The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Ah screw it, may as well give my own plan a try. This is exactly the same as the Box Beckons, except I've swapped choosing our own champion for gathering intelligence on Jin's champion, and swapped the Shouxi social for continuing to pursue the map, because I'm uncomfortable with a week where we don't do anything to impress any elder. I argue that Shouxi is feeling positive to us, and we can leave him alone for one week without anything imploding from him.

[X] Plan: THE BOX BECKONS Alternative

-[X] You have begun work on the charm for Xu Yun's commission. All it needs now is for you to finish infusing it.
--[X] Cloud's Breath
-[X] You will go hunting for a beast whose parts can quickly be sold for Talents.
--[X] Invite Nokai
-[X] The Archives of the Delving Heart also offer to connect disciples with tutors in their discipline for a moderate cost. You will take advantage of the wisdom of your seniors.
--[X] 5th Circle (6 talents, Counts as 3 Actions, 1d8+3 training roll)
---[X] Craft (Woodworking) (DEX): 2
-[X] You are close to completing your glove of bone and wood. All that it requires is a few finishing touches. Time to get to work (1)
--[X] You are close to completing your glove of bone and wood. All that it requires is a few finishing touches. Time to get to work (2)
-[x] Jin Yazhu has likely already selected his champion. You will attempt to follow him and glean who it will be.
--[x] Request Mo Hanying to aid you in this. She clearly has people already monitoring everyone of note, including that Jin dog. It should be a trivial matter for her to tell you who his champion is. Offer her a favour of her choice to be repaid in the future for this information.
-[x] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
--[x] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action)
---[x] Invite both Jai Fa and Shouxi
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-[X] You will go hunting for a beast whose parts can quickly be sold for Talents.
--[X] Invite Nokai
[x] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
-[x] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action)
--[x] Invite both Jai Fa and Shouxi

Do we really want to risk what happened last week with us nearly losing an action because we put two actions with likely combat in them in the same week? Ves was being nice last time, but he may just have us lose the action this time.

We can do a map action next week.
Do we really want to risk what happened last week with us nearly losing an action because we put two actions with likely combat in them in the same week? Ves was being nice last time, but he may just have us lose the action this time.

We can do a map action next week.

I doubt we'll run into anything as strong as that boss crab on a simple material gathering quest. And the shallows shouldn't have a very strong boss either, which Jai Fa and us could probably take care of easily.

If people really think that it's too big a risk though, I could switch the map option for either a Mo Hanying or Jai Shouxi social I guess. Hanying social to make her better inclined to listen to our request for intel on Jin's champion, or Shouxi social to get closer to Shouxi.
Its not just two build actions to DD. We'd also have to infuse up to the new BT.
Here's the thing, Kreen. The way the dice roll out, it takes exactly the same amount of actions to infuse a BT24 Charm as it takes to infuse a BT36 charm.

(Besides, it's good to have one Charm ensured in the event of catastrophic failure, you know?)
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@Kai Merah here's the issue tho

We already saw back with the Crab Vestige that we can't clear a map spot AND do a hunt in the same turn.

Just because this vestige is gonna be closer doesn't mean it won't be as strong or even stronger than the Crab. And this time we wouldn't have backup or pills.

We have another four weeks past the end of the duel to get an elders approval. Pacing ourself and preparing is important.
@Kai Merah here's the issue tho

We already saw back with the Crab Vestige that we can't clear a map spot AND do a hunt in the same turn.

Just because this vestige is gonna be closer doesn't mean it won't be as strong or even stronger than the Crab. And this time we wouldn't have backup or pills.

We have another four weeks past the end of the duel to get an elders approval. Pacing ourself and preparing is important.

