Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Is there a post with a summary of the math cabal's thesis on the perfect Ling Qi cultivation plan?

Kinda sorta not really. Math cabal is a discord thing (and has its own internal schisms/arguments), so the closest thing in thread is the assorted posts from math cabal reps explaining why this or that monthly plan is best.

IIRC the latest plan vote was on page 1064 ( after Turn 6 Arc 3-3), so that'd be a good place to start skimming for walls of text/numbers.
"I promise," Ling Qi said, her voice raspy to her own ears. "I can't say we'll always be side by side, but I promise I won't leave you behind."

His head whipped up and he stared at her in surprise. "Big Sister?"

Ling Qi grimaced, a shiver going up her spine. A pain had just bloomed in her abdomen, it felt like a broken rib, a jagged fracture where the two broken ends scraped against one another. She straightened up, meeting her little brothers eyes again. "But Zhengui, Hanyi, you have to understand. I can't slow down. Not when I'm still so weak," she spoke with absolute conviction, and that conviction felt like a balm. She breathed in and out, and the sharpness of the pain faded, becoming an ache in the back of her mind.

Domain Conflict Discovered
Early Discovery reduces impact.
-0.2 Multiplier added to spiritual and physical cultivation until conflict is resolved.
Okay, seen a bunch of discussion on the conflict, but this was always building up with our choices, as we both take pro-social domain choices and the SCS/FVM/FSS trifecta of insights focus on how loss and suffering can be good things.
I do have a problem with people focusing on one or two specific insights as the cause however, this is interlinked.

The conflicting insights:
-Yellow/Green Breakthrough(Home) - I will be strong enough to bring my friends with me, and I will build a home where they can be at ease
--Ling Qi cannot leave her bonds behind for her own convenience. Zhengui helped expose this as a problem but it was just waiting for her to trigger it anyways.

-SCS - Always be growing, always be changing.
--This would have gotten triggered regardless, down one choice we refuse to change to fit the opinions of our family and down the other we consider the possibility that growth along certain avenues might not be allowed.

-FVM - Suffering is worth it if the reward is good for your loved ones.
--This is fine on its own but...

-Advanced - The opinions of your family matter.
--This has put FVM in conflict with our Yellow breakthrough, because the opinion of our loved ones is that the suffering isn't worth it.

We did however, avoid triggering the SCS-FVM-SES conflict, if we had refused to change we'd have been looking at a different tangle, where we refuse to change to account for the opinions of our family, but we had also chosen to stand our ground when it matters.

Reconciling this would probably require more advanced insights to add nuance, and we probably want to slow down on slotting new insights if its feasible, until we resolve this, adding more potentially conflicting elements would really complicate things fast.
Primary angles to build off that I can see:
-Elaborate upon our advanced insight and SES. How do you determine precedence when parts of the family wants mutually exclusive things?

-Hybridize SES and SCS into an advanced insight regarding growth and its costs. Always grow, always adapt, but are all costs equal? Where must you make a stand?

-Build upon AM, SCS and the advanced insight on the value of honest communication.

Also horrifying thought, if we had left this until past Green 5 we'd have been building on an intrinsically flawed foundation.

"I, Zhen will not drag Sister down, and he will not let Gui do so either," Zhen said haughtily, overriding Gui's stumbling response.

"Hanyi will work hard, as long as Big Sis doesn't go away," Hanyi mumbled, looking less certain. "I'm sorry for being lazy."

"You're not …" Ling Qi grimaced again. How far had Hanyi progressed, refined her techniques, how far had she pushed herself. "I believe in you too Hanyi. I just… haven't been a very good teacher," she was still so far from ideal herself. How could she match up to Zeqing as a mentor? But, if she couldn't leave them behind… she felt her resolve harden. She would just have to work twice as hard to help them keep up. "We'll all work hard together. That's what a family is supposed to do, isn't it?" Wasn't it? She didn't really know.
Ling Qi really does need to understand that effort doesn't always correlate to results...admittedly she has us doing the efficient effort planning for her.
E rank Health Regeneration
May use Stamina in Dispel Tests against physical arts and effects.
May use Stamina in Resist Tests
+10 to Physical Armor of Ling Qi and Hanyi when in the same scene
Grants one grade increase to allied Stamina tests in scene
Up to three times per scene, may change the target of a enemy spiritual effect to himself. This effect cannot be used on effects used by a cultivator more than two stages above Zhengui
May reduce his size by up to two thirds and remain combat capable. All damage dealing techniques scaled down while reduced in size. (Max one rank at full reduction)
Huh, wonder if we could carry him into the air with the shrinking.
His ability to forcibly drag an enemy effect onto himself seems to be a great way to counter attacks, though taking literally he can use it to steal buffs too?

