2nd-10th Of Earth: *Ardat Snippet* & New Missions:
You tracked down Leopardmon early in the week, hoping that he'd have information on her whereabouts. Considering the Mega's speed obtaining an audience wasn't difficult. Getting a clear answer out of him on the other paw… well that wasn't as easy.


"Ah yes, I was wondering when you'd bring that little piece of information up. Sending a future Demon Lord to my doorstep and all." The mega muses, his voice filled to the brim with mirth. "You know Verge, you're quite lucky that I'm so magnanimous. Why, another in my position might have seen her as a threat to this world and taken steps to, let's just say end that threat."

The implied threat earns him a harsh glare and low growl, but the bestial digimon raises a paw in forestallment of your anger.

"Shishishi, there's no need to be affronted chevalier, I was merely jesting. This *Ardat* friend of yours is a charming young lady. Why, thoughts of harming her haven't even crossed my mind, honest."

… I do not believe that. Peace Verge, peace.

"I…" You trail off into a deep, calming breath "-would ask where she's being held."

"Being held? Au contraire Verge, I haven't locked her in a cell to rot. Shishishi, she's being allowed to traverse the complex's lower floors. Anything above the tenth sub-level is a danger you see, her presence might leak to the outside world, and the Host finding out about her presence here would be… most difficult to explain. You understand."


"Actually I was ready to tell you the other day, but the subject slipped my mind. Starting your training was of more importance."

I… could have visited my la-friend anytime? Ah, now I feel… dumb.

"Then… can you tell me what Ardat has been doing down there?"

"I certainly could chevalier, but that would ruin the surprise. Let's just say the rather grueling daily tasks of rulership are not as easy as she might have imagined."

"Grueling tasks of… leadership? Is she… ordering mon around?"

"In… a manner of speaking yes, but again, explaining it all would ruin the surprise. Do be patient chevalier, all will be revealed soon."


You didn't realize just how ludicrously far down Bulwark's central fortress goes. The surface elevator only goes down the first ten sub-levels, but there are others that go down a further seventy.

From the information Leopardmon gave you Ardat spends most of her time on the thirteenth sub-floor, meaning that's where you go first. Apparently it has something to do with the number being sinister, but that notion is ridiculous. Numbers by themselves cannot be good, nor evil. They're non-sapient ideas of measurement.

Finding your way around isn't very difficult given that most the sub-divisions share a standard construction plan. Plus it would be nearly impossible not to feel Ardat's aura, it's the most powerful energy around after all.

However… something begins to feel off as you approach, the womon's energy feels more subdued than normal. You try to push the niggling feeling of worry away, but still end up walking just a bit faster than normal.

And what you find open opening the door-

"Ugh… k-kill. U-uuuusss."

-Is the groaning LadyDevimon slumped over a desk, clutching her head in what looks like pain. Your concern spikes, then immediately drops upon realizing that Ardat isn't injured, she's just surrounded by stacks and stacks of paper.

"It's too much… too… boring… Waaah, we wanna do something coo-ooooool!" You stare at the… "pained" LadyDevimon in confusion unable to comprehend the connection between her supposed pain and the *work* she's been taking care of. It also doesn't help that her wail reminds you far too much of… Drop.

"Ahem." You cough into a fist, causing Ardat's head to snap up.

"Verge! Yes! You're here!"

"Aye I-." Which is as far as you get before a crimson missile slams into your chest. The good news it that you're both strong and heavy enough to avoid being pushed back. The bad news…


"Ow…" Ardat mumbles rubbing at her undoubtedly bruised forehead. You reach down as Ardat's shot of vigor fades away, propping a hand under her rear to keep the Ultimate from sinking down. "Hey you're here! We-I'm so glad to… ugh... see... you." The LadyDevimon groans, collapsing against the inside of your arm. "Have to… save me Verge. An empress shouldn't be doing… stupid paperwork."

"Emp… ress?" You sound out the new word curiously, before shaking your head. "Are you alright?"

"Nooooo, I mean, yes? Stupid Leopardmon and his stupid conditions are so laaaaaaame! He made it sound cool, but it's like I'm a student again but worse. Ruling shouldn't require this much writing-or be so boring. Wahaaaaa."