Counterpoints -
1.) We can likely manage - especially if we can tap different combat-assists for the two actions (Nokai for hunt, and Fa (and maybe her brother) for Map) Yes it's more of a risk, but didn't people want us to take more risks?
2.) The map rewards are something of a mystery-box to be sure - but that means they also may well remove our need for a hunt action, or enhance our ability to carry it out.
3.) Long term concern -- Jai Fa's entire style is centered around two (potent, ancestral?) steel techniques, and the extent to which she's martyr-ing herself for her brother might be jeopardizing her ability to impress an elder. Getting her access to as potent a steel/war resource as possible as soon as possible is an investment that's likely to pay serious dividends for her (look at the chapter when we first find the armory - in the beginning, she's talking about how improving her techniques leads her to serious breakthroughs)

also side thought - if we try and fail at it, we get a .3 drive boost the next time we tru
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Oh for goodness' sake, can y'all Discord folks stop generating 24-hour invites? By the time I find them, and think "Oh I've been meaning to join the Discord", they're dead!
...Well, that makes a bit of sense.

In other news: Does our new trait kick in ever after, or just until we succeed at the thing we failed at...? And is its target acquisition retroactive?
So, while there has been a fair bit of buzz about maybe not taking multiple hunting actions and possibly running low on anam - but there's another potential failure point in the Box Beckons plan, which is that the hunting needs to generate 3 talents before tutoring can be afforded and it's not guaranteed to succeed in doing so. Ves even explicitly mentioned that hunting a beast specifically for cash money means it'd be less likely to succeed.

Are people just hoping that Nokai will be available and turn it into an autosuccess, is there some indication we could swap that block of time for something else if hunting doesn't work out, or are people just trying to push crafting the Box as fast as possible regardless of risk?
It's the classic shonen trait:
1. New arc starts
1. Get beaten like a drum.
2. Train/craft like hell.
3. Win the rematch.

In general letting ourselves get into positions where we are vulnerable will create opportunities to apply this. Crafting in particular will go up to 1.6 which is... rather high. It is actually a bigger deal for training combat skills, due to how additive bonuses work.
So, while there has been a fair bit of buzz about maybe not taking multiple hunting actions and possibly running low on anam - but there's another potential failure point in the Box Beckons plan, which is that the hunting needs to generate 3 talents before tutoring can be afforded and it's not guaranteed to succeed in doing so. Ves even explicitly mentioned that hunting a beast specifically for cash money means it'd be less likely to succeed.

Are people just hoping that Nokai will be available and turn it into an autosuccess, is there some indication we could swap that block of time for something else if hunting doesn't work out, or are people just trying to push crafting the Box as fast as possible regardless of risk?
we need better woodworking or the box crafting will take forever so we need to take that risk really
So, while there has been a fair bit of buzz about maybe not taking multiple hunting actions and possibly running low on anam - but there's another potential failure point in the Box Beckons plan, which is that the hunting needs to generate 3 talents before tutoring can be afforded and it's not guaranteed to succeed in doing so. Ves even explicitly mentioned that hunting a beast specifically for cash money means it'd be less likely to succeed.

Are people just hoping that Nokai will be available and turn it into an autosuccess, is there some indication we could swap that block of time for something else if hunting doesn't work out, or are people just trying to push crafting the Box as fast as possible regardless of risk?
In the event of a failure in finding a spirit beast, the tutoring swaps to first tier. So instead of losing three actions if we fail, we only lose one.

Nokai is a skilled hunter, and her dogs have a keen sense of smell and were very likely to be trained for tracking too. That ought to help out quite a bit.
we need better woodworking or the box crafting will take forever so we need to take that risk really
Or...we could save the box for another time and just make the archer charm super good. I dont feel good taking a double/triple bet with our week. Cus A. We need to get lucky enough to find a beast that we can turn into money which has been explicitly stated to be not garunteed, B nokai is resting this week so she may not want to come which would make rolling to get her to even harder and also be inconsiderate of her resting time as well...
Then we have to get at least average lucky with woodworking lessons and actually making the charm, which has been shown just this last week to not always be the case.

I think the box is a cool idea, but i dont think its for this week. I'd rather make the archer charm super good. Choose our champion hopefully jai fa. Then investigate jin yahzu amd do a social.

