar. And that's a level of thematic irony I really like.

[X] Stand

Nothing really to add to this.

[X] Harvest

Given our actions, especially our one-on-one with the nightbringer in a scythe duel, this feels the most appropriate.
[X] Enlightenment of the Mind: The world is a dark and dreary place, but that doesn't mean you have to be--the Cult of Verdance believes in this thought, and take steps to brighten things up even when things are getting a bit shady--it's a bit infectious really.
[X] Flee:
You've got a ship, once you understand it, you can take it and your cult and flee from this world, to seek your fortunes elsewhere. Recruit who you can, grab what you can and just go. But try not to stick around too long, or who knows what kind of problems can crop up while you're not ready for them!
[X] Harvest: Power of Reaping and Ruin

Part of me is really tempted to go with flee because we're a known thing here. If we "disappear" we might be able to put off the inevitable battle with the Imperium further. But Stand gives us more chance now, so I'm cool with either.

also switched to optimism, because while I think it might be less powerful mechanically, it really seems to fit VM
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Weavers of Life is by far the best doctrine simply because its the only one that leads to capability increases for our Cult, while the other two just make them do more of what they'll probably be doing anyways.
I mean, the entire point of making it Doctrine would be to ensure that our followers actually do that in the future. These are just humans, you know they have a tendency for xenophobia.

If you want them to be optimistic or actually decnt neighbours, you should vote for it.
[X] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Harvest: Power of Reaping and Ruin

Yep, I like this plan.
[X] Enlightenment of the Mind:
[X] Guardian Power of salvation and security

I want our followers to look out at the universe and say, "We can make it better." I want them to go out and protect those who need us. I want them to know to the bottoms of their bones that they defy evil.

Harvest is fine too, and perhaps even more optimal, but I know what I want.
[X] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Sorcery Power of Will and Word
[X] Neighbors Most Kind: Look, people are like plants, they get all over the place and then don't want to go away. There's no reason you need to be a jerk about it--and hey, people are more likely to talk when they're just gossiping with their peers anyway
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace
[X] Sorcery Power of Will and Word
[X] Guardian Power of salvation and security
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[X] Enlightenment of the Mind
[X] Sorcery Power of Will and Word

So I recently came to the realisation that with Sorcery and the Weaving Domain, our followers could plausible give themselves wings, which is much more what a proud older sister like us should want. Who has need for artificially grown wings when you can just make some with your own devotion and might! That is the true magical girl way!

[X] Guardian Power of salvation and security
Also voting this because Guardian as a Domain is severely underappreciated by this thread. Our knights are protectors, we should give them the power to protect what they care about!

[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace

And revoting this on the off chance that Flee makes a comeback while I'm not looking.
[X] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Earth: Power of stone and soil
[X] Enlightenment of the Mind: The world is a dark and dreary place, but that doesn't mean you have to be--the Cult of Verdance believes in this thought, and take steps to brighten things up even when things are getting a bit shady--it's a bit infectious really.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Harvest Power of Reaping and Ruin
[X] Enlightenment of the Mind: The world is a dark and dreary place, but that doesn't mean you have to be--the Cult of Verdance believes in this thought, and take steps to brighten things up even when things are getting a bit shady--it's a bit infectious really.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Guardian Power of salvation and security
[X] Enlightenment of the Mind
[X] Sorcery Power of Will and Word

So I recently came to the realisation that with Sorcery and the Weaving Domain, our followers could plausible give themselves wings, which is much more what a proud older sister like us should want. Who has need for artificially grown wings when you can just make some with your own devotion and might! That is the true magical girl way!

[X] Guardian Power of salvation and security
Also voting this because Guardian as a Domain is severely underappreciated by this thread. Our knights are protectors, we should give them the power to protect what they care about!

[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace

And revoting this on the off chance that Flee makes a comeback while I'm not looking.
but... they would still be growing them artificially? except with way more risks involved to our precious cultits. i'd rather not risk their safety to be quite honest, not yet at least
but... they would still be growing them artificially? except with way more risks involved to our precious cultits. i'd rather not risk their safety to be quite honest, not yet at least
A: Our Divine Power is not only natural, it is super natural! It doesn't count as artificial!
B: That just means only the ones worthy of wings will get them, I. E. the ones who would be protagonists in the magical girl shows. The wings are proof of power, you see.
[X] Enlightenment of the Mind:
The world is a dark and dreary place, but that doesn't mean you have to be--the Cult of Verdance believes in this thought, and take steps to brighten things up even when things are getting a bit shady--it's a bit infectious really.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Harvest
Power of Reaping and Ruin
A: Our Divine Power is not only natural, it is super natural! It doesn't count as artificial!
B: That just means only the ones worthy of wings will get them, I. E. the ones who would be protagonists in the magical girl shows. The wings are proof of power, you see.
i'd rather make big monsters or cute pets and be able to grow wings by using biology but whatever
I'm all for Sorcery, but at the moment, I'm not sure which one to pick form.

Sorcery allow our followers to invoke our Domains, even the threat of fails I feel is worth the power up we can give them.

Earth: Zerg time.

Guardian: Going to need this if we gotta fight to rule this world, and beyond.

Harvest: LOOT.
[X] Weavers of Life: The Arts of the Biologis have always been the largely forgotten branch of man's sciences, but the Cult of Verdance has embraced this technique, and create wonders and terrors alike with organic materials given time and a need to work.
[X] Stand: You've a ripe opportunity to take over a whole world! After all, you and your followers saved it in the first place. You're going to need to subvert the Governor's power though--and deal with the response that comes when you rise up in inevitable rebellion. But you'll have time, space, and manpower eventually provided your cult's expansion continues apace.
[X] Harvest Power of Reaping and Ruin