His dispel math is really nice now, though his sole dispel is Eternal Roots, he could probably update Ashfield Flowering to remove hostile effects..
Ling Qi smiled as she felt his qi unsnarl, rippling out over her and Hanyi both. She reached down and patted him affectionately atop his scaly head. Even Hanyi gave her a hesitant smile. Still, there was someone missing.

'Sixiang' Ling Qi thought, reaching out in her mind for the bundle of emotion and sensation that represented the muse in her thoughts. 'Can we talk at all?'

"Not bad work with the kiddos," she was happy when the muse replied after only a few moments. "I'm not sure I can keep doing this Ling Qi." The words that followed were like ice water down her back.

'What is that supposed to mean?' Ling Qi thought in alarm.

'I like you a lot Ling Qi, but I'm not sure I want to see much more of this world anymore," Sixiang chuckled haggardly. They felt exhausted and drowsy.. "We can… you wanted to cultivate the Songseekers Ceremony right? We'll talk then, okay? I don't have much energy right now."
The classic response to a bad dream, to want to wake up, make it not be so.
They've seen a lot of suffering in a very short time after all
"It's fine Gui," Ling Qi said gently. "We're just going to be very busy. So… let's enjoy today. We'll have to start working hard tomorrow. Hanyi, would you like to compose with me? The boys here can be our audience."

'Ah, that sounds fun," Hanyi brightened up. "Though I don't think this dummy could tell a sour note from a clear one."

"I Zhen do not have to stand for these insults," the serpent hissed. "We have listened to Big Sister since we were small, of course we understand music!"

"Yeah!" Gui agreed. "Gui notices Hanyi missing notes all the time!"
"I don't miss notes you you jerk," Hanyi said, climbing to her feet. Her pale cheeks darkened to blush as she flushed with embarrassment. "You take that back!"
Perceptiveness: C
Oh wow, Zhengui might not be a musician himself but he sure as hell can tell when you're doing it wrong!

So for the options:
[Zhengui][] Blooming From Ash
-Zhengui as Fortress, he's definitely not going to be very mobile here given that the basic technique involves rooting himself.
-Innocuous Hill gives him stealth, but he can't really move while doing the Hill thing.
-Massive area anti-ground attacks
-Maybe it focuses on the stealth aspect so he can work with Ling Qi on scouting?

[Zhengui][] Blazing Blood
-Zhengui as Artillery
-Zhengui as Duelist
-Probably focuses on his artillery ability to act as flak to be able to participate when Ling Qi goes into an aerial battle, though since it doesn't grant any perception ability he'd have trouble targeting once we fly far enough.

[Zhengui][] Verdant Ash Duality
-Zhengui as Support
-Zhengui's current healing wasn't enough to account for the poison effect. It needs either better power than E rank, or else dispelling rider effects
-Rebirth Inferno is currently unusable, as it leaves Zhengui a liability.
-Minds Apart could feasibly extend into a multi-location technique using Wood/Ash clones later?
-This has Zhengui's counterattacks, which makes it good for a defensive battle where you fight around him and he'd shut them down. Currently also needs more punch

[Hanyi][] Lonely Winter Maiden
-Lure technique, brings people into Zhengui's counterattack range.
-Lifedrain technique, might be able to improve that to transfer the gain to allies?

[Hanyi][] Frozen Peak Serenade
-DPS technique, allows Hanyi to ride Ling Qi and compound Ling Qi's own alpha strike.
-However, Hanyi is a little fragile to make it work.

[Hanyi][] Fleeting Spring's Chill
-Defensive technique
-Mobility technique
-Lets Hanyi operate closer to the brawl safer(important because her attacks are all close range and everything else brings opponents closer), its basically an ice SCS.

[X][Zhengui] Verdant Ash Duality
[X][Hanyi] Fleeting Spring's Chill
[X][Hanyi] Fleeting Spring's Chill
[X][Zhengui] Blazing Blood

I know this gon loose cus other has 40 votes already but i think hanyi needs some survivability with how close range she is
[Hanyi][] Fleeting Spring's Chill
-Defensive technique
-Mobility technique
-Lets Hanyi operate closer to the brawl safer(important because her attacks are all close range and everything else brings opponents closer), its basically an ice SCS.
Last time we saw Hanyi in battle she was riding LQ shoulders like no tomorrow, so I would say mini ice SCS is good but not essential to us now, especially considering that SNR work on Near allies.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by EternalObserver on Dec 8, 2019 at 5:51 AM, finished with 203 posts and 62 votes.
Last time we saw Hanyi in battle she was riding LQ shoulders like no tomorrow, so I would say mini ice SCS is good but not essential to us now, especially considering that SNR work on Near allies.
Oh certainly, but its the sort of thing that'd pay off later, since if she wants to do anything other than be a shoulder mounted turret for Ling Qi or Zhengui, she'd need that.
[X][Zhengui] Verdant Ash Duality
[X][Hanyi] Lonely Winter Maiden

I'll take a swing too. I don't think there is any true argument for LWM, so I won't talk about it. I think VAD is what we should improve for three reasons.