Also side note. But has anyone given thought to turning jin yahzu into an aqquaintance, the hate for eachother is stoked by both familirs. There isnt any personal grudge thats too extreme so far. I'd like to attempt to befriend him or at least win/lose being kind to him. Put Mo's lesson to use and it also may be something elder siani would approve of? As it would show we can work with or be nice to people we dont like or skmething like that? Not saying we have to be friends with jhin, but like just try and end the family feud.
I would like to go to the market to see any new materials one more time before making any box or learning any woodworking.
So about three plant that uses 6 talents. Could a sub note to go for the cheaper tutoring action incase we dont get enough from the hunt work?
Also side note. But has anyone given thought to turning jin yahzu into an aqquaintance, the hate for eachother is stoked by both familirs. There isnt any personal grudge thats too extreme so far. I'd like to attempt to befriend him or at least win/lose being kind to him. Put Mo's lesson to use and it also may be something elder siani would approve of? As it would show we can work with or be nice to people we dont like or skmething like that? Not saying we have to be friends with jhin, but like just try and end the family feud.

You see the problem with that is that it requires us to be friendly when we know Jin hates our guts to the point were fucking dueling and is putting us all under a bloody time constraint which I think we can all agree we fucking hate Jin for.

Also our aunt hates the Jins and we'll be doing her a favour by fucking Jin over and I think no one wants to waste a character creation point.

Theirs also the point where we were forced out by Gengs Tu's lackeys to sleep and hide behind Mo's and Nokais skirts place which makes us hate him even more.

Also the now in character reason for Kong Zhi to enter the duel is because he felt weak when he was forced to hide fron Geng and his lackeys behind 2 girls in a cramped shack which fucked over his relationship with Mei Daiyu.

Point being, Jin has been hostile to us since day one. shitting on our charm because it was better then his shoddy Jin craft and we already sabatoged him and he KNOWS IT.

I'm not saying it's impossible to reconcile with Jin mind you. I'm simply saying, "Why would we do that?"

Were dueling him and the plan right now seems to be to make massive 50 BT fucking nuke and throw it at Jin to make him shut the fuck up and stay down.

PS, I didn't mean to sound of as aggressive but this is reality and were literately have been shown no reason to reconcile with him. he fucked with us first by sending Geng Tu to fuck us. Now were throwing back a 50 BT bomb to end him

your asking us to play kind with him, he's already declared bloody war on us and declared forth a duel and sent Geng to fuck us. How about no?
Hey @Vesvius

Just had a question about Beauty Anam. Say we craft a charm with Beauty Anam, does it make the charm look more appealing/increase value solely through it's looks/aura? Or is there a deeper aspect to it? Also all good if you don't want to answer since we haven't experimented with it.
You see the problem with that is that it requires us to be friendly when we know Jin hates our guts to the point were fucking dueling and is putting us all under a bloody time constraint which I think we can all agree we fucking hate Jin for.

Also our aunt hates the Jins and we'll be doing her a favour by fucking Jin over and I think no one wants to waste a character creation point.

Theirs also the point where we were forced out by Gengs Tu's lackeys to sleep and hide behind Mo's and Nokais skirts place which makes us hate him even more.

Also the now in character reason for Kong Zhi to enter the duel is because he felt weak when he was forced to hide fron Geng and his lackeys behind 2 girls in a cramped shack which fucked over his relationship with Mei Daiyu.

Point being, Jin has been hostile to us since day one. shitting on our charm because it was better then his shoddy Jin craft and we already sabatoged him and he KNOWS IT.

I'm not saying it's impossible to reconcile with Jin mind you. I'm simply saying, "Why would we do that?"

Were dueling him and the plan right now seems to be to make massive 50 BT fucking nuke and throw it at Jin to make him shut the fuck up and stay down.

PS, I didn't mean to sound of as aggressive but this is reality and were literately have been shown no reason to reconcile with him. he fucked with us first by sending Geng Tu to fuck us. Now were throwing back a 50 BT bomb to end him

your asking us to play kind with him, he's already declared bloody war on us and declared forth a duel and sent Geng to fuck us. How about no?
Not play nice but do mo hanying strat of offering a hand of piece so that any further agression from him makes him the obvious agressor/sore loser and us a gracious winner and honorable individual. Im all down for showing him up for the bitch he is. However i do wanna try mo hanyings strat of dealing with enemies.