Voting is open
I mean, why are we crafting new DC plans ? I definitely groggy from meds and lack of sleep but don't the new DC plans to get autopass give us less than Victorian Response ?

No, Victorian Response and the new DC 30 plans should all contain 65 points worth of options. It's just a question of distribution.
Just a historical note for folks, the infamous "war guilt" clause in the treaty of Versailles existed to provide a legal basis for the various undertakings Germany was obliged to commit to. While the Victorians will always see such a clause in this treaty as purely about humiliation, if the 20th Century's diplomatic precedents have survived, the war guilt clause may be useful when time comes to enforce the treaty - especially for limiting the degree to which Russia is drawn into an enforcement war. It seems a bit of a gamble to me, but it is something people may want to keep in mind when making plans.

That legal basis is basically why I think War Guilt is necessary. It provides the justification for the punitive aspects of the treaty. We're not punishing Victoria for losing, per se. That would kind of imply that we think might makes right and the victor can set whatever terms they want. Regardless of whether we choose War Guilt for inclusion, we don't actually think that, of course. But it might alarm people who don't know us well, and it's just not a great precedent to set. With War Guilt, Victoria is being punished for starting a cruel and unprovoked war of aggression. And it makes sense: Victoria's not bad because its army sucks. It's bad for being a fascist hellhole.

A lot of diplomacy, and I imagine this is doubly true post-Collapse, works on the principle of "because I say so". Higher ideals and universal rules are frequently ignored or distorted whenever they become inconvenient. But despite this game of "because I say so", even the Victorians at least pretend to follow the rules. And though much of this treaty really is "because I say so", we have to make a show of following the rules too.

Especially since we do want to follow most or all of those rules. Especially rules like: "you can't loot places just because you want to".
It wasn't supposed to.

The, perhaps irony of this is that this is what he sees as our designs on Victoria. Brainwashing men to be effeminate liberals*, women to be lesbian-feminists**, everyone to worship the machine-state***, and their children to be brainwashed slaves of the machines****.

*Non-mass murdering psychopaths
**Have an opinion
***Buy into liberal democracy
****Jobs that require technology and expertise
One of the most common vices of far-right political factions and nation-states is projection: the belief that all others wish to do to them as they wish to do to others.
Ah yes the Versailles treaty. No greater travesty was ever inked to paper. As someone once put it. The treaty is an armistice of 20 years, He was off by 60 days. Instead of being more moderate and fair to Germany. It was way too harsh and caused resentment and bitterness among the populace which lead to Hitler, Nazism, and the Holocaust.

If we don't want a repeat than we need to learn the lessons that history teaches us.

That is a steaming pile of ungulate excreta.

But it is a popular myth because it deflects attention from the absolutely disastrous foreign policy decisions of the former Entente powers in the interwar period - especially the US and UK (though pretty much every player came up short and chose short-term political convenience over long term investment into shared peace and prosperity, it's just that the US and UK started ignoring the treaty early on). As it turns out, when people find peace too expensive to support, another war becomes likely.

Also, as others have noted, the ToV was not particularly harsh. Compare to any of the major treaties in the 19th Century or any of the treaties that ended WW2, or the other treaties ending WW1 - Sevres, Lausanne, St. Germain, Trianon, Neuilly-sur-Seine or Brest-Litovsk - and it is clear that Germany got off relatively lightly. Other than Bulgaria, Germany was the only member of the Central Powers to still exist after the ink dried.

All of that is beside my point however. Versailles is really THE point at which international law became a thing. That's the point at which the needs and desires of the people - even the populations of defeated enemies - became a major issue during negotiations. It is the first time when clauses in the treaty are not simply justified by who won, but also by larger ethical and legal considerations. The expectations about what a peace should be changed in the wake of the horror of WW1. It is one of the first legal documents of the modern world as we know it.

As such, for good or ill, adding a war guilt clause to the negotiations not only humiliates Victoria, it also harks back to the ideas of international law. Which in our specific case has upsides, as @Horologer has touched on, but also downsides, since making our peace an ethical document also makes it vulnerable to attacks based on ethical arguments (just like Versailles treaty, which was attacked and still is attacked for being a far from perfect expression of the ideals that went into making it) and I suspect that Victoria will be reneging on the treaty even sooner if we make it such a direct challenge to their current order in North America.

The big issue with Versailles is that it humiliated Germany (particularly with the extremely strict military size constraints), without much weakening Germany as an industrial state or making it a satellite of the victorious powers. Therefore, it left Germany largely intact to seek revenge.

