In The Vale: High As Honor
-[X] Survey the Realm: Your father is no longer able to Survey the realm on his own, and you will need to do it yourself. You shall visit the Holdfasts and towns and keeps, and update the maps your father uses. Rolled:
1D100 => 100+40=140
You left on the First Moon of the New Year, while the summer frosts still bit and controlled the Vale, and the roads were frozen, the mud that lay under it, solid, and the dirt firm.
The winds were to your back, as you traveled the roads of the Vale, to meet all whom you could meet.
You first arrived at Hearts Home, the Seat of the Corbray's, and the traditional first stop in any survey of the Realm heading to the coast.
You were greeted with open beds and open arms from Lady Callen Corbray. Her husband and sons were on a hunt for elk and deer to prepare for the night's festivities.
The conversation you had was rather pleasant, and your kind words and compliments, both on her home and her health, was something she found greatly appreciated
The men returned with a bounty of Elk and deer, and the kind meetings from Lord Corbray and his sons filled them all with great pride. Your words of kindness and the war stories you all swapped kept the candles burning long and hot. By the time morning came, you were half asleep, and the others thoroughly enjoying your company, and your Charisma, and your reputation.
They were all still in disbelief in your story of how you and Marq Grafton slew the Monstrous Mayles, and Samaro Saan, commenting on your daring and cunning, and luck.
They bid you farewell, as you continued your travels.
Every visit and every lord met, they fell for your aura of confidence, reputation, and willingness to listen to their grievances.
And you enjoyed every moment.
Every Day you stopped and made adjustments to your maps, correcting long-running errors and made a more accurate map… with the help of your Falcon.
With your Falcon, it made almost everything… easy, when drawing for distance, for accuracy in height, and even in potential hazards for the future.
You even came up with a way to make the map more accurate.
Triangulation. Make a set of triangles, measure the distance
And with the Equipment you brought, and built from the Free cities and from the workshops of the Vale, the map you made was accurate to the foot.
Soon, you had papers and papers, scrolls and scrolls, filled with accurate triangles of provinces, lands of the Lord's.
There were certain areas that were inaccurate, those lands being controlled by the Mountain clans, and you were forced to make guesses based on previous sights with your Falcon.
By the end of your three-month-long journey, you had the start of a truly accurate map of the Vale.
Reward: The Lord's of the Vale is in love with you, and they have been swayed under your charismatic personality, and reputation. They will not raise a fuss when you succeed, whenever you do rise to the Falcon Throne, and the Title of the Warden of the East.
You have the start of a truly accurate map of the Vale, of the Eyrie, Hearts Home, and Oakwood.
-[X]Look for a Midwife for Rhaella and Rowena: You are worried that the local midwives and the maester might not be… suitable for the task of delivering your siblings and your child. You wish to see a true master of her craft. Rolled:
1D100 => 95
The Rumors of a truly magical midwife reached your ears as you were in Runestone, visiting uncle Yohn.
The woman was a woods witch, a mountain clanswoman who offered her services to any who asked her. Valeman, Clansmen… peasant, and Lord Alike.
But a price had to be paid for her services… a price that none knew and none ever spoke of.
You walked towards the Witches tent, confident that nothing would happen. "Hello." You said.
"The Young Falcon finally arrives." She said quietly.
Your eyes narrowed. You had made sure to make your presence as… low profile as possible. "Hello, Witch." You stated.
"Please Lord, Call me Helen." the witch replied. "As for how I knew it was you, young falcon… your falcon flying over my home revealed you."
You raised an eyebrow but sat down without any hesitation. "Listen… Helen, I'm-" you started.
"Fearing the birth of both your daughter and that of your brother?" She asked.
Your eyes widened. "How you possibly know that?" You were shocked, surprised… confused.
Helen nodded and smiled. "An old crone has to have a few secrets… but to satisfy your curiosity, the bones told me." She replied, throwing bones into the fire. They then cracked, and smoke rose, showing two Falcons before they were blown away by the wind. "Two Falcons will be born, one a male, the other female. The Dragon will give birth to the girl, and the Falcon, the boy."
"How?" You asked. "How could you possibly know that?"
Helen laughed. "I have delivered children for over fifty years, and the bones have never lied to me." She replied. "But I suspect you want my help."
"I do." You replied. "I heard you offer a price for your services… name them, and it shall be given."
"My, so willing to give what is most valuable." Her words sent shivers up your spine. "Very well. I need a few drops of your blood." She showed a glass vial and a knife. "Blood, for life, that is my price." She stated.
