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Plus it gives time for Tim to complete Kayleigh's Device and for Missy's mutation to settle. (This of course means that two out of the four of us will be able to understand Japanese, so if we 'have to' split up the pairings are obvious )
I certainly like the way you think, but I wasn't completely sure on the timing of this when we'd already voted for Tim to build Kayleigh's device. Presumably left up to Silently Watches how to handle it, but I can see a route where Laura is wavering enough that Taylor gives Kayleigh her device early as a result of Kayleigh saying she just needs that little bit of a nudge (which also prompts the trip) or something.
RE: Catears, I am horribly biased to begin with (if the avatar wasn't enough, I'm very transhumanist) .... BUT from a narrative perspective, doesn't it play a little better for Missy to have some sort of mutation that requires a little lifestyle effort to adapt to? Rather than building up all of TIm's angst and worry about side effects, making Missy play assistant for a week to see what happens.... and then she gets the 0.1% lottery of a minor dye-job after all that.
It cheapens the earlier buildup in a way, and arguably sets up a path of her saying "see nbd now give me dragon wings" or something careless while Tim's left thinking he was over-worried and easing off safety protocols when it was really just 'luck'.
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