Again, the fault is not in the treaty of Versailles. The treaty of Versailles was supposed to be backed up by an enduring alliance of the victorious powers keeping Germany occupied until the reparations were paid and civilization was rebuilt in Europe. But the US and UK rejected the expensive and limiting undertakings this would thrust upon them (which were both the only way to heal Europe and completely unprecedented and outrageous) which left Germany to basically enforce the treaty on themselves. (Though in the defense of the US, it is worth remembering that Wilson was making promises he didn't have the authority for and had been playing naughty games to expand the power of the presidency pretty much since his first day in office - no occupant of that office is more responsible for building the imperial presidency of the modern world. Had Congress held up all of Wilson's promises, it would have resulted in an even vaster amplification of the power of the Presidency over the other branches and basically approved his poor treatment of the other branches.)

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[x] Plan Copyleft
-[x] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: s. +5 DC.
-[x] Penal Labor Clause: . +20 DC.
-[x] War Guilt Clause: . +5 DC.
-[x] Geneva Conventions Clause:. +20 DC.
-[x] Militia Clause: . -5 DC.
-[x] War Brides Clause, General: " +30 DC.
-[x] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate: T -20 DC.
-[x] Hostile Neutrality Clause:-15 DC.
-[x] Seaway Clause, General: . +50 DC.
-[x] Lakes Access Clause: -20 DC.

DC 30.
I don't see the necessity or synergy of it but fair enough.
Let me give you an example:

This is a map of the Mississipi River from Wiki.
Look at the position of Memphis. And Baton Rouge. And Louisville. And Kansas City. And Little Rock.
Notice how they control access upriver.

Do you think that the Vics would not have prioritized putting friendly regimes in and around cities like this in order to establish some control over intra-North American traffic . Regimes that can call on security arrangements when we inevitably have to remove them? Or in the case of the uncooperative, tied them up in treaties that denied them the ability to police the waters in their region, or to allow others to do so for them.

Do remember that the CMC can also read a map. Crazy not stupid.

One of the mistakes people are making is assuming that everyone will necessarily be happy at our success.
There are people who have profited from the current state of affairs, or who would be happy for their local pond to get more powerful only as long as they remain in control. For personal profit or ideological reasons.

Let me give you another example:
California was in a war with Victoria and assorted Russian puppets. This war was ended by a peace treaty that bound California to certain Victoria-mandated security and economic measures, as enforced by Russia. Getting rid of those both denies Russia of one casus belli when Cali break free, and it allows them to undertake certain other economic and security measures without drawing suspicion/attention.

That's just California.
[X] Victorian Response: You want peace, they've told you on what terms they'll accept peace. You'll take it. You and Victoria sign, "Victorian Response," as the peace treaty concluding this war.
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[X] Commonwealth Hardball: You expected to compromise, but you are the victors, here, and Victoria will not be permitted to dictate terms in any sense. Reroll for, "Commonwealth Hardball," at DC 50.
[X] Victorian Response: You want peace, they've told you on what terms they'll accept peace. You'll take it. You and Victoria sign, "Victorian Response," as the peace treaty concluding this war.
[X] Total Industry MK6 DC 30
[X] Commonwealth Hardball: You expected to compromise, but you are the victors, here, and Victoria will not be permitted to dictate terms in any sense. Reroll for, "Commonwealth Hardball," at DC 50.
[X] Victorian Response: You want peace, they've told you on what terms they'll accept peace. You'll take it. You and Victoria sign, "Victorian Response," as the peace treaty concluding this war.

Did I miss something and Poptart opened the vote when I wasn't paying attention or are you guys just voting despite the moratorium?
Did I miss something and Poptart opened the vote when I wasn't paying attention or are you guys just voting despite the moratorium?

I'm literally not paying attention to this vote anymore because it's such a shitshow, and just assumed that the vote was open by now because I misread something elsewhere
I'm bored so I'm just gonna compare all the dc30 plans to Victorian response.

[X] Victorian Response
-[X] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[X] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[X] War Guilt Clause +5 DC
-[X] Militia Clause -5
-[X] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate -20
-[X] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[X] Free Migration Clause +30
-[X] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[X] Annulment Clause +25
-[X] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[X] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[X] Lakes Access Clause: -20

[ ] General All the Way (DC 30)
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Demilitarization Clause +5
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[ ] Annulment Clause, +25
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20
no artifact reclamation
no war guilt
change to delayed POW
no war brides
exchange Johnson doctrine for demilitarization
change to general seaway

[ ] Peace is the Lifeblood (DC 30)
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Artifacts Clause +5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[ ] Non-Intervention Clause +10
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[ ] Annulment Clause, +25
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20
no artifact reclamation
no war guilt
change to delayed POW
no war brides
add non intervention

[ ] Freedom is the Right...!! (DC 30)
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Artifacts Clause +5
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Demilitarization Clause +5
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[ ] Annulment Clause, +25
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20
no war guilt
change to delayed POW
exchange Johnson doctrine for demilitarization

[ ] Total Industry MK7 DC 30
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20
no war guilt
change to delayed POW
no annulment clause
change to general seaway