You nodded, and put a small cut onto your thumb, and allowed the drops of blood to drip into the glass vial.
After twenty drops, Helen took the vial and corked it, giving you a smile. "Very well my lord. I shall be at the Eyrie for the birth a fortnight before, and no sooner." She replied.
"Thank you." You replied with a bow of your head.
"No dear… thank you." She replied with a sickeningly sweet smile.
You left, feeling a sense of dread fill your stomach.
Reward: You have Hired Helen the wood witch to assist the birthing of your daughter and your brother. She will arrive a fortnight before the birth.
+50 to all survival rolls. -20 to complication rolls.
-[X]Call upon the Knights of the Vale: The Vale, for too long has had roaming bands of disunified groups of knights, wandering the countryside, looking for honor, glory and wealth. You had seen what a coordinated group of knights did to a disciplined army. And it gave you an idea. You shall assemble them into a true order of knights. An Order of Winged Knights, to serve the Lord of the Eyrie, and the Vale itself. Rolled:
1D100 => 98+60=158
Your message was sent out to all the knights of the Vale, to all knights, lowborn and high, to join you in the Eyrie, to become part of the Brotherhood of True knights.
Every, single knight heeded your call. All Three thousand of them, from landed knights, to hedge knights, to wandering knights who had returned home from the war, squires who had never been knighted by their masters, to even the wanderers who swore to never return to the Vale.
All came, and all gathered to hear you speak.
You spoke of true knightly virtue that the world lacked, that forced men like them to abandon them, for the sake of survival, for the sake of coin, for the sake of tattered honor.
How the virtues they all had, could never survive in this world of evil.
How together, you in fact had a way to bring the true virtues and valor, and honor back to the world.
You proposed the order of Knights… of True Knights who would protect the weak, the downtrodden, the Helpless, for honor, and because it is the right thing to do.
Payment will come from the Valien Coffers, and from the lord's who had agreed to your plans and had created a fund for this endeavor.
It was met with unanimous applause, and agreement.
And the man who would lead them was one Ser Brynden 'The Blackfish' Tully, who had heeded the call.
Evil would fear them… This Order of Winged Knights.
Reward: The Order of Winged Knights has been founded.
Ser Brynden Tully has been made Grandmaster. They have set up shop in Fingerton, Gulltown, the Eyrie, and Runestone building small allotted fortressed to both defend the lands and to help build it.
You can now call upon Winged Knights to Fight for you, no matter the cause, as you are their benefactor.
-[X] Correspond with Friends: You wish to write a letter to a friend of yours.
--[X] Aerys II Targaryen Rolled:
1D100 => 99+60=159
Dear King Aerys, The Second of His name, King of the Raynor, the Andels and the First Men,
I hope running the Kingdom has been as exciting as being a Lord of the Eyrie has been for me.
I write this letter to you as merely a social call, as my duties have been keeping me occupied and such, I must keep this letter, Brief.
The Vale, has seen great growth, both in people, food and in protective capacity against the Mountain Clans. The Order of the WingedKnights have begun their patrols to the countryside, and we have noted a sharp decrease in banditry, and in raids from the clans.
Though we have a few pirates off our coast, we will not require any royal assistance
I wish you well my friend and good wishes for the future.
Arstan Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie
Reward: Your letter improves Aerys Sanity. Your reputation increases.
-[X]Travel to Uncle Yohn's: You will go to Runestone, and cash in a Favor… and find out what that Rune he gave you did? And why he gave it to you? Rolled:
1D100 => 1+60 (Skills)-20 (Yohn's son is born)=41
Your Uncle could not see you as you had hoped. He was celebrating being a father to a boy named Ander.
You were named the Goodfather of the boy, something you were happy to accept.
Reward: Nothing of value was learned. You are the Goodfather to Ander Royce.
-[X]Train in Combat: You will learn to master Swordsmanship. (Note, as you are a Veteran of a war, you get a +20 for one attempt, and if it passes, You will achieve the rank of Master. if you fail, you cannot go any further in training without finding a teacher.) Rolled:
1D100 => 79+20=99
Without fail, you used your time and the will to become a better knight, a fighter and soldier.
With Ser Bryndens Help… you achieve that perfection, mastering the blade, the lance, the bow… You became a true killer.
Reward: You are now a master fighter.
-[X]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. (Note, as you are a Veteran of a war, you get a +20 for one attempt, and if it passes, You will achieve the rank of Master. if you fail, you cannot go any further in training without finding a teacher.) Rolled:
1D100 => 19+20=39
The same could not be said, however, for your ability to command me.
