Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Mmm, ultimately, I don't see any significant risks here? Like, ultimately, the biggest thing we want at the moment w. regards to Bao Qian is to learn more about his character, and what kind of relationship we want from him. That requires extending a bit of trust that he's also not out to screw us over, and not being hostile and paranoid. If he does try to take advantage too much, then a) the potential cost here is minimal, and b) that would be very valuable information that would be worth far more to us than whatever we lose.

I mean, heck, his main interest here is likely to be the opportunity it provides to try to get LQ more comfortable with the idea of selling songs.

I kinda feel that in many ways this is a character question more than anything, and is about how LQ is trying to deal with Bao Qian.

[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
[X] Reassure Hanyi that you'll find another way for her to help. [Better negotiating position in Zhengui arrangement. Avoids further entanglements with Bao Qian. Sad Hanyi.]
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]

The most painful part of this is the reduced asking power for Zhengui's ash, but I suspect that the amount of income Halnyi is going to be earning is about the same as the amount of additional cash we could sell the ash for. That's not so bad (it equates to giving Hanyi an allowance) but it does put a minor crimp in our finances. We might have to try and find more loot to sell in the course of our adventures to sustain our growth.
So, my poor heart is torn on what to vote for regarding Hanyi. But what I can do is gush over the new techs, or the evolutions to already existing techs, that our wonderful spirits just got. Because every single one of them sounds pretty amazing.

First up is Sixiang, our wonderful little muse of dreams. This is the new tech that I spotted.
Whispering Muse's Mockery: C
Duration: Short
Mingling dream qi with the flows of wind, Sixiang distorts light and sound to create short lived illusory images, complete with sound. This technique may be used in a number of ways, but in combat it grants an ally a large bonus to Physical avoid or an attempt to enter stealth.
I don't think she had this after our dream escapades from last month, but I could be wrong. Overall, it is a nice little buff to an allies' physical avoid or gives them an attempt to enter stealth. Ling Qi already has good physical avoid and stealth, so this seems like a nice little thing that Sixiang can do to help Ling Qi out of sticky situations. Other than that, not much seems to have changed tech-wise since her significant upgrade during the Dream sequence.

Next up is Hanyi, our wonderful little blizzard angel, who if given half a chance will devour every last scrap of qi you have.
Enrapturing Silhouette: C
Using this technique Hanyi draws the attention of targets at Far range to herself. She may target up to five creatures. On success the targets must move toward Hanyi at full base speed and cannot attack her until after her next action. The target receives a large penalty to their Avoid while under this effect, which lasts for a Short time. This effect may be renewed freely on affected targets at E rank cost if uninterrupted.

Mournful Lullaby: D
Usable only against those caught in the effects of Enrapturing Silhouette, this technique receives a significant bonus to hit against such targets. Targets of this effect receive penalties to All Hit, Avoid, and Initiative, which stack with each application.
And this is where things start getting nasty for our opponents. These are not new techs, but rather refinements on the previous techs. And, it seems to amount to a "save or die" effect, which is really awesome. The reason why I say this is because Hanyi can now, without costing an action, extend the effect of Enrapturing Silhouette. Which means that the opponent can't target Hanyi, continues to have a large penalty to avoid (important for Zhengui), continue to be drawn to her, and can more easily be layered with Mournful Lullaby or eaten with Snow Maiden's Embrace (which I didn't quote, but basically steals qi and health from opponents in melee range). With the ability to target five opponents at once she can more easily drag specific individuals to their doom. The only thing I wish for is some way for her to punch up and snag one really important guy.

However, Hanyi is part of a 2 spirit combo. Because as she draws victims closer to her, she draws them closer to Zhengui. Speaking of Zhengui... he is, in my opinion, the man of the hour here.

Blood Boiling Venom: D
Upkeep 5
Damage: D(Bonus, poison)
Zhengui strikes with venomous fangs injecting a terrible, deadly heat into the target. With the boiling venom flowing in their veins, the victim finds themselves weakened and slowed until the effect burns out. Alternatively this effect may be applied to the Paradise Bedrock technique

Volcanic Stone Shell: C
Duration: Long
Zhengui infuses his shell with withering heat and stony resilience, burning bright with a volcanic blaze. Enemies who strike Zhengui with melee weapons suffer C rank fire damage. Enemies within Very Close Range suffer constant E Rank fire damage


Paradise Forge: B
Damage: B
Channels fire into the earth, awakening the latent volcanism in the memory of stone. The powerful flame qi pressurizes the molten stone forming beneath the surface until it explodes upward in a rolling ring of eruptions. Upon activation, enemies within close range of Zhengui are targeted, on Zhengui's next action enemies between Close and Far range are targeted. This technique has a significant bonus to hit and and penetration against any target in contact with the ground.
Now, we voted to help Zhengui develop his Blazing Blood abilities. And they really seem to have improved, with a whole new tech "Paradise Forge." First off, let's talk about Blood Boiling Venom, which can now be applied to his Paradise Bedrock technique. This is wonderful in my opinion because Paradise Bedrock enables more attacks, which means more chances to tag people with his venom. And given that Hanyi can reduce the avoid of opponents with a successful hit, that means a lot more people getting tagged with more venom.

Volcanic Stone Shell gets some more clarification and added bonuses. Coming in at C rank damage for opponents who think that hitting Zhengui in melee is a good idea and E rank fire damage in very close, Zhengui is going to be a monster in close-quarters combat, which, conveniently, Hanyi can provide.

But the new tech takes the cake. Paradise Forge continues the trend of techs that Zhengui is a tropical Volcano that will obstruct opponents in difficult to get through jungles and smother them in lava. Furthermore, I just think that Paradise Forge is a really cool name. But back on topic about why I like Paradise Forge so much, well, we've seen what it can do. It destroyed the hill Zhengui had been practicing on and seems like it could do a ton of damage, especially if an opponent is within the sweet spot of close range, or tries to flee the initial eruption but doesn't get far enough. Because then it can hit them twice.