[] Budget Cuts 2: Budget Cut Harder
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[ ] War Guilt Clause +5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Demilitarization Clause +5
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20
change to delayed POW
exchange Johnson doctrine for demilitarization
no annulment clause
change to general seaway

[ ] Protector's Sandwich Mk. II DC 30
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate -20
-[ ] Non-Intervention Clause +10
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20
no war guilt
add non intervention
no annulment clause
change to general seaway

[x] Plan Copyleft
-[x] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: s. +5 DC.
-[x] Penal Labor Clause: . +20 DC.
-[x] War Guilt Clause: . +5 DC.
-[x] Geneva Conventions Clause:. +20 DC.
-[x] Militia Clause: . -5 DC.
-[x] War Brides Clause, General: " +30 DC.
-[x] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate: T -20 DC.
-[x] Hostile Neutrality Clause:-15 DC.
-[x] Seaway Clause, General: . +50 DC.
-[x] Lakes Access Clause: -20 DC.
no artifact reclamation
add penal labor
add Geneva Conventions
change war brides to general
no johnson doctrine
no annulment clause
change to general seaway
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[ ] Guilt-Free Soldiers Take Time
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[ ] Annulment Clause +25
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20

So running the math the Victorian Response plan only has a DC of 25 (I think foreign aid originally being included meant the math was a little off), so this is a simple plan that just drops War Guilt in exchange for handing over the POWs later.
[ ] Guilt-Free Soldiers Take Time
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[ ] Annulment Clause +25
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20

So running the math the Victorian Response plan only has a DC of 25 (I think foreign aid originally being included meant the math was a little off), so this is a simple plan that just drops War Guilt in exchange for handing over the POWs later.

Nope, last 5 DC is from the renegotiation, which our plans also have to account for.
Haha, whoops, forgot to open this. Vote's open!

All right, so in addition to the default options as presented, I was eventually convinced to reopen to write-ins. We're all tired of this vote, so here they are, with the sells as presented by their authors:

[ ] General All the Way (DC 30)
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Demilitarization Clause +5
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[ ] Annulment Clause, +25
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20

This one focuses on getting General Seaway Access, Annulment, and Free Migration

[ ] Peace is the Lifeblood (DC 30)
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Artifacts Clause +5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[ ] Non-Intervention Clause +10
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[ ] Annulment Clause, +25
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20

This one drops Seaway to Commonwealth, upgrades Demilitarization to Johnson Doctrine and adds the Non-Intervention Clause.

[ ] Freedom is the Right...!! (DC 30)
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Artifacts Clause +5
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Demilitarization Clause +5
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[ ] Annulment Clause, +25
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20

And this one aims to get back a number of War Brides, which should be good for PR purposes.

Plan: Do the Right thing
[X] Victorian Response
-[X] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[X] War Guilt Clause +5 DC
-[X] Militia Clause -5
-[X] Penal Labor Clause +20 DC
-[X] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate -20
-[X] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[X] Free Migration Clause +30
-[X] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[X] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[X] Lakes Access Clause: -20

Plan two is to try to be as ethical as possible and focus on helping as many people as possible. Adding Penal Labor Clause, at the cost of Demilitarization, Non-Intervention, and Artifacts.

[ ] Total Industry MK7 DC 30
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20
DC plus 5 for second stage.

Well, a cut down much lower DC plan that gives up a lot of the options in favor of a more balanced plan while hopefully not compromising too much of the industrial capability.

[] Budget Cuts 2: Budget Cut Harder
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[ ] War Guilt Clause +5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Demilitarization Clause +5
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20

What this Plan has:
Economic: General Seaways clause, Acquisitive War Reperations, Free Migration. Between these three, this shoudl let us cut a lot fo DCs from foreign knowhow, and more importantly give us the biggest AP gain we've had available all quest. Even the 5 AP War Reparations is 2/3 as strong as independant merchants by itself, at least for as long as it lasts, and I'm really looking forward to using the money from that to get through all the projects we need to get done. We've also seen how enormous a boon expanding population is for AP, if we are willing to put in the AP to be able to feed + house them (and, thankfully, we can, thanks to all the AP we're getting. Man I like how this comboes).