1. Healing is something that should be improved for our little party.

2. This is his racial trait (sorta), and improving this in theory should improve him entirely, along with hopefully promoting his overall growth.

3. These techs are decently powerful, and if we unlock more I have a feeling they will be similar in potency and connected to his way more than the other two.

I also think by taking Hanyi's CC/support with Zhengui's CC/support will be much better in a combat situation as a multiplier. Could be wrong though so I won't be upset if blazing blood wins because I could see it being useful.
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On Cultivation and War
@yrsillar Here's my first attempt at creating an omake.

"It is commonly agreed that cultivation requires conviction and commitment to ideals. Furthermore every cultivator feels this necessity growing within themselves as they advance in their personal Way. Yet there is a danger that ideals that cultivators craft into themselves are found to be in conflict - and that conflict can kill cultivator that would be impervious to any physical or spiritual attack. Due this seeing a painting can kill person that would never have fallen in battle - as they are forced to witness what they otherwise would have been blind to - a contradiction to everything they are.

Knowledge is power that even a child can wield to kill highest of cultivators. A well placed word, a plea or even looking away can trigger cultivator to understand what they have made themselves to be. One can only imagine what it feels like when their very essence to be found wanting by itself. There is a curious quality to this as cultivators can advance as long as contradictions within themselves are not made manifest. To a terrifying extent a problem ignored is a problem solved.

Yet when it comes to war we can force our opponents to face what they themselves have ignored. Essence of battle is to force opponent to see contradiction in themselves by discerning who they have made themselves to be and then creating untenable situation for those truths. Either our opponent yields to us or they face how they themselves are lacking. In wars between highest cultivators it is a rare sight to see cultivators in truth scrapping it out with each other even if such sight were surely of horrifying majesty. Any strategist with any amount of foresight will avoid such situation as such destructive events leave nothing worth fighting for to be found. If you doubt my words go to Golden Fields and ask yourself if you'd wage war over it now.

If strategy is about managing information and utilizing it to force opposition to acknowledge conflicts within their cultivation then grand strategy is ensuring that conflicts arise by creating environs where opponents have to choose particular kinds of insights. This approach needs not be certain - it is enough that opposition tends to gain particular kinds of insights that agents promote within hostile cultivators. Particulars depend on foe that you are contending with - if they bind themselves to spirits make contradictory spirits available and if they mutilate themselves make particular mutilations more easily accessible. War can be over before it even starts if enemy falls upon itself.

As truths are to cultivators so are situations to nations. Domains of nations can be in conflict as much as domains of cultivators - and as you promote conflicting truths in cultivators by crafting situations so you craft environs of nations so that they too do create contradictions within themselves so that in a right moment they fall upon themselves instead of you. This is the essence of Art of War.

Ministry of Integrity is a curious example of Imperial honesty. It is commonly held to be an enforcer of Imperial policies and laws, but its name itself contain seed of truth. Ministry of Integrity helps to keep integrity as every loyal cultivator is invaluable asset, but at the same time fragile to truths that contradict their Way. It is duty of ministry to edit what is seen lest most precious of imperial assets were to die aghast of what is true. "

- Fragment of On cultivation and war, a heretical and banned text
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Oh certainly, but its the sort of thing that'd pay off later, since if she wants to do anything other than be a shoulder mounted turret for Ling Qi or Zhengui, she'd need that.
Well, you said it yourself, she will need upgrading her movement techs later, wich means next time. I have nothing against that.

I'll take a swing too. I don't think there is any true argument for LWM, so I won't talk about it. I think VAD is what we should improve for three reasons.

1. Healing is something that should be improved for our little party.

2. This is his racial trait (sorta), and improving this in theory should improve him entirely, along with hopefully promoting his overall growth.

3. These techs are decently powerful, and if we unlock more I have a feeling they will be similar in potency and connected to his way more than the other two.

I also think by taking Hanyi's CC/support with Zhengui's CC/support will be much better in a combat situation as a multiplier. Could be wrong though so I won't be upset if blazing blood wins because I could see it being useful.
Good thinking, but I am not sure if Zhengui would be satisfied with being just support. He seemed pretty determined to exterminate anything that could threaten his big sis to me and his counter strike just didn't have range, it's attack on Near targets for god's sake, cloud barbarians will just laugh at that. Certainly we can lure someone in range with Hanyi, but luring some enemy to Near range of Zhengui, while expecting that enemy to strike Lng Qi (because under LWM enemy can't attack Hanyi), so that Zhengui can activate his counter, wich aren't actually stronger than his Boiling Blood techs just hit better... that seemed plain excessive to me.
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