Try as you must, but charisma does not always equal sound strategy.
You have 7 Actions.
Duties: These Actions are duties you can take to help Run the Vale.
(Can only choose 1, which counts as one of your actions)
Note: Ignoring your duties is a surefire way to getting in trouble, and losing Reputation with your lord's and father… however, if you fail, you will also be seen as a failure.
[]Balance The Books: your father has always been a dutiful record keeper… however, he does have moments of forgetfulness. You can always double-check, make sure the books are all in order.
[]Partake in Your Father's Council meetings: You are going to partake in your father's council meetings, learn about the true state of the Vale from their reports, not from second-hand sources and rumors.
[]Patrol the Eastern Road: You shall gather the knights of the Vale, and patrol the Eastern Road, to protect it from Mountain Clan raids, and bandits, and other vagabonds.
[]Survey the Realm: Your father is no longer able to Survey the realm on his own, and you will need to do it yourself. You shall visit the Holdfasts and towns and keeps, and update the maps your father uses. (The map will continue to Update.)
[]Drill the Garrison: Your father wants the garrison in top shape for raids, defending, and maintaining discipline.
[]Gather A Stockpile of Weapons: The Eyrie does not have a peacetime stockpile of weapons, having been exhausted during the Brotherhood war. You will need to replace it.
[]Oversee The Road Construction (The Northern Road. Salt Pans to Strong Song): The Northern road connects Saltpans, to the High Road, to the North through the Mountains of the Moon. This task is difficult by the terrain, but the Valeman has built far more difficult constructions. (Note this action lasts for 5 turns, and if you do not oversee it, it will continue on without you.
[]Oversee The Road Construction (Gulltown to the Fingers): The Road will be less difficult to oversee than that of the Northern Road, but is far more dangerous. The Burned Men have been known to burn trading caravans through those mountains.
Personal Actions: You have time to spend on yourself.
[]Build a Retinue: You want to create a retinue of sorts, to assist you in your duties and in your travels around the Vale. (Note, this will Generate a Random Retinue of Locals from Around the Eyrie, you will not be able to build it yourself via events from other actions, or from keeping.)
[]Recruit Ser Brynden into your Retinue: You shall ask Ser Brynden to be in your retinue.
[]The Birth: You shall witness the birth of your child, you're daughter and your Brother.
[]Spend Time with Your Father: You want to spend time with your father, outside of an official capacity.
[]Spend Time with Rhaella: "Rhae… my your belly has gotten big." You teased.
[]Spend Time with Rowena: You will spend time with you're… stepmother.
[]Explore the Eyrie: You have not been home in a very long time… you want to memorize the entire layout of the castle… just to be safe.
[]Find A Septon: It seems in your absence, the Septon died… better go find another one for the Eyrie Sept before Rowena starts doing something strange. Like carving a seven-pointed star onto her forehead as some fanatics have done.
[]Ride with The Order: You shall ride with the order, and fight the wickedness and evil of the world.
[]Negotiate with the Mountain Clans: You shall bring peace between the Mountain Clans and the Valemen… Better men have tried… but they were not you.
[]Request to Travel The Realm: You wish to travel the Realm, to fight in tourney's and win honor for the House of Arryn. (Note, if you do this, you will gain more actions, but you will not be able to do duties in the Vale until your journey is deemed finished by you)
[]Request to Go on a Foreign Tour: You wish to see the world and all of its wonders. (Note, if you do this, you will gain more actions, but you will not be able to do duties in the Vale until your journey is deemed finished by you)
[]Correspond with Friends: You wish to write a letter to a friend of yours. (Please line tail the friend you wish to send a letter to)
[]Travel to Uncle Yohn's: You will go to Runestone, and cash in a Favor… and find out what that Rune he gave you did? And why he gave it to you?
[]Go to Gulltown: Marq must be bored out of his mind being back from the war. Maybe you can convince him to work with you? If his duties permit him, of course.
[]Travel to Fingerton: Your newest vassel and war hero, Tormo Balish must be working hard to deal with expanding Fingerton, and dealing with… The neighbors.
[]Plot: You want to start a Plot (Enter a Plotting Miniturn)
[]Buy Items/Gear: You have quite a bit of money from the bounties from the War… Maybe you can invest that money into something useful for yourself.
[]Train in Martial (Command): You will study the masters of old, learn their secrets, their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.
AN: Enjoy.