Military: Hostile neutrality rules out helping the crusaders, but honestly, fuck them. If we were going to help them, we should probably do it whole hog, and while I thought about it I'd rather not spend our people's lives on supporting these assholes just for realpolitik - especially not when a treaty precludes us from directly "helping" them and thereby establishing a puppet regime. Demilitarization is pretty key; it means that all thee communities can take advantage of general seaways access without having to be as afraid that the victorians will swoop in on them while the commonwealth just watches. This ties into my next point, which is

Diplomacy: Demilitarization is relatively cheap at the price, and still shows that we take our commitment as defender of the midwest seriously. War Brides: exchange should get us some goodwill, with California if nothing else, and is frankly the moral thing to do; I considered strongly cutting it for free trade, but while I might approval vote that I really just didn't have it in me. Equally important here is the cheap artifacts clause, since that kind of boosted legitimacy should help our relationship with our neighbors, most critically NYC, who I would love to enter a closer relationship with thanks to our new seaway access. Finally

Victorian Recovery. Frankly, this plan doesn't do a great deal on this front. Acquisitive war reparations will hurt, but not as much as punitive, and lakes access clause should ameliorate part of that. However, frankly, I don't see the need; without immediate troop return, Blackwell is still going to have to fight his way past the CMC with militia, and between the damages of the war and the fact that people can freely leave their economy will take decades to recover naturally - a great deal less than that potentially thanks to Alexander's help, but it's also damage to the parts that his help is least able to aid them in.

Summary: A strong focus on actions that help the people of the America, rather than those that most weaken Victoria, and to setting things up to work with our fellow successor states.

[] And STAY OUT! DC 25+5= 30
-[] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[] War Guilt Clause +5 DC
-[] Militia Clause -5
-[] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate -20
-[] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[] Free Migration Clause +30
-[] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[] Foreign Aid Clause +15
-[] Non-Intervention Clause +10
-[] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[] Lakes Access Clause: -20

The Non-Intervention Clause serves as a weaker form of the Annulment Clause, limiting the Victorians' capacity to intervene on any (current or future) allies' behalf.

[] Take The Money And Run DC30
-[] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[] Militia Clause -5
-[] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate -20
-[] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[] Free Migration Clause +30
-[] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[] Annulment Clause +25
-[] Non-Intervention Clause +10
-[] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[] Lakes Access Clause: -20

Left to me, I'd drop Foreign Aid and War Guilt, and pick up Annulment.

[ ] Protector's Sandwich Mk. II DC 30
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[ ] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[ ] Militia Clause -5
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate -20
-[ ] Non-Intervention Clause +10
-[ ] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[ ] Free Migration Clause +30
-[ ] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[ ] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20


Basically this plan has high focus on economic, but also pushes for diplomatic advances for the Commonwealth to turn into diplomatic footholds across the Midwest.

[ ] Plan Copyleft
-[ ] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: s. +5 DC.
-[ ] Penal Labor Clause: . +20 DC.
-[ ] War Guilt Clause: . +5 DC.
-[ ] Geneva Conventions Clause:. +20 DC.
-[ ] Militia Clause: . -5 DC.
-[ ] War Brides Clause, General: " +30 DC.
-[ ] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate: T -20 DC.
-[ ] Hostile Neutrality Clause:-15 DC.
-[ ] Seaway Clause, General: . +50 DC.
-[ ] Lakes Access Clause: -20 DC.

Posted with no explanation. Same as the iteration in the last vote.

There we are! Go nuts!
[x] Total Industry MK7 DC 30

It's industry-focused and balanced, whats not to like.

Approval Votes:
[X] Budget Cuts 2: Budget Cut Harder
Last edited:
[x] Plan Copyleft
-[x] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: s. +5 DC.
-[x] Penal Labor Clause: . +20 DC.
-[x] War Guilt Clause: . +5 DC.
-[x] Geneva Conventions Clause:. +20 DC.
-[x] Militia Clause: . -5 DC.
-[x] War Brides Clause, General: " +30 DC.
-[x] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate: T -20 DC.
-[x] Hostile Neutrality Clause:-15 DC.
-[x] Seaway Clause, General: . +50 DC.
-[x] Lakes Access Clause: -20 DC.
[X] Total Industry MK7 DC 30
-[X] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[X] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[X] Militia Clause -5
-[X] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[X] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[X] Free Migration Clause +30
-[X] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[X] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[X] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[X] Lakes Access Clause: -20

[X] Peace is the Lifeblood (DC 30)
-[X] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[X] Militia Clause -5
-[X] Artifacts Clause +5
-[X] Prisoners of War Clause, Delayed -10
-[X] Free Migration Clause +30
-[X] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[X] Non-Intervention Clause +10
-[X] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[X] Seaway Clause, Commonwealth: +30
-[X] Annulment Clause, +25
-[X] Lakes Access Clause: -20

[X] Protector's Sandwich Mk. II DC 30
-[X] War Reparations Clause, Acquisitive: +5
-[X] Artifact Reclamation Clause +5
-[X] Militia Clause -5
-[X] Prisoners of War Clause, Immediate -20
-[X] Non-Intervention Clause +10
-[X] War Brides Clause, Exchange +15
-[X] Free Migration Clause +30
-[X] Johnson Doctrine Clause +10
-[X] Hostile Neutrality Clause -15
-[X] Seaway Clause, General: +50
-[X] Lakes Access Clause: -20
Voting is open