Alright so this is between [] Return and [] Rescue, and im leaning towards []Return.
Short version, it'll be real bad if we screw up our own position while we're out here trying to fix everyone elses. The overall effort is served better by having a strong point to fall back to than being a collection of sinking ships.
Longer version, our fellow officer seems to be, if not in good health, out of immediate danger. Going to try and save him now is unnecessary. Either he gets back safe because there are no other problems, or there ARE problems and we would be tied up helping him with it and keeping us away from our actual responsibility which would be catastrophic for the entire effort. Bro has to prove his rank today because we have bigger fish to fry.
Word will get out, if less rapidly without us hitting the messenger corps directly. So that's another issue that solves itself. The major concern there is whether or not the 'assassin' is still in play and if getting word out would even affect the result of any given encounter. Too many unknowns for me, and on a more personal level, if the assassin is still in play then our post is in danger too.
With so many problems with unclear solutions or uncertain success routes, I'm inclined to just secure what we have and then plot a course to victory from there. Art of war and all that.
On a more selfish note, if there are going to be any more casualties I'd rather it not be Zhengui or Xiulan.