Paradise Forge additionally has a very nice bonus against people who are touching the ground when the tech goes off. While not particularly useful against the flighty Cloud Barbarians, it will be immediately useful against the Gnawing Ones who seem to live their entire lives in the ground or at least touching the ground. And, we'll be heading into the Corrupted Caverns this month. Hopefully, we'll have a chance to see Zhengui pull this tech out and devastate the Gnawing Ones who try to attack our party. While it'll be expensive for him, he has qi regen and we can provide him with some more qi regen through our domain.

All in all, I'm really liking the additions that our spirits got, and I am going to be excited to see them in action under the earth when we go on our trip.
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]

People are forgetting how much it cost to make the whole recording thing , I believe it was 1GS and that was with a massive discount on Baos end. And he also needs to make a profit, so when you take that into account its not as if suddenly the entire empire is gonna know hanyi, the customers who can afford to drop a few GS on a simple song from a grade 3 spirit , are gonna be far and few between. Most likely wealthy or eccentric individuals who really love and appreciate music. and as stated before , bao is someone trying to impress enough to MARRY us. He isnt going to screw us over , and if he was its good that we find out his character way early on before we even reach that point so we can drop him and find our one true love the ogre king. jeez guys cut down on the paranoia
I really do not want to refuse Hanyi here. But what bugs me is this: Why do we get penalised for bringing MORE business to the deal? Is Hanyi's singing so bad that Bao Qian will have a loss from producing and selling the records?

One explanation I see is that he would spend time on a venture that is not as profitable than others, but still. Reduction on the price for Zhengui's ash and a favour is kinda steep.
I really do not want to refuse Hanyi here. But what bugs me is this: Why do we get penalised for bringing MORE business to the deal? Is Hanyi's singing so bad that Bao Qian will have a loss from producing and selling the records?

One explanation I see is that he would spend time on a venture that is not as profitable than others, but still. Reduction on the price for Zhengui's ash and a favour is kinda steep.
I guess the idea is that by asking Bao Qian to do this we are now asking something instead of just being the one who is asked.
Sure both deals will presumably make money, but one deal is something Qian wants, and the other is something we want, so being a better negotiator, Qian can leverage that into a more favorable deal on the one he is after.
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]

People are forgetting how much it cost to make the whole recording thing , I believe it was 1GS and that was with a massive discount on Baos end. And he also needs to make a profit, so when you take that into account its not as if suddenly the entire empire is gonna know hanyi, the customers who can afford to drop a few GS on a simple song from a grade 3 spirit , are gonna be far and few between. Most likely wealthy or eccentric individuals who really love and appreciate music. and as stated before , bao is someone trying to impress enough to MARRY us. He isnt going to screw us over , and if he was its good that we find out his character way early on before we even reach that point so we can drop him and find our one true love the ogre king. jeez guys cut down on the paranoia
Thank you! Seriously guys, what's with the portrayal of a nefarious, manipulative Boa Qian here? He wants us to like him! Maybe the price of ZG's ash might be lowered a bit but I'm sure it won't be that much. He may be having trouble getting a read on LQ but he's not stupid. Even if he was the manipulative type, he wouldn't rip us off and then still expect us to still view him favorably as a marriage prospect. I mean, c'mon people. Even if ya do dislike him as an option for a husband, the fact is we have no reason to believe he's some slimy businessman. Relax.

[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
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[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]
Thank you! Seriously guys, what's with the portrayal of a nefarious, manipulative Boa Qian here?
And if he is, then, uh, we want to find that out sooner rather than later?

She's an early green spirit about to enter the supernatural idoru market without any street cred to her name.
At the same time, "authentic yukionna songs" are the kind of thing that can have a certain novelty and value.
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]

What's up with the blatant fear mongering on this vote?
I really do not want to refuse Hanyi here. But what bugs me is this: Why do we get penalised for bringing MORE business to the deal? Is Hanyi's singing so bad that Bao Qian will have a loss from producing and selling the records?

One explanation I see is that he would spend time on a venture that is not as profitable than others, but still. Reduction on the price for Zhengui's ash and a favour is kinda steep.
I mean, first off is the Imperial preconception that humans are better than spirits. So right off the bat trying to sell the songs of a spirit is going to be a hard sell. Second, he's not particularly interested in Hanyi and in the grand scheme of things Hanyi isn't going to interest most people. She's the daughter of a local spirit who is connected to the rising star of Ling Qi, but she's not Ling Qi. Third, she's young and has a lot of growing to do. As an early green spirit, her songs are going to pack a lot less weight and meaning than a Green 4 or 5 spirit.

If even the materials for the recording device cost about a greenstone, then you have to consider the transportation of the item to the person interested in it, marketing to get people interested in it, the price people would be willing to buy it at, the cost of giving Hanyi stones for her work, and then finally the profit margins he would like to have on the item and suddenly it doesn't start to look like a good deal, but rather a net loss on his end.
[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]

No Sad Hanyi thank you.
It's probably takes a lot longer to find buyers for the niche that Hanyi provides. It's gonna be less reward for longer time investment. It might not be unprofitable per say, but the return on investment is likely to be lower than he likes.
I mean.... trading favours is how relationships work. The question here is if we think Hanyi is worth doing "normal noble stuff" for, or if she doesn't deserve any effort on our part. That, and whether we think Bao is going to completely screw us over... but if we think that, it's better to know for sure.

[X] Agree to talk to Bao Qian [Gives Hanyi income. Owe favor to Bao Qian. Reduces asking power in Zhengui negotiations]