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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Considering it says only one action left, I'm not. Based on what Morgrim said, literally everything is done except the runes, there's only so far that can reasonably be stretched, considering one action completes the job perfectly satisfactorily.
Yeah, I have absolutely no ignoring the cap issue. The QM outright confirmed that there is a cap to how many actions we can put into somethings before it stops giving dividends. As mentioned it's not only a simple request but it's literally halfway done and the only thing left is the runes. Two actions alone is likely the cap since it would give 2 overflow. Considering that an Ancestor god did most of the work we are not going to be able to contribute much more after a point and in fact seem dangerously likely to be wasting actions. Especially since we are unlikely to have Yorri next turn.
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Wish we were taking all our local cool supplies with us. The Hearthstones sure but -- at least, taking the Silver Wutroth with us to the conclave. It's a local material, it's a unique variety of Wutroth, and maybe somebody'll get interested in it.

I mean, this is a chance to advertise or to see if anybody would like more of the stuff! We should be taking not just our finest creations and discoveries (Adamant and the Rune), but also the North's unique resources too.

Although, another potential thing to take is... maybe some Dragon Ogre corpses? We do have shitloads of them after all. And if they're so rare, then maybe somebody will be interested in them.
The Merchants have been doing that well enough. No need to worry.
A followup question: assuming we trigger the commission right now and lock in an action on part 1, does that mean we have to commit to a rune setup at the beginning of next turn? I'm wondering if we'd still be able to spend an action or two on combo tests next turn and use that info to help decide on an array, or if any testing has to happen this turn if we want it to influence our decision.

I suppose an alternative way to phrase my question might be, would you accept a nested plan for turn 22 that might look like:

[ ] test if runes X Y and Z combo, 1 action
[ ] test if runes U V and W combo, 1 action
[ ] griffonking armour, 1 action
-[ ] if runes X Y Z produced a combo during testing, use those runes
-[ ] if runes U V W produced a combo but X Y Z did not, use U V W
-[ ] if neither X Y Z nor U V W resulted in a combo, use runes A B C
God this opens a can of worms I don't want opened. I wanna say no. Let me consider.
My vote comes down on two things.

I just wanna say that your post is the one that convinced me. :smile:

A blinged out griffon aerie is cool, but the biggest contribution we can make is training more apprentices. Just look at what Dolgi accomplished this turn! Plus I wanna see Yorri grumble around the apprentice selection with Snorri.

[X] Plan Conclave of Light With Apprentices
[X] Plan All the Griffon Stuff with Apprentices
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[X] Plan All the Griffon Stuff
[X] Plan Conclave of Light With Apprentices
[X] Plan: Dwarf Santa Visits the Griffons, Plus Yorri
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[X] Plan: Movement of Griffons
[X] Plan Conclave of Light With Apprentices

You know what, while I was perfectly willing to spend two actions on the Aeries to pay back the griffins the fact that people are not only voting to spend 3 actions when it's been repeatedly pointed out how unlikely that that would actually do anything more than waste an action due to the fact that there is a limit to how much overflow something can get but the fact that no one has put up any legit counter to this argument. So would rather go with conclave of light with apprentices than do anything with the Griffins this turn since its just way too much of a missed opportunity with Yorri being here to help with research.

Seriously, is there any counter argument to the fact that there are limits to how much overflow can go into something? Because it really feels like people are just flat our ignoring this fact and how it can be a serious problem. We've seen that 3 actions into crafting a high tier artifact could cap out at legendary with our Kings Adamant armor. Considering that the Aeries is a simple request with a freaking ancestor god having already done most of the work besides the runes it really does seem that anything more than 2 overflow would not accomplish much due to there being realistic limits to how much work can go into something.
My reasoning is simple(heh).

Morgrim laid down a challenge, in a way. That I feel we should live up to. An Ancestor God. Asked for the Sons of Thungi to put the "right" runes in.

What can we do but excel?
My reasoning is simple(heh).

Morgrim laid down a challenge, in a way. That I feel we should live up to. An Ancestor God. Asked for the Sons of Thungi to put the "right" runes in.

What can we do but excel?
Not most likely waste an action on superfluous overflow that probably won't do much and definetly not waste the research boosting of Yorri. 3 prods on Movement of Things comes out to 3d2+3. That's a minimum of 6 actions worth of progress and a maximum of 9 actions. Minus the action it takes to get them that is, at absolute minimum, an entire turns worth of actions down the drain.