Don't think of Drop, don't think of drop. Don't think of-

Curse this darned-Peace Verge. Peace!

"So, this is what Leopardmon meant by teaching you leadership?"

"Yeaaaaaah. Part of it, he's making me manage some boring logistics for an even more boring-er supply division-thing. "

"I see… is it really this… stressful?"

"Worse Verge, it's not. It's just signing my name and reading, but not cool stuff like trinary or wind sorcery, it's numbers and complaints and blah, blah, blah." The sorceress groans again, weakly beating at your chest with her *normal-sized* fist.

"Right…" You take a few steps forward to set her back down behind the form-covered desk. "I… cannot assist you with this, but… good, luck?"

"You're right servant we-I have to do this myself-no matter how... tedious the task is... for our eventual rule."

That… is not what I-... leave it Verge.

"Very well, then...what are you-"

"You're right! Even if it does mean having to do… this. I won't abandon our dreams!"

Did... did she hear what I was saying-move on Verge.

You're split on the situation. This feels more like the *normal* womon you remember but… this is clearly not *fun* for her.

Mayhaps a change of subject?

"Leopardmon cannot be forcing you to do this all day."

"Mmph. He's not." Ardat answers, folding both arms under her chin. "I train too, but he says I can't be around anyone for it until I can control… my… corrosive…. Thingy…"

Is that… Is steam rising up from her head?... that cannot be good.

Verge is curious what she's doing exactly, writing clearly but…

"How about we take a break?" You posit, looking back out the door. "Grab some sustenance? Meditate?"

"No-ooooo. I've still got… maintenance reports. And a request for some sort of supply mission. Have to… sign... triplicaaaaate…" You back off as the Ultimate lets off another wail, then steady yourself for what needs to be done. "Wait what're you-" You pick the overworked digimon up before she let out another peep and start walking towards what should be the level's designated meditation chamber. She needs to cool down, and you'll make sure it happens.

Your visits over the next week mostly run in the same direction as that first one. Ardat complains, hugs you, and sometimes cries a bit before you drag her off to eat, nap or relax. Why Leopardmon thought this situation was funny is a complete mystery to you… though not to Sparks. He bent over in laughter when you informed him of the situation.


Near the end of the eight day, you're visited during evening meditation by a courier Commandramon.

"Chevalier sir! Leopardmon has a mission for you!" The Rookie exclaims, holding up an envelop longer than he is tall.

A mission? I suppose with Sparks nearly finished with his *rounds* it should be time to advance on our paths once more…

Being careful not to rip the paper, you gingerly reach down and open the message. You're not met by one, but a total of three folded pieces of paper.

=== Choose One:

[] Expedition Into The Flux Mountains:

[] Reinforcing The Hazard Coast:

[] Investigating A Missing Populace:


Verge Bulwark Training:
1 Strength: 59 Strength, 12.75 Fortitude, 13.5 Endurance
1 Endurance: 14.75 Strength, 11 Agility, 54 Endurance
1 Fortitude: 25.5 Fortitude, 13.5 Endurance, 14.75 Strength
1 Agility: 22 Agility, 14.75 Strength, 13.5 Endurance
1 Sparring: 14.75 Strength, 25.5 Fortitude, 13.5 Endurance, 11 Agility, 12.25 Special, 9 Spirit
2 Meditation: 51 Special, 36 Spirit,
Tiger Blood: 9 Strength, 12 Agility, 10 Spirit.
Endurance Augment: 27 Endurance, 11 Agility
=Results->X8. (8 days)
Strength: 127X8=1016
Fortitude: 63.75X8=510
Endurance: 134X8=1080
Agility: 67X8=536
Special: 63.25X8=506
Spirit: 53X8=424

Strength: 19,033.50->20,049.50
Fortitude: 15,763.25->16,273.25
Endurance: 15,732.50->16,812.50
Agility: 13,190.00->13,726.00
Special: 13,397.00->13,903.00
Spirit: 11,812.00->12,236.00

General Fighting: 1.5X1.25X8= 15

Martial Arts: 1.5X1.5X8= 18

General Fighting: 306.50/540->321.50
Martial Arts, GrappLeomon *Maul* Style: 245.50/540->263.50

Slide Evolution (Vertical) : 29/???->30/???