So thanks for that.
[X] Plan Conclave of Light and Air No Apprentices

Not the Research I wanted, but with the Griffons securing the mountain peaks, some Laser focus arrays for counter siege work wouldn't go amiss.
On the bright side, Yorri get's to see how we work, when we really get into it, if All the Griffon Stuff wins.
Would much rather be picking his brain for knowledge. Far as I'm concerned All the Griffon Stuff is a disgusting waste. wastes a huge amount of action potential and burns over half of the drogre bodies. Could have done the drogre research with only two destructive testings and two actions next turn.
Not most likely waste an action on superfluous overflow that probably won't do much and definetly not waste the research boosting of Yorri. 3 prods on Movement of Things comes out to 3d2+3. That's a minimum of 6 actions worth of progress and a maximum of 9 actions. Minus the action it takes to get them that is, at absolute minimum, an entire turns worth of actions down the drain.

So thanks for that.
Unlikely. Personal items limited in how much one work on before they're just being redundant, there are a huge amount of parts in the Aerie.
And the entire turns worth of actions, at minimum, we probably just lost from Yorri?
What about it? I didn't see any complaints when we overdid Trollslayer instead of using actions on other things that would have seen us further along, or when we forwent four actions worth of research to go on campaign with Grimnir. The gift of eternal life should be used when it's something we've not had in other quests, limited as we are by lifespan. We will be able to work on it, I want to do something awesome and get the Dragon Ogre stuff finished so we can reap the rewards, especially in our next design, the armor of the Sky King.

Hell, Morgrim might even still be here!

Besides. The fact that Yorri isn't required to spend his time helping us just means he has time to do something else. And as he's still here, I imagine that will be interesting if nothing else.
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Unlikely. Personal items limited in how much one work on before they're just being redundant, there are a huge amount of parts in the Aerie.
Pretty sure the exact same thing applies to things like this. In fact people have pointed this exact argument as to why obsessing over defenses is counterproductive, there is just only so much we can do to something before it becomes redundant. The fact that it's half done already means that it would be getting 4 actions if we put 2 into it with the one action already put into it probably being worth more due to Morgrim designing the thing besides the runes.
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And the entire turns worth of actions, at minimum, we probably just lost from Yorri?

At the end of the day, I see actions as narrative taxes. They are indicators of what the audience wants to see from the quest author write with the limited time he has, intersecting with what the audience thinks the narrative justifies. Sinking three actions, especially on a work of Mogrim might also mean that Snorri get's the rare chance of not just taking on a challenge set by Mogrim to the fullest, but also studying Morgrim's works especially closely for the chance of future insights into Engineering, should Snorri be called to aid the hold once again mega-engineering projects down the line.

Also, I suspect Yorri would still be remaining with us while we go all in on a Project that we treat as a challenge from Mogrim that we rise up to with the utmost. If that doesn't scream interesting narrative potential, not much else would.

Note: I'm not voting for Plan All the Griffon Stuff. But I am sympathetic to advocates pointing out the narrative potential of rising to an implicit challenge from Morgrim. That being said, I fully concede that Destructive Testing on the Shaggoths is very wasteful.
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So, let me try and paint a picture of what I envision from committing three actions to the Aeries this turn.

I imagine pouring over the blueprints of the construction penned by Morgrim, looking at all the spots where runes are supposed to be and planning on exactly what runes, and in what combination, should be placed for the maximum impact. Optimizing it in a way to bring the most out of the construction that Morgrim planned and to bring it to another level entirely, for while Morgrim is without peer in the realm of the physical machinery, we will be adding another dimension entirely, that of the magical. And in that pouring over the blueprint and planning, I expect us to become intimately familiar with Morgrim's construction and gain some insight into how Morgrim planned this Aerie which will further help us refine which runes should go where.

And then comes the construction of the runic arrays, of scaling the sheer mountain peak and working with and around the Griffins who live there, ensuring that no harm, either physical or magical can come and hurt the Griffin's home. Warding against the daemon, against the malignant, providing sanctuary and warmth in the bitter cold of the North. To provide a sanctuary of such runic might that none can doubt that the dwarves repay friends who bleed with them to such an extent as the Griffins that the repayment will be more than just the physical, but will shine with runic might as well.

And I want Morgrim, when he returns from helping claim the Northern Holds, to see that the scions of Thungni also believe that the Aerie is worth their efforts.

That is what I envision, and what I hope for, and why I am voting for spending a significant amount of time right now in completing a simple task.
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