Payment Raised To: 1500 Bits Per Day.

===AN: Woot! Here it is! 2600 words today. I was worried I'd fail to deliver.
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[x] Reinforcing the Hazard Coast

[x] Investigating A Missing Populace:
I don't want to get Avalon back so the flux mountains are dead last for me but I also don't think Verge has the investigative skills for the missing populance which I would normally place at the #1 spot as it involves helping mon the most.

Since it's specified he'll be their for muscle I support the option that has Verge working to save mon.
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I don't want to get Avalon back so the flux mountains are dead last for me but I also don't think Verge has the investigative skills for the missing populance which I would normally place at the #1 spot as it involves helping mon the most.
IIRC for the investiagtion Verge is being brought for muscle power not smarts.
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[] Investigating A Missing Populace:


Wait no, I don't want to be the muscle, thats lame.

[X] Expedition Into The Flux Mountains
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Jeez, poor Ardat.

The fact she's still at it is impressive though.

However, the fact Leopardmon seems to be grooming her to be a warlord aligned with Bulwark seems suspicious. Bulwark setting up a bunch of puppet Kingdoms in secret to exert their influence before they come out of the shadows seems like their style from what we've learned of them, but it also makes me worry for Ardat and Sparks, as well as Drop who are sufficiently close to Knights to be influenced and potentially powerful enough to carve out nation states
The way to make Ardat become more enthusiastic about paperwork is to tell her that she could use magic to improve the process.

Like using wind magic to lift up multiple pens at once so that she can sign multiple forms simultaneously.

[x] Investigating A Missing Populace:
Apparently it has something to do with the number being sinister, but that notion is ridiculous. Numbers by themselves cannot be good, nor evil. They're non-sapient ideas of measurement.
Well, given the nature of the Digital World, that might not actually be true, Verge. Due to all the number-related superstitions the world is absorbing information about.
but not cool stuff like trinary or wind sorcerer,
You back off as Ultimate lets off another wail, than steady yourself for what needs to be done.
off as the Ultimate
I suppose with Sparks nearly finished his *rounds* it should be time to start moving out soon…
finished with his
[X] Expedition Into The Flux Mountains:
Tournament arc coming up soon and I want to be as well off as we can be. if we can get it fix so we can uses it's full power then I am going for it.
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[X] Expedition Into The Flux Mountains:
Tournament arc coming up soon and I want to be as well off as we can be. if we can get it fix so we can uses it's full power then I am going for it.
Huh you qouted me but I don't see it in the proper post... did something happen or did you just decide it whatever you qouted me about wasn't worth the bother?
[X] Expedition Into The Flux Mountains

Gotta fix it, never know when we tank an unstoppable force with our face again.
This is a WAY better Ardat strategy than the Host managed though
[X] Expedition Into The Flux Mountains
Points were being made before; even if one does not want to go Craniumon, Avalon is an important asset for Verge either way because he has a tendency to pick fights with things he should not yet be fighting.

Granted, I do want Craniumon, so I have an additional reason to vote for this.
You'll have to ask Leopordmon about that last subject, since her being in Bulwark's clutches is supposed to be a secret and all.
You tracked down Leopordmon early in the week, hoping that he'd have information on her whereabouts.
"Nooooo, I mean, yes? Stupid Leopordmon and his stupid conditions are so laaaaaaame!
"So, this is what Leopordmon meant by teaching you leadership?"
It's just signing my name and reading, but not cool stuff like trinary or wind sorcerer, it's numbers and complaints and blah, blah, blah."
Wind Sorcery.
You back off as Ultimate lets off another wail, than steady yourself for what needs to be done.
"Chevalier sir! Leopordmon has a mission for you!"

[X] Reinforcing The Hazard Coast:

Repulsa should be near the Hazard's Coast considering that Count's castle is based there.
Huh you qouted me but I don't see it in the proper post... did something happen or did you just decide it whatever you qouted me about wasn't worth the bother?
Deleted the quote cause it came of as way to mean spirited when read it out loud to myself.
Repulsa should be near the Hazard's Coast considering that Count's castle is based there.
She is still stronger then us, I think she can summon tornadoes and she has aerial superiority in every sense of the word. Doubt if we go on this mission we will actually be getting revenge on Repulsa by killing her.
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